WEBVTT 00:38.860 --> 00:39.851 - Good morning everybody, 00:39.851 --> 00:42.609 thank you for being here again today, 00:42.609 --> 00:44.859 we will give you an update, 00:45.224 --> 00:49.057 establish the priorities for the upcoming day, 00:49.970 --> 00:53.119 and as well as make several announcements, 00:53.119 --> 00:56.308 including our visit with the Vice President 00:56.308 --> 00:58.475 yesterday, Mike Pence, so. 00:59.875 --> 01:03.250 Yesterday we finished the visit at night, 01:03.250 --> 01:05.839 so we weren't able to give an update. 01:05.839 --> 01:07.920 I will brief you on that. 01:07.920 --> 01:10.753 The Vice President came over here, 01:12.327 --> 01:15.910 spoke with several officials at the E.O.C., 01:18.813 --> 01:21.980 he got briefed by myself, the general, 01:22.477 --> 01:24.560 and FEMA representatives, 01:24.803 --> 01:28.772 there were other members from the cabinet as well, 01:28.772 --> 01:32.939 transportation, H.H.S., and Surgeon General were here 01:33.358 --> 01:36.025 accompanying the Vice President. 01:36.031 --> 01:39.114 We visited a church, Santa Bernadita. 01:40.922 --> 01:44.160 The Vice President had the opportunity to talk with 01:44.160 --> 01:46.879 some of the people that were receiving food 01:46.879 --> 01:49.046 from that church, as well, 01:49.094 --> 01:51.062 and see some of the experiences. 01:51.062 --> 01:54.416 We went to another nearby church in Nazareth 01:54.416 --> 01:55.865 that was destroyed, 01:55.865 --> 01:58.667 and the people in the community were able 01:58.667 --> 02:01.296 to speak to the Vice President and let him know 02:01.296 --> 02:03.453 what their observations were, 02:03.453 --> 02:07.620 what their needs were, and sort of the path forward. 02:10.237 --> 02:13.570 Lastly, the Vice President addressed the 02:16.070 --> 02:17.653 E.O.C. members, so, 02:19.746 --> 02:23.210 and the Second Lady and Puerto Rico's First Lady 02:23.210 --> 02:27.377 were working parallel to that effort with art therapy, 02:27.791 --> 02:29.225 which is one of the initiatives that 02:29.225 --> 02:30.939 the Second Lady has in the United States 02:30.939 --> 02:34.969 to help children mitigate the trauma of the situation. 02:34.969 --> 02:36.801 I was able to ride with the Vice President 02:36.801 --> 02:40.134 and, of course, state several petitions, 02:40.979 --> 02:43.663 obviously, update the Vice President on detail 02:43.663 --> 02:47.148 of what's going on, what's been the effects, 02:47.148 --> 02:49.065 and what are our needs. 02:49.885 --> 02:52.576 The Vice President has a deep understanding that 02:52.576 --> 02:54.842 although a lot of the efforts are going on, 02:54.842 --> 02:58.079 there is still a lot to be done here in Puerto Rico, 02:58.079 --> 03:00.829 and that's why he reiterated that 03:02.328 --> 03:05.215 his administration, their administration, 03:05.215 --> 03:09.382 was gonna be here, not only in the immediate term, 03:09.505 --> 03:11.535 but also for the long haul. 03:11.535 --> 03:14.737 So, based on that, I spoke to the Vice President about 03:14.737 --> 03:16.941 certain petitions that we have. 03:16.941 --> 03:20.524 Number one, we've asked for the waiver from 03:21.933 --> 03:24.100 FEMA's permanent work C2G, 03:25.686 --> 03:28.928 whether it be a full waiver or a 90/10 waiver, 03:28.928 --> 03:31.343 it would help significantly Puerto Rico 03:31.343 --> 03:34.823 in this rebuilding and permanent work structure. 03:34.823 --> 03:38.990 Number two, I asked to see if with their general services 03:40.525 --> 03:43.113 agency, they have excess equipment, 03:43.113 --> 03:46.696 there is a segment of excess equipment that 03:47.521 --> 03:50.002 Puerto Rico could benefit from and that wouldn't 03:50.002 --> 03:52.419 really limit any other state. 03:54.052 --> 03:56.593 Number three, and more importantly, 03:56.593 --> 04:00.760 I told him the importance of starting off in the right foot 04:01.222 --> 04:05.139 with whatever aid package ensues from Congress, 04:06.097 --> 04:08.995 make sure that we have the right initial conditions, 04:08.995 --> 04:11.185 and that we could establish a path forward, 04:11.185 --> 04:15.102 or a calendar forward with aid for Puerto Rico. 04:15.110 --> 04:18.343 He saw and he understands the magnitude of the problem, 04:18.343 --> 04:21.481 and what's important in this up and coming aid package 04:21.481 --> 04:25.518 is that Puerto Rico, as well as some of the other states 04:25.518 --> 04:28.708 that were affected, get the initial funding necessary 04:28.708 --> 04:31.625 to get things moving appropriately, 04:32.259 --> 04:35.494 and then after that, at some other point, 04:35.494 --> 04:38.161 maybe in December or in January, 04:38.910 --> 04:42.493 start looking at a broader, more effective, 04:43.631 --> 04:47.381 or more granular aid package for Puerto Rico. 04:49.141 --> 04:53.308 So, he reiterated his commitment to leading in this effort, 04:54.175 --> 04:58.342 to be a voice when Congress is discussing these issues, 05:00.881 --> 05:03.538 and I am grateful for his leadership, 05:03.538 --> 05:06.450 he had standed, he has a history of standing by 05:06.450 --> 05:08.844 Puerto Rico many years in the past, 05:08.844 --> 05:11.635 and now he is reiterating that effort 05:11.635 --> 05:15.802 to stand by Puerto Rico in its greatest moment of need. 05:15.993 --> 05:18.877 By the same token, today there's gonna be 05:18.877 --> 05:22.627 a group of congressmen and senators that will 05:23.214 --> 05:25.131 be here in Puerto Rico. 05:25.160 --> 05:28.186 They will be on a mission to observe what's going on 05:28.186 --> 05:31.719 and we will have a briefing with them later on 05:31.719 --> 05:34.310 so that we can state some of the needs 05:34.310 --> 05:37.016 that we have for Puerto Rico and that 05:37.016 --> 05:40.016 that can be part of the package that 05:40.639 --> 05:42.996 gets passed through Congress. 05:42.996 --> 05:46.020 I will reiterate the need for urgent action 05:46.020 --> 05:50.074 for Puerto Rico aside from recognizing the magnitude 05:50.074 --> 05:52.824 of the challenges in Puerto Rico. 05:54.472 --> 05:58.395 So, those were, that was a visit with the Vice President, 05:58.395 --> 06:01.067 again, we're grateful for his leadership, 06:01.067 --> 06:04.984 for his faith in the efforts that we are doing, 06:05.003 --> 06:07.483 and, of course, his continued support 06:07.483 --> 06:09.983 for the people of Puerto Rico. 06:10.883 --> 06:13.994 In terms of the updates, I wanna state that, 06:13.994 --> 06:16.577 again, things are moving along, 06:16.629 --> 06:20.046 we have many of the updates in status.pr, 06:20.831 --> 06:22.495 anybody that wants to donate can go 06:22.495 --> 06:26.662 to https://www.unitedforpuertorico.com, 06:26.969 --> 06:30.969 and that now, in terms of, as a broader message, 06:33.731 --> 06:37.544 we have SAT COWs installed in 15 municipalities, 06:37.544 --> 06:40.711 we are starting to put that in here, as well. 06:40.711 --> 06:44.166 We invite the press to communicate to the people 06:44.166 --> 06:46.152 of Puerto Rico where those SAT COWs are 06:46.152 --> 06:47.589 in the different municipalities, 06:47.589 --> 06:49.321 'cause it has a radius of three miles, 06:49.321 --> 06:51.231 so that people can know the whereabouts 06:51.231 --> 06:53.401 of where they can get signal and communicate 06:53.401 --> 06:55.651 with other people, as well. 06:57.564 --> 07:01.564 I would like to make, to call upon the Diaspora, 07:03.457 --> 07:06.810 many of the Puerto Ricans that live in the 07:06.810 --> 07:10.977 50 states to take this opportunity to call on their 07:11.266 --> 07:15.433 congressmen and congresswomen and ask them to act. 07:15.850 --> 07:18.811 Many of them in the Diaspora have been very helpful, 07:18.811 --> 07:22.228 sending goods, sending donations for the, 07:22.990 --> 07:24.308 for the people of Puerto Rico, 07:24.308 --> 07:27.891 it's been an important part of this effort, 07:29.164 --> 07:33.331 now we're calling upon them to also stress the importance 07:34.562 --> 07:37.729 to their congressmen and congresswomen 07:39.219 --> 07:42.594 that action needs to be taken for Puerto Rico 07:42.594 --> 07:44.177 very, very quickly. 07:44.879 --> 07:46.741 So, we make that petition, 07:46.741 --> 07:49.158 and hopefully that translates 07:50.272 --> 07:52.440 into the general stream of consciousness 07:52.440 --> 07:54.190 of the United States. 07:54.984 --> 07:58.399 In terms of the priorities, still working, again, 07:58.399 --> 08:02.566 with streams of food and water, now we have focal areas, 08:04.852 --> 08:08.019 as more information becomes available, 08:09.360 --> 08:13.253 now we are, we can focus on some areas of greater need, 08:13.253 --> 08:15.420 so, for example, although, 08:16.638 --> 08:18.405 and I'll talk about this later on, 08:18.405 --> 08:21.155 although we are at above 55% 08:21.884 --> 08:25.051 where people, with clients with water, 08:26.029 --> 08:28.154 truth of the matter is that there are some areas 08:28.154 --> 08:32.321 in Puerto Rico that have about 20% access to water, 08:32.508 --> 08:35.750 so, our focus will be to make sure, again, 08:35.750 --> 08:37.417 that those areas get 08:39.135 --> 08:42.924 preferential attention to access to water since they have 08:42.924 --> 08:45.674 severe limitations in that front. 08:47.498 --> 08:50.473 Similar to that, priorities keep on being 08:50.473 --> 08:52.890 diesel and fuel distribution, 08:55.269 --> 08:57.852 hospitals and dialysis centers, 08:59.405 --> 09:02.655 water distribution, energy restoration, 09:03.268 --> 09:05.732 telecoms restoration, and ports. 09:05.732 --> 09:08.954 And then, again, we reiterate the importance 09:08.954 --> 09:12.499 of maintenance and repair as one of the next steps 09:12.499 --> 09:14.666 that we're taking forward. 09:15.741 --> 09:18.658 So, this has to do with generators, 09:19.256 --> 09:22.234 making sure that generators not only get their fuel, 09:22.234 --> 09:25.507 but there's also oversight and understanding 09:25.507 --> 09:27.629 as to how well they're working, 09:27.629 --> 09:30.361 and the capabilities to repair them should something 09:30.361 --> 09:32.944 happen, to repair them quickly. 09:33.579 --> 09:35.843 The second component would be 09:35.843 --> 09:39.745 identification of houses that have lost their roofs 09:39.745 --> 09:40.912 so that we can 09:43.545 --> 09:45.876 put some tarps, whether it be the provisional tarps 09:45.876 --> 09:48.078 or the blue tarps that are now coming in 09:48.078 --> 09:50.828 with the Army Corps of Engineers. 09:52.254 --> 09:55.678 Another component would be the public health emergencies, 09:55.678 --> 09:59.845 making sure that, whether it be immunology programs or 10:01.700 --> 10:04.475 vector control or other components, 10:04.475 --> 10:07.029 we have those measures ready and in place 10:07.029 --> 10:10.172 so that we can avoid a major public health emergency 10:10.172 --> 10:11.839 here in Puerto Rico. 10:12.355 --> 10:14.688 Schools, the path continues, 10:14.804 --> 10:18.204 information is coming regarding the structural integrity 10:18.204 --> 10:21.591 of all the schools so that we are on a path 10:21.591 --> 10:24.570 to having all of that information by the 16th 10:24.570 --> 10:28.737 and starting school, at least regionally, in the 23rd. 10:30.592 --> 10:31.425 Again, 10:33.507 --> 10:35.924 implementation of generators, 10:36.035 --> 10:38.442 making sure that we have generators so that we 10:38.442 --> 10:41.216 can distribute water and put them on priority sites 10:41.216 --> 10:45.383 is another priority, so, we're working diligently, 10:47.209 --> 10:50.494 make sure that our collaborators work with us 10:50.494 --> 10:53.653 so that we can have as many generators as possible 10:53.653 --> 10:57.020 in the greater areas of needs of water distribution, 10:57.020 --> 10:59.020 hospitals, and so forth. 11:00.515 --> 11:04.015 And lastly, recovery efforts are going on, 11:05.961 --> 11:09.573 our teams are working over here to aggregate all 11:09.573 --> 11:11.921 of the information so that we can start 11:11.921 --> 11:14.963 the rebuilding process as soon as possible, 11:14.963 --> 11:17.785 and that we have everything documented, 11:17.785 --> 11:20.771 that we have all of the information from all of our agencies 11:20.771 --> 11:23.195 so that we can have the greatest number 11:23.195 --> 11:25.752 of resources available for the people of Puerto Rico 11:25.752 --> 11:28.002 in this rebuilding process. 11:28.267 --> 11:31.227 In terms of some of the key data points, 11:31.227 --> 11:35.394 we have 612 ATMs open, that goes up from 481 yesterday, 11:37.415 --> 11:39.815 so, significant increase there. 11:39.815 --> 11:43.148 We are at 77% of supermarkets open, 11:44.253 --> 11:48.420 78% of gas stations open, that has stabilized, 11:50.879 --> 11:54.613 barrels of diesel and gasoline in Puerto Rico 11:54.613 --> 11:57.933 have increased from yesterday about 10,000 11:57.933 --> 12:01.183 barrels of diesel more and about 30,000 12:01.767 --> 12:05.017 barrels of gasoline more in the island, 12:05.026 --> 12:07.193 as consumption goes along, 12:07.457 --> 12:11.124 it's also being brought here in Puerto Rico. 12:11.235 --> 12:13.902 We've been distributing directly 12:14.695 --> 12:17.582 tankers to the different municipalities 12:17.582 --> 12:21.165 at no charge, so we've made an effort first 12:21.904 --> 12:25.026 to identify those 15 municipalities in need 12:25.026 --> 12:28.026 that are incommunicated communities, 12:28.837 --> 12:32.115 and now we've added another 15 on the rotation 12:32.115 --> 12:35.569 so that we can ensure that local government can work, 12:35.569 --> 12:38.793 can provide services, can deliver food, 12:38.793 --> 12:39.793 and can have 12:42.353 --> 12:46.498 all of the resources available to attend to the crisis. 12:46.498 --> 12:50.665 In terms of healthcare, 66 hospitals receiving patients, 12:52.100 --> 12:55.267 36 with energy in nine municipalities, 12:57.227 --> 12:59.904 including San Juan, Carolina, Bayamon, Guaynabo, 12:59.904 --> 13:02.838 Mayaguez, Ponce, Arecibo, Catano, and Guayama. 13:02.838 --> 13:05.929 There is point generation being increased in Puerto Rico, 13:05.929 --> 13:09.544 and of course we're giving priority to those hospitals, 13:09.544 --> 13:13.711 and it's showing, as that number keeps on increasing. 13:15.079 --> 13:18.399 We have nine DMAT units here in Puerto Rico, 13:18.399 --> 13:20.399 one more than yesterday, 13:20.602 --> 13:24.769 and they're distributed along the whole of the island, 13:25.657 --> 13:27.740 and the U.S.S. Comfort is 13:29.190 --> 13:31.440 serving around Puerto Rico. 13:31.716 --> 13:35.587 It has capacity of about 1,000 patients over here, 13:35.587 --> 13:38.974 so, Centro Medico keeps on being the main hub, 13:38.974 --> 13:42.030 but as an alternative hub and a more mobile one, 13:42.030 --> 13:44.613 is the U.S.S. Comfort, as well. 13:45.886 --> 13:47.927 In terms of security and assets, 13:47.927 --> 13:52.094 we have 12,300 D.O.D. personnel here in Puerto Rico, 13:53.953 --> 13:58.120 more than 600 FEMA, and more than 2,000 IMATs from 25 states 13:59.475 --> 14:03.225 in Puerto Rico serving through the emergency. 14:05.311 --> 14:08.238 In terms of telecoms, we're at 44%, 14:08.238 --> 14:11.773 and as I stated, there are 15 municipalities with SAT COWs, 14:11.773 --> 14:14.978 and the locations of those SAT COWs will be placed 14:14.978 --> 14:18.561 on the website so that people can see them. 14:19.866 --> 14:24.033 The number of refugees has decreased by almost 1,000, 14:24.304 --> 14:26.887 and we are at 116 shelters, so, 14:27.791 --> 14:31.708 reaching our objective of by week's end of 130, 14:32.309 --> 14:33.726 now we're at 116. 14:35.485 --> 14:39.652 In terms of ports, we are at 88% of normal distribution 14:40.490 --> 14:44.323 from containers in the ports, we are at 1,233. 14:45.849 --> 14:50.016 In terms of water, it's important to state that we're at 14:51.065 --> 14:54.732 56%, over 700,000 clients with service, 14:55.936 --> 15:00.019 but most notably, the northern side of the island 15:01.305 --> 15:04.222 and perhaps next to that, the west, 15:04.926 --> 15:07.323 the northwest side of the island 15:07.323 --> 15:11.490 have less than 50%, so, our focus will be on those areas, 15:13.854 --> 15:17.771 both on generators and on getting bottled water 15:18.501 --> 15:20.584 and oasis to those sites. 15:24.174 --> 15:26.796 In terms of energy distribution, 15:26.796 --> 15:30.963 we are at 11.7% consumption, increasing from 10.7 yesterday, 15:33.580 --> 15:35.490 and of course the objectives will be 15:35.490 --> 15:38.323 to have 25% by the month end. 15:40.515 --> 15:43.348 In terms of food and distribution, 15:44.174 --> 15:47.257 yesterday, the day before we totaled, 15:49.353 --> 15:53.159 not yesterday, but the day before we totaled 121 missions, 15:53.159 --> 15:56.028 we had reported I think 95 yesterday, 15:56.028 --> 15:58.877 but with the addition of Red Cross and others 15:58.877 --> 16:03.044 we've totaled 121 missions across the 78 municipalities, 16:03.982 --> 16:06.399 and yesterday, we totaled 82, 16:07.446 --> 16:11.613 again, without counting RSA pickups or the Red Cross, 16:12.679 --> 16:16.096 so that is a significant number, as well. 16:19.317 --> 16:21.638 One last thing I would like to add, 16:21.638 --> 16:23.555 and it's in healthcare, 16:23.926 --> 16:26.248 the D.O.D. is working to establish capabilities 16:26.248 --> 16:28.581 in Humacao and in Aguadilla. 16:29.054 --> 16:31.178 In the next couple of weeks, 16:31.178 --> 16:35.345 they are flying in essentially hospital capabilities 16:36.241 --> 16:39.187 that will be built so that those regions 16:39.187 --> 16:43.187 can have access to proper and better healthcare, 16:43.594 --> 16:45.745 and it'll help the whole of the island 16:45.745 --> 16:49.912 so that we can have functioning hospitals in those sites. 16:50.070 --> 16:53.386 The one in Humacao will have a capacity of 44 beds, 16:53.386 --> 16:57.553 and the Aguadilla, I still am not privy to that information. 17:00.824 --> 17:04.741 (speaking in foreign language) 27:57.360 --> 28:01.527 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 28:06.047 --> 28:10.214 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 28:13.718 --> 28:17.801 - (speaking in foreign language) 29:25.741 --> 29:29.908 - [Announcer] One question per media outlet, ENENews. 29:29.941 --> 29:31.808 - Thank you, Governor. - Thank you. 29:31.808 --> 29:34.751 - [Reporter] We reported last night that PREPA 29:34.751 --> 29:37.084 has not requested mutual aid 29:37.179 --> 29:40.357 from utilities and power companies on the mainland 29:40.357 --> 29:44.271 to support them and El Nuevo Dia reporting this morning 29:44.271 --> 29:46.474 that PREPA employees are complaining about 29:46.474 --> 29:49.474 a lack of labor materials, manpower, 29:51.021 --> 29:52.492 to do the restoration, 29:52.492 --> 29:55.331 and I'm wondering if you can explain to me what, 29:55.331 --> 29:56.957 what the government of Puerto Rico and what PREPA's 29:56.957 --> 30:00.457 planning to do in terms of getting support 30:00.475 --> 30:02.415 from the mainland or going on its own 30:02.415 --> 30:03.661 to do its grid recovery? 30:03.661 --> 30:06.068 - No, we need support and we're getting support. 30:06.068 --> 30:08.318 Yesterday, the CEO of PREPA 30:10.681 --> 30:14.431 got and hired and they're deploying about 200 30:14.680 --> 30:18.097 people that are coming in the first bout. 30:18.618 --> 30:22.627 The Corps of Engineers is going to be signing contracts 30:22.627 --> 30:25.960 as well to get, just to give you a sense, 30:25.960 --> 30:28.395 of probably double or triple the capabilities 30:28.395 --> 30:31.235 that we have right now so that we can start restoring 30:31.235 --> 30:35.152 the energy grid, and we are working, right now, 30:35.914 --> 30:37.664 based on all of those 30:39.485 --> 30:42.106 information tidbits, what else do we need? 30:42.106 --> 30:43.939 There is availability, 30:44.068 --> 30:47.010 we've spoken to several governors about that 30:47.010 --> 30:49.831 so that we can either talk to the state 30:49.831 --> 30:53.718 power authorities or we can talk to the private authorities 30:53.718 --> 30:55.998 and get more personnel over here, 30:55.998 --> 30:59.126 but I can assure you that there is personnel already here 30:59.126 --> 31:02.876 that was hired and moreso is coming, as well. 31:03.505 --> 31:05.041 - [Reporter] Just a follow up question. 31:05.041 --> 31:08.277 Will I find Puerto Rico here requesting mutual aid? 31:08.277 --> 31:09.360 - Mutual aid? 31:09.378 --> 31:12.457 - [Reporter] (mumbling) 31:12.457 --> 31:13.290 - We, yes, 31:14.423 --> 31:17.506 through IMATs, it's been established, 31:17.916 --> 31:20.342 the CEO is working on that effort right now. 31:20.342 --> 31:23.228 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 31:23.228 --> 31:27.395 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 32:12.439 --> 32:16.522 - (speaking in foreign language) 32:36.616 --> 32:40.356 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 32:40.356 --> 32:41.939 - (speaking in foreign language) 32:41.939 --> 32:46.106 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 32:48.680 --> 32:52.763 - (speaking in foreign language) 33:16.844 --> 33:17.987 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 33:17.987 --> 33:22.070 - (speaking in foreign language) 33:43.173 --> 33:47.340 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 33:48.239 --> 33:52.322 - (speaking in foreign language) 36:06.387 --> 36:09.033 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 36:09.033 --> 36:13.200 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 36:20.057 --> 36:24.140 - (speaking in foreign language) 37:34.407 --> 37:37.856 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 37:37.856 --> 37:42.023 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 37:55.612 --> 37:59.695 - (speaking in foreign language) 39:21.390 --> 39:24.213 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 39:24.213 --> 39:28.380 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 39:49.591 --> 39:53.674 - (speaking in foreign language) 41:33.768 --> 41:37.935 - [Announcer] One question per media outlet, Looper. 41:38.555 --> 41:39.673 - [Reporter] Hi, Governor. 41:39.673 --> 41:42.228 Morning, I know that you said that December/January 41:42.228 --> 41:45.384 you would be talking about the long term aid package 41:45.384 --> 41:46.796 apart from the initial request 41:46.796 --> 41:48.290 to get the government running. 41:48.290 --> 41:52.431 Have you begun to think about what that looks like, 41:52.431 --> 41:54.546 and how to go about it and how much 41:54.546 --> 41:56.012 help you're going to need? 41:56.012 --> 41:58.752 - Well, there, in terms of a quantity, 41:58.752 --> 42:01.796 I can only state that what we have right now 42:01.796 --> 42:03.789 is estimates of the damage, right, 42:03.789 --> 42:07.387 we've talked about it, several independent outlets have 42:07.387 --> 42:10.137 also validated those numbers, so, 42:10.208 --> 42:13.619 whether you look at it, it's somewhere in the range between 42:13.619 --> 42:16.361 80 and 100 billion dollars, alright, 42:16.361 --> 42:18.967 that's sort of the ballpark range, 42:18.967 --> 42:20.448 I know it's a big range, 42:20.448 --> 42:24.615 but that's still how high level we are at this juncture. 42:25.004 --> 42:27.955 Notwithstanding, we can recognize that it's 42:27.955 --> 42:31.860 a significant amount of money, and based on that estimate, 42:31.860 --> 42:34.010 we can see what we're gonna need 42:34.010 --> 42:38.177 within the next two or three months to work and to operate. 42:38.547 --> 42:40.893 I think now, once we start getting congressmen, 42:40.893 --> 42:43.063 congresswomen operating over here, 42:43.063 --> 42:45.446 seeing the damage and so forth, 42:45.446 --> 42:48.135 we can get a better sense of what that package 42:48.135 --> 42:50.237 towards the future will look like. 42:50.237 --> 42:52.314 I think there's still a lot of unknowns, 42:52.314 --> 42:55.698 whether if it's gonna be in appropriations, 42:55.698 --> 42:59.531 if it's going to have access to federal loans, 43:00.228 --> 43:03.479 if it's gonna have access to other federal programs, 43:03.479 --> 43:07.646 but certainly, I would circumscribe my comments to this, 43:09.235 --> 43:10.985 we need the treatment 43:12.662 --> 43:15.786 of working with the emergency and the rebuilding 43:15.786 --> 43:19.953 to be equal to that of any other state, right, so, 43:20.988 --> 43:22.738 if there was X damage 43:23.371 --> 43:26.788 in Florida and the funding levels were Y, 43:30.637 --> 43:33.220 that sort of relative parameter 43:34.794 --> 43:37.979 needs to be applied to Puerto Rico, as well. 43:37.979 --> 43:40.513 Recognizing that maybe in some places 43:40.513 --> 43:42.775 the damages may be bigger than Puerto Rico, 43:42.775 --> 43:46.568 and in some places the damages are likely to be smaller, 43:46.568 --> 43:50.280 so, those are the considerations that we're working on, 43:50.280 --> 43:53.030 and although it's not ironed out, 43:54.327 --> 43:58.243 that's why I think there is this two prong approach, 43:58.243 --> 44:02.076 immediate aid, and then a longer term package. 44:02.150 --> 44:03.733 I can tell you that 44:04.255 --> 44:08.422 I think it also has to be linked to whatever future, 44:08.936 --> 44:11.011 to whatever policy decisions we wanna make 44:11.011 --> 44:13.344 within the local government, 44:13.989 --> 44:16.959 so that we can establish a coherent map 44:16.959 --> 44:20.920 of all of the components that were already in play 44:20.920 --> 44:24.753 in Puerto Rico, and we can rebuild it so that, 44:25.095 --> 44:27.337 what I'm trying to say is that the, 44:27.337 --> 44:31.196 the path forward for Puerto Rico is not divorce from 44:31.196 --> 44:34.084 whatever path forward in Congress is given, 44:34.084 --> 44:36.152 that they are sort of synchronized, that they're aligned, 44:36.152 --> 44:39.214 and that we can work with them more effectively. 44:39.214 --> 44:42.227 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 44:42.227 --> 44:46.394 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 45:46.057 --> 45:50.140 - (speaking in foreign language) 48:08.218 --> 48:11.972 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 48:11.972 --> 48:16.139 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 48:32.029 --> 48:36.112 - (speaking in foreign language) 51:55.460 --> 51:57.756 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 51:57.756 --> 52:01.839 - (speaking in foreign language) 52:33.840 --> 52:38.007 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language) 52:47.473 --> 52:51.640 - [Reporter] (speaking in foreign language) 53:01.916 --> 53:05.999 - (speaking in foreign language) 53:45.964 --> 53:50.131 - [Announcer] (speaking in foreign language)