WEBVTT 00:00.338 --> 00:02.768 - Okay, good morning everybody, thank you, 00:02.768 --> 00:04.470 thank you again for being here, 00:04.470 --> 00:07.863 to all of the members of the Press Corps, 00:07.863 --> 00:11.192 and everybody in Puerto Rico and everybody that's watching. 00:11.192 --> 00:14.525 As is our tradition, we are gonna give a 00:15.326 --> 00:17.819 early morning report on what's going on in Puerto Rico, 00:17.819 --> 00:21.505 the updates, the expectations, the priorities, 00:21.505 --> 00:25.672 and other announcements that we should making, as well. 00:27.031 --> 00:29.624 I would like to remind you that for an updated view 00:29.624 --> 00:32.279 on some of the stats that we have in Puerto Rico, 00:32.279 --> 00:36.446 you can go to status.pr, we keep updating that page, 00:36.713 --> 00:39.551 not only in terms of the current data, 00:39.551 --> 00:43.634 but in newer data that starts coming as well, so, 00:44.958 --> 00:47.918 whether it be Stop and Gos that people can, 00:47.918 --> 00:49.751 it's a new initiative, 00:49.844 --> 00:51.596 we'll be including all of those initiatives 00:51.596 --> 00:53.679 to the websites, as well. 00:53.769 --> 00:56.186 I'd like to remind everybody that you wanna donate 00:56.186 --> 00:59.063 to this effort, to the people of Puerto Rico 00:59.063 --> 01:03.230 under this catastrophe, you can go to Unidos por Puerto Rico 01:03.986 --> 01:06.997 or https://www.unitedforpuertorico.com, 01:06.997 --> 01:08.374 and at the same time, 01:08.374 --> 01:10.731 if you wanna see how you can volunteer 01:10.731 --> 01:14.689 or help or just need some information on how to help, 01:14.689 --> 01:18.856 you can call our 800 number, which is 202-800-3134. 01:21.853 --> 01:26.020 I would like to announce that the death toll has increased 01:26.078 --> 01:29.828 from 34 to 36 from direct and indirect deaths 01:30.784 --> 01:32.201 due to the storm. 01:33.688 --> 01:37.855 The latter two that we have confirmed was one in Patillas 01:38.676 --> 01:42.093 due to debris that fell on an individual, 01:43.425 --> 01:45.387 and another one in San German, 01:45.387 --> 01:48.054 which occurred after a tree fell 01:49.058 --> 01:51.891 on one individual after the event. 01:51.936 --> 01:54.093 So, those are two that have been added 01:54.093 --> 01:58.260 to the direct and indirect death toll in Puerto Rico. 02:00.019 --> 02:03.714 I would like to announce that with the Guajataca Dam, 02:03.714 --> 02:07.881 number one, there is some potential for flooding today 02:07.957 --> 02:10.119 in certain regions in Puerto Rico, 02:10.119 --> 02:13.007 so we want to warn everybody to stay aware 02:13.007 --> 02:15.909 to the National Weather Service and, of course, 02:15.909 --> 02:18.406 recognize some of the impending challenges 02:18.406 --> 02:20.073 that this will have. 02:20.218 --> 02:22.578 Within the Guajataca Dam there has been an effort 02:22.578 --> 02:25.257 in the past couple of days with the Army Corps of Engineers 02:25.257 --> 02:27.674 to establish jersey barriers, 02:29.671 --> 02:33.254 big concrete barriers, to avoid a collapse. 02:33.982 --> 02:38.125 They have placed 148 jersey barriers at this juncture, 02:38.125 --> 02:41.125 helping as a preventative mechanism, 02:41.946 --> 02:45.003 recognizing that it's not a long term fix, but certainly, 02:45.003 --> 02:49.170 to attend to the immediacy of the potential collapse. 02:50.805 --> 02:53.884 I would like to also announce that I will be signing 02:53.884 --> 02:58.051 an executive order for, to allow the doctors that come 02:59.583 --> 03:03.750 for the National Guard and other volunteer doctors 03:05.476 --> 03:09.476 to have, to be part of the immunity of the state 03:09.964 --> 03:13.008 so that they can carry on with their, 03:13.008 --> 03:15.986 with their tasks under this current state 03:15.986 --> 03:20.153 of emergency without having that concern over their heads. 03:20.271 --> 03:22.431 This will flexibilize and allow us to have more 03:22.431 --> 03:24.230 medical personnel across Puerto Rico 03:24.230 --> 03:27.980 attending to all the pressing personal needs. 03:29.624 --> 03:32.281 I would like to reiterate some of our priorities, 03:32.281 --> 03:35.177 food and water development, deployment, 03:35.177 --> 03:37.844 access to functioning hospitals, 03:38.854 --> 03:41.447 making sure fuel gets delivered appropriately, 03:41.447 --> 03:44.280 restoring energy, restoring water, 03:45.123 --> 03:48.456 restoring telecoms and the ports system, 03:49.835 --> 03:54.002 as well as working on some newer sets of priorities, 03:55.169 --> 03:58.836 looking at the rebuilding of the energy grid 03:59.323 --> 04:03.490 and opening up to alternatives from the private sector, 04:03.957 --> 04:08.124 as well, working with our schools to see what shape 04:08.171 --> 04:12.269 they're at, how they can best serve at this juncture, 04:12.269 --> 04:15.436 whether it be as potentially an oasis. 04:15.665 --> 04:18.794 We have made a call to the mayors to identify all 04:18.794 --> 04:21.447 those schools that have access to water that are 04:21.447 --> 04:24.926 closed right now so that they can open those schools, 04:24.926 --> 04:28.343 and use it as an oasis for the community, 04:28.593 --> 04:31.949 so, all of the mayors that are listening to us right now 04:31.949 --> 04:34.003 or that can get this message, 04:34.003 --> 04:37.030 if you know of a school that is closed right now 04:37.030 --> 04:40.181 that is not being utilized and that has access to water, 04:40.181 --> 04:44.348 open it up and allow it to be an oasis for the community, 04:44.728 --> 04:47.306 this would facilitate access to water, 04:47.306 --> 04:49.671 as well as some of the schools and facilities 04:49.671 --> 04:51.946 that are being used for the To Gos, 04:51.946 --> 04:55.196 for making food for those that need it, 04:57.461 --> 05:01.012 and of course, the overall assessment that we expect 05:01.012 --> 05:04.929 to have by October 16, whereby it'll give us a, 05:05.600 --> 05:08.635 a clearer pathway to starting schools, 05:08.635 --> 05:11.586 our expected time would be the week of the 23rd, 05:11.586 --> 05:14.970 and we have already worked on some of the granular details 05:14.970 --> 05:19.137 that will allow students to finish their year course, 05:19.407 --> 05:21.990 adding some hours and so forth, 05:22.980 --> 05:27.147 using best practices from other events, such as Katrina. 05:27.977 --> 05:32.144 We would also like to state that within the schools effort, 05:32.579 --> 05:36.079 thanks to the leadership and collaboration 05:36.840 --> 05:39.382 of Governor Scott from Florida, 05:39.382 --> 05:43.299 he has empowered our Secretary of Education to, 05:44.102 --> 05:46.400 at least for 20,000 students, 05:46.400 --> 05:49.504 be able to utilize the virtual education system 05:49.504 --> 05:52.339 that they have in Florida for kids over here. 05:52.339 --> 05:55.467 So, that, of course it is dependent on internet, 05:55.467 --> 05:59.217 but certainly, it is an opportunity to study, 05:59.225 --> 06:00.892 to keep on learning, 06:01.900 --> 06:03.400 and as Florida has 06:05.449 --> 06:09.422 a large number of people that are Spanish speaking, 06:09.422 --> 06:12.296 this system was designed both in English and in Spanish, 06:12.296 --> 06:14.379 which will help our kids. 06:15.615 --> 06:18.596 I would like to also state that some of the newer 06:18.596 --> 06:21.670 initiatives are working with the tarps, 06:21.670 --> 06:24.440 making sure that we can identify those homes 06:24.440 --> 06:26.190 that have lost roofs. 06:26.608 --> 06:29.101 There have been two efforts towards that end, 06:29.101 --> 06:31.471 number one, a provisional tarp that has been provided 06:31.471 --> 06:35.221 by FEMA, over 11,000 of those tarps have been 06:36.116 --> 06:39.167 distributed and are being placed in rooftops 06:39.167 --> 06:42.451 all over Puerto Rico, and then the blue tarps, 06:42.451 --> 06:44.284 which are more robust. 06:45.071 --> 06:46.917 We'll start working with those, 06:46.917 --> 06:50.537 that effort has already started, they have arrived, 06:50.537 --> 06:53.919 it is our understanding that they started with some 06:53.919 --> 06:56.599 of the hospitals to make sure that those critical 06:56.599 --> 06:58.513 infrastructures were fixed, but now, 06:58.513 --> 06:59.936 they're making an assessment, 06:59.936 --> 07:02.209 the Army Corps is making assessments 07:02.209 --> 07:06.285 along with FEMA to see where these tarps should be placed 07:06.285 --> 07:08.242 and how they should be placed. 07:08.242 --> 07:11.541 I should state that because these tarps are more robust, 07:11.541 --> 07:14.708 it is a more involved engineering feat 07:15.965 --> 07:18.251 to try to install them, so, that's why, 07:18.251 --> 07:21.334 different from the first level tarps, 07:21.482 --> 07:25.262 which can be installed essentially by anybody, 07:25.262 --> 07:29.429 these ones, we really need the engineering wherewithal 07:29.505 --> 07:31.379 to install them properly, 07:31.379 --> 07:34.629 and so that we can avoid serious injury 07:35.053 --> 07:37.470 or death from their collapse. 07:39.024 --> 07:41.306 At the same time, another priority is prevention, 07:41.306 --> 07:44.626 prevention on the front of public health emergencies, 07:44.626 --> 07:48.515 for example, and prevention on the front of avoiding 07:48.515 --> 07:52.599 collapse of generators by giving it maintenance and repair. 07:52.599 --> 07:54.779 We should have an update in information 07:54.779 --> 07:58.619 on both of those fronts as we carry on this conversation, 07:58.619 --> 08:02.786 but also later during the day, and tomorrow, as well. 08:04.852 --> 08:08.019 Lastly, I would like to reiterate that 08:08.335 --> 08:10.462 the Vice President of the United States will be joining us 08:10.462 --> 08:13.795 today, he'll be coming in the afternoon, 08:14.240 --> 08:18.014 we are yet to know the final details of his visit, 08:18.014 --> 08:20.638 but he will be here for several hours 08:20.638 --> 08:24.805 seeing the damages that have occurred in Puerto Rico 08:25.398 --> 08:26.648 and, of course, 08:29.332 --> 08:32.541 reiterating his commitment to stay here for the long haul 08:32.541 --> 08:34.958 and help Puerto Rico rebuild. 08:35.356 --> 08:37.155 I would like to recognize, again, 08:37.155 --> 08:39.405 that this is a full effort. 08:40.458 --> 08:42.375 It involves all of our, 08:44.478 --> 08:47.311 all of our assets from the D.O.D., 08:47.391 --> 08:49.481 we thank the D.O.D. for their collaboration. 08:49.481 --> 08:53.648 Right now, we're at about 11,500 actives doing missions, 08:54.911 --> 08:59.078 airlifting, medical, or logistic around Puerto Rico, 09:00.381 --> 09:01.631 FEMA, which has 09:03.895 --> 09:06.190 several hundred and are hiring thousands 09:06.190 --> 09:10.357 of people so that they can help on this initiative. 09:10.515 --> 09:12.265 Our local government, 09:14.651 --> 09:18.102 in terms of this mission, our state coordinator, 09:18.102 --> 09:21.935 Hector Pesquera, we have been working together 09:21.989 --> 09:23.623 with all of the federal agencies, 09:23.623 --> 09:26.881 and now, of course, the National Guard and the local 09:26.881 --> 09:29.018 municipalities as critical components 09:29.018 --> 09:32.101 so that we can execute appropriately. 09:32.698 --> 09:36.281 Just to give you an update on some of those priorities, 09:36.281 --> 09:39.698 in terms of banks, we now have 174 banks, 09:41.270 --> 09:45.437 that stays around the same number as yesterday, it was 173. 09:46.811 --> 09:50.811 Co-ops, yesterday we had 100, today we have 116, 09:51.503 --> 09:55.670 and ATMs has increased significantly from 400 to 481. 09:58.517 --> 10:01.692 So now we have more ATMs, more access to cash, 10:01.692 --> 10:04.251 so that the people of Puerto Rico 10:04.251 --> 10:06.501 can use that cash, as well. 10:07.309 --> 10:11.226 We are at, above 75% in supermarkets open, 10:11.881 --> 10:14.825 so there are supermarkets that are available, 10:14.825 --> 10:18.748 some have opened, some have closed based on their demands, 10:18.748 --> 10:21.970 but, certainly, three out of four supermarkets 10:21.970 --> 10:25.387 in Puerto Rico are open at this juncture. 10:26.470 --> 10:27.753 In terms of gas stations, 10:27.753 --> 10:30.442 we stayed at roughly the same number, 10:30.442 --> 10:34.609 yesterday we had 857 gas stations open, today we have 860, 10:35.612 --> 10:39.779 that's about 78% of the gas stations in Puerto Rico. 10:40.052 --> 10:43.657 In terms of the barrels of fuel in Puerto Rico, 10:43.657 --> 10:47.490 we have over half a million barrels of diesel, 10:48.776 --> 10:52.943 and over half a million barrels of gasoline, as well, 10:53.019 --> 10:55.938 in Puerto Rico, sustaining the levels, 10:55.938 --> 10:58.298 as we consume, we're also getting more, 10:58.298 --> 11:02.465 and that has been consistent across the past couple of days. 11:03.319 --> 11:07.486 We will be receiving future deployment of fuel as well, 11:08.358 --> 11:11.691 as scheduled in the next couple of days, 11:12.921 --> 11:15.860 (speaking in foreign language) and others 11:15.860 --> 11:18.877 are gonna be receiving several hundred thousand 11:18.877 --> 11:20.377 barrels of diesel. 11:20.783 --> 11:24.422 Yesterday, we, based on our initiative to attend 11:24.422 --> 11:27.259 to those municipalities that are more limited 11:27.259 --> 11:29.218 and had limited communities, 11:29.218 --> 11:31.495 we started doing some directed missions 11:31.495 --> 11:33.105 to those municipalities. 11:33.105 --> 11:35.289 Those involved getting more D.O.D. personnel 11:35.289 --> 11:38.548 into those municipalities so that they can ensure that 11:38.548 --> 11:40.899 all of the logistics, security, 11:40.899 --> 11:45.066 and so forth could be worked out more effectively. 11:45.139 --> 11:47.516 That involves having our National Guard 11:47.516 --> 11:50.809 deployment be higher in those municipalities 11:50.809 --> 11:53.752 and working with EMACs in those municipalities, as well, 11:53.752 --> 11:57.383 so, essentially two to three fold increase over other 11:57.383 --> 11:59.766 municipalities to make sure that there is 11:59.766 --> 12:02.349 more safety and security there. 12:02.530 --> 12:06.604 Yesterday we gave these 15 municipalities fuel tankers 12:06.604 --> 12:10.442 filled up with fuel that we'll be cycling back and forth 12:10.442 --> 12:14.442 so that they can get free diesel for their needs 12:14.445 --> 12:16.731 and for their people's needs, 12:16.731 --> 12:19.904 and today we're gonna have 30 of such efforts 12:19.904 --> 12:23.420 across Puerto Rico, aside from the private sector efforts 12:23.420 --> 12:27.587 that are disbursing gasoline and diesel fuel, as well, 12:29.786 --> 12:32.612 so, today, Vieques and Culebra will also receive 12:32.612 --> 12:36.695 fuel tankers, their main limitation was not fuel, 12:37.618 --> 12:41.002 but rather, having a place where they can keep it. 12:41.002 --> 12:42.921 The Coast Guard have been very proactive 12:42.921 --> 12:45.665 in making sure that Vieques and Culebra have fuel, 12:45.665 --> 12:48.949 but they have to replenish all the time. 12:48.949 --> 12:51.458 Right now, if we get two fuel tankers over there, 12:51.458 --> 12:53.875 it'll be much more effective. 12:54.743 --> 12:56.493 20 municipalities are 12:57.591 --> 13:00.428 within the general services agreement, 13:00.428 --> 13:04.335 so that they can get fuel provided to them, as well. 13:04.335 --> 13:08.107 So, I reiterate that our objective was to get 75% 13:08.107 --> 13:12.274 of the gas stations up and running, we have 78%, 13:14.483 --> 13:17.964 and the lines, of course, throughout Puerto Rico 13:17.964 --> 13:21.964 are now either zero minutes or up to 20 minutes, 13:23.255 --> 13:26.838 so that, the time has reduced significantly 13:26.922 --> 13:30.221 in the metropolitan area and in the rest 13:30.221 --> 13:32.221 of Puerto Rico, as well. 13:33.897 --> 13:37.186 In terms of healthcare, we would like to inform that, 13:37.186 --> 13:39.599 of course, the Comfort already deployed on its 13:39.599 --> 13:43.041 first mission, several municipalities getting patients, 13:43.041 --> 13:46.659 having an order of priorities, deploying medicine, 13:46.659 --> 13:49.788 and some resources to some of these areas. 13:49.788 --> 13:53.455 Right now, the Comfort had over 70 patients, 13:55.246 --> 13:57.079 29 of which came from, 13:59.274 --> 14:01.462 from the Ryder Hospital in Humacao, 14:01.462 --> 14:03.779 which had technical difficulties, 14:03.779 --> 14:07.529 and those patients were moved fairly quickly, 14:07.830 --> 14:08.913 airlifted to, 14:10.919 --> 14:12.169 to the Comfort. 14:13.558 --> 14:16.409 The Comfort will have mobility to Ponce, Ceiba, 14:16.409 --> 14:18.664 Aguadilla, and other municipalities, 14:18.664 --> 14:21.203 depending on the needs and on the information 14:21.203 --> 14:23.828 that we keep getting from our different regions 14:23.828 --> 14:25.838 in Puerto Rico so that they can 14:25.838 --> 14:27.679 act appropriately and quickly. 14:27.679 --> 14:29.760 Let me remind you that we will still be using 14:29.760 --> 14:33.265 Centro Medico as the main hub to receive critical patients, 14:33.265 --> 14:36.938 but we also have the Comfort as an alternative 14:36.938 --> 14:41.105 for specific needs and for overflow of these patients. 14:42.329 --> 14:45.600 We have eight DMAT teams across Puerto Rico. 14:45.600 --> 14:49.767 Yesterday, the Bayamon shelter in the regional was open, 14:51.259 --> 14:53.978 the super shelter, so that's added to the San Juan 14:53.978 --> 14:55.811 and the Manati region. 14:56.229 --> 15:00.296 We informed that these shelters still have a lot of space, 15:00.296 --> 15:03.258 these medical shelters, so, apparently, 15:03.258 --> 15:05.090 many of the needs are being met, 15:05.090 --> 15:09.257 either at a local level or at the hospital level, as well. 15:12.726 --> 15:15.561 There will be eight, FEMA will have, 15:15.561 --> 15:18.250 have been providing diesel and fuel across 15:18.250 --> 15:20.327 to all of these hospitals, 15:20.327 --> 15:22.868 there will be eight routes today 15:22.868 --> 15:25.937 for all of the hospitals that we have working. 15:25.937 --> 15:29.570 Let me remind you that we have 68 assisted hospitals, 15:29.570 --> 15:30.987 28 of which have, 15:32.721 --> 15:36.304 have been powered, in eight municipalities, 15:36.911 --> 15:38.451 San Juan, Caroline, Bayamon, Guayanabo, 15:38.451 --> 15:41.534 Mayaguez, Ponce, Arecibo, and Catano, 15:42.108 --> 15:44.608 so, those efforts are ongoing. 15:45.794 --> 15:48.036 In terms of vector control and for prevention, 15:48.036 --> 15:51.119 we have 13 towns total now that have, 15:52.921 --> 15:56.921 where pesticide and biocides have been deployed, 15:57.446 --> 15:59.463 they're being utilized and we're exploring 15:59.463 --> 16:01.849 other alternatives in the mid to long term 16:01.849 --> 16:04.266 to impact all of Puerto Rico, 16:04.315 --> 16:08.398 working with the D.O.D. to work on these efforts. 16:08.892 --> 16:12.738 Also, with regards to immunology and immunology programs, 16:12.738 --> 16:15.712 we are working on those on different municipalities 16:15.712 --> 16:18.129 right now, Aibonito, Bayamon, 16:19.599 --> 16:22.013 in the clinics in Bayamon, Arecibo, Carolina, 16:22.013 --> 16:26.180 Fajardo, Ponce, Mayaguez, Humacao, and Centro Medico. 16:27.299 --> 16:29.966 Okay, those efforts are ongoing. 16:30.323 --> 16:31.323 In terms of, 16:32.983 --> 16:36.850 of security, the police received almost a million dollars 16:36.850 --> 16:40.933 for extra hour payments during Hurricane Irma and 16:45.744 --> 16:47.911 this was done through FEMA 16:49.542 --> 16:52.959 in the efforts that were recalled in the, 16:53.801 --> 16:55.968 during the previous storm. 16:59.665 --> 17:02.165 We have, in telecoms, we have, 17:02.807 --> 17:06.011 we inform again that landlines are at 100%, 17:06.011 --> 17:10.011 and right now, we are at 42% of the clients 17:10.872 --> 17:13.834 with cellular service, that went down a little bit 17:13.834 --> 17:16.501 from yesterday, it was 45%. 17:16.893 --> 17:19.310 There were some antennas that 17:19.824 --> 17:22.042 exhibited a collapse, notwithstanding, 17:22.042 --> 17:25.709 we still are working with SAT COWs from AT&T 17:27.143 --> 17:30.144 in Aguadilla, Arecibo, Fajardo, San Juan, 17:30.144 --> 17:33.598 I'm sorry, San German, Mayaguez, Quebradillas, 17:33.598 --> 17:36.609 Humacao, Guayama, Rio Grande, Manati, 17:36.609 --> 17:39.760 Yauco, Vega Baja, Ponce, and Cidra, so, 17:39.760 --> 17:42.534 again, our objective is to reach that 45% 17:42.534 --> 17:44.641 plateau, we had reached it yesterday, 17:44.641 --> 17:47.487 it dropped down a little bit today, 17:47.487 --> 17:50.154 based on some damages that were, 17:52.189 --> 17:55.941 that ensued, but today, there will be further installation 17:55.941 --> 17:58.485 of SAT COWs, and there will be further work 17:58.485 --> 18:00.886 on some of those antennas that went down 18:00.886 --> 18:02.636 in the past 24 hours. 18:04.364 --> 18:06.697 In terms of the environment, 18:07.426 --> 18:10.035 water pumping stations in Juana Matos 18:10.035 --> 18:13.046 are scheduled to be fixed and finalized 18:13.046 --> 18:17.213 today, but it's already partially functional in Catano. 18:20.204 --> 18:23.037 In terms of the refugee situation, 18:23.587 --> 18:26.587 still 132 refugees, sorry, shelters, 18:27.823 --> 18:30.656 8,349 refugees across Puerto Rico, 18:33.469 --> 18:37.219 and our objective is to reach the 130 refugee 18:39.153 --> 18:42.403 shelter plateau by the end of the week. 18:43.469 --> 18:46.655 In terms of ports and the delivery of containers, 18:46.655 --> 18:48.322 we are now at 1,143, 18:50.636 --> 18:54.803 that is 82% of the normal level of 1400, so, again, 18:56.181 --> 18:59.931 there is a significant hike in this delivery, 19:01.272 --> 19:04.147 which is consistent with the food and water deliveries 19:04.147 --> 19:06.847 that we're seeing across all of Puerto Rico and all 19:06.847 --> 19:11.014 of the amenities that are starting to be opened up, as well. 19:11.743 --> 19:15.826 In terms of flights, yesterday we had 50 flights, 19:17.107 --> 19:21.136 so that, again, increases from 41 a few days ago, 19:21.136 --> 19:25.303 17 a week ago, and six a little over two weeks ago. 19:26.973 --> 19:30.008 So, the flights are increasing as well, 19:30.008 --> 19:32.175 which is a good indicator. 19:33.055 --> 19:35.076 In terms of water and aqueducts, 19:35.076 --> 19:36.659 we're at 55.5% 19:37.882 --> 19:41.132 of the clients' service in Puerto Rico. 19:41.638 --> 19:44.366 There are certain generators that are working, 19:44.366 --> 19:47.366 and that service was re-established, 19:47.393 --> 19:51.375 and as well as the objective, by the end of the week, 19:51.375 --> 19:55.542 we expect to have close to 60% of the clients' service, 19:56.039 --> 19:59.954 and within the month, or the next couple of weeks, 19:59.954 --> 20:02.704 80% of the clients' service. 20:02.823 --> 20:03.823 There are 97 20:07.644 --> 20:11.811 community water oasis that are established and identified. 20:14.123 --> 20:17.623 We ask the mayors to communicate to their, 20:18.647 --> 20:21.564 to their population where they are. 20:22.681 --> 20:25.827 Our President of Aqueducts has issued a press release 20:25.827 --> 20:28.827 stating which and where these oasis, 20:30.276 --> 20:32.135 these static oasis are, and then, again, 20:32.135 --> 20:34.092 I reiterate to all of the mayors, 20:34.092 --> 20:37.801 if you know of a school that has water and that is not open, 20:37.801 --> 20:40.647 open it up and turn it into an oasis, 20:40.647 --> 20:44.064 that'll help the situation significantly. 20:46.918 --> 20:51.001 In terms of energy, right now we're at 10.7% 20:51.281 --> 20:55.448 of the normal consumption, increasing from 9.2% yesterday, 20:56.798 --> 20:59.215 and 8.6% the day before, 20:59.778 --> 21:01.697 and going to places such as Carolina, 21:01.697 --> 21:04.530 Ponce, Santa Isabel, and Mayaguez. 21:05.370 --> 21:08.620 There have been 26 generators installed 21:10.382 --> 21:13.576 with FEMA, and of course with the collaboration 21:13.576 --> 21:17.054 of the D.O.D., and they're mostly focused, 21:17.054 --> 21:19.669 of course, as we stated, on hospitals, 21:19.669 --> 21:22.336 and on water deployment efforts, 21:22.808 --> 21:26.273 and there will be other initiatives that will be going 21:26.273 --> 21:29.607 across Puerto Rico so that we can have maintenance, 21:29.607 --> 21:33.190 repair, and more installation of generators 21:33.547 --> 21:35.297 in the next 24 hours. 21:36.689 --> 21:40.772 In terms of food and water and supplies provided, 21:42.257 --> 21:44.590 yesterday we had 95 missions 21:47.599 --> 21:49.919 that were distributed all across Puerto Rico, 21:49.919 --> 21:53.752 including 18 from FEMA and the National Guard, 21:54.931 --> 21:59.098 three from state agencies, 13 from the First Lady's Office, 22:00.288 --> 22:03.741 we still don't have the Red Cross's number reported, 22:03.741 --> 22:04.991 45 RSA pickups, 22:07.939 --> 22:11.116 and seven with different voluntary groups 22:11.116 --> 22:14.283 with the assistance of the government. 22:16.964 --> 22:19.797 Yesterday, there were over 160,000 22:22.076 --> 22:23.659 liters of water and 22:24.998 --> 22:29.165 260,000 rations of food distributed across municipalities, 22:30.997 --> 22:35.164 so, there was a lot of effort from FEMA in this context. 22:38.008 --> 22:40.236 I would also like to state that 22:40.236 --> 22:43.392 municipalities are now starting to work on identifying 22:43.392 --> 22:46.412 the locations where we can have Stop and Gos, 22:46.412 --> 22:49.387 school locations that will serve food, 22:49.387 --> 22:52.515 and distribution centers for the municipalities 22:52.515 --> 22:54.523 so that everybody can know where 22:54.523 --> 22:57.356 those distribution centers are in, 22:59.022 --> 23:00.272 in Puerto Rico. 23:01.519 --> 23:05.288 In terms, again, of deployment from the D.O.D., 23:05.288 --> 23:08.955 they have deployed 162,000 gallons of water, 23:11.993 --> 23:13.910 44,000 gallons of fuel, 23:15.626 --> 23:18.709 1.23 million meals across Puerto Rico 23:20.547 --> 23:22.489 during the past couple of days that they've 23:22.489 --> 23:25.061 been working on those missions. 23:25.061 --> 23:28.228 So, those are the top line components. 23:28.724 --> 23:31.807 I will reiterate that FEMA is hiring, 23:32.984 --> 23:37.151 if you want to know where to look for that information, 23:37.209 --> 23:40.126 please go to our status.pr website, 23:40.516 --> 23:42.639 and that information on how 23:42.639 --> 23:45.472 to apply will be provided for you. 23:47.222 --> 23:51.389 I will switch to Spanish, and then I will answer questions. 23:52.228 --> 23:56.145 (speaking in foreign language) 34:13.745 --> 34:15.262 - [Announcer] We will take a few questions, 34:15.262 --> 34:18.929 one question per media outlet, Miami Herald. 34:19.289 --> 34:23.338 - [Reporter] Yes, Governor, as a man versed in startup, 34:23.338 --> 34:27.495 I'm wondering if you can look at the electrical grid 34:27.495 --> 34:29.654 as a chance to start over in some way. 34:29.654 --> 34:32.807 How do you balance resilience with green, 34:32.807 --> 34:35.840 and are you taking Elon Musk's offer seriously, 34:35.840 --> 34:37.279 have you talked to him yet? 34:37.279 --> 34:39.823 - Well, actually, I replied to him yesterday, 34:39.823 --> 34:43.073 he replied back, and I countered again, 34:43.792 --> 34:46.720 so, my expectation is that I will have a conversation 34:46.720 --> 34:50.271 with Elon Musk, and I am very serious about considering 34:50.271 --> 34:52.104 innovative technology, 34:54.123 --> 34:57.373 green energy generation in Puerto Rico, 34:58.628 --> 35:01.447 and recognizing, as I stated over here, 35:01.447 --> 35:04.314 that our path forward sure needs to consider, 35:04.314 --> 35:07.988 what can we do to meet Puerto Rico's basic needs 35:07.988 --> 35:11.216 in terms of energy as quickly as possible, 35:11.216 --> 35:15.383 but without sacrificing the opportunity to rebuild anew, 35:15.779 --> 35:18.279 use transformative technology, 35:19.561 --> 35:21.718 and put Puerto Rico in a better position, 35:21.718 --> 35:24.184 so, certainly we are considering it, 35:24.184 --> 35:28.351 it should be a private sector collaboration in this effort, 35:29.510 --> 35:31.520 and in the parallel fronts, 35:31.520 --> 35:35.687 we are re-establishing some of the core components 35:35.712 --> 35:37.822 of transmissions in close collaboration 35:37.822 --> 35:40.442 with the Army Corps of Engineers. 35:40.442 --> 35:42.338 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 35:42.338 --> 35:46.505 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 36:17.333 --> 36:21.416 - (speaking in foreign language) 37:57.850 --> 38:00.581 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 38:00.581 --> 38:04.748 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 38:11.968 --> 38:16.051 - (speaking in foreign language) 39:11.278 --> 39:13.953 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 39:13.953 --> 39:18.120 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 39:31.701 --> 39:35.784 - (speaking in foreign language) 42:30.181 --> 42:32.091 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 42:32.091 --> 42:36.258 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 43:15.263 --> 43:19.346 - (speaking in foreign language) 43:21.914 --> 43:25.997 - (speaking in foreign language) 45:11.671 --> 45:15.838 - (speaking in foreign language) 45:40.770 --> 45:44.559 - [Announcer] One question per media outlet, New York Times. 45:44.559 --> 45:46.639 - [Reporter] Thank you, Governor. 45:46.639 --> 45:48.822 Do you have a date when you expect 45:48.822 --> 45:51.228 all the power to be returned to Puerto Rico, 45:51.228 --> 45:53.253 and is the plan to restore, 45:53.253 --> 45:55.766 is the plan you have now to restore the old, 45:55.766 --> 45:58.147 sort of infamously troubled system, 45:58.147 --> 46:00.044 then make reforms, changes, 46:00.044 --> 46:02.792 or are you gonna make changes as you go? 46:02.792 --> 46:03.625 - Yep. 46:04.193 --> 46:05.748 The plan is to make changes as we go, 46:05.748 --> 46:08.397 in parallel fronts, right, two objectives. 46:08.397 --> 46:10.860 One, start restoring the system so that we can get 46:10.860 --> 46:14.299 point generation distribution across the island, 46:14.299 --> 46:18.466 and number two, seeing how we can modify what have been, 46:20.981 --> 46:25.148 I think, extensively known limitations of our energy grid, 46:25.410 --> 46:27.549 and try to tackle them now, 46:27.549 --> 46:31.336 not only with old solutions, but with newer solutions. 46:31.336 --> 46:33.641 That's why, within the next, 46:33.641 --> 46:35.461 I would say the next couple of days, 46:35.461 --> 46:37.788 we're gonna be working tirelessly with our 46:37.788 --> 46:40.538 CEO of PREPA and with others that 46:41.770 --> 46:44.373 want to collaborate and want to offer an 46:44.373 --> 46:47.943 innovative solution, better solution than what we have. 46:47.943 --> 46:50.306 So, both efforts will run parallel, 46:50.306 --> 46:54.473 one will be, we have the help of the Corps of Engineers 46:55.974 --> 46:59.224 to help restore the transmission lines, 47:00.152 --> 47:02.588 we are very grateful for that effort, 47:02.588 --> 47:05.803 but the other effort, as well, will be to start rethinking, 47:05.803 --> 47:08.899 which we were starting to do anyways before the storm, 47:08.899 --> 47:11.792 rethinking how, where we wanna generate, 47:11.792 --> 47:15.959 rethinking what modes of generation are we gonna implement, 47:16.081 --> 47:18.933 thinking strategically to make sure that 47:18.933 --> 47:21.382 it is an efficient and an effective way 47:21.382 --> 47:23.688 to distribute energy across Puerto Rico, 47:23.688 --> 47:26.011 and based on the severe destruction, 47:26.011 --> 47:30.178 let's take that catastrophe and turn it into an opportunity 47:30.873 --> 47:34.265 where we can actually build the best possible 47:34.265 --> 47:36.073 outcomes for the people of Puerto Rico. 47:36.073 --> 47:37.039 - [Reporter] Do you have an estimated date for that? 47:37.039 --> 47:39.186 - There is no estimated date right now, 47:39.186 --> 47:43.353 the reality is, for all energy needs in Puerto Rico, 47:43.983 --> 47:46.382 what we're doing is giving you as much as we can 47:46.382 --> 47:48.230 in terms of the visibility that we have. 47:48.230 --> 47:50.467 So, right now, because a strategy we're implementing 47:50.467 --> 47:54.161 is a point generation strategy, we have established, 47:54.161 --> 47:57.236 at the beginning of this week we said we wanna 47:57.236 --> 48:00.779 have 10% of the energy generation in Puerto Rico, 48:00.779 --> 48:02.829 now we're up to 10.6%, 48:02.829 --> 48:05.188 and our expectation is within the next month 48:05.188 --> 48:07.271 to have 25% of that. 48:08.481 --> 48:10.665 Of course, some of these might change 48:10.665 --> 48:12.408 depending on what stakeholders 48:12.408 --> 48:14.737 participate and collaborate within, 48:14.737 --> 48:18.904 within our efforts, and as soon as we get a clearer picture 48:19.181 --> 48:21.892 of that, we will certainly communicate it, 48:21.892 --> 48:24.609 but right now, what's important to note is that 48:24.609 --> 48:28.526 we are open to seeing Puerto Rico as a platform 48:28.570 --> 48:31.603 where we can innovate, where we can provide better, 48:31.603 --> 48:34.874 cleaner, more reliable energy to the people of Puerto Rico, 48:34.874 --> 48:36.775 and where we just don't sacrifice that 48:36.775 --> 48:39.275 because of a one focus effort, 48:41.045 --> 48:44.545 but rather give the people the opportunity 48:45.241 --> 48:47.409 to the have in the mid and long term 48:47.409 --> 48:50.826 a novel, modern, and robust energy system 48:51.053 --> 48:52.672 here in Puerto Rico. 48:52.672 --> 48:55.136 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 48:55.136 --> 48:59.303 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 49:16.650 --> 49:18.031 - (speaking in foreign language), 49:18.031 --> 49:20.004 in terms of the brigades, maybe, 49:20.004 --> 49:23.921 (speaking in foreign language) 49:28.622 --> 49:32.705 - (speaking in foreign language) 49:41.571 --> 49:45.654 - (speaking in foreign language) 50:07.668 --> 50:10.984 - [Announcer] One question per media outlet, NPR. 50:10.984 --> 50:12.525 - [Reporter] Thank you. 50:12.525 --> 50:14.417 Governor, do you think you'll ever know 50:14.417 --> 50:17.141 what the real death toll of the hurricane was, 50:17.141 --> 50:20.888 and do you see the process of certifying that death toll 50:20.888 --> 50:23.869 too slow, and does it even matter to you? 50:23.869 --> 50:26.961 - Well, let me take the last question first, 50:26.961 --> 50:28.933 of course it matters to me. 50:28.933 --> 50:32.138 Having information, recognizing what happened, 50:32.138 --> 50:34.701 and being able to give the people of Puerto Rico and, 50:34.701 --> 50:36.498 quite frankly, the people of the world, 50:36.498 --> 50:39.595 what really happened over here, it's important to us, 50:39.595 --> 50:42.542 but that is why we've decided to make it 50:42.542 --> 50:44.375 on a certified effort, 50:45.324 --> 50:48.822 on a certified basis of what has happened within the storm 50:48.822 --> 50:51.737 and after the storm, 'cause otherwise, 50:51.737 --> 50:55.092 we would have to be responding to a lot of rumors, 50:55.092 --> 50:59.259 which, many of them just turned out to be completely false. 51:00.549 --> 51:03.632 So, yes, I do expect to have a clear, 51:04.052 --> 51:07.792 a clear picture of how many deaths occurred directly 51:07.792 --> 51:10.459 and indirectly due to the storm, 51:10.805 --> 51:13.932 and of course, since we're still in the emergency phase, 51:13.932 --> 51:17.075 we're still subject to some losses, so, 51:17.075 --> 51:19.435 that is what we're working on, 51:19.435 --> 51:22.675 our biggest effort and our biggest shift in that 51:22.675 --> 51:26.057 information was done by our state coordinator, 51:26.057 --> 51:28.636 Hector Pesquera, which he was tasked to going essentially 51:28.636 --> 51:30.636 to the hospitals and to, 51:31.537 --> 51:35.204 and to the ICF in Puerto Rico and ironing out 51:35.204 --> 51:37.563 what had happened, what were the comments, 51:37.563 --> 51:39.811 and how these deaths were related, 51:39.811 --> 51:42.598 either directly or indirectly to the storm. 51:42.598 --> 51:46.016 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 51:46.016 --> 51:50.183 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 52:04.551 --> 52:08.634 - (speaking in foreign language) 52:58.033 --> 53:01.128 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 53:01.128 --> 53:05.295 - [Reporter] Governor, (speaking in foreign language) 53:18.537 --> 53:22.620 - (speaking in foreign language) 54:48.280 --> 54:52.447 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 54:52.721 --> 54:56.804 - (speaking in foreign language) 55:20.031 --> 55:23.206 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 55:23.206 --> 55:27.373 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 55:44.877 --> 55:48.960 - (speaking in foreign language) 56:34.959 --> 56:36.237 - [Announcer] One question per media outlet, 56:36.237 --> 56:37.904 San Juan Daily News. 56:38.814 --> 56:40.427 - [Reporter] Good morning, Governor. 56:40.427 --> 56:43.149 The EPA reports that 1/3 56:43.149 --> 56:46.899 of the sewage disposal plants are inoperable. 56:47.298 --> 56:50.381 Aren't you afraid that there might be 56:51.516 --> 56:53.411 a public health hazard as a result of that, 56:53.411 --> 56:55.605 considering that people are bathing 56:55.605 --> 56:58.105 and drinking from the streets? 56:58.452 --> 57:00.231 - Well, let me just say first a comment 57:00.231 --> 57:02.366 and then I'll let our President of Aqueducts 57:02.366 --> 57:05.116 address that particular question. 57:05.261 --> 57:06.646 Of course it is a concern, 57:06.646 --> 57:09.584 that's why it is a priority for us to start working 57:09.584 --> 57:12.250 with all of the components of the sewer, 57:12.250 --> 57:16.000 public health emergencies, biowaste disposal, 57:18.436 --> 57:21.300 vector control, immunology, and so forth, 57:21.300 --> 57:24.344 because all of these are concerns in the immediate, 57:24.344 --> 57:27.704 mid, and long term as public health emergencies, 57:27.704 --> 57:29.919 so, we certainly are focused on it, 57:29.919 --> 57:31.427 and I would like our President 57:31.427 --> 57:33.563 to talk a little bit about the strategies. 57:33.563 --> 57:34.646 - Yes, hello. 57:35.151 --> 57:37.186 First, on the infrastructure front, 57:37.186 --> 57:40.088 we have our people working on fixing 57:40.088 --> 57:44.120 any of the situations that have to do with waste water, 57:44.120 --> 57:46.537 it's the number one priority. 57:46.597 --> 57:48.991 We're also working with FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers, 57:48.991 --> 57:52.324 to work on solution for certain aspects. 57:52.434 --> 57:56.492 We have prioritized generators for all the waste water 57:56.492 --> 57:59.959 facilities, and we're working closely with FEMA 57:59.959 --> 58:02.888 to get them installed, and in the meantime, 58:02.888 --> 58:05.936 we're contracting and activating vacuum trucks 58:05.936 --> 58:07.519 to make sure we can 58:09.142 --> 58:11.142 eliminate the threat of, 58:11.800 --> 58:15.411 of overflow in these facilities while we get the generators 58:15.411 --> 58:17.411 connected to the system. 58:18.297 --> 58:20.970 So, we're working on all three aspects, 58:20.970 --> 58:25.137 and we're treating it as our number one priority right now. 58:26.511 --> 58:29.841 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 58:29.841 --> 58:34.008 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 58:51.986 --> 58:56.069 - (speaking in foreign language) 01:02:11.230 --> 01:02:15.397 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 01:02:15.506 --> 01:02:16.923 - Okay, okay, so, 01:02:16.962 --> 01:02:19.894 today we receive the visit of Vice President Pence. 01:02:19.894 --> 01:02:23.800 My expectations are that he can get a clear picture, 01:02:23.800 --> 01:02:26.924 a firsthand picture of what the damage was 01:02:26.924 --> 01:02:30.118 in Puerto Rico and that he can take that 01:02:30.118 --> 01:02:32.201 experience to Washington, 01:02:33.146 --> 01:02:37.146 that he can continue on being a strong supporter 01:02:37.274 --> 01:02:41.191 of Puerto Rico, he has always been in the past, 01:02:41.485 --> 01:02:43.318 even before the storm, 01:02:43.916 --> 01:02:48.083 so we would like to thank his leadership on this effort. 01:02:48.388 --> 01:02:51.971 Specifically, I will talk to him about the, 01:02:53.024 --> 01:02:55.774 I will ask him to be a leader in the Senate, 01:02:55.774 --> 01:02:59.857 of course, he has direct contact with the Senate, 01:03:00.248 --> 01:03:02.773 so that we can get the appropriate 01:03:02.773 --> 01:03:04.651 aid package for Puerto Rico. 01:03:04.651 --> 01:03:06.274 Now, whatever that looks like, 01:03:06.274 --> 01:03:09.007 it is important that he knows the magnitude of the damage, 01:03:09.007 --> 01:03:12.132 it is important that he understands that 01:03:12.132 --> 01:03:15.247 we should be treated equal as U.S. citizens. 01:03:15.247 --> 01:03:17.853 He has stated in the past as much, 01:03:17.853 --> 01:03:20.184 so I believe that we will have a great 01:03:20.184 --> 01:03:23.017 spokesperson and a great supporter 01:03:23.176 --> 01:03:25.883 with his leadership in this effort. 01:03:25.883 --> 01:03:28.331 We will reiterate our petitions to have 01:03:28.331 --> 01:03:30.914 the waiver from C to G in FEMA, 01:03:31.111 --> 01:03:35.278 whether it be a full waiver or a 90/10 waiver. 01:03:37.248 --> 01:03:40.750 We will start talking about what the next steps are 01:03:40.750 --> 01:03:44.833 within Congress, when you have such a big impact, 01:03:47.474 --> 01:03:50.339 how it typically works is that Congress will give 01:03:50.339 --> 01:03:53.922 an initial payment and then it will revisit 01:03:54.048 --> 01:03:55.715 how that is working. 01:03:55.898 --> 01:03:58.976 We will reiterate the need for this to be flexible 01:03:58.976 --> 01:04:01.255 based on the situation in Puerto Rico, 01:04:01.255 --> 01:04:03.656 not as a bailout in the longer term, 01:04:03.656 --> 01:04:07.323 but rather as a need for us to have a runway 01:04:08.318 --> 01:04:12.205 in the short term to properly execute government 01:04:12.205 --> 01:04:15.171 and to properly execute the emergency needs 01:04:15.171 --> 01:04:16.823 and start rebuilding Puerto Rico, 01:04:16.823 --> 01:04:20.947 and I will stress the importance of having sustained 01:04:20.947 --> 01:04:25.114 fair levels of funding for Medicaid in Puerto Rico. 01:04:25.228 --> 01:04:27.621 This was apparent before, but now, 01:04:27.621 --> 01:04:31.788 more so after our healthcare system has taken a hit. 01:04:31.881 --> 01:04:35.546 It is more important than ever for us to have the resources, 01:04:35.546 --> 01:04:38.046 the adequate resources to work 01:04:39.090 --> 01:04:40.827 appropriately pushing forward. 01:04:40.827 --> 01:04:42.660 So, I expect him to be 01:04:44.238 --> 01:04:47.996 a leader as he's been in the past, a great spokesperson, 01:04:47.996 --> 01:04:51.383 I expect him to have contact with the people of Puerto Rico 01:04:51.383 --> 01:04:54.383 and listen to their stories and that 01:04:54.992 --> 01:04:58.742 he can take that story to Washington and help 01:04:59.379 --> 01:05:02.129 the U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico. 01:05:02.203 --> 01:05:06.370 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language)