WEBVTT 00:02.091 --> 00:04.974 - Good morning, this meeting can come to order. 00:04.974 --> 00:07.307 I'd like to say on one hand, 00:07.587 --> 00:09.774 it's nice to see Senator Carper 00:09.774 --> 00:11.204 acting as my ranking member 00:11.204 --> 00:14.716 but the circumstances are unfortunate to say the least. 00:14.716 --> 00:17.925 Senator McCaskill's husband is in the ICU, 00:17.925 --> 00:19.952 and so Senator McCaskill is with him in Missouri. 00:19.952 --> 00:21.699 So we certainly want to send them 00:21.699 --> 00:24.223 our thoughts and prayers and, you know for, 00:24.223 --> 00:25.424 for Claire, for Joe, and for their 00:25.424 --> 00:27.302 family members as well. 00:27.302 --> 00:29.624 - I just mentioned to um, to him. 00:29.624 --> 00:31.253 I texted with Claire last night 00:31.253 --> 00:32.861 to see how he's doing. 00:32.861 --> 00:34.948 Apparently he had a massive heart attack, 00:34.948 --> 00:36.510 very serious heart attack, and he had, 00:36.510 --> 00:38.491 I think it was an internal defibrillator 00:38.491 --> 00:40.823 that may have saved his life, 00:40.823 --> 00:42.417 and there's still blockages 00:42.417 --> 00:43.897 to worry about and I think 00:43.897 --> 00:44.940 some additional surgery work 00:44.940 --> 00:48.531 that needs to be done, but to what Chairman said, 00:48.531 --> 00:51.528 let's keep him in our thoughts and prayers. 00:51.528 --> 00:52.528 - Thank you. 00:53.936 --> 00:55.949 I also want to thank our witnesses, 00:55.949 --> 00:59.616 not only for being here, for your testimony, 00:59.858 --> 01:02.557 and for what you're about to answer 01:02.557 --> 01:03.587 in terms of our questions, 01:03.587 --> 01:06.971 but really for the last two and a half months. 01:06.971 --> 01:09.256 I've been to FEMA's response center, 01:09.256 --> 01:11.524 I've talked to the men and women 01:11.524 --> 01:13.297 that are working with you, 01:13.297 --> 01:16.090 I think doing an extraordinary job, 01:16.090 --> 01:17.728 working 12 hour shifts, 01:17.728 --> 01:20.088 seven days in a row, for literally weeks, 01:20.088 --> 01:21.846 months, months on end. 01:21.846 --> 01:24.340 So this has been unprecedented, you know. 01:24.340 --> 01:27.157 Starting back in late August with Harvey 01:27.157 --> 01:29.574 and then Irma and then Maria, 01:29.993 --> 01:32.424 within literally a span of 30 days. 01:32.424 --> 01:34.655 We just have not seen anything like this, 01:34.655 --> 01:38.047 and I think it's pretty heartening, really. 01:38.047 --> 01:40.437 After Katrina, the lessons learned, 01:40.437 --> 01:44.297 a lot of those lessons have been put into place 01:44.297 --> 01:47.059 and used to do rather great effect. 01:47.059 --> 01:49.039 But when you have hurricanes 01:49.039 --> 01:51.706 and disasters of this magnitude, 01:52.154 --> 01:53.619 you can't just snap your fingers and 01:53.619 --> 01:55.361 make it all well again. 01:55.361 --> 01:56.535 This is gonna be a recovery effort 01:56.535 --> 01:58.435 that's gonna go on for years, 01:58.435 --> 02:00.004 but I think the response 02:00.004 --> 02:01.491 I think we'll hear that in testimony today, 02:01.491 --> 02:03.636 has really been quite extraordinary. 02:03.636 --> 02:05.660 Nothing's ever perfect, it can always have 02:05.660 --> 02:06.637 continuous improvement, 02:06.637 --> 02:07.698 but again I think the men and women 02:07.698 --> 02:10.071 that work with you in all of your agencies 02:10.071 --> 02:11.155 really need to be commended 02:11.155 --> 02:14.780 and I think in terms of your management of them, 02:14.780 --> 02:16.184 also, needs to be commended as well. 02:16.184 --> 02:17.509 So again, I thank you, and I think 02:17.509 --> 02:19.322 this committee thanks you as well. 02:19.322 --> 02:20.909 This will be what I consider first 02:20.909 --> 02:22.909 in a series of hearings. 02:24.719 --> 02:25.956 Really, from my standpoint, 02:25.956 --> 02:28.501 started with the high risk hearing 02:28.501 --> 02:29.334 when I asked Inspector General Roth 02:29.334 --> 02:30.501 to take a look 02:34.501 --> 02:37.668 at the problems in FEMA grant lending, 02:39.588 --> 02:42.464 how we spend money in emergency situations, 02:42.464 --> 02:44.779 what kind of controls and Inspector General Roth 02:44.779 --> 02:46.663 responded very quickly. 02:46.663 --> 02:48.302 June second, in a letter to me, 02:48.302 --> 02:50.344 made a number of recommendations which we 02:50.344 --> 02:52.339 have turned into a decent draft legislation 02:52.339 --> 02:54.271 working with Senator McCaskill, 02:54.271 --> 02:55.279 also Senator James, anybody else on this 02:55.279 --> 02:57.709 committee want to start working with us on that. 02:57.709 --> 02:58.987 We've been talking to appropriators 02:58.987 --> 03:01.461 on how to potentially marry that 03:01.461 --> 03:04.688 with some of the emergency funding requests, 03:04.688 --> 03:05.832 the supplemental funding requests 03:05.832 --> 03:07.832 that we're passing here. 03:08.067 --> 03:09.150 We're spending a lot of money, 03:09.150 --> 03:10.684 and it needs to be controlled. 03:10.684 --> 03:13.160 And I think the issue with Whitefish, 03:13.160 --> 03:15.171 I'm sure we'll get into that, 03:15.171 --> 03:19.088 is just exhibit A of how careful we need to be, 03:20.653 --> 03:21.762 in terms of how we spend 03:21.762 --> 03:24.512 the taxpayers' hard earned money. 03:24.694 --> 03:25.527 I'm hoping, 03:25.527 --> 03:28.829 and I've seen certainly with Director Long's 03:28.829 --> 03:31.412 testimony, we do need to review 03:31.849 --> 03:34.349 and lay out FEMA's proper role 03:34.452 --> 03:37.274 within the emergency management response. 03:37.274 --> 03:38.640 It's a subordinate role. 03:38.640 --> 03:41.890 If we can quick put up the chart there, 03:41.989 --> 03:43.881 wherever our chart is, there we go. 03:43.881 --> 03:46.131 Everybody has this as well. 03:46.316 --> 03:48.111 This is just a history, this was put together 03:48.111 --> 03:49.364 I think by the Heritage Foundation, 03:49.364 --> 03:51.364 it only goes up to 2011. 03:51.886 --> 03:55.719 It just shows the history of FEMA declarations 03:56.604 --> 03:59.357 of emergencies, and it's really striking. 03:59.357 --> 04:00.774 Back in the '50s, 04:01.063 --> 04:04.078 there were somewhere between seven and 18 a year. 04:04.078 --> 04:06.073 In 2011, high water mark, 242 Federal 04:06.073 --> 04:09.656 Disaster Declarations or FEMA declarations. 04:11.451 --> 04:13.993 There are a number of reasons for that. 04:13.993 --> 04:16.576 Certainly we continue to build, 04:16.608 --> 04:17.748 we have that moral hazard, 04:17.748 --> 04:19.174 we continue to build and rebuild 04:19.174 --> 04:21.429 in flood zones and hurricane zones and the 04:21.429 --> 04:23.908 property values are increasing dramatically. 04:23.908 --> 04:25.705 But I think also more and more often 04:25.705 --> 04:28.671 states are looking to the federal government 04:28.671 --> 04:31.421 to do what I believe was probably 04:31.968 --> 04:35.516 more suited toward state and local response. 04:35.516 --> 04:38.509 As a result, it puts a great deal of stress 04:38.509 --> 04:41.009 on federal disaster resources, 04:41.555 --> 04:43.474 and certainly FEMA, and I'm sure Director Long, 04:43.474 --> 04:45.905 you have felt some of that pressure 04:45.905 --> 04:47.973 over the last couple days. 04:47.973 --> 04:49.811 So I think it's appropriate for this committee 04:49.811 --> 04:51.753 long term to really take a look at what is 04:51.753 --> 04:54.393 the proper balance between state 04:54.393 --> 04:57.464 and local response and the federal response 04:57.464 --> 04:59.131 in these situations. 04:59.392 --> 05:02.837 From my standpoint, as much as we can rely 05:02.837 --> 05:05.589 on the state in terms of preparation, 05:05.589 --> 05:07.883 standing up those emergency centers 05:07.883 --> 05:11.716 and the response before these disasters occur, 05:12.593 --> 05:13.426 the better off we're all gonna be. 05:13.426 --> 05:15.276 So I wanna make sure we're talking 05:15.276 --> 05:17.996 a little bit about that during the hearing. 05:17.996 --> 05:19.387 I did go down to Puerto Rico. 05:19.387 --> 05:20.769 I was down there on the seventh, 05:20.769 --> 05:23.790 about two and a half weeks afterwards. 05:23.790 --> 05:25.499 I will say that my initial response, 05:25.499 --> 05:27.964 having flown over low flying helicopter 05:27.964 --> 05:30.381 over about a quarter to third of the island, 05:30.381 --> 05:33.230 I was first relieved that the property damage 05:33.230 --> 05:35.698 was not as extensive as I was expecting it to be. 05:35.698 --> 05:36.724 Now there's no doubt about it, 05:36.724 --> 05:37.557 there's devastation, 05:37.557 --> 05:38.801 there's property totally destroyed, 05:38.801 --> 05:41.178 but I'd seen pictures of St. Martin. 05:41.178 --> 05:42.011 And then just the basic stats, 05:42.011 --> 05:43.761 two and a half weeks, 05:44.013 --> 05:46.517 22 of the 23 ports have been opened, 05:46.517 --> 05:48.211 more than 70% of both gas stations 05:48.211 --> 05:51.081 and grocery stores were already opened. 05:51.081 --> 05:52.281 A third of the roads were open, 05:52.281 --> 05:53.343 but as we flew over it, 05:53.343 --> 05:56.816 it looked like in excess of 90% were clear. 05:56.816 --> 06:00.415 But obviously blocked in certain choke points. 06:00.415 --> 06:01.884 Cell phone companies responded pretty 06:01.884 --> 06:03.051 appropriately. 06:04.819 --> 06:07.152 Kind of shared the burden, cordoned off the island, 06:07.152 --> 06:09.207 fixed each other's towers, 06:09.207 --> 06:11.436 so it will be interesting to hear to what percent 06:11.436 --> 06:15.353 the cell phone service is back and operational. 06:15.945 --> 06:18.484 All 72 of the municipalities, back then, 06:18.484 --> 06:20.736 were already accessible by road, 06:20.736 --> 06:23.819 so logistics problem was being eased. 06:23.922 --> 06:25.031 But the biggest problem was, 06:25.031 --> 06:27.246 at that point in time only 12% of the electrical 06:27.246 --> 06:30.079 power had been brought back online 06:30.334 --> 06:32.505 and so I returned convinced, 06:32.505 --> 06:34.292 and I think I continue to be convinced, 06:34.292 --> 06:35.617 that the primary problem, 06:35.617 --> 06:37.133 long term now with Puerto Rico, 06:37.133 --> 06:39.997 and even before the disaster, was the power grid. 06:39.997 --> 06:42.998 It was weak, it was fragile before the hurricane, 06:42.998 --> 06:45.993 and now it's offline it's a very complex problem, 06:45.993 --> 06:47.229 trying to reestablish and maintain 06:47.229 --> 06:49.320 the balance of that electrical grid. 06:49.320 --> 06:50.393 And we're gonna be spending an awful lot 06:50.393 --> 06:51.788 of money and from my standpoint, 06:51.788 --> 06:54.038 that's gotta be controlled. 06:54.398 --> 06:56.050 And what money we spend, hopefully, 06:56.050 --> 06:58.226 can be spent in a manner that we create 06:58.226 --> 07:02.226 a more resilient electrical grid that will power 07:02.279 --> 07:04.125 a vibrant economy in Puerto Rico 07:04.125 --> 07:06.125 for generations to come. 07:06.296 --> 07:08.859 My last point is I've been in contact with the 07:08.859 --> 07:10.544 Chairman of the Financial Oversight 07:10.544 --> 07:13.186 Management Board and I just received 07:13.186 --> 07:16.436 an email or a text from him last night. 07:17.989 --> 07:20.311 And they met and I'm just gonna 07:20.311 --> 07:22.362 quick read you the text on the record. 07:22.362 --> 07:23.929 "The Federal Oversight Board unanimously has 07:23.929 --> 07:26.018 asked for a Chief Transformation Officer 07:26.018 --> 07:27.393 to take over the administration of the 07:27.393 --> 07:29.205 power authority in order to reestablish power 07:29.205 --> 07:31.122 as quickly as possible. 07:31.580 --> 07:33.732 But moreover, we must transform the energy sector 07:33.732 --> 07:36.067 and ensure lower costs and more reliable power. 07:36.067 --> 07:37.692 In order to do that, 07:37.692 --> 07:40.100 we have to depoliticize the authority, 07:40.100 --> 07:41.912 open it up to competition in order to attract 07:41.912 --> 07:43.245 private capital. 07:43.404 --> 07:44.729 Puerto Rico does not want to return 07:44.729 --> 07:46.767 to D.C. with hat in hand in the future. 07:46.767 --> 07:48.677 The person of the board has named is a 07:48.677 --> 07:51.256 retired Air Force Colonel who has organizational 07:51.256 --> 07:53.171 and transformational experience, 07:53.171 --> 07:54.402 including management of energy and 07:54.402 --> 07:56.389 infrastructure projects that was signed by 07:56.389 --> 07:57.222 Jose Carrion, the Chairman of the 07:57.222 --> 08:00.389 Financial Oversight Management Board." 08:01.338 --> 08:03.334 So they recognize the fact that we've got 08:03.334 --> 08:06.162 a real problem with the governance of, 08:06.162 --> 08:08.662 the public ownership of PREPA. 08:09.159 --> 08:11.659 And again, that was exhibit A, 08:11.904 --> 08:12.992 based on that $300 million contract 08:12.992 --> 08:15.409 which apparently now has been 08:15.435 --> 08:17.685 pulled back with Whitefish. 08:17.930 --> 08:19.467 But again, I just want to thank the witnesses, 08:19.467 --> 08:21.019 and I'll turn it over to Senator Carper 08:21.019 --> 08:22.718 for any opening statements you want to make. 08:22.718 --> 08:23.681 - Thanks, thanks so much 08:23.681 --> 08:25.931 for bringing us together, Mr. Chairman. 08:25.931 --> 08:28.185 I know a couple weeks ago Senator McCaskill 08:28.185 --> 08:30.503 had called for a bipartisan investigation 08:30.503 --> 08:31.915 scheduling series of hearings, 08:31.915 --> 08:33.553 I'm delighted to hear that this is not the last 08:33.553 --> 08:35.497 but the first of several. 08:35.497 --> 08:37.918 Want to express, as well, our thanks, 08:37.918 --> 08:40.496 appreciation to those at the table before us. 08:40.496 --> 08:43.087 Those who work with you, for you, 08:43.087 --> 08:45.105 for the extraordinary work they're doing. 08:45.105 --> 08:47.668 I believe that in the last hundred years or so, 08:47.668 --> 08:51.090 we've had a total of 33 Category Five hurricanes 08:51.090 --> 08:52.955 that have struck the United States. 08:52.955 --> 08:56.788 33 in a hundred years and we had literally two 08:56.957 --> 08:59.411 within weeks of each other this year. 08:59.411 --> 09:01.404 Our friends at GIO present to us each year, 09:01.404 --> 09:04.092 as you'll recall a high risk list, 09:04.092 --> 09:05.552 every other year beginning of each Congress, 09:05.552 --> 09:07.812 things that we need to focus on, 09:07.812 --> 09:10.246 ways that if we did, we could save some money. 09:10.246 --> 09:12.900 They always, for years they've now been saying, 09:12.900 --> 09:15.544 one of our high risks is the incidence 09:15.544 --> 09:17.482 of extreme weather and the cost that it's 09:17.482 --> 09:19.232 imposing on the federal budget. 09:19.232 --> 09:21.107 The cost here is just extraordinary, 09:21.107 --> 09:22.395 and I think in terms of root cause, 09:22.395 --> 09:24.812 we need to keep that in mind. 09:25.237 --> 09:28.904 I'm delighted to hear the Chairman mentioned 09:29.207 --> 09:30.624 the electric grid 09:31.741 --> 09:32.991 in Puerto Rico. 09:33.386 --> 09:35.707 I oftentimes quote Albert Einstein 09:35.707 --> 09:37.207 who said famously, 09:37.506 --> 09:39.313 "in adversity lies opportunity". 09:39.313 --> 09:41.198 And as bad as the adversity here is, 09:41.198 --> 09:42.752 there's also opportunity, 09:42.752 --> 09:44.338 especially with respect to the electric grid. 09:44.338 --> 09:45.735 Most the people, as I understand, I've been 09:45.735 --> 09:47.380 to Puerto Rico a number of times as a 09:47.380 --> 09:49.274 Naval flight officer operating out of Roosevelt 09:49.274 --> 09:52.057 Roads, as a governor hosted by Pedro Rossello 09:52.057 --> 09:53.276 when he was governor, 09:53.276 --> 09:55.019 part of the National Governors Association, 09:55.019 --> 09:57.291 just as a family vacation and been around 09:57.291 --> 09:59.023 the island a fair amount, 09:59.023 --> 10:01.091 and my recollections is that most of the power 10:01.091 --> 10:03.681 is generated in the South of the island. 10:03.681 --> 10:04.960 Most of the people live in the North 10:04.960 --> 10:06.127 of the island. 10:06.486 --> 10:08.277 Most of the power is generated from diesel 10:08.277 --> 10:12.194 power generators and utilities and it is dirty, 10:12.268 --> 10:13.101 it is expensive. 10:13.101 --> 10:14.734 the cost for electricity in Puerto Rico I'm told 10:14.734 --> 10:16.811 is roughly twice what we pay here 10:16.811 --> 10:19.845 in the mainland and they have an opportunity. 10:19.845 --> 10:22.124 I talked with Governor Rossello yesterday, 10:22.124 --> 10:24.928 who I remember when he was basically a teenager, 10:24.928 --> 10:27.180 his dad and I were contemporaries together 10:27.180 --> 10:28.684 in the National Governors Association, 10:28.684 --> 10:30.652 but we talked about his vision. 10:30.652 --> 10:34.380 And his vision would be to move power generation 10:34.380 --> 10:37.220 from the South to the North where the people are, 10:37.220 --> 10:38.053 so you don't have to transmit 10:38.053 --> 10:39.682 all that electricity 10:39.682 --> 10:42.495 from one side of the island to the other. 10:42.495 --> 10:46.162 And to use natural gas, bring down the cost. 10:46.530 --> 10:48.610 And right now the diesel fuel comes from, 10:48.610 --> 10:50.793 I think, mostly from South America, 10:50.793 --> 10:52.238 including Venezuela. 10:52.238 --> 10:54.439 We're not sure that that's a good place 10:54.439 --> 10:55.812 to be dependent on. 10:55.812 --> 10:58.079 And the idea of having the ability of large ships 10:58.079 --> 11:00.794 to come in with natural gas to the North, 11:00.794 --> 11:02.934 to have power generation there, and to also. 11:02.934 --> 11:06.563 Governor said to me his goal in time is to step up 11:06.563 --> 11:08.994 increase independence on their generation of 11:08.994 --> 11:10.950 electricity from renewables, 11:10.950 --> 11:12.423 including solar and wind and others. 11:12.423 --> 11:15.604 Maybe including distributed generation of 11:15.604 --> 11:16.437 electricity and things like using fuel-cell 11:16.437 --> 11:19.354 powered generators for electricity, 11:21.856 --> 11:23.888 especially to help like at hospitals 11:23.888 --> 11:25.638 and places like that. 11:26.635 --> 11:28.548 The um. I wanna mention, 11:28.548 --> 11:32.548 go back to my prepared comments here if I could. 11:33.847 --> 11:35.367 I'm proud of our Delaware National Guard. 11:35.367 --> 11:37.274 We've had Delaware National Guard units deployed 11:37.274 --> 11:39.718 to Texas, to Florida, Puerto Rico, 11:39.718 --> 11:41.582 US Virgin Islands and we're grateful to 11:41.582 --> 11:42.415 the men and women. 11:42.415 --> 11:43.946 Not just to the Delaware National Guard but 11:43.946 --> 11:46.094 National Guards all over this part of the country 11:46.094 --> 11:48.927 that are part of this team effort. 11:50.583 --> 11:52.637 Miss John I hope that it the very near future 11:52.637 --> 11:55.426 we can actually have the governors of Texas, 11:55.426 --> 11:57.479 maybe the governors of Florida, Puerto Rico, 11:57.479 --> 12:00.080 the Virgin Islands before us so that we can hear 12:00.080 --> 12:02.719 their prospectives on what worked well, 12:02.719 --> 12:04.783 what didn't, how we could be more helpful. 12:04.783 --> 12:07.238 And maybe even include some like mayors. 12:07.238 --> 12:10.020 Sometimes we don't always wanna hear from people 12:10.020 --> 12:11.911 who are gonna be critical, 12:11.911 --> 12:13.321 but we need to hear folks that are critical 12:13.321 --> 12:14.633 as well as people who think that 12:14.633 --> 12:16.716 a good job has been done. 12:16.981 --> 12:17.814 I always like to say, 12:17.814 --> 12:19.045 'if it isn't perfect, make it better'. 12:19.045 --> 12:20.468 And that's I think if we could hear from 12:20.468 --> 12:23.533 governors, and I'm sure you have this in mind, 12:23.533 --> 12:24.366 governors and some other leaders 12:24.366 --> 12:25.683 that'd be helpful. 12:25.683 --> 12:27.213 I think we're at the beginning of a very long 12:27.213 --> 12:28.529 and difficult rebuilding effort: 12:28.529 --> 12:30.045 the cost, the devastation wrought 12:30.045 --> 12:32.632 by these hurricanes may well exceed 12:32.632 --> 12:35.541 300 billion dollars, 300 billion dollars. 12:35.541 --> 12:37.717 More than double the total economic damage 12:37.717 --> 12:40.990 of both Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005. 12:40.990 --> 12:42.972 We must ensure that the federal government is 12:42.972 --> 12:44.439 meeting the needs of the survivors of these 12:44.439 --> 12:46.189 disasters and at the same time, 12:46.189 --> 12:48.545 ensure that federal funds as the Chairman said 12:48.545 --> 12:50.429 are being used efficiently and effectively. 12:50.429 --> 12:53.445 Every dollar wasted is a dollar that won't be 12:53.445 --> 12:55.941 available to help Americans that are 12:55.941 --> 12:56.913 still in need. 12:56.913 --> 12:58.620 We've already started to hear of allegations of 12:58.620 --> 13:00.089 problematic mismanagement and questionable 13:00.089 --> 13:01.589 contracts and I'm. 13:02.980 --> 13:04.341 Many of us, I'm just gonna talk about this 13:04.341 --> 13:05.174 anyway. 13:05.174 --> 13:07.276 It's been discussed quite a bit but I don't think 13:07.276 --> 13:08.972 it can be discussed too much. 13:08.972 --> 13:10.656 A lot of us were shocked to learn of the 13:10.656 --> 13:12.016 300 million dollar contract to repair 13:12.016 --> 13:15.999 the electric grid that was awarded by the Puerta 13:15.999 --> 13:17.313 Rica, Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, 13:17.313 --> 13:19.151 PREPA to Whitefish energy. 13:19.151 --> 13:20.464 And as you know, country, 13:20.464 --> 13:23.074 a company with two full time employees existing 13:23.074 --> 13:26.670 for only two years ends up getting a 300 million 13:26.670 --> 13:29.037 dollar contract, heaven help us. 13:29.037 --> 13:32.454 Heaven help us, that's just unbelievable. 13:32.465 --> 13:34.811 Cannot overstate the urgent need to quickly 13:34.811 --> 13:37.515 restore power to repair homes, other structures, 13:37.515 --> 13:39.972 as well as to ensure the availability of safe and 13:39.972 --> 13:42.086 clean drinking water for all citizens of the 13:42.086 --> 13:43.253 United States. 13:43.986 --> 13:46.370 I talked about electric generation, 13:46.370 --> 13:48.777 I won't go into that further. 13:48.777 --> 13:51.154 Looking forward to going down. 13:51.154 --> 13:52.248 I think Senator Murkowski is gonna lead a 13:52.248 --> 13:54.868 delegation maybe as early as this weekend. 13:54.868 --> 13:56.266 I hope that's gonna come together and I would 13:56.266 --> 13:59.183 love to be a part of that with her. 13:59.188 --> 14:00.882 They have a fair amount of jurisdiction over 14:00.882 --> 14:03.741 this as does this committee as does Environmental 14:03.741 --> 14:07.908 (unintelligible) where I serve as well. 14:08.147 --> 14:12.064 I, um, think I'll finally just say I understand 14:14.233 --> 14:16.871 the time on which people an apply for individual 14:16.871 --> 14:19.273 assistance has been extended, maybe to March. 14:19.273 --> 14:20.683 Is that? Can someone nod their head on that, 14:20.683 --> 14:21.516 if that' correct. 14:21.516 --> 14:22.553 I think I heard something. 14:22.553 --> 14:24.177 - (unintelligible) 14:24.177 --> 14:25.958 - Okay, yeah. If you'll address that 14:25.958 --> 14:28.875 when you speak that would be great. 14:29.607 --> 14:30.440 And um, yep. 14:30.440 --> 14:31.573 Says right here, FEMA as of last night has 14:31.573 --> 14:34.115 extended the deadline to March. 14:34.115 --> 14:36.426 We're happy to hear of that. 14:36.426 --> 14:39.474 And um, uh, Mister Chairman, in closing 14:39.474 --> 14:41.138 I just want to say uh, a few words about the 14:41.138 --> 14:43.675 obligation that our federal government has to 14:43.675 --> 14:46.217 help rebuild when disasters strike our country, 14:46.217 --> 14:47.390 any party of our country, 14:47.390 --> 14:49.172 when extreme weather like this hits it's scary, 14:49.172 --> 14:51.821 it's dangerous, it's often far more powerful than 14:51.821 --> 14:53.235 we imagine it would be. 14:53.235 --> 14:54.871 For those of us who hasn't had the misfortune of 14:54.871 --> 14:56.677 living in the path of the worst destruction is 14:56.677 --> 14:57.786 hard to imagine. 14:57.786 --> 14:59.541 I've ridden out hurricanes that are just Navy 14:59.541 --> 15:00.557 Destroyer off the coast, 15:00.557 --> 15:02.007 the Atlantic coast. 15:02.007 --> 15:04.057 I've flown into monsoons in our Navy P3 Airplanes 15:04.057 --> 15:05.807 out in Pacific Ocean. 15:06.776 --> 15:08.438 Got run over by Katrina with a bunch of boy 15:08.438 --> 15:11.379 scouts on a sailboat coming down the 15:11.379 --> 15:13.629 coast of Florida during uh, 15:14.400 --> 15:15.799 during that storm. 15:15.799 --> 15:17.823 So had a little bit of taste of this stuff. 15:17.823 --> 15:19.656 It is scary as can be. 15:19.943 --> 15:21.466 But for the people who's reality has become a 15:21.466 --> 15:23.843 nightmare, they just want to know that there's a 15:23.843 --> 15:26.590 path to a better and a safer future. 15:26.590 --> 15:28.437 Clearing that path is a shared responsibility, 15:28.437 --> 15:29.270 though. 15:29.270 --> 15:30.714 The residents of Puerto Rico, their leaders, 15:30.714 --> 15:33.442 their governors, their others must do their part, 15:33.442 --> 15:34.275 but our Federal government has a 15:34.275 --> 15:36.551 moral obligation to help as well. 15:36.551 --> 15:38.878 Like the folks at Home Depot like to say, 15:38.878 --> 15:40.902 'you can do it, we can help'. 15:40.902 --> 15:43.378 And uh, that's, that I think applies here, too. 15:43.378 --> 15:44.998 Keeping with the spirit of the golden rule let's 15:44.998 --> 15:47.331 make sure we that we just do that. 15:47.331 --> 15:48.581 Thanks so much. 15:49.046 --> 15:51.908 - Thanks Senator Carper and I'd like my 15:51.908 --> 15:54.041 full opening statement, my written statement 15:54.041 --> 15:55.353 into the record. - And if I can make a similar 15:55.353 --> 15:56.625 request please, thank you. 15:56.625 --> 15:58.292 - Without objection. 15:59.007 --> 16:00.893 It is the tradition of this committee 16:00.893 --> 16:03.518 to swear in witnesses so if y'all rise and 16:03.518 --> 16:05.351 raise your right hand. 16:09.929 --> 16:11.362 Do you swear the testimony you will give 16:11.362 --> 16:12.799 before this committee will be the truth, 16:12.799 --> 16:14.017 the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, 16:14.017 --> 16:15.350 so help you God? 16:15.736 --> 16:16.569 - [Witnesses] We do. 16:16.569 --> 16:18.152 - Please be seated. 16:20.264 --> 16:22.459 Our first witness is Mr. Brock Long. 16:22.459 --> 16:23.618 Mr. Long is the Administrator of the 16:23.618 --> 16:25.887 Federal Emergency Management Agency. 16:25.887 --> 16:27.484 In his role he leads FEMA's workforce 16:27.484 --> 16:29.396 to fulfill it's mission responding to national 16:29.396 --> 16:31.291 disasters and emergencies facing 16:31.291 --> 16:33.759 the United States including the recent hurricanes 16:33.759 --> 16:35.676 Harvey, Irma and Maria. 16:36.284 --> 16:37.229 And Mr. Long I don't know how long you 16:37.229 --> 16:39.608 were on the job before Harvey hit, 16:39.608 --> 16:42.431 but again I just want to thank you for your, 16:42.431 --> 16:44.987 what I think is just extraordinary service 16:44.987 --> 16:47.987 over the last two and a half months. 16:48.286 --> 16:49.119 - [Brock] Thank you sir. 16:49.119 --> 16:50.503 Before I get started, um, 16:50.503 --> 16:51.580 I'd like to say that my thoughts and prayers are 16:51.580 --> 16:53.733 with ranking member McCaskill and her husband. 16:53.733 --> 16:57.162 Chairman Johnson, Senator Carper, as well as 16:57.162 --> 16:58.687 the distinguished members of this committee 16:58.687 --> 17:00.455 it's a pleasure to be here today. 17:00.455 --> 17:02.302 It truly has been unprecedented and 17:02.302 --> 17:04.422 I'm here to discuss anything you'd like to 17:04.422 --> 17:06.932 regarding the response and recovery efforts that 17:06.932 --> 17:08.496 my staff has helped coordinate across the Federal 17:08.496 --> 17:11.396 partnership when it comes to all the agencies 17:11.396 --> 17:13.396 that have been involved. 17:13.824 --> 17:16.015 Like me, what I've seen inside my agency is that 17:16.015 --> 17:17.761 I work every day with a bunch of, 17:17.761 --> 17:19.743 with with people who are truly dedicated. 17:19.743 --> 17:21.073 That truly come to work every day that want to 17:21.073 --> 17:23.255 save lives and help people, you know, 17:23.255 --> 17:25.868 get on the pathway to recovery as well as 17:25.868 --> 17:27.701 become more resilient. 17:27.992 --> 17:30.368 I've been in office 132 days. 17:30.368 --> 17:31.976 For 70 of those days we've been actively 17:31.976 --> 17:34.970 responding to Harvey, Irma, Maria and the 17:34.970 --> 17:38.553 extraordinary California wildfires as well. 17:39.774 --> 17:41.639 Each one of these events that I just spoke of 17:41.639 --> 17:44.556 could truly be catastrophic events, 17:44.953 --> 17:46.038 stand-alone events, 17:46.038 --> 17:47.857 but they happened in rapid succession 17:47.857 --> 17:49.274 of 25 day period, 17:49.626 --> 17:51.080 which is obviously unprecedented. 17:51.080 --> 17:55.163 Um, you know, Chairman Johnson in regards to this 17:55.353 --> 17:56.621 you know I think it's important to point out 17:56.621 --> 17:58.937 that before Harvey hit FEMA was responding to 17:58.937 --> 18:01.135 over 30 different disasters across the nation 18:01.135 --> 18:04.125 in many states that you folks represent. 18:04.125 --> 18:06.306 And, uh, not only in addition to those major 18:06.306 --> 18:07.523 disaster declarations, 18:07.523 --> 18:10.823 we were also responding to over 50 different fire 18:10.823 --> 18:12.740 management assistance grants, 18:12.740 --> 18:15.287 due to the wildfires that are taking place. 18:15.287 --> 18:18.668 Now, while there's many improvements to be made 18:18.668 --> 18:20.535 to ensure a whole community response and that the 18:20.535 --> 18:23.256 Nationalistic Management System continues to grow 18:23.256 --> 18:24.347 in a positive way, 18:24.347 --> 18:25.339 I do recognize that there are 18:25.339 --> 18:26.605 many challenges ahead, 18:26.605 --> 18:30.062 particularly when it comes to California, Texas, 18:30.062 --> 18:32.445 Florida, as well as the Virgin Islands 18:32.445 --> 18:33.778 and Puerto Rico. 18:33.918 --> 18:36.079 I want to put a couple of things into context 18:36.079 --> 18:39.529 about the magnitude of this recent response. 18:39.529 --> 18:41.846 If you start with Harvey all the way over to 18:41.846 --> 18:43.759 the California wildfires over 25 million 18:43.759 --> 18:45.455 Americans have been impacted. 18:45.455 --> 18:48.104 That's 12 percent of the population in basically 18:48.104 --> 18:51.937 a two month period or over 50 day time period. 18:52.011 --> 18:54.097 The FEMA search and rescue teams alone saved over 18:54.097 --> 18:55.097 9,000 lives. 18:55.344 --> 18:57.341 That's in addition to our DOD partners, 18:57.341 --> 19:00.322 Coast Guard partners, state and local partners, 19:00.322 --> 19:01.726 first responders, neighbors helping neighbors, 19:01.726 --> 19:04.770 like the Cajun Navy coming from Louisiana over to 19:04.770 --> 19:05.603 Houston. 19:05.679 --> 19:08.492 Tens of thousands of lives have been saved. 19:08.492 --> 19:10.292 Over four and a half million Americans have been 19:10.292 --> 19:11.965 registered inside FEMA's individual 19:11.965 --> 19:13.548 assistance program. 19:14.345 --> 19:16.515 That, put that number in context, that's greater 19:16.515 --> 19:18.183 than Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, 19:18.183 --> 19:21.000 Hurricane Wilma, Hurricane Rita combined. 19:21.000 --> 19:22.917 It's the fastest we've ever put people into our 19:22.917 --> 19:24.794 systems and we put over two and a half billion 19:24.794 --> 19:27.368 dollars in the hands of citizens across the 19:27.368 --> 19:29.755 country to start that road to recovery. 19:29.755 --> 19:32.187 We can't make ya whole but we can actually serve 19:32.187 --> 19:34.483 as a catalyst to help you recover. 19:34.483 --> 19:36.131 Over three point five billion dollars was 19:36.131 --> 19:38.326 expedited in our National Flood Insurance program 19:38.326 --> 19:41.076 immediately to our policyholders. 19:41.222 --> 19:42.818 That number's projected to grow to 16 or 17 19:42.818 --> 19:45.329 billion dollars just for Hurricanes 19:45.329 --> 19:47.162 Harvey and Irma alone. 19:48.776 --> 19:52.801 Since the onset of Hurricane Harvey on August 25, 19:52.801 --> 19:54.468 the nation has worked together with our mass-care 19:54.468 --> 19:56.617 partners: Red Cross, state and local partners, 19:56.617 --> 19:58.722 to shelter over one point one million Americans 19:58.722 --> 20:00.639 in congregate shelters. 20:00.679 --> 20:03.409 The peak population in one night was 200,000. 20:03.409 --> 20:04.937 That's unprecedented, we don't have numbers like 20:04.937 --> 20:06.354 that ever before. 20:06.873 --> 20:09.364 I also have reason to believe that the commodity 20:09.364 --> 20:11.016 mission and the humanitarian mission to 20:11.016 --> 20:12.511 Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, 20:12.511 --> 20:13.969 as well as all of the states, 20:13.969 --> 20:15.971 has been one of the largest humanitarian missions 20:15.971 --> 20:17.888 in the history of FEMA. 20:18.045 --> 20:20.594 Now while there's existing response and recovery 20:20.594 --> 20:23.135 challenges that need to be solved I think it's, 20:23.135 --> 20:25.285 Chairman Johnson in regards to your opening 20:25.285 --> 20:27.614 comments, it's important to point out that 20:27.614 --> 20:29.933 an optimal response and recovery process should 20:29.933 --> 20:31.811 be federally supported, state managed and 20:31.811 --> 20:33.728 locally executed, okay? 20:34.353 --> 20:36.049 Each level of government has a very critical 20:36.049 --> 20:39.239 role to play that we have to continue to define, 20:39.239 --> 20:41.129 what the responsibilities are and what the target 20:41.129 --> 20:43.046 capabilities should be. 20:43.074 --> 20:45.310 In the case of Puerto Rico they were hit by 20:45.310 --> 20:48.444 two major hurricanes in rapid succession, 20:48.444 --> 20:51.276 which created a diminished capacity not only 20:51.276 --> 20:54.030 were the responders now disaster survivor, 20:54.030 --> 20:56.140 but also the ability to respond 20:56.140 --> 20:57.517 was also compromised. 20:57.517 --> 20:59.887 That puts FEMA as the primary responder 20:59.887 --> 21:01.807 and pretty much the first responder which is 21:01.807 --> 21:03.493 never a good situation. 21:03.493 --> 21:05.028 When FEMA's the first and primary responder, 21:05.028 --> 21:07.235 and the only responder for many weeks, 21:07.235 --> 21:10.652 we're never gonna move as fast as anybody 21:10.938 --> 21:12.511 would like, and I recognize that. 21:12.511 --> 21:14.940 Moving forward, we continue to work every day 21:14.940 --> 21:17.336 to restore the power, particularly in Puerto Rico 21:17.336 --> 21:18.316 and Virgin Islands. 21:18.316 --> 21:20.085 Restoring the power solves a multitude of 21:20.085 --> 21:22.412 problems and it's gonna require our partners 21:22.412 --> 21:24.985 at the Army corps working hand-in-glove 21:24.985 --> 21:27.187 with Governor Rossello who I talk to on 21:27.187 --> 21:28.937 a very regular basis. 21:29.058 --> 21:30.979 We have to restore the hospitals and medical 21:30.979 --> 21:32.780 functions to pre-disaster conditions and consider 21:32.780 --> 21:34.225 how to make them more resilient 21:34.225 --> 21:35.336 in the future. 21:35.336 --> 21:37.397 Each one of the disaster housing missions is 21:37.397 --> 21:39.328 gonna be unique from California all the way to 21:39.328 --> 21:41.381 the Virgin Islands and we're working with, 21:41.381 --> 21:44.165 to rectify those issues every day. 21:44.165 --> 21:46.235 Clearing roads, fixing roads, getting rid of 21:46.235 --> 21:47.619 debris is also a major mission. 21:47.619 --> 21:51.145 There's three point five cubic yards of debris 21:51.145 --> 21:53.395 on Puerto Rico alone, okay. 21:53.574 --> 21:55.057 Communications and cell service is 21:55.057 --> 21:56.307 something else. 21:56.590 --> 21:58.639 That I believe we're up to about 85 percent 21:58.639 --> 22:00.396 for example on Puerto Rico. 22:00.396 --> 22:03.186 Retail industries back up to about 90 percent. 22:03.186 --> 22:05.713 The water systems are back up to about 22:05.713 --> 22:07.967 80 percent that PRASA organized and so progress 22:07.967 --> 22:10.357 is being made but we have a long way to go. 22:10.357 --> 22:11.524 In the future, 22:13.141 --> 22:14.906 I haven't had a chance to catch my breath, 22:14.906 --> 22:17.633 doing exhaustive after action review of all the 22:17.633 --> 22:19.310 things that just happened, 22:19.310 --> 22:20.483 what we've learned and where we should go, 22:20.483 --> 22:22.769 but I do have several ideas: 22:22.769 --> 22:26.436 I think as a community we have to streamline 22:26.486 --> 22:28.669 disaster recovery programs that are offered from 22:28.669 --> 22:30.717 across the federal government. 22:30.717 --> 22:32.464 We gotta simplify them, streamline them, 22:32.464 --> 22:35.076 make them easy to understand and help our 22:35.076 --> 22:36.983 state and local partners understand when 22:36.983 --> 22:38.335 to use these things. 22:38.335 --> 22:41.093 I'll be asking for your help to do that. 22:41.093 --> 22:42.837 Implemented and ensure survivable communications- 22:42.837 --> 22:44.862 we have to work with the private industry to 22:44.862 --> 22:47.432 make sure as we become more and more attached 22:47.432 --> 22:49.936 to our cell phones that the systems that are 22:49.936 --> 22:52.587 being implemented are resilient and redundant. 22:52.587 --> 22:54.612 We have to do more pre-disaster mitigation. 22:54.612 --> 22:56.581 Pre-disaster mitigation is the key to becoming 22:56.581 --> 22:59.599 more resilient in reducing disaster impacts. 22:59.599 --> 23:01.719 We have to ensure state and local governments, 23:01.719 --> 23:03.944 like Texas and Florida are the examples, 23:03.944 --> 23:05.894 have their own life sustainment commodity 23:05.894 --> 23:07.734 capabilities in that the federal government 23:07.734 --> 23:10.304 is not shouldering the entire burden. 23:10.304 --> 23:12.147 We have to find low to no cost ways to prepare 23:12.147 --> 23:14.360 our citizens and help our citizens be properly 23:14.360 --> 23:15.193 insured. 23:15.290 --> 23:17.135 Insurance is the first line of defense and those 23:17.135 --> 23:19.080 who are insured will recover quicker than those 23:19.080 --> 23:21.247 that don't have insurance. 23:21.936 --> 23:23.930 We have to ensure that state's and baseline level 23:23.930 --> 23:25.698 capabilities that states have their own baseline 23:25.698 --> 23:27.027 capabilities to handle individual assistance 23:27.027 --> 23:30.585 and public assistance when federal disaster 23:30.585 --> 23:33.140 declarations are not coming to town. 23:33.140 --> 23:34.822 And we also have to do a lot of work to fix 23:34.822 --> 23:36.239 the NFIP program. 23:37.087 --> 23:38.451 These are just some of the things that we have to 23:38.451 --> 23:40.175 work on and a multitude of another, 23:40.175 --> 23:43.003 of several more ideas that I have. 23:43.003 --> 23:44.164 I'm honored to be here and answer your 23:44.164 --> 23:44.997 questions today. 23:44.997 --> 23:45.830 Thank you. 23:47.053 --> 23:47.957 - Thank you Mr. Long. 23:47.957 --> 23:50.957 Our next witness is Robert Salesses. 23:51.250 --> 23:53.324 Mr. Salesses is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of 23:53.324 --> 23:55.745 Defense for Homeland Defense Integration and 23:55.745 --> 23:58.166 Defense Support of Civil Authorities. 23:58.166 --> 24:00.121 In this role he is responsible through 24:00.121 --> 24:01.913 development of policy for defense, 24:01.913 --> 24:04.041 support civil authorities and homeland security, 24:04.041 --> 24:05.717 inter-agency coordination. 24:05.717 --> 24:06.800 Mr. Salesses. 24:07.441 --> 24:09.578 - Thank you Chairman Johnson, Senator Carper, 24:09.578 --> 24:12.216 distinguished members of the committee. 24:12.216 --> 24:14.482 Thank you for the opportunity to testify on the 24:14.482 --> 24:16.705 Department of Defense's support of the federal 24:16.705 --> 24:20.538 response to hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. 24:21.624 --> 24:24.574 The Department of Defense is a fully committed 24:24.574 --> 24:26.620 a critical partner in the National Response 24:26.620 --> 24:27.453 System. 24:27.925 --> 24:30.573 DOD has a long tradition of working with 24:30.573 --> 24:32.992 our federal, state and local partners in 24:32.992 --> 24:37.075 responding to domestic disasters and emergencies. 24:37.515 --> 24:40.304 Led by Administrator Long and FEMA, 24:40.304 --> 24:42.315 DOD plays a key role in the federal government's 24:42.315 --> 24:45.398 support to state and local disasters. 24:45.582 --> 24:47.854 We also support other federal partners 24:47.854 --> 24:49.187 and departments, 24:49.561 --> 24:51.657 such as Health and Human Services, 24:51.657 --> 24:53.475 Department of Transportation, 24:53.475 --> 24:56.611 Department of Energy and their role as emergency 24:56.611 --> 24:58.528 support function leads. 24:59.173 --> 25:01.994 DOD is well prepared and has forces and 25:01.994 --> 25:05.744 capabilities ready to act immediately to save 25:05.872 --> 25:08.815 lives in the aftermath of disasters. 25:08.815 --> 25:11.821 DOD ensures a high level of preparedness 25:11.821 --> 25:14.154 by continually enhancing our 25:14.360 --> 25:16.110 integrative planning, 25:16.140 --> 25:17.478 improving our training, 25:17.478 --> 25:20.186 and conducting joint exercises between our 25:20.186 --> 25:23.019 federal, state and local partners. 25:23.056 --> 25:25.501 In advance of each of these hurricanes, 25:25.501 --> 25:28.169 Secretary of Defense directed DOD to provide 25:28.169 --> 25:31.047 full support to life saving life sustaining 25:31.047 --> 25:33.142 operations in coordination with 25:33.142 --> 25:34.892 our federal partners. 25:35.277 --> 25:38.733 Based on this direction, DOD postured significant 25:38.733 --> 25:42.400 capabilities: Navy ships, strategic airlift, 25:43.013 --> 25:46.430 helicopters, medical teams, and logistics 25:47.084 --> 25:49.303 prior to each of the hurricanes landfall to 25:49.303 --> 25:52.470 assist the citizens of Texas, Florida, 25:52.481 --> 25:55.648 Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. 25:55.796 --> 25:59.314 To date, the Department of Defense has responded 25:59.314 --> 26:03.397 to over 311 mission assignments from FEMA and our 26:03.513 --> 26:05.430 other federal partners. 26:05.699 --> 26:08.641 Using the total force in it's response, 26:08.641 --> 26:12.214 thousands of Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine, 26:12.214 --> 26:15.162 active, reserve and guard have responded to 26:15.162 --> 26:16.579 these hurricanes. 26:17.552 --> 26:19.631 Under the command of General Robinson, 26:19.631 --> 26:23.130 federal forces conducted search and rescue, 26:23.130 --> 26:25.681 evacuation operations, provided damage 26:25.681 --> 26:29.514 assessments, surveyed and made repairs to open 26:29.862 --> 26:33.945 airports and seaports, cleared critical roadways, 26:34.798 --> 26:37.786 transported life sustaining commodities of food 26:37.786 --> 26:41.178 and water, provided fuel distribution, conducted 26:41.178 --> 26:44.377 assessments of civilian hospitals, and provided 26:44.377 --> 26:48.210 medical support to include evacuating patients 26:48.604 --> 26:51.767 back to the continental United States. 26:51.767 --> 26:55.684 Additionally, US TransComm has flown over 2,800 26:56.320 --> 26:57.153 flights over the last 60 days in support of 26:57.153 --> 26:59.403 these hurricane operations, 27:01.461 --> 27:04.039 With over 1,900 flights in support of 27:04.039 --> 27:06.771 Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. 27:06.771 --> 27:08.870 Transporting urgent first responders, 27:08.870 --> 27:10.383 like FEMA's urgent, urban, search and rescue 27:10.383 --> 27:13.383 teams, HHS's disaster medical teams, 27:15.242 --> 27:17.815 relief supplies and equipment, and evacuating 27:17.815 --> 27:20.732 hundreds of residents and patients. 27:20.970 --> 27:23.931 The defense logistics agency has provided 27:23.931 --> 27:25.906 millions of gallons of fuel, 27:25.906 --> 27:29.989 over 850 generators, more than 100 million meals, 27:30.875 --> 27:34.292 and millions of liters of waters and life 27:34.732 --> 27:36.649 sustaining commodities. 27:36.882 --> 27:38.968 The US Army Corps of Engineers conducted flood 27:38.968 --> 27:42.412 mitigation operations in Houston and Puerto Rico, 27:42.412 --> 27:46.012 conducted maritime port surveys and openings 27:46.012 --> 27:47.841 along with the US Coast Guard, 27:47.841 --> 27:50.153 installed temporary roofs to enable people to 27:50.153 --> 27:51.820 stay in their homes, 27:51.829 --> 27:54.558 provided temporary emergency power to over 550 27:54.558 --> 27:56.128 critical facilities. 27:56.128 --> 27:58.773 These included hospitals, fire stations, 27:58.773 --> 28:02.113 police stations and other municipal buildings. 28:02.113 --> 28:04.030 And more significantly, 28:04.127 --> 28:05.706 continues to work to restore Puerto Rico's 28:05.706 --> 28:08.760 electric grid and it's pre-storm status. 28:08.760 --> 28:10.592 A new and unique mission for the corps of 28:10.592 --> 28:12.548 engineers and it's under the role of the 28:12.548 --> 28:13.631 Stafford Act. 28:14.335 --> 28:16.786 Our military services at the installation level 28:16.786 --> 28:19.724 also provided critical transportation, 28:19.724 --> 28:23.557 logistics, medical services to local officials 28:24.467 --> 28:26.284 and their communities under immediate response 28:26.284 --> 28:30.181 authority, and thousands of Army and Air National 28:30.181 --> 28:32.693 Guard personnel working with the respective 28:32.693 --> 28:35.443 governors from the affected states. 28:35.443 --> 28:37.047 And the supporting states conducted 28:37.047 --> 28:40.369 search and rescue, evacuation operations, 28:40.369 --> 28:41.924 commodities distribution, 28:41.924 --> 28:45.091 and other critical support operations. 28:45.481 --> 28:47.217 The men and women of the defense department, 28:47.217 --> 28:48.578 military and civilian, 28:48.578 --> 28:51.325 were ready and acted with a great sense of 28:51.325 --> 28:55.325 urgency in responding to Harvey, Irma and Maria. 28:56.713 --> 28:59.164 Chairman Johnson, Senator Carper, 28:59.164 --> 29:01.426 distinguished members of the committee, 29:01.426 --> 29:03.412 thank you for the opportunity to appear today. 29:03.412 --> 29:05.399 I look forward to your questions. 29:05.399 --> 29:08.269 - Thank you senator, er, Secretary Salessas. 29:08.269 --> 29:10.642 Our next witness if Major General Donald Jackson. 29:10.642 --> 29:12.827 General Jackson is the Deputy Commanding General 29:12.827 --> 29:14.435 for civil and emergency operations for the 29:14.435 --> 29:16.502 US Army Corps of Engineers. 29:16.502 --> 29:18.203 General Jackson oversees the work of the 29:18.203 --> 29:20.237 Army Corps in responding to major disasters, 29:20.237 --> 29:22.808 such as the major hurricanes that recently 29:22.808 --> 29:23.641 hit the United States. 29:23.641 --> 29:24.974 General Jackson. 29:25.647 --> 29:27.034 - Chairman Johnson, Senator Carper, 29:27.034 --> 29:28.635 distinguished members of the committee, 29:28.635 --> 29:30.081 my name is Major General Ed Jackson, 29:30.081 --> 29:31.848 Deputy Commanding General for civil and emergency 29:31.848 --> 29:34.654 operations, US Army Corps of Engineers. 29:34.654 --> 29:37.081 Thank you for the opportunity to testify today. 29:37.081 --> 29:38.986 The Corps conducts emergency response activities 29:38.986 --> 29:40.333 under two basic authorities: 29:40.333 --> 29:43.258 The Stafford Act and Public Law 8499. 29:43.258 --> 29:45.115 Under the Stafford Act we support FEMA 29:45.115 --> 29:46.916 under the national response framework as the lead 29:46.916 --> 29:49.741 federal agency for emergency sport function three, 29:49.741 --> 29:51.761 public works and engineering. 29:51.761 --> 29:54.105 ESF3 provides temporary emergency power, 29:54.105 --> 29:56.117 temporary roofing, debris management, 29:56.117 --> 29:57.528 infrastructure assessment, 29:57.528 --> 29:59.476 critical public facility restoration and 29:59.476 --> 30:00.976 temporary housing. 30:01.245 --> 30:04.365 Under Public Law 8499 we prepare for disasters, 30:04.365 --> 30:05.865 through planning, coordination and training 30:05.865 --> 30:07.675 with local, state and federal partners. 30:07.675 --> 30:09.452 We assist state and local entities to implement 30:09.452 --> 30:12.425 advanced measures that prevent or reduce storm 30:12.425 --> 30:15.123 event damages, and we repair damage to authorize 30:15.123 --> 30:16.662 federal projects and work with states and 30:16.662 --> 30:18.431 municipalities to rehabilitate and restore 30:18.431 --> 30:21.191 eligible non-federal flood infrastructure to 30:21.191 --> 30:22.858 pre-storm condition. 30:23.258 --> 30:25.269 When disasters occur corps teams and other 30:25.269 --> 30:26.929 resources are mobilized from across the command 30:26.929 --> 30:28.512 to assist local offices with their response 30:28.512 --> 30:29.595 to the event. 30:30.038 --> 30:32.025 As part of this mission the Corps has more than 50 30:32.025 --> 30:33.629 specially trained teams supported by 30:33.629 --> 30:35.487 emergency contracts that perform a wide range of 30:35.487 --> 30:38.508 public works and engineering related support 30:38.508 --> 30:40.569 functions that I just described. 30:40.569 --> 30:42.670 The Corps uses pre-awarded contracts that can be 30:42.670 --> 30:44.548 quickly activated for missions such as debris 30:44.548 --> 30:45.883 removal, temporary roofing 30:45.883 --> 30:47.592 and generator installation. 30:47.592 --> 30:49.282 This year the Corps supported FEMA- led 30:49.282 --> 30:50.954 federal response in recovery operations in 30:50.954 --> 30:53.200 support of multiple events, including hurricanes 30:53.200 --> 30:55.117 Harvey, Irma and Maria. 30:55.571 --> 30:58.196 FEMA directed 37 mission assignments to the Corps 30:58.196 --> 31:00.005 to assist in hurricane Harvey response 31:00.005 --> 31:00.842 and recovery. 31:00.842 --> 31:02.636 Currently the Corps has 183 employees 31:02.636 --> 31:03.886 still deployed. 31:04.128 --> 31:06.051 The Corps assisted in temporary emergency power 31:06.051 --> 31:07.856 and continues to support the state of Texas 31:07.856 --> 31:09.336 with the development and implementation of a 31:09.336 --> 31:12.085 temporary housing project management plan. 31:12.085 --> 31:15.554 Debris teams led by Corps subject matter experts 31:15.554 --> 31:16.772 continue providing state and local municipalities 31:16.772 --> 31:18.642 with debris technical assistance to define 31:18.642 --> 31:20.807 requirements and monitor debris removal and 31:20.807 --> 31:23.012 disposal operations in 15 counties. 31:23.012 --> 31:26.262 FEMA directed 81 mission assignments to 31:26.460 --> 31:28.450 the Corps to assist in hurricanes Irma and Maria 31:28.450 --> 31:29.922 response and recovery. 31:29.922 --> 31:32.318 Currently the Corps has over 1,500 personnel 31:32.318 --> 31:33.151 deployed. 31:33.482 --> 31:36.213 As of this morning, the Corps has completed about 31:36.213 --> 31:39.412 1,000 assessments and 550 temporary generator 31:39.412 --> 31:41.789 installations across the Caribbean. 31:41.789 --> 31:44.404 This includes about 250 assessments and 150 31:44.404 --> 31:47.091 generator installations in the US Virgin Islands, 31:47.091 --> 31:49.365 and 750 assessments and 400 generator 31:49.365 --> 31:51.709 installations in Puerto Rico. 31:51.709 --> 31:53.705 Under FEMA authority we were also assisting 31:53.705 --> 31:55.308 Puerto Rico with operation and maintenance of 31:55.308 --> 31:57.324 critical and non-federal generators across 31:57.324 --> 31:58.241 the island. 31:58.925 --> 32:01.973 The Corps has completed over 13,000 temporary 32:01.973 --> 32:02.806 roofing installations in Florida 32:02.806 --> 32:03.639 and is on track to 32:03.639 --> 32:05.508 complete the mission by the third of November. 32:05.508 --> 32:07.320 We also have completed over 6,000 temporary 32:07.320 --> 32:09.816 roofing installations across the Caribbean, 32:09.816 --> 32:12.232 including over 2,000 in the US Virgin Islands 32:12.232 --> 32:14.315 and 4,000 in Puerto Rico. 32:14.639 --> 32:16.282 Roofing requirements in both the US Virgin 32:16.282 --> 32:18.326 Islands and Puerto Rico have been extensive, 32:18.326 --> 32:20.007 requiring additional material and construction 32:20.007 --> 32:22.658 support which initially slowed progress. 32:22.658 --> 32:24.679 We have adjusted added capacity and are now 32:24.679 --> 32:27.172 seeing daily improvements in both locations. 32:27.172 --> 32:29.060 Corps debris subject matter experts provided 32:29.060 --> 32:31.171 technical assistance in counties across Florida 32:31.171 --> 32:33.616 and Georgia in response to Hurricane Irma, 32:33.616 --> 32:35.254 and continue to provide oversight to five regions 32:35.254 --> 32:36.901 within the Florida Department of Emergency 32:36.901 --> 32:37.818 Management. 32:38.216 --> 32:39.947 The Corps is working to remove an estimated 32:39.947 --> 32:41.778 one million cubic yards of debris from the 32:41.778 --> 32:44.085 US Virgin Islands and six million cubic yards 32:44.085 --> 32:46.168 of debris in Puerto Rico. 32:46.342 --> 32:48.227 The Corps worked closely with the US Coast Guard, 32:48.227 --> 32:49.688 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 32:49.688 --> 32:51.881 Administration and local authorities to open 32:51.881 --> 32:53.365 harbors and navigation channels across all 32:53.365 --> 32:56.046 affected areas, critical to restoring commerce 32:56.046 --> 32:57.968 and allowing the flow of commodities and 32:57.968 --> 32:59.497 essential equipment to reach affected 32:59.497 --> 33:00.497 communities. 33:01.036 --> 33:02.406 The Corps worked closely with officials in 33:02.406 --> 33:05.647 Texas and Florida to manage local flood control 33:05.647 --> 33:06.948 reservoirs during periods of unprecedented 33:06.948 --> 33:07.781 rainfall. 33:08.172 --> 33:09.905 In Puerto Rico Corps dam and levy teams inspected 33:09.905 --> 33:12.977 17 priority dams and worked closely with the 33:12.977 --> 33:14.722 Puerto Rico electric power authority to stabilize 33:14.722 --> 33:17.722 a spillway failure at Guajataca dam. 33:17.806 --> 33:20.934 Additionally, the Corps teams cleared existing 33:20.934 --> 33:23.917 outflow conduits and placed emergency pumps to 33:23.917 --> 33:24.934 further reduce water levels in the dam yet 33:24.934 --> 33:26.772 restore flow to a critical treatment plant 33:26.772 --> 33:29.974 that supports the needs of over 30,000 people. 33:29.974 --> 33:32.262 On September 30th the Corps was given a FEMA 33:32.262 --> 33:33.990 mission assignment under Stafford Act 33:33.990 --> 33:36.808 Authority to assist the Puerto Rico electric 33:36.808 --> 33:38.057 power authority in conducting emergency repairs 33:38.057 --> 33:40.140 to the power grid itself. 33:40.252 --> 33:41.592 The Corps is partnering with PREPA in this effort 33:41.592 --> 33:44.166 and has established a general officer senior executive 33:44.166 --> 33:45.416 led task force, 33:45.453 --> 33:47.238 as well as three area offices on the island 33:47.238 --> 33:49.701 to oversee work and provide technical assistance. 33:49.701 --> 33:51.542 The Department of Energy has embedded experts 33:51.542 --> 33:53.028 in our team and continues to assist 33:53.028 --> 33:54.278 in our efforts. 33:54.376 --> 33:55.712 Within two weeks of receiving the mission 33:55.712 --> 33:57.749 assignment the Corps awarded contracts for 33:57.749 --> 33:59.480 large-scale temporary power generation to 33:59.480 --> 34:02.536 stabilize the grid in San Juan and for additional 34:02.536 --> 34:04.695 line repair assets that will assist ongoing 34:04.695 --> 34:06.987 efforts by PREPA to complete the mission as 34:06.987 --> 34:08.654 quickly as possible. 34:08.751 --> 34:10.023 The Corps remains fully committed and capable of 34:10.023 --> 34:11.827 executing it's other civil works activities 34:11.827 --> 34:14.266 across the nation despite our heavy involvement 34:14.266 --> 34:15.099 in these ongoing response 34:15.099 --> 34:16.731 and recovery operations. 34:16.731 --> 34:18.712 We also remain ready and poised to assist any 34:18.712 --> 34:21.223 future events as they may occur. 34:21.223 --> 34:22.724 This concludes my testimony and I look forward 34:22.724 --> 34:24.267 to answering any questions you might have. 34:24.267 --> 34:25.100 Thank you. 34:25.286 --> 34:26.177 - Thank you General Jackson. 34:26.177 --> 34:28.302 Our final witness is Doctor Robert Kadlec. 34:28.302 --> 34:30.338 Dr. Kadlec is the Assistant Secretary for 34:30.338 --> 34:32.255 Preparedness and Response to the Department 34:32.255 --> 34:33.728 of Health and Human Services. 34:33.728 --> 34:35.263 Dr. Kadlec coordinates the department's medical 34:35.263 --> 34:38.096 assistance after a major disaster, 34:38.118 --> 34:40.478 including sending teams and medical profesionals 34:40.478 --> 34:41.787 to affected areas in working with 34:41.787 --> 34:44.120 local hospitals. Dr. Kadlec. 34:44.166 --> 34:46.187 - Thank you very much Chairman Johnson, 34:46.187 --> 34:47.669 Senator Carper and members of the committee. 34:47.669 --> 34:49.378 It is a privilege to appear before you to 34:49.378 --> 34:50.660 discuss our nation's medical and public 34:50.660 --> 34:54.243 health response as Director Long identified 34:54.799 --> 34:56.948 an unprecedented series of category four and 34:56.948 --> 34:58.696 five hurricanes that hit the US mainland 34:58.696 --> 35:01.446 and it's territories this season. 35:02.013 --> 35:04.083 HHS as well as our inter-agency partners: 35:04.083 --> 35:07.250 FEMA, DHS, VA and DOD have pushed many 35:07.596 --> 35:10.003 organizational and historical boundaries to 35:10.003 --> 35:11.739 save lives and support communities and people 35:11.739 --> 35:13.822 impacted by these storms. 35:14.544 --> 35:16.198 I fully recognize the regions in Puerto Rico 35:16.198 --> 35:18.419 and the Virgin Islands where people are still 35:18.419 --> 35:20.336 facing dire conditions. 35:21.231 --> 35:23.726 I saw the devastation first hand and can ensure 35:23.726 --> 35:26.743 you that HHS continues our response at 35:26.743 --> 35:29.265 110 percent effort and will continue to work 35:29.265 --> 35:31.622 as hard as we can until the conditions improve 35:31.622 --> 35:34.004 and we can bring people back to recovery. 35:34.004 --> 35:35.924 Since this is my first time testifying before 35:35.924 --> 35:37.417 this committee I'll just begin with a brief 35:37.417 --> 35:40.834 description of this position called ASPR. 35:41.164 --> 35:44.131 Sir, in response to your comments, Mr. Chairman, 35:44.131 --> 35:46.285 about Katrina, the ASPR was created almost 35:46.285 --> 35:49.069 11 years ago in response to Hurricane Katrina 35:49.069 --> 35:52.117 by the Pandemic and All Hazard Preparedness Act. 35:52.117 --> 35:52.950 It's objective was simple to create 35:52.950 --> 35:55.940 unity of command by consolidating all of 35:55.940 --> 35:56.801 HHS public health and 35:56.801 --> 35:59.416 medical preparedness and response functions 35:59.416 --> 36:00.833 under one person. 36:00.965 --> 36:03.171 I had the privilege of being the Staff Director of 36:03.171 --> 36:05.121 the Senate subcommittee that drafted 36:05.121 --> 36:06.538 this legislation. 36:06.999 --> 36:09.036 ASPR's mission is to save lives and protect 36:09.036 --> 36:11.324 America from health security threats. 36:11.324 --> 36:13.959 On behalf of HHS, ASPR leads public health and 36:13.959 --> 36:16.330 medical response to disasters and emergencies 36:16.330 --> 36:18.513 in accordance with national response framework 36:18.513 --> 36:20.669 and emergency support function number eight, 36:20.669 --> 36:22.528 which includes all our Federal partners 36:22.528 --> 36:25.335 which are here seated at this dius. 36:25.335 --> 36:27.009 Today the threats facing our country are 36:27.009 --> 36:30.092 increasingly diverse and more lethal. 36:30.182 --> 36:31.542 My main objective is to improve national 36:31.542 --> 36:33.061 readiness and response capabilities for 36:33.061 --> 36:35.144 the 21st century threats. 36:35.732 --> 36:38.971 I'm doing that through four key priority efforts: 36:38.971 --> 36:40.409 strong leadership, 36:40.409 --> 36:42.391 creating a national disaster healthcare system 36:42.391 --> 36:44.641 as director Long identified 36:45.159 --> 36:45.992 that is more resilient and 36:45.992 --> 36:47.296 capable to the challenges that we face 36:47.296 --> 36:48.463 in the future, 36:48.922 --> 36:51.139 sustain a robust and reliable health security 36:51.139 --> 36:54.349 capabilities that again reside at the state and local 36:54.349 --> 36:55.182 level, and again are the backbone of any response 36:55.182 --> 36:58.182 to any future disaster circumstance, 37:00.022 --> 37:01.266 and then lastly advance an 37:01.266 --> 37:03.945 innovative medial counter-measure enterprise. 37:03.945 --> 37:07.381 During hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria and Nate, 37:07.381 --> 37:10.053 their severity and near simultaneity created 37:10.053 --> 37:13.181 unique challenges, especially in Puerto Rico 37:13.181 --> 37:16.744 where no place, no person, no life was untouched. 37:16.744 --> 37:18.240 During my trip there I was overwhelmed by the 37:18.240 --> 37:20.599 resilience of our fellow citizens who are making 37:20.599 --> 37:23.681 due in an extraordinarily difficult situations 37:23.681 --> 37:25.396 that have continued to improve over time 37:25.396 --> 37:27.345 because of the extraordinary efforts of the 37:27.345 --> 37:29.039 people and the people in the agencies 37:29.039 --> 37:31.280 are represented here today. 37:31.280 --> 37:33.152 Our response for strategy for health emergencies 37:33.152 --> 37:34.784 have been three fold. 37:34.784 --> 37:36.932 First save lives, principally through the 37:36.932 --> 37:39.467 deployment of our disaster medical assistant teams. 37:39.467 --> 37:42.415 You should be proud to know that I met with your 37:42.415 --> 37:45.945 fellow citizens from your states during my trips 37:45.945 --> 37:49.445 down to Florida, Texas, and to Puerto Rico 37:49.881 --> 37:52.839 were folks from Oklahoma, from Wisconsin, 37:52.839 --> 37:55.579 from Delaware and from New Hampshire were aiding 37:55.579 --> 37:57.797 their fellow citizens first hand. 37:57.797 --> 38:00.789 Second, is to stabilize the healthcare system, 38:00.789 --> 38:04.122 ensuring with FEMA such a very important 38:04.449 --> 38:08.055 activities such as uninterrupted fuel supplies, 38:08.055 --> 38:09.782 portable water supplies, could be delivered 38:09.782 --> 38:12.735 not only to hospitals but to dialysis clinics to 38:12.735 --> 38:16.136 ensure that these vital systems stayed in place. 38:16.136 --> 38:19.528 And lastly, is to restore healthcare services that 38:19.528 --> 38:23.195 need to be recovered to pre-disaster levels. 38:24.742 --> 38:27.760 In Puerto Rico, frankly we're still responding. 38:27.760 --> 38:29.512 In other areas recovery is underway. 38:29.512 --> 38:31.809 In order to save lives, as I mentioned, 38:31.809 --> 38:33.507 ASPR activated the National Disaster Medical 38:33.507 --> 38:35.742 System and deployed more than 2,900 medical 38:35.742 --> 38:38.155 personnel from 21 states and hundreds of other 38:38.155 --> 38:40.932 federal employees, including US public health 38:40.932 --> 38:43.555 service commission Corps personnel. 38:43.555 --> 38:45.285 For each of these storms we deployed teams even 38:45.285 --> 38:47.443 before the hurricanes made landfall, 38:47.443 --> 38:49.972 so they were ready to respond immediately 38:49.972 --> 38:51.657 once the storm passed. 38:51.657 --> 38:53.349 In total we've cared for more than 38:53.349 --> 38:54.990 22,000 patients in the affected states 38:54.990 --> 38:58.448 and territories, 12,400 in Puerto Rico alone 38:58.448 --> 39:00.844 and sent 950 tons of medical equipment and 39:00.844 --> 39:03.448 supplies to these affected areas. 39:03.448 --> 39:05.423 I'm happy to answer any questions you may have, 39:05.423 --> 39:06.715 and thank you again for the opportunity 39:06.715 --> 39:08.965 to appear before you today. 39:09.324 --> 39:11.235 - Thank you Dr. Kadlec. 39:11.235 --> 39:14.735 I'd like to start with Administrator Long. 39:15.225 --> 39:19.392 Mr. Long you talked about (stutters) 39:19.554 --> 39:21.279 you're in a real kinda danger zone 39:21.279 --> 39:22.696 when FEMA is the, 39:23.506 --> 39:25.878 in charge of the first responding. 39:25.878 --> 39:28.628 When you're no longer subordinate 39:29.116 --> 39:30.228 but you're leading the whole effort. 39:30.228 --> 39:33.645 Can you just describe really how it's all 39:33.756 --> 39:37.256 supposed to work and why that's a problem. 39:37.323 --> 39:38.672 - Sure, so (clears throat). 39:38.672 --> 39:40.787 If you look at the Stafford Act, the Stafford Act 39:40.787 --> 39:44.073 is designed to support state and local efforts. 39:44.073 --> 39:46.807 And the way disaster declarations work is that 39:46.807 --> 39:48.396 when a local government's capacity has been 39:48.396 --> 39:50.619 exceeded they call upon county-to-county mutual 39:50.619 --> 39:52.817 aide first, or other mutual aide agreements to 39:52.817 --> 39:54.443 see if they can mitigate the disaster 39:54.443 --> 39:55.629 and the response. 39:55.629 --> 39:57.629 If that's not an option, 39:57.653 --> 39:58.490 or if that's not working 39:58.490 --> 40:01.197 or the capacity has further been expanded, 40:01.197 --> 40:02.765 then they'll call upon the state. 40:02.765 --> 40:05.156 The governor will issue a state of emergency and 40:05.156 --> 40:07.253 then the state will try to rectify as much as it 40:07.253 --> 40:09.336 can the disaster at hand. 40:09.352 --> 40:12.523 And then once that's been exhausted or the state 40:12.523 --> 40:14.411 recognizes that it's beyond their capacity, 40:14.411 --> 40:16.662 they call upon the federal government and we 40:16.662 --> 40:18.162 begin to mobilize. 40:18.708 --> 40:20.741 In many cases, you've seen the National Incident 40:20.741 --> 40:23.233 Management System in the whole community work 40:23.233 --> 40:25.295 and the successful model was in Texas, 40:25.295 --> 40:26.320 it was in Florida, 40:26.320 --> 40:28.507 and it's now in California. 40:28.507 --> 40:30.652 While everything never runs as perfect, 40:30.652 --> 40:34.485 for the most part it's operating as it should. 40:35.289 --> 40:38.770 What we have to do in regards to Puerto Rico, 40:38.770 --> 40:40.593 Virgin Islands and other island territories is 40:40.593 --> 40:42.770 to ensure that they have management 40:42.770 --> 40:44.258 infrastructure in place at both 40:44.258 --> 40:45.688 the state and the local level, 40:45.688 --> 40:48.538 and that we can also make sure that we have 40:48.538 --> 40:50.624 survivable communications. 40:50.624 --> 40:52.765 Any time we lose communications and completely 40:52.765 --> 40:55.169 black out like we did in Puerto Rico, 40:55.169 --> 40:57.830 it's hard to obtain situational awareness and 40:57.830 --> 41:00.271 fully understand what the true response and 41:00.271 --> 41:01.854 recovery needs are. 41:01.931 --> 41:05.410 - Now, you've only been on the job for 132 days, 41:05.410 --> 41:07.071 but I guess who's keeping track? 41:07.071 --> 41:08.541 Apparently you are. 41:08.541 --> 41:11.194 Um, but you've been involved in disaster 41:11.194 --> 41:13.194 response for many years. 41:14.893 --> 41:16.810 Has there been a shift, 41:16.953 --> 41:18.250 I mean have we created moral hazard, 41:18.250 --> 41:20.412 is there more growing reliance on the federal 41:20.412 --> 41:24.042 government being that first responder and being 41:24.042 --> 41:25.481 primarily responsible as opposed to 41:25.481 --> 41:26.981 being subordinate? 41:28.676 --> 41:30.135 - That's a great question. 41:30.135 --> 41:31.686 I believe that would be in pockets, you know. 41:31.686 --> 41:33.957 Some of the states they're very capable states 41:33.957 --> 41:36.793 and then there's some states where I believe, 41:36.793 --> 41:38.507 for example maybe we need to take a look at which 41:38.507 --> 41:40.618 states actually have rainy day funds and actually 41:40.618 --> 41:42.826 have mechanisms to be able to implement their own 41:42.826 --> 41:45.753 individual and public assistance programs 41:45.753 --> 41:49.602 when federal disaster assistance is not coming. 41:49.602 --> 41:52.269 I also believe that many states, 41:52.843 --> 41:54.343 or several states, 41:54.391 --> 41:56.200 have their own ability to run life-saving 41:56.200 --> 41:57.712 commodity capabilities. 41:57.712 --> 41:59.647 They have the ability to handle the first 72 to 41:59.647 --> 42:02.286 120 hours where other states have not addressed 42:02.286 --> 42:05.286 those issues, or island territories. 42:05.495 --> 42:06.987 And so I think we do have to go back and 42:06.987 --> 42:09.701 you know, reestablish with our state and local 42:09.701 --> 42:12.347 partners what is the baseline effort that should 42:12.347 --> 42:14.150 be there and clearly put forward those 42:14.150 --> 42:17.479 capabilities to make sure that we are prepared 42:17.479 --> 42:18.562 to back fill. 42:18.716 --> 42:20.962 One of the things I want to do is I want to 42:20.962 --> 42:22.768 develop state integration teams. 42:22.768 --> 42:25.117 I want to move beyond my regional offices that 42:25.117 --> 42:28.393 I have and put full time staff in with the state 42:28.393 --> 42:30.228 agencies and island territories to make sure 42:30.228 --> 42:32.925 that we're truly doing real integrative planning 42:32.925 --> 42:34.342 on a daily basis. 42:34.347 --> 42:37.153 That FEMA is part of the conversation every day 42:37.153 --> 42:39.986 so that we fully understand how to support all 42:39.986 --> 42:42.986 governors when called upon directly. 42:43.247 --> 42:45.577 - So that might be a pretty good action item here 42:45.577 --> 42:47.173 is when you have time, 42:47.173 --> 42:49.004 go back and really do a state by state, 42:49.004 --> 42:51.069 territory by territory assessment in terms of 42:51.069 --> 42:53.670 their emergency management system. 42:53.670 --> 42:56.550 Whether it's finding the way it's prepared. 42:56.550 --> 42:57.883 We'll note that. 42:58.597 --> 43:01.180 Finally, as I left Puerto Rico, 43:02.620 --> 43:04.003 to me it was just all about power, power 43:04.003 --> 43:04.836 and power. 43:05.422 --> 43:07.085 You've got a disaster, 43:07.085 --> 43:09.506 you've got a crisis already but it will grow 43:09.506 --> 43:10.589 if we don't establish power. 43:10.589 --> 43:11.776 So I'd like to talk to, 43:11.776 --> 43:13.868 ask the Administrator and also the general: 43:13.868 --> 43:15.201 where are we at? 43:15.347 --> 43:18.823 What are the prospects at reestablishing power? 43:18.823 --> 43:20.656 What do we have to do? 43:20.970 --> 43:22.828 - Sir right now I'm exercising under the 43:22.828 --> 43:26.077 Stafford Act Emergency Authorities which is why 43:26.077 --> 43:28.086 we mentioned signing the Army Corps of Engineers. 43:28.086 --> 43:30.825 It was the right thing to do initially because 43:30.825 --> 43:34.242 of the diminished capacity on the island. 43:34.594 --> 43:36.823 They're mobilizing under emergency authorities 43:36.823 --> 43:40.240 to rebuild the grid to US code standards. 43:44.045 --> 43:45.659 The discussion that needs to be taken after that 43:45.659 --> 43:46.509 is how do we build a power grid 43:46.509 --> 43:47.543 that is resilient? 43:47.543 --> 43:49.804 That's going to require authorities far greater 43:49.804 --> 43:53.304 than the Stafford Act to forge me at FEMA. 43:53.565 --> 43:55.942 Typically what we have to do is restore to a 43:55.942 --> 43:57.923 pre-disaster condition but obviously that is not 43:57.923 --> 44:00.538 optimal and not the way I would ever recommend 44:00.538 --> 44:01.994 this country to go. 44:01.994 --> 44:04.819 We do no want to be back in this situation again 44:04.819 --> 44:07.343 after having this disaster and an opportunity 44:07.343 --> 44:08.522 to change is so I'll 44:08.522 --> 44:11.189 turn it over to General Johnson. 44:12.421 --> 44:14.524 - Mr. Chairman, first of all, 44:14.524 --> 44:16.558 I think the grid today is slightly over 44:16.558 --> 44:19.069 33 percent restored based upon the basic load 44:19.069 --> 44:20.830 that it had before the storm. 44:20.830 --> 44:22.189 So there's incremental progress 44:22.189 --> 44:23.689 that's being made. 44:24.378 --> 44:26.793 So the line repair and the restoration activities 44:26.793 --> 44:27.890 that have been done up to this point have been 44:27.890 --> 44:29.057 done by PREPA, 44:29.077 --> 44:31.568 and the Corps of Engineers has done a few things 44:31.568 --> 44:33.894 in terms of getting personnel on the ground. 44:33.894 --> 44:37.477 We installed a 50 megawatt generator at the 44:38.567 --> 44:41.122 Palacio plant just within the last week that 44:41.122 --> 44:44.136 helped to stabilize the grid in the greater 44:44.136 --> 44:45.768 San Juan area and it added about 40 megawatts 44:45.768 --> 44:48.267 to the system today and yesterday which has been 44:48.267 --> 44:51.017 very helpful in upping the power. 44:51.319 --> 44:53.333 We're approaching this in a number of 44:53.333 --> 44:54.577 different ways. 44:54.577 --> 44:56.397 First of all the normal authorities that the Corps 44:56.397 --> 44:59.584 of engineers have under the Stafford Act or ESF3, 44:59.584 --> 45:00.989 temporary emergency power 45:00.989 --> 45:02.745 which are generator installations. 45:02.745 --> 45:04.982 So what we've done typically is we will come into 45:04.982 --> 45:07.040 an affected area, we will install the generators 45:07.040 --> 45:09.525 and then we will take them out as the power grid 45:09.525 --> 45:12.125 comes up and the power grid restoration activity 45:12.125 --> 45:15.779 is usually handled by the local public utility 45:15.779 --> 45:18.007 and sometimes augmented by other capabilities 45:18.007 --> 45:19.507 outside the state. 45:19.601 --> 45:22.348 In this particular case, PREPA chose not to 45:22.348 --> 45:24.972 activate the type of normal arrangements that are 45:24.972 --> 45:27.746 used by the Public Utilities Association, 45:27.746 --> 45:30.404 and so FEMA turned to the Corps of Engineers to 45:30.404 --> 45:32.487 help PREPA with the grid, 45:33.118 --> 45:36.285 the restoration of the grid based upon 45:36.322 --> 45:37.718 the emergencies that it created. 45:37.718 --> 45:39.532 So what we've done up to this point in order 45:39.532 --> 45:42.381 to do that is to continue our ESF3 contemporary 45:42.381 --> 45:44.964 generator installation mission. 45:45.459 --> 45:47.943 We're almost at 400 temporary generator 45:47.943 --> 45:49.843 installations at this point today. 45:49.843 --> 45:52.316 And those generator sizes range from 45:52.316 --> 45:54.220 40 kilowatt all the way up to 45:54.220 --> 45:58.137 one point five megawatt and those get installed 45:58.269 --> 45:59.242 at critical facilities that are prioritized 45:59.242 --> 46:01.909 by FEMA and by the Commonwealth. 46:02.023 --> 46:04.770 And that's typically hospitals, water, 46:04.770 --> 46:06.599 waste water treatment facilities, 46:06.599 --> 46:08.333 communications platforms, schools 46:08.333 --> 46:09.750 and other places. 46:09.887 --> 46:12.271 And we will continue to do that as the, 46:12.271 --> 46:15.521 as the grid continues to come together. 46:17.867 --> 46:20.154 We've also worked very closely with PREPA. 46:20.154 --> 46:21.699 And again just to remind everyone we got this 46:21.699 --> 46:23.397 mission assignment on the 30th of September 46:23.397 --> 46:25.606 to do the grid restoration in Puerto Rico 46:25.606 --> 46:27.439 so we've been doing emergency temporary power 46:27.439 --> 46:30.221 since Irma hit on the sixth of September. 46:30.221 --> 46:31.912 So that mission started then, 46:31.912 --> 46:33.819 and we've gradually increased our capability 46:33.819 --> 46:35.321 to do more and will continue to do so 46:35.321 --> 46:37.154 as long as we need to. 46:37.957 --> 46:41.624 We awarded contract to award the 50 megawatt 46:41.639 --> 46:44.305 generator to help stabilize the load in San Juan 46:44.305 --> 46:46.805 and get more people power more quickly. 46:46.805 --> 46:48.697 Since the 30th of September we've also worked 46:48.697 --> 46:51.252 very closely with PREPA to get an understanding 46:51.252 --> 46:54.316 of what material they needed to do this grid 46:54.316 --> 46:55.170 repair mission. 46:55.170 --> 46:57.837 If you can, and that's been a very arduous effort 46:57.837 --> 46:59.861 because PREPA didn't have a real good handle or 46:59.861 --> 47:01.849 understanding of what they had in their lay-down 47:01.849 --> 47:04.820 yard so we had to go physically from place to 47:04.820 --> 47:06.669 place to count how many poles they had, 47:06.669 --> 47:08.038 how many spools of wire, transformers 47:08.038 --> 47:09.121 and the like. 47:09.315 --> 47:10.148 Which we've done that, 47:10.148 --> 47:11.719 we've placed things on order, 47:11.719 --> 47:13.936 and we've worked very hard through multiple 47:13.936 --> 47:16.500 venues to get the material moving toward 47:16.500 --> 47:18.282 Puerto Rico and that's happening as we speak 47:18.282 --> 47:19.115 today. 47:19.148 --> 47:21.027 We also went through the process of 47:21.027 --> 47:22.610 awarding contracts. 47:22.999 --> 47:26.061 We are unable to enter in the mutual assistance 47:26.061 --> 47:28.717 agreements like the public utility could. 47:28.717 --> 47:31.597 So a mutual assistance agreement that's 47:31.597 --> 47:33.917 entered into by public utility is very similar 47:33.917 --> 47:35.224 to what we award for our debris, 47:35.224 --> 47:37.008 our temporary emergency power contracts. 47:37.008 --> 47:38.989 They're on the shelf, ready to award. 47:38.989 --> 47:41.213 They can be awarded right away. 47:41.213 --> 47:42.945 For the contracts that we've awarded to prime 47:42.945 --> 47:45.731 vendors at floor and also power secure, 47:45.731 --> 47:48.122 we've had to go through a competition process 47:48.122 --> 47:49.915 in accordance with the Federal Acquisition 47:49.915 --> 47:52.185 Regulation to award contracts, 47:52.185 --> 47:53.800 and we've done that. 47:53.800 --> 47:57.550 We've got today 150 contractors on the ground 47:57.807 --> 48:00.749 aside from the 450 Corps of Engineer employees 48:00.749 --> 48:02.132 that are dedicated to the power mission on the 48:02.132 --> 48:03.215 ground today. 48:03.790 --> 48:05.556 By the end of the weekend those numbers will 48:05.556 --> 48:07.723 rise up about another 500, 48:07.830 --> 48:09.822 and by the middle of November we should have 48:09.822 --> 48:12.157 about 1,000 people on the ground. 48:12.157 --> 48:13.366 So we're moving very fast, 48:13.366 --> 48:14.471 to mobilize the line crews 48:14.471 --> 48:17.109 that we need to continue the effort and support 48:17.109 --> 48:17.942 of PREPA. 48:18.275 --> 48:20.554 There are milestones that we've been given by 48:20.554 --> 48:22.090 the administration initially, 48:22.090 --> 48:24.041 were 30 percent by the end of October which 48:24.041 --> 48:25.374 we're there now. 48:25.593 --> 48:27.474 I'm thankful in part to a lot of the hard work 48:27.474 --> 48:28.870 that PREPA's doing and our next goal is 48:28.870 --> 48:32.020 50 percent of pre-storm load by the end of 48:32.020 --> 48:34.772 November and that's the goal that we're shooting 48:34.772 --> 48:35.939 for right now. 48:36.422 --> 48:37.255 - Thank you General Jackson. 48:37.255 --> 48:39.373 By the way, let's go seven minute rounds. 48:39.373 --> 48:40.999 I know there's a request for two rounds 48:40.999 --> 48:43.566 which we can do if people stick around. 48:43.566 --> 48:45.192 All that said, be mindful of time. 48:45.192 --> 48:46.386 Senator Carper. 48:46.386 --> 48:48.208 - Thank you, thank you very much for 48:48.208 --> 48:49.865 your testimony and all you had to offer. 48:49.865 --> 48:52.306 My wife, Mr. Long, is a graduate of 48:52.306 --> 48:53.505 Appalachian State University. 48:53.505 --> 48:55.076 Her dad taught there, math and physics, 48:55.076 --> 48:56.159 for 40 years. 48:56.185 --> 48:57.429 As I recall you went to undergraduate and 48:57.429 --> 49:00.290 graduate school at Appalachian State University. 49:00.290 --> 49:01.544 She asked me to tell you the Mountaineers are 49:01.544 --> 49:04.416 proud of you and I recall meeting your wife and 49:04.416 --> 49:06.898 I think your children at your confirmation 49:06.898 --> 49:09.677 hearing, and to your family and to the families 49:09.677 --> 49:12.597 of everyone who each of you represent. 49:12.597 --> 49:14.959 Whether you happen to be in FEMA or part of 49:14.959 --> 49:17.542 Army Corps or the Health folks, 49:17.731 --> 49:21.648 I just want to really convey our thanks to them 49:21.650 --> 49:22.997 for the support they've provided for their loved 49:22.997 --> 49:26.602 ones to enable to help people in dire straits. 49:26.602 --> 49:29.769 I wanna stay with the issue of energy. 49:29.973 --> 49:31.560 I'm gonna stick with energy. 49:31.560 --> 49:33.750 Recovering governor thought a lot about 49:33.750 --> 49:35.904 how to provide nurturing environment for job 49:35.904 --> 49:38.154 creation, job preservation, 49:38.929 --> 49:39.866 and energy is a big part of that. 49:39.866 --> 49:41.745 Affordable energy, reliable, dependable energy 49:41.745 --> 49:43.412 a huge part of that. 49:43.694 --> 49:45.048 And they don't have affordable energy in Puerto 49:45.048 --> 49:46.418 Rico, they didn't have it before, 49:46.418 --> 49:47.646 and obviously they don't have reliable or 49:47.646 --> 49:49.415 dependable energy today. 49:49.415 --> 49:50.879 And I said earlier that in adversity 49:50.879 --> 49:52.296 lies opportunity. 49:52.330 --> 49:54.829 And my conversation with the governor yesterday 49:54.829 --> 49:58.829 of Puerto Rico where talked about this situation 49:59.058 --> 50:00.689 they have now where the power's generated in the 50:00.689 --> 50:01.522 South of the island, 50:01.522 --> 50:02.906 most of the people live in the North. 50:02.906 --> 50:05.234 They use mostly diesel to power, 50:05.234 --> 50:07.934 they provide power for the electric grid. 50:07.934 --> 50:10.196 The electric grid's badly damaged and 50:10.196 --> 50:11.903 they still have this reliance on oil. 50:11.903 --> 50:15.236 A lot of which comes from South America. 50:16.054 --> 50:19.471 A great, uh, when I look around the world 50:20.282 --> 50:23.699 one of the smart energy programs involves 50:25.856 --> 50:28.299 natural gas where it's cheap and to supplement 50:28.299 --> 50:30.049 that with renewables. 50:30.623 --> 50:31.456 And when the renewables, 50:31.456 --> 50:32.320 when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't 50:32.320 --> 50:34.302 shine, bring up the natural gas 50:34.302 --> 50:36.117 and provide the electricity in a cost-effective, 50:36.117 --> 50:38.849 cleaner way than we would get from a diesel or 50:38.849 --> 50:40.432 other fossil fuels. 50:41.506 --> 50:42.839 Let me just ask, 50:43.448 --> 50:45.397 and I said earlier the governor said to me 50:45.397 --> 50:48.136 yesterday, eventually wants to move to increase 50:48.136 --> 50:51.272 their dependency to renewable forms of energy to 50:51.272 --> 50:53.747 as much as 30 percent, that's his goal. 50:53.747 --> 50:55.997 (stutters) 50:56.036 --> 50:57.178 And let me say, I embrace his goal. 50:57.178 --> 50:58.137 I embrace his goal. 50:58.137 --> 50:59.168 How do we make this happen and 50:59.168 --> 51:01.918 how can we help make this happen? 51:02.318 --> 51:04.856 - I'll take a shot at that first. 51:04.856 --> 51:05.928 Again, my authorities are limited to 51:05.928 --> 51:07.345 the Stafford Act. 51:08.231 --> 51:10.202 And one of the issues that we're coming into is, 51:10.202 --> 51:11.838 and one of the issues that the Army Corps 51:11.838 --> 51:14.703 is facing is that we recognize that the age of 51:14.703 --> 51:16.488 the infrastructure on Puerto Rico, 51:16.488 --> 51:18.494 I believe the power plants was close to over 51:18.494 --> 51:20.327 40 years, average age. 51:20.874 --> 51:22.728 Worldwide the average age of power plants is 51:22.728 --> 51:23.978 about 18 years. 51:24.086 --> 51:27.322 So there's a big discrepancy there and in many 51:27.322 --> 51:29.952 cases I think what we're running into in the 51:29.952 --> 51:32.719 complexities is some deferred maintenance issues 51:32.719 --> 51:34.569 and different things and so, 51:34.569 --> 51:36.179 if you put all of that aside, 51:36.179 --> 51:37.370 what I have the authority to do under 51:37.370 --> 51:40.315 the Emergency Central Services is basically 51:40.315 --> 51:42.568 to get the power back up and running to prevent 51:42.568 --> 51:45.499 further loss of life and public health events 51:45.499 --> 51:46.749 from occurring. 51:46.830 --> 51:50.122 In regards to building innovative, more energy 51:50.122 --> 51:51.789 efficient, you know. 51:52.547 --> 51:53.587 - [Sen. Carper] And I might add more resilient. 51:53.587 --> 51:54.420 More resilient. 51:54.420 --> 51:56.059 - Resilient, you know definitely more resilient. 51:56.059 --> 51:57.189 I think we all agree that that's what, 51:57.189 --> 51:59.137 that's probably what's needed, 51:59.137 --> 52:01.442 but the authority for me to spend tax-paying 52:01.442 --> 52:03.989 dollars to do that I'm not so sure that I have. 52:03.989 --> 52:05.274 And that's something that I would ask 52:05.274 --> 52:08.024 this committee to take a look at. 52:09.086 --> 52:09.919 - General. 52:11.024 --> 52:11.949 - Yeah, thank you Senator. 52:11.949 --> 52:12.782 Just a couple of things. 52:12.782 --> 52:14.696 Everything that you said was right about the 52:14.696 --> 52:17.340 preponderance of the power generation being. 52:17.340 --> 52:19.038 - I note to say I rarely say everything right. 52:19.038 --> 52:19.896 (laughing) 52:19.896 --> 52:20.987 A special day. 52:20.987 --> 52:22.813 - Most of the power generation is on the Southern 52:22.813 --> 52:24.249 part of the island and most of the population 52:24.249 --> 52:25.593 densities are on the North so those, 52:25.593 --> 52:27.989 those North South transmission lines are critical. 52:27.989 --> 52:30.698 About half the power plants that are on 52:30.698 --> 52:33.031 Puerto Rico are fossil fuel, 52:33.725 --> 52:35.165 the other half are a combination of wind 52:35.165 --> 52:35.998 and solar. 52:37.026 --> 52:39.176 The Department of Energy has taken a hard look 52:39.176 --> 52:41.509 at that, you know, just for, 52:42.674 --> 52:45.192 what they have on the island right now produces, 52:45.192 --> 52:47.134 or is supposed to produce about 5,200 megawatts 52:47.134 --> 52:47.967 of power. 52:47.970 --> 52:50.124 They really only use about half that. 52:50.124 --> 52:53.526 So there's a lot of room for, uh, for uh, 52:53.526 --> 52:55.991 some, addressing maybe less power plants, 52:55.991 --> 52:58.035 more efficient that produce the right amount of 52:58.035 --> 52:59.267 power with the right amount of, 52:59.267 --> 53:02.449 the right type of fuel to service the requirement 53:02.449 --> 53:04.388 that exists on the island today. 53:04.388 --> 53:06.275 And the Department of Energy has been thinking 53:06.275 --> 53:08.856 about that and they've been looking at that, 53:08.856 --> 53:11.181 and they've been working very closely I think 53:11.181 --> 53:13.311 with PREPA to help understand what some of 53:13.311 --> 53:14.851 their challenges are. 53:14.851 --> 53:16.278 To make recommendations to the administration and 53:16.278 --> 53:18.498 to Congress on things like what type of, 53:18.498 --> 53:20.497 how much load do they really need? 53:20.497 --> 53:21.802 And how much redundancy do they need 53:21.802 --> 53:22.635 in the system? 53:22.635 --> 53:24.944 And how do they build additional capabilities to 53:24.944 --> 53:26.948 balance that load across all the demands in 53:26.948 --> 53:27.865 the system? 53:28.571 --> 53:31.772 How do they modernize the system to include the 53:31.772 --> 53:33.912 hardening of the system to improve resilience? 53:33.912 --> 53:34.745 These are things that the Department of 53:34.745 --> 53:37.456 Energy had ideas on and that they've shared with 53:37.456 --> 53:40.043 me that I know that they are working up as part 53:40.043 --> 53:42.478 of a, I think it's a FEMA report that we have 53:42.478 --> 53:46.145 some recommendations on maybe the long term, 53:46.176 --> 53:48.857 what a long term solution might be for power 53:48.857 --> 53:49.690 and other things. 53:49.690 --> 53:51.233 So DOE is really looking at that hard, 53:51.233 --> 53:52.648 they've got some real smart guys that are 53:52.648 --> 53:54.147 there on the ground with us, 53:54.147 --> 53:56.964 going through the work that we're doing 53:56.964 --> 53:59.546 to help guide us and make sure we're doing the 53:59.546 --> 54:00.379 right things. 54:00.379 --> 54:01.749 But ultimately they're also looking at 54:01.749 --> 54:04.307 what's the right way ahead for the future of 54:04.307 --> 54:05.852 Puerto Rico so they can make those informed 54:05.852 --> 54:08.049 recommendations to the leadership. 54:08.049 --> 54:09.236 - Yeah you mentioned DOE has some really 54:09.236 --> 54:10.585 smart guys on the ground, they're, 54:10.585 --> 54:12.858 or we'd like, my staff and I, would like to be 54:12.858 --> 54:14.956 able to reach out to them and to talk with them. 54:14.956 --> 54:16.179 And for the record, we're gonna ask you to 54:16.179 --> 54:18.880 provide those ASAP, the contact information 54:18.880 --> 54:19.813 for those folks. - Yes sir, I will. 54:19.813 --> 54:21.798 - That would be great. Thank you. 54:21.798 --> 54:24.381 I, um, and usually it takes uh, 54:24.689 --> 54:27.164 weeks if not months for a full assessment of 54:27.164 --> 54:29.920 damages to be made, an estimate of the total cost 54:29.920 --> 54:30.837 to rebuild. 54:31.524 --> 54:33.188 The reason I ask really for, 54:33.188 --> 54:34.704 I guess for everybody. 54:34.704 --> 54:37.791 How far along are you in the process for Texas, 54:37.791 --> 54:39.638 for Florida, Puerto Rico 54:39.638 --> 54:41.805 and the US Virgin Islands? 54:41.901 --> 54:44.049 When do you expect those complete assessments 54:44.049 --> 54:45.799 of needs to be ready? 54:47.204 --> 54:48.553 We're expecting a third supplemental 54:48.553 --> 54:50.771 appropriations bill but will the administration 54:50.771 --> 54:53.032 be making additional emergency supplemental 54:53.032 --> 54:55.114 requests to assist those communities as 54:55.114 --> 54:57.930 further assessments are completed? 54:57.930 --> 54:59.553 - Well first of all I wanna thank, 54:59.553 --> 55:02.912 I wanna thank the senate and the house for 55:02.912 --> 55:05.011 responding very quickly to every request for 55:05.011 --> 55:06.441 emergency supplementals. 55:06.441 --> 55:07.987 I know that my guys have been working 55:07.987 --> 55:09.522 around the clock to make sure that you guys 55:09.522 --> 55:12.929 stay informed of when we believe that we're 55:12.929 --> 55:15.047 bumping up and running out of disaster relief 55:15.047 --> 55:17.203 funds so I truly do appreciate it. 55:17.203 --> 55:18.478 We've asked for three supplementals, 55:18.478 --> 55:21.895 if I remember correctly, this year alone. 55:23.117 --> 55:26.309 In regards to where the Virgin Islands all 55:26.309 --> 55:27.374 the way to California, 55:27.374 --> 55:29.970 each one of these states or island territories 55:29.970 --> 55:30.979 is in different, 55:30.979 --> 55:32.551 in different stages of the recovery. 55:32.551 --> 55:34.428 But each one of these is going to be a tremendous 55:34.428 --> 55:35.794 long, long recovery, 55:35.794 --> 55:38.554 it's gonna be a long haul for each one. 55:38.554 --> 55:42.053 For example Texas and Florida are obviously 55:42.053 --> 55:43.430 still debate, you know, 55:43.430 --> 55:45.666 focused on recovery housing and making sure that 55:45.666 --> 55:49.583 we provide people with the proper place to stay 55:50.622 --> 55:53.539 as the rebuilding begins as well as 55:53.689 --> 55:54.939 debris removal. 55:55.157 --> 55:57.807 California is in the same boat as well but, 55:57.807 --> 55:59.491 um, there's still some sensitivities in the 55:59.491 --> 56:01.658 state of California as to, 56:01.737 --> 56:05.054 when it comes to hazardous materials associated 56:05.054 --> 56:09.137 with the debris, but also with um, with rainfall. 56:09.306 --> 56:12.195 When you've burned off the vegetation making sure 56:12.195 --> 56:16.028 that we mitigate against watershed issues that 56:16.070 --> 56:17.935 come into play as well. 56:17.935 --> 56:20.140 So everybody's in different stages but 56:20.140 --> 56:22.286 the long term recovery is going to be long. 56:22.286 --> 56:23.782 I don't think we have a good handle on the 56:23.782 --> 56:25.947 total cost of this but you can rest assured that 56:25.947 --> 56:28.030 my guys will be in touch, 56:29.218 --> 56:30.884 you know with your staff members to, 56:30.884 --> 56:33.020 to make sure that we don't fumble the ball 56:33.020 --> 56:35.188 when it comes to disaster recovery. 56:35.188 --> 56:37.236 And we will do our best to also take care of 56:37.236 --> 56:38.069 tax paying dollars 56:38.069 --> 56:38.902 every day. - Thank you. 56:38.902 --> 56:39.735 Thank you. 56:39.735 --> 56:40.646 If I can ask the other witnesses to briefly 56:40.646 --> 56:42.701 respond to the same question, please. 56:42.701 --> 56:43.534 Thank you. 56:45.362 --> 56:47.529 - I don't, look, go ahead. 56:53.702 --> 56:55.802 - Senator we're continuing, as far as, 56:55.802 --> 56:57.615 I'll only comment on the power grid 56:57.615 --> 56:58.948 for Puerto Rico. 56:59.150 --> 57:01.480 So we're still assessing the damages. 57:01.480 --> 57:04.230 We got initial reports from PREPA 57:04.625 --> 57:06.381 when we first were given the mission assignment 57:06.381 --> 57:09.330 and we found that the damages weren't necessarily 57:09.330 --> 57:11.704 as great as they originally reported. 57:11.704 --> 57:14.434 But what we have to do is put people on lines 57:14.434 --> 57:16.107 and make sure that, you know, just because the 57:16.107 --> 57:17.529 line's not laying on the ground doesn't mean 57:17.529 --> 57:18.467 it's operable. 57:18.467 --> 57:20.562 So we're in the process of doing that now 57:20.562 --> 57:23.012 and we'll probably be doing that as we do the 57:23.012 --> 57:26.261 repairs for the next several weeks and we will 57:26.261 --> 57:27.094 be able to put together I think 57:27.094 --> 57:28.618 a much better assessment 57:28.618 --> 57:31.222 on what the overall cost to repair the grid to 57:31.222 --> 57:33.907 the standard that we're seeking under the 57:33.907 --> 57:36.657 Stafford Act in very short order. 57:36.823 --> 57:38.007 - Alright, I'm gonna ask questions 57:38.007 --> 57:38.840 for the record. 57:38.840 --> 57:40.618 I'm gonna re-ask the same question and ask you 57:40.618 --> 57:41.922 and your staff to respond to that question, 57:41.922 --> 57:42.755 alright. 57:42.755 --> 57:44.148 Thanks, thanks very much. 57:44.148 --> 57:46.445 - Again really appreciate number of members here. 57:46.445 --> 57:48.358 I bumped the question up to seven minutes and I 57:48.358 --> 57:50.624 want members and witnesses to stay within 57:50.624 --> 57:52.676 that seven minutes as close as possible 57:52.676 --> 57:54.758 just out of respect of everybody. 57:54.758 --> 57:55.698 Senator Tester. 57:55.698 --> 57:58.615 - Will do. Thank you Mr. Chairman. 57:58.976 --> 58:00.277 First of all I'll just tell you I appreciate 58:00.277 --> 58:03.348 this document, I appreciate it a lot. 58:03.348 --> 58:05.898 I think that this is an instructive piece 58:05.898 --> 58:07.127 of information. 58:07.127 --> 58:10.176 And it's instructive because what it tells me 58:10.176 --> 58:13.759 is that we're gonna continue down this road 58:13.785 --> 58:16.952 until we start looking at root causes. 58:17.738 --> 58:19.994 And I know we never ever want to accept the fact, 58:19.994 --> 58:23.234 'cause it is a bit uncomfortable with what we do 58:23.234 --> 58:24.561 with a changing climate, 58:24.561 --> 58:27.052 B when we have towns evacuated in Montana in the 58:27.052 --> 58:29.885 middle of October due to wildfire, 58:30.351 --> 58:32.532 we got some major things Mother Nature's 58:32.532 --> 58:34.315 telling us and if we don't address it, 58:34.315 --> 58:36.461 we're really not doing our physical fiduciary 58:36.461 --> 58:37.711 responsibility. 58:40.198 --> 58:41.863 First of all I want to start out by saying 58:41.863 --> 58:44.367 Brock Long, I think you're doing a great job. 58:44.367 --> 58:48.117 Um, you came in under difficult circumstances 58:48.154 --> 58:50.572 and getting pounded and pounded and pounded, 58:50.572 --> 58:52.673 and I think you've really put your shoulder 58:52.673 --> 58:54.752 to the wheel and worked as hard as you could 58:54.752 --> 58:56.699 in a very difficult situation, 58:56.699 --> 58:59.447 so I wanna express my appreciation. 58:59.447 --> 59:00.921 A couple things in your testimony you talked 59:00.921 --> 59:03.838 about three point five cubic yards, 59:03.971 --> 59:05.690 or was that million cubic yards of debris 59:05.690 --> 59:06.721 on Puerto Rico? 59:06.721 --> 59:08.606 - About five million but it may be off, you know. 59:08.606 --> 59:09.456 - Three point five million. 59:09.456 --> 59:10.749 - It's six million and that may be 59:10.749 --> 59:12.416 an older number, so. 59:12.475 --> 59:14.304 The numbers are changing. 59:14.304 --> 59:15.137 - Okay. 59:15.137 --> 59:19.137 Um you also talked about pre-disaster mitigation 59:20.187 --> 59:21.088 in your opening remarks and I think the savings 59:21.088 --> 59:22.332 is for every one dollar, 59:22.332 --> 59:24.234 and pre-disaster mitigation it saves four bucks 59:24.234 --> 59:26.567 on disaster on the backside. 59:28.233 --> 59:31.614 Um, I don't think we're spending enough on 59:31.614 --> 59:33.956 mitigation, uh and I think your testimony 59:33.956 --> 59:35.039 implied that. 59:36.707 --> 59:38.886 Do you have any ideas on what we need to do 59:38.886 --> 59:40.536 to address this issue? 59:40.536 --> 59:41.619 - Absolutely. 59:42.903 --> 59:44.989 You know the problem with the way the system 59:44.989 --> 59:46.670 is established is is you have to get hit 59:46.670 --> 59:49.232 to have an extraordinary amount of post-disaster 59:49.232 --> 59:52.296 hurricane mitigation program grant funding. 59:52.296 --> 59:54.525 I believe that's not the right way 59:54.525 --> 59:55.627 of doing business. 59:55.627 --> 59:58.311 I believe specifically section 404 in the 59:58.311 --> 01:00:01.879 Robert T. Stafford Act dictates how money is 01:00:01.879 --> 01:00:04.765 formulated or provided for mitigation purposes. 01:00:04.765 --> 01:00:08.587 The 404 money, it would be amazing if we could 01:00:08.587 --> 01:00:11.320 work with the senate and this committee to move 01:00:11.320 --> 01:00:14.525 that to the front side to offer up on average 01:00:14.525 --> 01:00:15.939 I believe we put out seven or eight hundred 01:00:15.939 --> 01:00:19.024 million dollars in post-disaster mitigation funding. 01:00:19.024 --> 01:00:21.704 Why are we not doing that on the front side 01:00:21.704 --> 01:00:23.603 and get it out of recovery, 01:00:23.603 --> 01:00:25.553 reduce the complexities of recovery 01:00:25.553 --> 01:00:27.220 and put it up front. 01:00:27.335 --> 01:00:29.523 And I don't know what the right mix is, 01:00:29.523 --> 01:00:31.192 I don't know what the right amount of money 01:00:31.192 --> 01:00:33.173 to make a real dent in it is, 01:00:33.173 --> 01:00:36.752 but it's got to be not only money up front but 01:00:36.752 --> 01:00:38.177 I do believe that, you know, 01:00:38.177 --> 01:00:41.128 the key to resiliency is held at the local level 01:00:41.128 --> 01:00:42.869 of government with elected officials. 01:00:42.869 --> 01:00:44.662 Smart land use planning, building codes, 01:00:44.662 --> 01:00:46.079 different things. 01:00:46.172 --> 01:00:47.471 You know making sure that there are redundant 01:00:47.471 --> 01:00:49.347 systems that are in place. 01:00:49.347 --> 01:00:52.136 And um, you know so it's gonna have to be a whole 01:00:52.136 --> 01:00:54.145 community effort on the pre-disaster side, 01:00:54.145 --> 01:00:57.223 but if we could move that 404 funding to 01:00:57.223 --> 01:00:59.216 the front side of disasters, 01:00:59.216 --> 01:01:01.525 and it will not be a easy move, 01:01:01.525 --> 01:01:04.032 I think it makes perfect sense and I think we can 01:01:04.032 --> 01:01:06.218 all agree that that's what needs to be done. 01:01:06.218 --> 01:01:07.953 - Okay well that's good. 01:01:07.953 --> 01:01:11.141 If you have any language that you could forward 01:01:11.141 --> 01:01:14.410 to this committee and the sub-committee on 01:01:14.410 --> 01:01:16.816 Homeland Security unaprops I would certainly 01:01:16.816 --> 01:01:17.769 appreciate that. 01:01:17.769 --> 01:01:18.917 - [General Jackson] Absolutely. 01:01:18.917 --> 01:01:21.175 - Because, uh, I think that um, 01:01:21.175 --> 01:01:22.675 it's a no brainer. 01:01:24.400 --> 01:01:28.304 Major General Jackson you said you were assessing 01:01:28.304 --> 01:01:29.936 the grid in Puerto Rico. 01:01:29.936 --> 01:01:30.918 Can you give me, 01:01:30.918 --> 01:01:32.948 are you about done with that assessment? 01:01:32.948 --> 01:01:34.649 I guess what I'm, I'll ask the question, 01:01:34.649 --> 01:01:36.941 just tell me if you can answer it or not. 01:01:36.941 --> 01:01:40.774 Is it shot? Is it 90 percent shot? 95 percent? 01:01:40.887 --> 01:01:43.695 100 percent? Or what, where's it at? 01:01:43.695 --> 01:01:46.757 I mean I'm talking about devas- done. 01:01:46.757 --> 01:01:48.424 Start over. Rebuild. 01:01:48.767 --> 01:01:51.235 - The answer to that is no, it's not shot. 01:01:51.235 --> 01:01:53.811 The initial reports that we got said there 01:01:53.811 --> 01:01:55.733 was 100 percent damage to distribution. 01:01:55.733 --> 01:01:57.838 That's 31,000 miles worth of line. 01:01:57.838 --> 01:01:58.671 - [Senator Tester] Yeah. 01:01:58.671 --> 01:01:59.504 - That's not the case. 01:01:59.504 --> 01:02:00.602 The initial reports that I received said 01:02:00.602 --> 01:02:01.533 it had all of the, that 80 percent 01:02:01.533 --> 01:02:04.533 of the transmission lines were shot. 01:02:04.793 --> 01:02:05.626 - [Senator Tester] Yeah. 01:02:05.626 --> 01:02:06.984 - That's 2,400 miles - [Senator Tester] Yeah. 01:02:06.984 --> 01:02:07.987 - of high voltage. 01:02:07.987 --> 01:02:09.085 - What do you think it is now? 01:02:09.085 --> 01:02:10.061 I mean what do you think it is? 01:02:10.061 --> 01:02:10.894 A half? 01:02:11.204 --> 01:02:14.158 - Sir, I think, I mean literally, I mean, 01:02:14.158 --> 01:02:15.741 part of it is just, 01:02:15.874 --> 01:02:18.043 let me start by just saying we've got to, 01:02:18.043 --> 01:02:21.024 as I flew over Puerto Rico a couple of weeks ago. 01:02:21.024 --> 01:02:21.905 - [Senator Testser] Yeah. 01:02:21.905 --> 01:02:23.557 - A lot of, there's a lot of lines that are up 01:02:23.557 --> 01:02:26.145 visibly and a lot of lines that are down visibly. 01:02:26.145 --> 01:02:28.877 The problem is until you get folks on the ground 01:02:28.877 --> 01:02:31.399 to see if those lines and the components that 01:02:31.399 --> 01:02:34.379 make up the line system are operable, 01:02:34.379 --> 01:02:35.703 you don't really know if the line's energized. 01:02:35.703 --> 01:02:36.988 So that's what we're doing right now. 01:02:36.988 --> 01:02:40.155 We're not doing a full assessment, um, 01:02:40.389 --> 01:02:42.209 and waiting to do repairs. 01:02:42.209 --> 01:02:44.214 We already sort of know where we need to go 01:02:44.214 --> 01:02:45.962 and what we need to focus on. - Okay. 01:02:45.962 --> 01:02:48.864 What I'm trying to get here is this- 01:02:48.864 --> 01:02:50.391 we've been told that the transmission- 01:02:50.391 --> 01:02:51.936 the distribution system in Puerto Rico 01:02:51.936 --> 01:02:54.853 was horrible before the storms hit. 01:02:55.262 --> 01:02:58.095 Are we doing repairs to a horrible 01:02:58.113 --> 01:02:59.780 distribution system, 01:02:59.799 --> 01:03:02.614 or are we fixing a horrible distribution system. 01:03:02.614 --> 01:03:05.416 - Sir, under the Stafford Act we are fixing 01:03:05.416 --> 01:03:08.392 the system to get power out to the people 01:03:08.392 --> 01:03:09.892 as fast as we can. 01:03:10.335 --> 01:03:11.197 - So that the next hurricane hits it's not 01:03:11.197 --> 01:03:12.646 gonna knock down everything that wasn't knocked 01:03:12.646 --> 01:03:13.750 down in this hurricane and we're back 01:03:13.750 --> 01:03:15.136 in the same boat. 01:03:15.136 --> 01:03:16.552 - Well if you have a category four- 01:03:16.552 --> 01:03:17.525 five hurricane, 01:03:17.525 --> 01:03:19.091 unless the lines are buried under the ground 01:03:19.091 --> 01:03:20.382 it's gonna knock wires down. 01:03:20.382 --> 01:03:21.681 - Even if it's new construction? 01:03:21.681 --> 01:03:23.152 - Even if it's new construction. 01:03:23.152 --> 01:03:26.819 - Alright. Is there any effort to talk about 01:03:28.399 --> 01:03:31.482 maybe, uh, developing generation, uh, 01:03:35.080 --> 01:03:37.023 so that the distribution isn't as needed. 01:03:37.023 --> 01:03:39.112 I'm talking not only renewable but even, 01:03:39.112 --> 01:03:41.529 even conventional generation. 01:03:42.046 --> 01:03:44.052 - Sir my understanding is, 01:03:44.052 --> 01:03:45.821 as Senator Carper alluded, 01:03:45.821 --> 01:03:48.354 the governor has an interest in locating 01:03:48.354 --> 01:03:50.338 the power generation more closely to the 01:03:50.338 --> 01:03:52.749 population densities that they support. 01:03:52.749 --> 01:03:53.582 - [Senator Tester] Okay. 01:03:53.582 --> 01:03:54.951 Therefore it would obviate the needs. 01:03:54.951 --> 01:03:55.784 - [Senator Tester] Good. 01:03:55.784 --> 01:03:57.061 For these long transmission lines across 01:03:57.061 --> 01:03:58.642 the island and DOE has taken a look at that. 01:03:58.642 --> 01:03:59.475 - [Senator Tester] Yep. 01:03:59.475 --> 01:04:01.116 - To help put together some ideas 01:04:01.116 --> 01:04:02.699 for the leadership. 01:04:02.931 --> 01:04:05.570 - Are you taking, and I don't know if you do this 01:04:05.570 --> 01:04:09.593 or if Mr. Salessas does this, but are you looking 01:04:09.593 --> 01:04:11.429 at other options, every option, 01:04:11.429 --> 01:04:15.179 not only carbon based but also solar and wind 01:04:15.529 --> 01:04:16.779 and geothermal? 01:04:18.401 --> 01:04:19.853 - Senator, my understanding is DOE is looking at 01:04:19.853 --> 01:04:23.142 what the most efficient modern appropriate system 01:04:23.142 --> 01:04:25.426 would be for Puerto Rico, - [Senator Tester] Okay. 01:04:25.426 --> 01:04:26.694 - to make those type of recommendations. 01:04:26.694 --> 01:04:28.469 - Can you guys, do you guys know anything about 01:04:28.469 --> 01:04:29.302 PREPA? 01:04:33.201 --> 01:04:34.266 Nobody? What? 01:04:34.266 --> 01:04:35.697 - Senator I know some things about PREPA but. 01:04:35.697 --> 01:04:37.831 - Here's what I want to know about. 01:04:37.831 --> 01:04:39.914 It's a nine member board, 01:04:41.085 --> 01:04:42.471 that I should be tickled pink that they gave 01:04:42.471 --> 01:04:44.516 a contract to a company in Montana, 01:04:44.516 --> 01:04:47.266 but as you look at the situation, 01:04:47.312 --> 01:04:49.112 two people, been in business two years. 01:04:49.112 --> 01:04:51.779 Never done disaster work before. 01:04:53.371 --> 01:04:56.005 What kind of people are on this board? 01:04:56.005 --> 01:04:57.338 No big contract. 01:04:58.703 --> 01:05:00.204 I mean, I gotta tell you something, 01:05:00.204 --> 01:05:03.708 if it was any of you guys, (laughing), 01:05:03.708 --> 01:05:05.679 if it was you Brock I wouldn't have started out 01:05:05.679 --> 01:05:07.236 saying you're doing a great job, 01:05:07.236 --> 01:05:08.770 I'll tell you that. Okay? 01:05:08.770 --> 01:05:09.603 - Right. 01:05:09.603 --> 01:05:11.410 - So I don't understand what's going on here and 01:05:11.410 --> 01:05:12.904 I don't understand where the accountability is. 01:05:12.904 --> 01:05:15.776 We have a Federal Financial Oversight board, 01:05:15.776 --> 01:05:16.949 maybe they're not doing their job 01:05:16.949 --> 01:05:18.691 but somebody's not doing their job. 01:05:18.691 --> 01:05:20.024 Would you agree? 01:05:21.737 --> 01:05:23.549 I see some head nods and. 01:05:23.549 --> 01:05:25.333 - [Audience Member] (unintelligible) 01:05:25.333 --> 01:05:27.583 (laughing) 01:05:28.636 --> 01:05:29.469 - [Senator Tester] Thank you very much. 01:05:29.469 --> 01:05:30.858 - There's a governance issue, 01:05:30.858 --> 01:05:32.075 there's no doubt about it. 01:05:32.075 --> 01:05:33.325 Senator Peters. 01:05:35.312 --> 01:05:37.046 - Thank you Mr. Chairman and thank you to each of 01:05:37.046 --> 01:05:40.365 you for the work you're doing in these disasters. 01:05:40.365 --> 01:05:42.454 Unfortunately, given what's happening with 01:05:42.454 --> 01:05:44.116 the climate we may be seeing a lot more of 01:05:44.116 --> 01:05:47.157 these disasters, bigger stronger and increased 01:05:47.157 --> 01:05:49.634 frequency so it's important that we take lessons 01:05:49.634 --> 01:05:52.362 learned from what we've seen here and understand 01:05:52.362 --> 01:05:54.746 that we'll probably gonna have to be 01:05:54.746 --> 01:05:56.707 applying them again and again going forward. 01:05:56.707 --> 01:05:59.707 Mr. Long my time is short today, um, 01:05:59.847 --> 01:06:02.610 but I wanted to just alert you that I sent 01:06:02.610 --> 01:06:04.578 a letter to you yesterday in my capacity as a 01:06:04.578 --> 01:06:07.503 ranking member on the Federal Management Oversight 01:06:07.503 --> 01:06:09.904 sub-committee of this committee. 01:06:09.904 --> 01:06:11.679 And in that letter I've asked a series of 01:06:11.679 --> 01:06:14.222 detailed questions about FEMA's response to 01:06:14.222 --> 01:06:16.452 Hurricane Maria and the humanitarian crisis 01:06:16.452 --> 01:06:17.702 in Puerto Rico. 01:06:17.884 --> 01:06:19.618 I'm not going to go into all of those details, 01:06:19.618 --> 01:06:20.729 but the letter is going to you. 01:06:20.729 --> 01:06:22.548 I'd hope I have your commitment to get a 01:06:22.548 --> 01:06:25.212 quick response because I'm sure our sub-committee 01:06:25.212 --> 01:06:26.961 will have further hearings on this matter and 01:06:26.961 --> 01:06:28.808 it'll be helpful to frame that discussion and 01:06:28.808 --> 01:06:30.677 Mr. Chairman if I can just have that letter 01:06:30.677 --> 01:06:32.359 entered into the record, I'd appreciate that. 01:06:32.359 --> 01:06:33.192 - Objection. 01:06:33.192 --> 01:06:35.204 - Absolutely, I'm aware and uh we will respond 01:06:35.204 --> 01:06:36.287 very quickly. 01:06:36.326 --> 01:06:37.737 - I appreciate that Mr. Long, thank you. 01:06:37.737 --> 01:06:40.579 And as many of my colleagues have mentioned 01:06:40.579 --> 01:06:43.809 the concern about particularly in Puerto Rico 01:06:43.809 --> 01:06:45.925 is to make sure that we have sustainability 01:06:45.925 --> 01:06:48.592 built into any kind of response. 01:06:49.485 --> 01:06:51.189 And I know the Stafford Act prevents that from 01:06:51.189 --> 01:06:53.361 happening in the fact that it talks about 01:06:53.361 --> 01:06:56.976 limiting rebuilding to the way it was in place 01:06:56.976 --> 01:06:58.010 when the disaster occurred. 01:06:58.010 --> 01:07:01.075 You eluded to that as well in your comments. 01:07:01.075 --> 01:07:02.055 Do you think it's time for us to take a look 01:07:02.055 --> 01:07:03.039 at the Stafford Act? 01:07:03.039 --> 01:07:05.058 Would you recommend us taking a good look 01:07:05.058 --> 01:07:08.061 at whether or not that makes sense given the 01:07:08.061 --> 01:07:09.849 situation we're in now and what will likely be 01:07:09.849 --> 01:07:12.726 future situations given the climate change? 01:07:12.726 --> 01:07:16.226 - Yeah and, I work with my staff every day 01:07:16.264 --> 01:07:18.436 and there are definite changes to the Stafford 01:07:18.436 --> 01:07:20.244 Act that we could consider, 01:07:20.244 --> 01:07:22.000 but I would also like to take the time to 01:07:22.000 --> 01:07:23.703 methodically, you know, go through those 01:07:23.703 --> 01:07:26.326 and submit those if there are recommendations. 01:07:26.326 --> 01:07:28.983 Not only from my staff at FEMA but the Emergency 01:07:28.983 --> 01:07:31.650 Management Community as a whole. 01:07:31.910 --> 01:07:34.774 I'm always for reviewing and bettering processes. 01:07:34.774 --> 01:07:36.410 There are opportunities for mitigation as 01:07:36.410 --> 01:07:38.384 a result of going through this, 01:07:38.384 --> 01:07:40.900 but rebuilding a grid to the level that we're all 01:07:40.900 --> 01:07:42.415 discussing here is not within my authority. 01:07:42.415 --> 01:07:46.415 And I'm concerned about the deferred maintenance 01:07:48.004 --> 01:07:50.198 issues already when it comes to restoring and 01:07:50.198 --> 01:07:53.115 conducting permanent work as it is. 01:07:53.395 --> 01:07:56.094 - Well I appreciate working with you on that 01:07:56.094 --> 01:07:58.290 and as we've talked about before personally 01:07:58.290 --> 01:08:00.710 some of those disasters that may not be on 01:08:00.710 --> 01:08:01.716 the Stafford Act, 01:08:01.716 --> 01:08:04.075 which is a disaster we had in Michigan, 01:08:04.075 --> 01:08:04.908 in Flint for example. 01:08:04.908 --> 01:08:06.434 I think there are lot of lessons learned from 01:08:06.434 --> 01:08:09.551 that disaster as well that means we need to take 01:08:09.551 --> 01:08:11.524 a hard look at the Stafford Act and try to 01:08:11.524 --> 01:08:13.130 make improvements to make sure the American 01:08:13.130 --> 01:08:15.977 people get the help that they need when disaster 01:08:15.977 --> 01:08:17.343 strikes their community. 01:08:17.343 --> 01:08:19.644 And that leads to my next question, 01:08:19.644 --> 01:08:21.256 which relates to the long term nature 01:08:21.256 --> 01:08:22.839 of these disasters. 01:08:23.024 --> 01:08:25.238 Especially from my experience in Flint, 01:08:25.238 --> 01:08:27.428 is that aide is normally available when the 01:08:27.428 --> 01:08:29.345 TV cameras are running. 01:08:29.736 --> 01:08:31.047 Usually there's quite a bit of aide that will 01:08:31.047 --> 01:08:33.903 flow once the public media attention is there. 01:08:33.903 --> 01:08:36.505 The challenge is when the cameras stop covering 01:08:36.505 --> 01:08:38.747 the event and these folks have to deal with 01:08:38.747 --> 01:08:42.497 these disasters for many years in the future. 01:08:42.636 --> 01:08:44.255 So my question is how long do you expect FEMA 01:08:44.255 --> 01:08:46.952 to be working in the areas affected by 01:08:46.952 --> 01:08:50.454 these hurricanes, and do you have the capacity to 01:08:50.454 --> 01:08:52.771 handle that workload, which is probably going to 01:08:52.771 --> 01:08:54.885 be over the next decade or more? 01:08:54.885 --> 01:08:57.803 - Uh, at this point, no doubt about it, 01:08:57.803 --> 01:08:59.778 when it comes to recovery staff, we're stressed. 01:08:59.778 --> 01:09:02.111 Um, you know we're having to 01:09:02.530 --> 01:09:05.063 rob Peter to pay Paul as you could say 01:09:05.063 --> 01:09:06.813 from other disasters. 01:09:07.007 --> 01:09:10.090 I think right now we have roughly 20, 01:09:11.441 --> 01:09:13.241 26 open disasters that we're working nationwide 01:09:13.241 --> 01:09:15.741 that don't get media coverage, 01:09:15.935 --> 01:09:17.662 so in some cases what we're tying to do is 01:09:17.662 --> 01:09:21.395 to to more virtual models and hopefully states 01:09:21.395 --> 01:09:24.124 are calling upon state-to-state mutual aide 01:09:24.124 --> 01:09:25.762 to be able to start managing a lot of their 01:09:25.762 --> 01:09:28.666 disasters and doing things more virtually. 01:09:28.666 --> 01:09:30.449 But in regards to the most recent, 01:09:30.449 --> 01:09:32.451 these four events that we're talking about from 01:09:32.451 --> 01:09:34.255 the California wildfires to the three major 01:09:34.255 --> 01:09:37.298 events is gonna take many years to go through. 01:09:37.298 --> 01:09:39.116 In cases, when it goes back to your question 01:09:39.116 --> 01:09:42.044 on the Stafford Act, we do have section 428 of 01:09:42.044 --> 01:09:45.211 the Stafford Act that allows us to do, 01:09:46.002 --> 01:09:49.200 move in a more expedited manner and possibly 01:09:49.200 --> 01:09:50.631 in a more resilient manner, 01:09:50.631 --> 01:09:52.039 but we have to make some decisions as to whether 01:09:52.039 --> 01:09:54.026 or not the program is working. 01:09:54.026 --> 01:09:55.579 It does reduce the number, the sheer number of 01:09:55.579 --> 01:09:58.885 project worksheets that we have to generate. 01:09:58.885 --> 01:10:00.685 It allows us to do work more efficiently and 01:10:00.685 --> 01:10:03.986 I would like to continue going down that path, 01:10:03.986 --> 01:10:05.771 but also take a comprehensive look at how, 01:10:05.771 --> 01:10:09.438 how do we get locals and state government to 01:10:09.694 --> 01:10:12.332 also make sure that they're funding for staff 01:10:12.332 --> 01:10:14.347 positions adequately as well. 01:10:14.347 --> 01:10:16.190 When it comes to future grants, 01:10:16.190 --> 01:10:19.857 I would rather have grants to hire and train 01:10:19.924 --> 01:10:22.761 proper staffing than to buy equipment. 01:10:22.761 --> 01:10:24.457 And there may be people that disagree with me 01:10:24.457 --> 01:10:26.392 in the industry but you can't replace human 01:10:26.392 --> 01:10:30.067 beings and that's what we need when it comes to 01:10:30.067 --> 01:10:33.159 the large amount of disasters that we're facing. 01:10:33.159 --> 01:10:34.984 - And with these large disasters, 01:10:34.984 --> 01:10:36.386 I know it's still early to get a, 01:10:36.386 --> 01:10:38.564 a sense of what the cost will be which will 01:10:38.564 --> 01:10:40.727 be very large, and you've, 01:10:40.727 --> 01:10:42.992 I think all of you have referred to 01:10:42.992 --> 01:10:44.624 the fact that's an ongoing process right now. 01:10:44.624 --> 01:10:45.735 But do you have any indication in terms of 01:10:45.735 --> 01:10:46.985 the hurricanes? 01:10:47.150 --> 01:10:48.845 How do you think the costs will stack up? 01:10:48.845 --> 01:10:50.617 Which will be the most expensive, 01:10:50.617 --> 01:10:52.617 how would you rank them? 01:10:53.236 --> 01:10:54.750 - Well it's interesting, um you know when you 01:10:54.750 --> 01:10:56.511 look at Harvey and Irma, 01:10:56.511 --> 01:10:58.727 I think there's two and a half million people in 01:10:58.727 --> 01:11:00.720 Florida alone that have been entered into 01:11:00.720 --> 01:11:02.399 individual assistance. 01:11:02.399 --> 01:11:03.524 Okay. Two and a half million. 01:11:03.524 --> 01:11:07.274 And Harvey we're still under a million, okay. 01:11:07.327 --> 01:11:11.383 But then when you look at the impacts to housing, 01:11:11.383 --> 01:11:13.440 the amount of money it would cost to fix 01:11:13.440 --> 01:11:15.593 flood-based housing issues is going to be 01:11:15.593 --> 01:11:17.151 tremendously more expensive than I believe 01:11:17.151 --> 01:11:19.401 what we may see in Florida. 01:11:20.147 --> 01:11:22.730 California's a whole other, um, 01:11:23.355 --> 01:11:25.206 as long as I've been doing this I've never seen 01:11:25.206 --> 01:11:27.806 a more disturbing disaster in my life. 01:11:27.806 --> 01:11:31.306 And I think they lost 6,800 homes in that. 01:11:31.787 --> 01:11:33.522 So each one's tremendously different 01:11:33.522 --> 01:11:34.804 and the costs will vary based on what 01:11:34.804 --> 01:11:36.514 the services are that are needed. 01:11:36.514 --> 01:11:38.514 As far as overall costs, 01:11:38.552 --> 01:11:40.647 I've heard numbers inside from my finance guys 01:11:40.647 --> 01:11:42.162 saying that we're probably spending about 01:11:42.162 --> 01:11:44.497 200 million dollars a day right now just 01:11:44.497 --> 01:11:46.876 responding to the four disasters 01:11:46.876 --> 01:11:48.376 that we're facing. 01:11:48.405 --> 01:11:50.644 - Yeah. And how would you rank them? 01:11:50.644 --> 01:11:51.829 In terms of hurricanes, 01:11:51.829 --> 01:11:54.336 what's gonna be the most expensive for us? 01:11:54.336 --> 01:11:56.003 And the second most? 01:11:56.025 --> 01:11:58.207 I've heard estimates that Texas will be 01:11:58.207 --> 01:11:59.513 number one, is that accurate? 01:11:59.513 --> 01:12:02.091 - Probably Texas, uh, probably Texas. 01:12:02.091 --> 01:12:03.402 Well, I don't know, I take that back because 01:12:03.402 --> 01:12:04.935 we're not done with Puerto Rico. 01:12:04.935 --> 01:12:07.435 We're still trying to uncover, 01:12:07.954 --> 01:12:09.877 we're still trying to uncover that but, 01:12:09.877 --> 01:12:11.924 but um, I would believe that um, 01:12:11.924 --> 01:12:12.937 right now Texas is probably the most expensive 01:12:12.937 --> 01:12:16.937 one, but here again that's just a pure guess and 01:12:17.036 --> 01:12:19.703 we still have numbers coming in. 01:12:19.829 --> 01:12:21.639 - And obviously with long term funding we have to 01:12:21.639 --> 01:12:24.788 have local government, state government engaged. 01:12:24.788 --> 01:12:27.043 But they need to make plans for long term 01:12:27.043 --> 01:12:28.874 investments to recover and to make sure they're 01:12:28.874 --> 01:12:31.554 sustainable but it's difficult for them to do 01:12:31.554 --> 01:12:34.446 that without knowing the amount of money 01:12:34.446 --> 01:12:35.545 that's available, isn't it? 01:12:35.545 --> 01:12:38.128 - Yeah, absolutely, um, I mean. 01:12:38.543 --> 01:12:41.460 Here again, the money comes mostly, 01:12:41.524 --> 01:12:43.281 the largest majority of the funding 01:12:43.281 --> 01:12:45.776 that states interact with FEMA is definitely 01:12:45.776 --> 01:12:47.443 on the recovery end. 01:12:47.716 --> 01:12:51.492 And that goes back to the pre-disaster mitigation 01:12:51.492 --> 01:12:54.113 point- how do you plan to implement mitigation 01:12:54.113 --> 01:12:56.197 strategies when you have to get hit and you're 01:12:56.197 --> 01:12:58.661 not sure how much money you're going to come into 01:12:58.661 --> 01:13:01.112 based on the type of disaster. 01:13:01.112 --> 01:13:02.822 That's why I think we have to pre-plan, 01:13:02.822 --> 01:13:04.454 take it out of recovery and put it up front 01:13:04.454 --> 01:13:07.594 so that you can do better visionary planning 01:13:07.594 --> 01:13:09.207 over the next couple of years to truly 01:13:09.207 --> 01:13:11.020 mitigate your communities. 01:13:11.020 --> 01:13:12.211 - Great, thank you. 01:13:12.211 --> 01:13:13.044 - Thank you. 01:13:13.044 --> 01:13:15.466 - [Senator Johnson] Senator Harris. 01:13:15.466 --> 01:13:16.560 - Thank you Mr. Chairman for this hearing 01:13:16.560 --> 01:13:19.668 on hurricanes and I appreciate the Administrator 01:13:19.668 --> 01:13:21.585 speaking of California. 01:13:21.986 --> 01:13:24.864 This hearing is not about wildfires but I would 01:13:24.864 --> 01:13:28.614 like to urge that we do everything we can to, 01:13:29.659 --> 01:13:31.192 as you appreciate, recognize, 01:13:31.192 --> 01:13:33.920 we lost 42 lives in California and the estimate 01:13:33.920 --> 01:13:37.003 is currently that we lost 8,900 homes 01:13:37.072 --> 01:13:38.322 and structures. 01:13:38.451 --> 01:13:41.183 On that point from FEMA, there is still a need, 01:13:41.183 --> 01:13:42.306 you're doing a great job. 01:13:42.306 --> 01:13:44.423 The Army Corps of Engineers, I was there, 01:13:44.423 --> 01:13:47.623 I visited the site, I've met with the families 01:13:47.623 --> 01:13:50.783 and you're absolutely right, it's devastating to 01:13:50.783 --> 01:13:53.616 those families and that community. 01:13:53.764 --> 01:13:55.909 In terms of FEMA there is still a need, 01:13:55.909 --> 01:13:58.545 and I'll just put this on your radar for individual 01:13:58.545 --> 01:14:01.229 assistance to help cover temporary housing. 01:14:01.229 --> 01:14:03.065 You mentioned that it's a big issue throughout 01:14:03.065 --> 01:14:05.199 the country and certainly in California. 01:14:05.199 --> 01:14:06.522 Affordable housing. 01:14:06.522 --> 01:14:08.518 And I know that FEMA does not have the number 01:14:08.518 --> 01:14:11.409 of trailers and they're not on the production 01:14:11.409 --> 01:14:14.356 line in a way that we can get them to California 01:14:14.356 --> 01:14:15.641 as soon as they're needed, 01:14:15.641 --> 01:14:17.421 so there's still a need for temporary housing, 01:14:17.421 --> 01:14:20.542 help and basic essentials like clothing 01:14:20.542 --> 01:14:21.959 and baby formula. 01:14:22.479 --> 01:14:25.347 And from HUD if you can just pass this on CDBG 01:14:25.347 --> 01:14:28.767 funding for permanent housing is a big issue. 01:14:28.767 --> 01:14:32.600 Crop insurance from USDA and then from the SBA 01:14:33.277 --> 01:14:35.299 we need business loans for small businesses 01:14:35.299 --> 01:14:37.382 that have been destroyed. 01:14:37.801 --> 01:14:39.235 So I thank you for that. 01:14:39.235 --> 01:14:42.651 On October 27 through the Environmental Public 01:14:42.651 --> 01:14:45.334 Works committee which I am also on, 01:14:45.334 --> 01:14:48.676 we sent a letter to FEMA and the EPA and the 01:14:48.676 --> 01:14:51.843 Army Corps of Engineers asking for um, 01:14:52.009 --> 01:14:54.388 information about a timeline and the work that 01:14:54.388 --> 01:14:57.004 has been completed or is yet to be done as it 01:14:57.004 --> 01:14:58.504 relates to debris. 01:14:59.221 --> 01:15:01.324 So I'd like to get an answer to that and if we 01:15:01.324 --> 01:15:02.603 can get that within the next week 01:15:02.603 --> 01:15:03.775 I'd appreciate that. 01:15:03.775 --> 01:15:06.088 There are about seven specific questions. 01:15:06.088 --> 01:15:08.796 But as you're aware and has been mentioned here 01:15:08.796 --> 01:15:11.217 there are millions of cubic feet of debris in 01:15:11.217 --> 01:15:14.800 Puerto Rico and it is my understanding that 01:15:15.477 --> 01:15:18.150 we're looking at debris that is large. 01:15:18.150 --> 01:15:21.650 It ranges from rooftops to garage doors to 01:15:21.869 --> 01:15:24.036 refrigerators and couches. 01:15:24.157 --> 01:15:27.108 Debris that people who live there cannot pick up 01:15:27.108 --> 01:15:27.941 and move. 01:15:28.404 --> 01:15:31.571 There's also been a compromise to the, 01:15:31.892 --> 01:15:34.718 to the landfills in Puerto Rico that existed 01:15:34.718 --> 01:15:38.635 before the hurricanes hit and remain a problem. 01:15:38.957 --> 01:15:42.102 It is my understanding that FEMA plans to remove 01:15:42.102 --> 01:15:45.066 the debris but I'm not clear on what the timeline 01:15:45.066 --> 01:15:46.761 is for actually getting that completed. 01:15:46.761 --> 01:15:49.561 Can you tell me what that plan is? 01:15:49.561 --> 01:15:51.428 - Um, so, each one of the events is 01:15:51.428 --> 01:15:53.037 extraordinarily different again and 01:15:53.037 --> 01:15:54.494 there's no one-size-fits-all approach 01:15:54.494 --> 01:15:57.128 when it comes to debris removal. 01:15:57.128 --> 01:15:58.677 For example the California wildfires, 01:15:58.677 --> 01:16:01.344 if I may use that as an example, 01:16:01.662 --> 01:16:04.514 because of the nature of the hazard you first 01:16:04.514 --> 01:16:06.368 have to go through and make sure you remove 01:16:06.368 --> 01:16:09.035 all the hazardous materials from 01:16:09.058 --> 01:16:10.558 personal property. 01:16:11.154 --> 01:16:13.716 Then obviously as you said the number of deaths 01:16:13.716 --> 01:16:16.390 is projected to go up over 80 and that's because 01:16:16.390 --> 01:16:18.486 we're still searching for remains. 01:16:18.486 --> 01:16:19.319 - [Senator Harris] Yeah. 01:16:19.319 --> 01:16:20.440 - In a very humane manner trying to make sure 01:16:20.440 --> 01:16:22.630 that we go through the debris to find remains 01:16:22.630 --> 01:16:24.297 of the burning area. 01:16:24.697 --> 01:16:27.192 After all the environmental piece is done 01:16:27.192 --> 01:16:30.161 and that we correctly go through to look for 01:16:30.161 --> 01:16:30.994 remains then a lot of the debris contracting 01:16:30.994 --> 01:16:33.161 is done at the local level 01:16:35.022 --> 01:16:36.534 through private contracts. 01:16:36.534 --> 01:16:38.426 If those contracts fail or the governor requests 01:16:38.426 --> 01:16:39.759 me specifically, 01:16:40.025 --> 01:16:42.361 then we can mission assign the Army Corps of 01:16:42.361 --> 01:16:44.121 Engineers which I believe you guys have been 01:16:44.121 --> 01:16:46.654 mission assigned in California, 01:16:46.654 --> 01:16:48.987 similar to also Puerto Rico. 01:16:50.231 --> 01:16:51.987 Debris in Florida was done differently. 01:16:51.987 --> 01:16:54.033 A large majority of that was done at the local 01:16:54.033 --> 01:16:56.175 level by debris contracts and pre-event contracts 01:16:56.175 --> 01:16:58.008 that they established, 01:16:58.116 --> 01:17:00.503 so each one of these may have different timelines 01:17:00.503 --> 01:17:02.442 because of the types of debris, 01:17:02.442 --> 01:17:03.531 but like Puerto Rico. 01:17:03.531 --> 01:17:07.198 - Yeah what is the timeline for Puerto Rico? 01:17:07.969 --> 01:17:09.731 - Senator I don't have an exact timeline for 01:17:09.731 --> 01:17:10.731 Puerto Rico. 01:17:11.088 --> 01:17:13.465 We have just started scratching the surface on 01:17:13.465 --> 01:17:14.715 debris removal. 01:17:15.952 --> 01:17:18.048 We've run into some really interesting politics 01:17:18.048 --> 01:17:20.521 within the 78 municipalities that make up 01:17:20.521 --> 01:17:23.705 Puerto Rico in terms of how they are allowing us 01:17:23.705 --> 01:17:24.955 to gain access, 01:17:25.302 --> 01:17:27.758 so we're in some significant negotiations. 01:17:27.758 --> 01:17:29.254 Many of the municipalities have come back and 01:17:29.254 --> 01:17:31.514 said, 'we don't really want you to do it, 01:17:31.514 --> 01:17:32.347 we'll take care of it ourself'. 01:17:32.347 --> 01:17:34.495 So we're going through that right now. 01:17:34.495 --> 01:17:36.309 I will uh, I will respond to the letter that you 01:17:36.309 --> 01:17:37.142 sent with a much more 01:17:37.142 --> 01:17:37.975 - [Senator Harris] I appreciate that. 01:17:37.975 --> 01:17:39.374 - definitive timeline than what I just gave you. 01:17:39.374 --> 01:17:41.316 - And then, and if you could also follow up on 01:17:41.316 --> 01:17:44.816 this point about what jurisdictions within 01:17:44.974 --> 01:17:48.891 Puerto Rico are hesitant to cooperate with your 01:17:50.486 --> 01:17:51.742 efforts so that we can make sure that we do our 01:17:51.742 --> 01:17:53.264 part to figure out how to get some cooperation. 01:17:53.264 --> 01:17:54.661 - Will do that, Senator. Thank you. 01:17:54.661 --> 01:17:57.632 - Okay. And Dr. Kadlec my understanding is that 01:17:57.632 --> 01:18:00.799 the debris piles that are occurring in 01:18:00.800 --> 01:18:01.800 Puerto Rico, 01:18:02.157 --> 01:18:04.762 that they are wet from the recent rains, 01:18:04.762 --> 01:18:06.860 they are attracting pests that range from 01:18:06.860 --> 01:18:08.693 rodents to mosquitoes, 01:18:10.040 --> 01:18:11.851 and there is also a concern that pets that 01:18:11.851 --> 01:18:13.839 are going there and the rodents that are going 01:18:13.839 --> 01:18:17.589 there are leaving great amounts of urine that 01:18:17.948 --> 01:18:20.791 is also seeping into the waterways. 01:18:20.791 --> 01:18:22.694 Can you talk for a moment about the health risks 01:18:22.694 --> 01:18:26.086 associated with this accumulating debris? 01:18:26.086 --> 01:18:28.263 - Well ma'am there are several issues that 01:18:28.263 --> 01:18:29.741 have to be dealt with in that. 01:18:29.741 --> 01:18:31.238 One is the moldy kind of debris that you'd be 01:18:31.238 --> 01:18:34.248 anticipating and again fungal growths that would 01:18:34.248 --> 01:18:37.544 be causing exacerbations for respiratory disease 01:18:37.544 --> 01:18:38.544 like asthma. 01:18:39.581 --> 01:18:41.580 Also you'd be very concerned about some of the 01:18:41.580 --> 01:18:43.442 immuno-suppressive effects of certain fungal 01:18:43.442 --> 01:18:45.075 growths that are out there. 01:18:45.075 --> 01:18:48.575 People with immuno-compromised situations. 01:18:48.878 --> 01:18:50.582 Probably biggest concern about debris piles is 01:18:50.582 --> 01:18:52.941 that uh, you find people climbing on 'em, 01:18:52.941 --> 01:18:54.301 rooting around in them, 01:18:54.301 --> 01:18:56.252 so there's likely lacerations, injuries and 01:18:56.252 --> 01:18:57.730 infections, soft tissue injuries 01:18:57.730 --> 01:18:59.397 that come from that. 01:18:59.494 --> 01:19:01.166 - And bacterial diseases, is that correct? 01:19:01.166 --> 01:19:02.379 - Yes ma'am bacterial diseases 01:19:02.379 --> 01:19:03.658 - And that can lead to death. - and that would be that. 01:19:03.658 --> 01:19:04.948 And the last one you didn't mention but 01:19:04.948 --> 01:19:07.094 I'll mention because it's a matter of topical 01:19:07.094 --> 01:19:09.145 interest is leptospirosis which is 01:19:09.145 --> 01:19:11.062 endemic to Puerto Rico. 01:19:11.205 --> 01:19:13.318 Occurs typically during the rainy season, 01:19:13.318 --> 01:19:15.121 August through December. 01:19:15.121 --> 01:19:18.328 There have been some cases already been defined 01:19:18.328 --> 01:19:21.161 or declared and a couple of deaths 01:19:21.984 --> 01:19:23.651 suspected with that. 01:19:23.799 --> 01:19:26.146 It's a disease that is remedied 01:19:26.146 --> 01:19:27.979 by antibiotic therapy. 01:19:28.111 --> 01:19:30.644 About a week after the landfall of the hurricane 01:19:30.644 --> 01:19:32.643 we were working with the state epidemiologist, 01:19:32.643 --> 01:19:34.681 and again, everything we do is in support of 01:19:34.681 --> 01:19:36.808 the Department of Health on Puerto Rico, 01:19:36.808 --> 01:19:38.857 but basically making available courses of 01:19:38.857 --> 01:19:41.674 antibiotic treatment to basically treat 01:19:41.674 --> 01:19:44.928 anticipated levels of leptospirosis and other 01:19:44.928 --> 01:19:46.678 bacterial infections. 01:19:48.145 --> 01:19:50.321 Typically leptospirosis occurs in about 01:19:50.321 --> 01:19:52.116 a couple hundred cases a year. 01:19:52.116 --> 01:19:54.051 We'd expect that to probably go higher than 01:19:54.051 --> 01:19:56.770 that because of the nature of the events, 01:19:56.770 --> 01:19:58.529 so we've provided several thousand courses 01:19:58.529 --> 01:20:00.946 of treatment for Puerto Rico. 01:20:01.857 --> 01:20:04.685 Beyond those kinds of circumstances you'd be 01:20:04.685 --> 01:20:06.685 concerned about tetanus. 01:20:07.834 --> 01:20:11.334 We've also made available tetanus vaccines 01:20:11.827 --> 01:20:14.155 through CDC and also have made available 24 01:20:14.155 --> 01:20:16.661 environmental health officers to work with the 01:20:16.661 --> 01:20:18.294 department of Puerto Rico as well as 01:20:18.294 --> 01:20:21.649 epidemiologists to track not only these kinds of 01:20:21.649 --> 01:20:23.390 environmental hazards, 01:20:23.390 --> 01:20:24.433 but also the cases 01:20:24.433 --> 01:20:26.291 that would be associated with them. 01:20:26.291 --> 01:20:27.777 - Mr. Chairman I recognize mt time is up but 01:20:27.777 --> 01:20:29.799 I would like as a follow-up from each who has 01:20:29.799 --> 01:20:33.008 information about the, the incidents we're also 01:20:33.008 --> 01:20:36.761 hearing of people in Puerto Rico drinking water 01:20:36.761 --> 01:20:39.656 from Superfund sites because of their desperation 01:20:39.656 --> 01:20:41.587 to get drinking water and obviously there are 01:20:41.587 --> 01:20:44.152 obvious health risks, huge health risks, 01:20:44.152 --> 01:20:45.300 associated with that. 01:20:45.300 --> 01:20:46.133 Thank you. 01:20:46.167 --> 01:20:47.688 - Senator Langford. 01:20:47.688 --> 01:20:48.521 - Anyways Chairman. 01:20:48.521 --> 01:20:50.003 Gentleman thank you for being here and getting 01:20:50.003 --> 01:20:51.520 a chance to walk through this. 01:20:51.520 --> 01:20:52.707 I have a multitude of questions I want to try to 01:20:52.707 --> 01:20:56.040 blitz through in a short period of time. 01:20:57.311 --> 01:20:58.850 Mr. Long, let me ask you this. 01:20:58.850 --> 01:21:01.878 This comes back to the preparation side of this. 01:21:01.878 --> 01:21:04.026 The Biggert Waters flood insurance program 01:21:04.026 --> 01:21:07.776 in 2012 required a report every six months on 01:21:07.959 --> 01:21:09.645 how we're doing on the debt. 01:21:09.645 --> 01:21:12.361 What's happening there, what process do we have 01:21:12.361 --> 01:21:13.570 to be able to work out of 01:21:13.570 --> 01:21:15.492 the flood insurance debt? 01:21:15.492 --> 01:21:17.200 The previous administration just stopped doing 01:21:17.200 --> 01:21:19.781 that report at the end of last year, 01:21:19.781 --> 01:21:21.465 so we don't have that really for two years 01:21:21.465 --> 01:21:24.484 so it made it difficult coming into this year 01:21:24.484 --> 01:21:26.484 and trying to deal with obvious flood issues 01:21:26.484 --> 01:21:27.684 when we don't have a report 01:21:27.684 --> 01:21:28.843 for the last two years. 01:21:28.843 --> 01:21:31.261 Do you know when that is planned to restart? 01:21:31.261 --> 01:21:32.917 I understand full well in the chaos of all it's 01:21:32.917 --> 01:21:36.400 trying to go with what's happening currently, 01:21:36.400 --> 01:21:37.860 that's probably going to behind again, 01:21:37.860 --> 01:21:39.028 but do you know where that is in the process of 01:21:39.028 --> 01:21:39.945 restarting? 01:21:39.988 --> 01:21:41.184 - I do not but we will follow up 01:21:41.184 --> 01:21:42.684 directly with you. 01:21:42.760 --> 01:21:43.593 - That would be helpful. 01:21:43.593 --> 01:21:46.088 You also mentioned in your testimony about 01:21:46.088 --> 01:21:48.017 trying to interact with private entities in 01:21:48.017 --> 01:21:49.952 the private sector on flood insurance. 01:21:49.952 --> 01:21:51.694 Do you have any specific ideas on that? 01:21:51.694 --> 01:21:52.806 Things that you plan to be able to 01:21:52.806 --> 01:21:54.474 bring at the end of this? 01:21:54.474 --> 01:21:56.315 - Well the NFIP program is underneath 01:21:56.315 --> 01:21:57.664 you know, my authorities. 01:21:57.664 --> 01:21:59.404 I'm not an insurance, um, 01:21:59.404 --> 01:22:00.879 I'm not an insurance expert when it comes to 01:22:00.879 --> 01:22:02.212 fixing the NFIP. 01:22:03.004 --> 01:22:05.431 Going into Harvey if I remember correctly, 01:22:05.431 --> 01:22:08.317 and this is, you know, give or take uh, 01:22:08.317 --> 01:22:10.148 a couple million here, 01:22:10.148 --> 01:22:13.756 we were 24 billion dollars in debt, roughly. 01:22:13.756 --> 01:22:16.800 And then when anytime you have a massive event, 01:22:16.800 --> 01:22:18.476 you know Katrina sent it into debt, 01:22:18.476 --> 01:22:19.865 Sandy sends it into debt, 01:22:19.865 --> 01:22:23.007 Harvey, Irma are gonna send it into further debt 01:22:23.007 --> 01:22:24.692 which you guys have recognized. 01:22:24.692 --> 01:22:26.531 We have to fix the business framework and it's 01:22:26.531 --> 01:22:27.814 got to require a solution from 01:22:27.814 --> 01:22:28.961 the private sector. 01:22:28.961 --> 01:22:30.589 I think the private sector should drive a lot 01:22:30.589 --> 01:22:32.785 of the market and you know, 01:22:32.785 --> 01:22:35.454 if we're gonna continue to reward bad behavior 01:22:35.454 --> 01:22:36.809 by building in flood zones, 01:22:36.809 --> 01:22:38.789 then there needs to be actuarial risks that are 01:22:38.789 --> 01:22:39.622 involved. 01:22:40.102 --> 01:22:44.019 And I full understand the affordability issues, 01:22:44.094 --> 01:22:46.560 but I also believe that we can't continue to 01:22:46.560 --> 01:22:49.791 allow conducting business under the same 01:22:49.791 --> 01:22:51.854 framework and continue to go into debt. 01:22:51.854 --> 01:22:55.230 I don't want to run a program that goes into debt 01:22:55.230 --> 01:22:56.229 so I know what I don't know, 01:22:56.229 --> 01:22:57.338 and I know that we need the private sector 01:22:57.338 --> 01:22:58.171 support. 01:22:58.227 --> 01:22:59.700 I need your support to figure out the best 01:22:59.700 --> 01:23:00.700 way forward. 01:23:01.312 --> 01:23:02.943 - So let, let's work our way through this which 01:23:02.943 --> 01:23:04.110 we understand will be months in the process, 01:23:04.110 --> 01:23:06.765 and years in many places in the process. 01:23:06.765 --> 01:23:08.478 But we do need some help to be able to sit down 01:23:08.478 --> 01:23:09.311 at the table and be able to 01:23:09.311 --> 01:23:10.794 figure this out. - [General Jackson] Absolutely. 01:23:10.794 --> 01:23:11.843 - We have ideas that we're bringing to it 01:23:11.843 --> 01:23:13.579 obviously for the practitioners that are working 01:23:13.579 --> 01:23:15.562 through this are gonna have specific ideas. 01:23:15.562 --> 01:23:17.039 We've got to deal with outside private sector 01:23:17.039 --> 01:23:17.872 insurance. 01:23:18.358 --> 01:23:20.269 We don't want to create a situation where 01:23:20.269 --> 01:23:22.996 private sector creates insurance policies and 01:23:22.996 --> 01:23:23.968 then as soon as they have claims 01:23:23.968 --> 01:23:25.123 they walk away from it. 01:23:25.123 --> 01:23:25.956 - [Brock] Right. 01:23:25.956 --> 01:23:27.923 - That doesn't help those individuals. 01:23:27.923 --> 01:23:28.944 It doesn't help us federal government. 01:23:28.944 --> 01:23:29.777 There has to be some ways to be able to 01:23:29.777 --> 01:23:32.018 establish some backstops that will work long 01:23:32.018 --> 01:23:34.995 term and can provide some affordability. 01:23:34.995 --> 01:23:37.221 So I'd like to commit that in the days ahead 01:23:37.221 --> 01:23:39.034 we're gonna try to get some ideas worked out and 01:23:39.034 --> 01:23:39.891 look at a long term plan. 01:23:39.891 --> 01:23:41.770 That's not gonna be a year to resolve, 01:23:41.770 --> 01:23:43.077 it's gonna be a decade or more to resolve 01:23:43.077 --> 01:23:44.981 but we gotta be able to get started on this. 01:23:44.981 --> 01:23:45.826 I know with FEMA as well 01:23:45.826 --> 01:23:47.621 there's been some interaction, 01:23:47.621 --> 01:23:49.083 and I'm not gonna press you on this 'cause we've 01:23:49.083 --> 01:23:50.767 talked about it before, 01:23:50.767 --> 01:23:53.945 but it is odd still in Florida and in Houston 01:23:53.945 --> 01:23:55.528 and in Puerto Rico, 01:23:55.609 --> 01:23:58.111 that if United Way facility has devastation, 01:23:58.111 --> 01:24:01.077 or a zoo, or a museum has devastation, 01:24:01.077 --> 01:24:03.704 they can engage with FEMA for help. 01:24:03.704 --> 01:24:05.592 But if a mosque, a synagogue or a church has 01:24:05.592 --> 01:24:07.457 devastation they cannot. 01:24:07.457 --> 01:24:09.260 All of those are non-profits, 01:24:09.260 --> 01:24:11.657 but for those that are considered houses of 01:24:11.657 --> 01:24:14.103 worship they can't engage in the same way. 01:24:14.103 --> 01:24:17.580 I feel like, in reading the law from the 1990's, 01:24:17.580 --> 01:24:20.826 when Congress said that non-profits would be 01:24:20.826 --> 01:24:23.054 included that's all non-profits. 01:24:23.054 --> 01:24:24.973 And I'll be able to continue that conversation 01:24:24.973 --> 01:24:26.206 in the days ahead with you on that. 01:24:26.206 --> 01:24:27.039 - [Brock] Sure. 01:24:27.039 --> 01:24:28.279 - And I know there's been some pushback 01:24:28.279 --> 01:24:29.632 which I think is reasonable to be able to 01:24:29.632 --> 01:24:31.523 ask that question on that. 01:24:31.523 --> 01:24:32.356 - [Brock] Sure. 01:24:32.356 --> 01:24:33.189 - General Jackson, by the way, 01:24:33.189 --> 01:24:34.238 your family's doing good? 01:24:34.238 --> 01:24:35.071 - [General Jackson] Yes sir. Thank you. 01:24:35.071 --> 01:24:36.506 - Good. It's good to see you again. 01:24:36.506 --> 01:24:37.339 - [General Jackson] Good to see you sir. 01:24:37.339 --> 01:24:39.147 - Alright thanks for the ways you continue 01:24:39.147 --> 01:24:40.564 to serve the nation. 01:24:40.564 --> 01:24:42.747 You mentioned a comment about half of the power 01:24:42.747 --> 01:24:45.420 generation in Puerto Rico is from wind and solar, 01:24:45.420 --> 01:24:47.808 and half of that is from fossil fuels. 01:24:47.808 --> 01:24:48.991 Did I hear that correctly? 01:24:48.991 --> 01:24:50.016 - Yes Senator. 01:24:50.016 --> 01:24:53.282 - So, of those that are there, what remain? 01:24:53.282 --> 01:24:54.748 What was the most resilient? 01:24:54.748 --> 01:24:55.602 What is still working? 01:24:55.602 --> 01:24:57.852 What is redeemable of that? 01:24:57.856 --> 01:24:59.227 - Very interesting, Senator, that you ask that 01:24:59.227 --> 01:25:01.077 because I was very surprised when I flew over the 01:25:01.077 --> 01:25:04.182 renewable sites, the solar and the wind, 01:25:04.182 --> 01:25:06.059 the actual blades of the wind farms were 01:25:06.059 --> 01:25:10.142 snapped off and the solar panels were all smashed 01:25:10.592 --> 01:25:14.522 and the actual power plants that held up the best 01:25:14.522 --> 01:25:16.546 were the typical standard power plants. 01:25:16.546 --> 01:25:19.629 Be it the natural gas, or coal fired, 01:25:19.643 --> 01:25:22.294 or heavy diesel or what have you, so just the 01:25:22.294 --> 01:25:23.759 structures themselves held up better than the 01:25:23.759 --> 01:25:25.835 renewables based on what I saw. 01:25:25.835 --> 01:25:27.907 - I'm not into renewables, to say the least, 01:25:27.907 --> 01:25:29.836 but I think part of the conversation that 01:25:29.836 --> 01:25:32.034 we have to have in helping Puerto Rico get back 01:25:32.034 --> 01:25:35.585 on it's feet is to look at resiliency long term. 01:25:35.585 --> 01:25:37.230 So I want us to be able to look at all of those 01:25:37.230 --> 01:25:39.320 things as we go through the process and I know 01:25:39.320 --> 01:25:41.468 that'd be a common conversation around this 01:25:41.468 --> 01:25:43.020 horseshoe and to be able to figure out how we 01:25:43.020 --> 01:25:45.143 actually get them back in place. 01:25:45.143 --> 01:25:48.459 I'm asking a question that I know is unfair, 01:25:48.459 --> 01:25:51.072 so I'm gonna go ahead and tell you up front. 01:25:51.072 --> 01:25:54.893 We're all concerned about why Puerto Rico did not 01:25:54.893 --> 01:25:56.776 choose to do mutual aide for their 01:25:56.776 --> 01:25:58.526 power reconstruction. 01:26:00.624 --> 01:26:02.354 Texas did, Florida did, 01:26:02.354 --> 01:26:03.585 other groups when they've experienced it, 01:26:03.585 --> 01:26:06.211 they asked for mutual aide engaged. 01:26:06.211 --> 01:26:10.059 What have you been told why they didn't do that? 01:26:10.059 --> 01:26:11.892 You can't tell me why, 01:26:12.014 --> 01:26:13.764 I'm only asking what have you been told 01:26:13.764 --> 01:26:15.778 why they didn't ask for mutual aide? 01:26:15.778 --> 01:26:17.113 And Mr. Long the question is coming to you 01:26:17.113 --> 01:26:18.437 as well next on that. 01:26:18.437 --> 01:26:19.724 So, General Jackson, 01:26:19.724 --> 01:26:21.295 what have you been told why they didn't 01:26:21.295 --> 01:26:22.686 request mutual aide? 01:26:22.686 --> 01:26:26.045 - Senator I've been told that the reason that 01:26:26.045 --> 01:26:28.565 they did outreach at some point for mutual aide 01:26:28.565 --> 01:26:32.304 but because it's a cost-shared arrangement and 01:26:32.304 --> 01:26:34.438 Puerto Rico is in the financial situation that 01:26:34.438 --> 01:26:35.355 they're in, 01:26:35.536 --> 01:26:39.369 that utility companies were hesitant to engage 01:26:39.451 --> 01:26:40.835 because there was no guarantee of 01:26:40.835 --> 01:26:42.418 cost-share payment. 01:26:42.512 --> 01:26:44.115 Now that changed, I believe, when the cost-share 01:26:44.115 --> 01:26:47.484 arrangement was waived and then they re-engaged, 01:26:47.484 --> 01:26:50.570 the public power utilities re-engaged. 01:26:50.570 --> 01:26:52.610 But by that time, PREPA had already reached out 01:26:52.610 --> 01:26:56.168 and had engaged with a sole source contract and 01:26:56.168 --> 01:26:58.713 that's how that arrangement was started. 01:26:58.713 --> 01:27:00.268 That's what I've been told through multiple 01:27:00.268 --> 01:27:02.956 sources but I obviously don't have any authority 01:27:02.956 --> 01:27:03.878 to confirm that. - I, I understand, 01:27:03.878 --> 01:27:05.523 'cause again, I'm not asking what they did 01:27:05.523 --> 01:27:06.426 or why they made this decision, 01:27:06.426 --> 01:27:07.259 just what you were told. 01:27:07.259 --> 01:27:08.092 Mr. Long, 01:27:08.092 --> 01:27:08.925 is that the same thing you were told as well? 01:27:08.925 --> 01:27:09.895 - Uh, General Jackson is correct 01:27:09.895 --> 01:27:11.598 and I agree with him. 01:27:11.598 --> 01:27:14.234 Um, many companies are not willing to engage 01:27:14.234 --> 01:27:16.462 until there's a guarantee of 100 percent. 01:27:16.462 --> 01:27:17.295 - [Senator Langford] Right. 01:27:17.295 --> 01:27:19.543 - And uh, the bottom line is that I spoke with 01:27:19.543 --> 01:27:21.876 Governor Rossello yesterday, 01:27:24.114 --> 01:27:25.449 there are going to re-engage the e-mac process 01:27:25.449 --> 01:27:26.585 for power support. 01:27:26.585 --> 01:27:28.255 I think specifically they're having conversations 01:27:28.255 --> 01:27:30.322 with the states of Florida and New York. 01:27:30.322 --> 01:27:33.078 And the goal is is that my federal coordinating 01:27:33.078 --> 01:27:36.372 officer Mike Burn has requested that PREPA 01:27:36.372 --> 01:27:39.364 make sure that we are unified with the Army Corps 01:27:39.364 --> 01:27:41.673 so that we're not working in separate streams but 01:27:41.673 --> 01:27:42.835 that we are working together 01:27:42.835 --> 01:27:44.035 in a consolidated effort. 01:27:44.035 --> 01:27:45.577 - We will follow up with your staff 'cause I have 01:27:45.577 --> 01:27:47.056 another question that's a process issue that 01:27:47.056 --> 01:27:49.264 we'll have to just talk through and that is- 01:27:49.264 --> 01:27:50.584 At times when FEMA can't get it done with 01:27:50.584 --> 01:27:52.488 contracts you're punting to 01:27:52.488 --> 01:27:53.801 Army Corps of Engineers to be able to handle 01:27:53.801 --> 01:27:54.634 any contracts. 01:27:54.634 --> 01:27:55.467 What I'd be interested to know 01:27:55.467 --> 01:27:57.717 is the contracting process. 01:27:59.034 --> 01:27:59.867 Which one takes longer, 01:27:59.867 --> 01:28:00.700 which one's more efficient, 01:28:00.700 --> 01:28:02.850 which one has greater cost? 01:28:02.850 --> 01:28:04.883 At times there is some overlap in between the 01:28:04.883 --> 01:28:07.651 'whose got debris removal': at what level FEMA 01:28:07.651 --> 01:28:09.455 can handle it and what level they need to be able 01:28:09.455 --> 01:28:10.471 to hand it off. 01:28:10.471 --> 01:28:11.972 For us that's gonna be helpful just to be able 01:28:11.972 --> 01:28:14.358 to know because those are federal dollars there. 01:28:14.358 --> 01:28:15.295 Which one's more efficient, 01:28:15.295 --> 01:28:16.879 do we need to buffer one up to be able to 01:28:16.879 --> 01:28:18.161 correct another one. 01:28:18.161 --> 01:28:20.093 - Can I answer the question? 01:28:20.093 --> 01:28:23.436 Um, we do not typically contract to rebuild 01:28:23.436 --> 01:28:24.321 power grids. 01:28:24.321 --> 01:28:26.143 We mission assign the Army Corps of Engineers 01:28:26.143 --> 01:28:28.540 who handles the contracts directly 01:28:28.540 --> 01:28:30.207 to get the job done. 01:28:30.827 --> 01:28:34.715 The best case scenario is the example of Florida. 01:28:34.715 --> 01:28:37.403 Florida Power and Light controls their destiny 01:28:37.403 --> 01:28:40.609 when it comes to restoring their own power grid 01:28:40.609 --> 01:28:42.542 and inactivating mutual aide, 01:28:42.542 --> 01:28:44.732 and then FEMA basically serves in a supportive 01:28:44.732 --> 01:28:46.864 federal role to reimburse those actions. 01:28:46.864 --> 01:28:48.717 - Yeah, my question won't be specifically on 01:28:48.717 --> 01:28:50.714 power, it'll be on all contracting. 01:28:50.714 --> 01:28:51.547 - [Brock] Sure. 01:28:51.547 --> 01:28:52.380 - Whether it be debris removal. 01:28:52.380 --> 01:28:53.213 - [Brock] Okay. 01:28:53.213 --> 01:28:54.046 - Or whatever it may be. 01:28:54.046 --> 01:28:55.079 When we have to hire individual contractors, 01:28:55.079 --> 01:28:56.597 who handles that more efficiently? 01:28:56.597 --> 01:28:57.884 How does that actually work? 01:28:57.884 --> 01:28:59.047 Which one takes longer? 01:28:59.047 --> 01:28:59.880 - [Brock] Understood. 01:28:59.880 --> 01:29:00.713 - And such, so. 01:29:00.713 --> 01:29:01.546 Thank you Mr. Chairman. 01:29:01.546 --> 01:29:02.445 - [Senator Johnson] Senator Heitkamp. 01:29:02.445 --> 01:29:04.089 - Thank you Mr. Chairman and thank you to my 01:29:04.089 --> 01:29:06.447 colleague from New Hampshire for letting 01:29:06.447 --> 01:29:07.447 me go first. 01:29:09.352 --> 01:29:12.667 I have a few questions about the navy ship 01:29:12.667 --> 01:29:14.000 Comfort, um and, 01:29:15.722 --> 01:29:17.405 according to the Department of Defense, 01:29:17.405 --> 01:29:19.670 the Comfort has one of the largest trauma 01:29:19.670 --> 01:29:21.863 facilities in the United States is equipped 01:29:21.863 --> 01:29:24.819 as well as any kind of floating hospital 01:29:24.819 --> 01:29:26.152 can be equipped. 01:29:26.319 --> 01:29:30.152 It is capable of treating 200 patients per day 01:29:30.263 --> 01:29:32.263 with 250 beds available, 01:29:33.072 --> 01:29:35.385 but yet we hear over and over again that there 01:29:35.385 --> 01:29:38.036 are people going without medical treatment. 01:29:38.036 --> 01:29:40.159 Despite that capability and the staff of over 01:29:40.159 --> 01:29:41.992 800 trained personnel, 01:29:44.454 --> 01:29:45.735 the Comfort's treated only 100 patients 01:29:45.735 --> 01:29:49.069 um, 17 days after arriving in Puerto Rico 01:29:49.069 --> 01:29:51.902 on October third and 30 days after 01:29:51.962 --> 01:29:54.462 Hurricane Maria made landfill. 01:29:55.109 --> 01:29:58.441 Dr. Kadelac, how many patients have been 01:29:58.441 --> 01:30:00.289 treated on the Comfort so far that you're 01:30:00.289 --> 01:30:02.617 familiar with and can you elaborate on 01:30:02.617 --> 01:30:03.450 - [Dr. Kadelac] Sure ma'am. 01:30:03.450 --> 01:30:04.283 - the challenges that we've had 01:30:04.283 --> 01:30:05.573 getting patients to the Comfort. 01:30:05.573 --> 01:30:07.752 - Sure I think the last count was 121 01:30:07.752 --> 01:30:09.419 as a result of that. 01:30:10.625 --> 01:30:13.000 But ma'am before you make a judgment on that 01:30:13.000 --> 01:30:14.730 let me just explain what was the approach 01:30:14.730 --> 01:30:18.032 using the Comfort as related to it's high 01:30:18.032 --> 01:30:19.382 acuity capabilities. 01:30:19.382 --> 01:30:21.833 Which you're correct in saying there are 200 beds 01:30:21.833 --> 01:30:24.261 but more importantly there are 15 intensive 01:30:24.261 --> 01:30:26.986 care unit beds on that, on that boat. 01:30:26.986 --> 01:30:29.696 And that really was the capability that we needed 01:30:29.696 --> 01:30:31.672 because quite frankly if you looked at the events 01:30:31.672 --> 01:30:32.839 on the island, 01:30:32.957 --> 01:30:36.776 we had a level one trauma center at Centre Medico 01:30:36.776 --> 01:30:38.763 which was the East side of the island. 01:30:38.763 --> 01:30:40.538 - So how many of the patients that were treated 01:30:40.538 --> 01:30:43.987 aboard the Comfort were actually ICU patients? 01:30:43.987 --> 01:30:44.820 - High acuity patients? 01:30:44.820 --> 01:30:45.653 - Yeah. 01:30:45.653 --> 01:30:47.249 - If I recall correctly over 60, 01:30:47.249 --> 01:30:48.679 I can get you that number though, ma'am. 01:30:48.679 --> 01:30:49.512 - [Senator Heitkamp] Yeah. 01:30:49.512 --> 01:30:50.603 - But the point was is we used that as a floating 01:30:50.603 --> 01:30:53.527 intensive care unit primarily in the bases 01:30:53.527 --> 01:30:54.635 when we're trying to. 01:30:54.635 --> 01:30:56.687 - So it's your judgment that that the Comfort 01:30:56.687 --> 01:30:59.687 has been fully utilized for the need 01:31:00.365 --> 01:31:01.615 in Puerto Rico. 01:31:01.915 --> 01:31:03.816 - What it did was cover a critical bet that 01:31:03.816 --> 01:31:06.288 we had which was based on the risk that the 01:31:06.288 --> 01:31:08.538 hospitals would lose power, 01:31:08.811 --> 01:31:10.539 because the majority of them, 01:31:10.539 --> 01:31:11.372 in fact all of them, 01:31:11.372 --> 01:31:13.427 were on generator for a period of time. 01:31:13.427 --> 01:31:15.841 Now we have 70 percent back on the grid, 01:31:15.841 --> 01:31:18.074 but for the time being when the hospitals were 01:31:18.074 --> 01:31:20.518 on generators and the risk of failure before 01:31:20.518 --> 01:31:23.089 we could put back-up back-up generators, 01:31:23.089 --> 01:31:25.606 we used the Comfort as a place where we could 01:31:25.606 --> 01:31:27.773 take high acuity patients, 01:31:28.390 --> 01:31:30.807 transport them by helicopter, 01:31:31.081 --> 01:31:32.675 by rotary wing medi-vac helicopter. 01:31:32.675 --> 01:31:34.758 - I get all that but I think anybody who looks 01:31:34.758 --> 01:31:37.841 at this and maybe it's just the news, 01:31:38.951 --> 01:31:41.483 and I will turn to you Administrator Long, 01:31:41.483 --> 01:31:42.921 who looks at the news and says, 01:31:42.921 --> 01:31:45.015 look there's this huge medical need, 01:31:45.015 --> 01:31:46.715 people going without treatment, 01:31:46.715 --> 01:31:49.418 people at risk of losing their life. 01:31:49.418 --> 01:31:51.918 We have this incredible asset, 01:31:51.969 --> 01:31:54.714 this is an island, it's not like, you know, 01:31:54.714 --> 01:31:56.298 the United States of America where you might 01:31:56.298 --> 01:31:58.133 have something 3,000 miles away. 01:31:58.133 --> 01:32:00.466 Why does it seem to be to me 01:32:00.725 --> 01:32:01.892 underutilized. 01:32:02.995 --> 01:32:05.146 - So I appreciate the question, 01:32:05.146 --> 01:32:07.418 I understand the frustrations of the questions. 01:32:07.418 --> 01:32:10.973 The goal is always anytime you move medically 01:32:10.973 --> 01:32:13.056 fragile people, patients, 01:32:13.331 --> 01:32:14.487 out of a hospital, 01:32:14.487 --> 01:32:16.477 you take a risk of them surviving that move 01:32:16.477 --> 01:32:17.310 to begin with. 01:32:17.310 --> 01:32:19.701 So the goal is to stabilize the situation in 01:32:19.701 --> 01:32:21.920 the hospitals and there was a tremendous effort 01:32:21.920 --> 01:32:25.394 to do that because what we ran into was not only 01:32:25.394 --> 01:32:28.209 hospitals operating without power, 01:32:28.209 --> 01:32:29.719 but making sure that the generator actually 01:32:29.719 --> 01:32:32.396 worked, getting it fuel on a regular basis, 01:32:32.396 --> 01:32:35.084 and then maintenance of the generator ongoing. 01:32:35.084 --> 01:32:36.048 These generators aren't designed 01:32:36.048 --> 01:32:37.548 to run for months. 01:32:38.061 --> 01:32:40.660 And so what we did is we initiated the Comfort 01:32:40.660 --> 01:32:42.299 and Bob, you could probably talk about 01:32:42.299 --> 01:32:44.746 the timeline it takes to actually do that, 01:32:44.746 --> 01:32:46.525 it's about an eight day process to even 01:32:46.525 --> 01:32:49.192 turn the keys on, fuel the boat, 01:32:49.588 --> 01:32:51.681 get everybody staffed to even mobilize 01:32:51.681 --> 01:32:54.042 and go to the island, it's a long process. 01:32:54.042 --> 01:32:55.145 But the bottom line is, 01:32:55.145 --> 01:32:57.611 we basically set up a 9-1-1 system as 01:32:57.611 --> 01:33:00.072 I understand to where in two or three cases 01:33:00.072 --> 01:33:02.208 a hospital generator would fail, 01:33:02.208 --> 01:33:04.183 we would move the most medically fragile patients 01:33:04.183 --> 01:33:07.209 via helicopter from the hospital to the Comfort. 01:33:07.209 --> 01:33:09.665 I would argue that it was being utilized 01:33:09.665 --> 01:33:12.415 very well and again, the goal is, 01:33:14.110 --> 01:33:16.684 try to get the hospitals to operate. 01:33:16.684 --> 01:33:18.030 We're always gonna be second guessed on 01:33:18.030 --> 01:33:19.584 everything but try to get the hospitals 01:33:19.584 --> 01:33:22.185 to operate and serve patients where they are. 01:33:22.185 --> 01:33:25.768 - Administrator Long, I know Senator Tester 01:33:26.549 --> 01:33:28.731 hit on this but one of the concerns that I have 01:33:28.731 --> 01:33:32.064 given what now has landed on your plate, 01:33:32.892 --> 01:33:35.048 is that all of our talk about mitigation, 01:33:35.048 --> 01:33:37.486 all of our talk about preparedness, 01:33:37.486 --> 01:33:40.173 will take a backseat to just dealing with 01:33:40.173 --> 01:33:42.866 the disasters that you've been handed. 01:33:42.866 --> 01:33:46.264 We all know based on experiences with Katrina, 01:33:46.264 --> 01:33:48.474 with Sandy, this is not, you know, 01:33:48.474 --> 01:33:51.468 we're here for a month and then we leave. 01:33:51.468 --> 01:33:52.695 What are you going to do or how, 01:33:52.695 --> 01:33:55.521 what recommendations would you make to us 01:33:55.521 --> 01:33:58.938 in terms of staffing so that you have the 01:33:59.315 --> 01:34:01.407 capability of actually looking at mitigation 01:34:01.407 --> 01:34:04.490 and not just dealing with the crisis. 01:34:04.976 --> 01:34:06.644 - Sure, and you know I've been concerned about 01:34:06.644 --> 01:34:10.644 that because I, you know, my staff and you know, 01:34:11.167 --> 01:34:13.421 the coordination through the federal departments, 01:34:13.421 --> 01:34:15.888 tens of thousands of people have been deployed. 01:34:15.888 --> 01:34:18.600 I mean if you look at the actual number 01:34:18.600 --> 01:34:20.435 that's been deployed starting with Harvey, 01:34:20.435 --> 01:34:21.546 it's been unprecedented, 01:34:21.546 --> 01:34:22.708 and I don't have to say that. 01:34:22.708 --> 01:34:24.578 And unfortunately I do feel like we're losing 01:34:24.578 --> 01:34:28.263 a lot of the successes that have been implemented 01:34:28.263 --> 01:34:30.079 as a result of the post-Katrina Emergency 01:34:30.079 --> 01:34:31.851 Management Reform act. 01:34:31.851 --> 01:34:33.846 A lot of things went right. 01:34:33.846 --> 01:34:35.477 A lot of things went right. 01:34:35.477 --> 01:34:38.729 So that we don't lose Puerto Rico I plan 01:34:38.729 --> 01:34:41.167 to do an after action report to make sure that we 01:34:41.167 --> 01:34:43.083 understand where we are versus where we need to 01:34:43.083 --> 01:34:45.788 be, specifically not only to Puerto Rico, 01:34:45.788 --> 01:34:47.081 but island territories. 01:34:47.081 --> 01:34:47.914 - [Senator Heitkamp] Yeah. 01:34:47.914 --> 01:34:48.871 - I wanna go back and hit the reset button. 01:34:48.871 --> 01:34:51.621 In regards to staff specifically, 01:34:51.757 --> 01:34:53.822 eventually I would like to change the entire 01:34:53.822 --> 01:34:55.535 hiring process so the Federal Emergency 01:34:55.535 --> 01:34:57.749 Management Agency to adopt a more FBI style 01:34:57.749 --> 01:34:59.166 academy approach. 01:34:59.781 --> 01:35:01.545 I would also like to expand my staff out of 01:35:01.545 --> 01:35:04.276 those regional offices to the states and islands 01:35:04.276 --> 01:35:05.884 to make sure that we're a part of that discussion 01:35:05.884 --> 01:35:06.717 every day. 01:35:07.383 --> 01:35:09.166 - I think, um, you received an incredible amount 01:35:09.166 --> 01:35:11.553 of bipartisan support in part because we 01:35:11.553 --> 01:35:13.792 understood what role you played in the look back 01:35:13.792 --> 01:35:14.709 on Katrina. 01:35:15.092 --> 01:35:17.464 We hope that you will be equally critical of the 01:35:17.464 --> 01:35:18.943 work that you've done. 01:35:18.943 --> 01:35:19.776 - [Brock] Sure. 01:35:19.776 --> 01:35:21.152 - As Administrator but that you also will 01:35:21.152 --> 01:35:24.507 collaborate with us in terms of what you need. 01:35:24.507 --> 01:35:27.176 I think Senator Tester said it best. 01:35:27.176 --> 01:35:29.151 You can't look at this and then understand 01:35:29.151 --> 01:35:32.112 this continues and think that that um, 01:35:32.112 --> 01:35:34.977 we don't have a huge challenge where we need to 01:35:34.977 --> 01:35:37.144 look at all hands on deck. 01:35:37.893 --> 01:35:40.873 What are the requirements that we want to impose 01:35:40.873 --> 01:35:42.969 on states so that they understand what their 01:35:42.969 --> 01:35:46.280 role's gonna be so they're not overly dependent 01:35:46.280 --> 01:35:47.972 on the federal government but that this work 01:35:47.972 --> 01:35:49.458 is seamless and so, 01:35:49.458 --> 01:35:50.874 I look forward to 01:35:50.874 --> 01:35:53.624 additional conversations with you 01:35:53.823 --> 01:35:55.914 and to understanding what you need. 01:35:55.914 --> 01:35:57.197 But we can't give you what you need 01:35:57.197 --> 01:35:58.614 if you don't ask. 01:35:58.878 --> 01:36:00.045 - And we will, 01:36:00.293 --> 01:36:01.357 we would be happy to put that ask together. 01:36:01.357 --> 01:36:02.440 And if I may, 01:36:03.270 --> 01:36:05.003 each citizen is responsible for their own 01:36:05.003 --> 01:36:06.385 individual preparedness. 01:36:06.385 --> 01:36:08.192 We do not have a true culture of preparedness 01:36:08.192 --> 01:36:10.315 in this country and we need to hit the reset 01:36:10.315 --> 01:36:13.315 button and look at how we, you know, 01:36:13.457 --> 01:36:15.619 partner with the Department of Education 01:36:15.619 --> 01:36:17.275 and give people critical skills. 01:36:17.275 --> 01:36:19.671 I mean, Gale McGovern with the Red Cross said 01:36:19.671 --> 01:36:21.885 that one in four of us is gonna have to perform 01:36:21.885 --> 01:36:25.052 CPR to someone else at any given time. 01:36:26.377 --> 01:36:30.460 Are we giving people those boy scout type skills, 01:36:30.799 --> 01:36:32.979 as well as, you know, tangible things to 01:36:32.979 --> 01:36:34.646 understand that they may be the true first 01:36:34.646 --> 01:36:36.725 responder for an active shooter event, 01:36:36.725 --> 01:36:38.860 or if your neighbor's house has 01:36:38.860 --> 01:36:40.527 collapsed upon them. 01:36:40.966 --> 01:36:42.921 That many times citizens are the first true 01:36:42.921 --> 01:36:45.684 responders and we have to start dedicating our 01:36:45.684 --> 01:36:47.592 public awareness and cultural preparedness 01:36:47.592 --> 01:36:49.139 campaigns to doing that, 01:36:49.139 --> 01:36:51.936 as well as figuring out what the states need. 01:36:51.936 --> 01:36:52.769 - I couldn't agree with you more. 01:36:52.769 --> 01:36:54.578 Thank you so much for your hard work and all of 01:36:54.578 --> 01:36:57.306 you working under very very difficult 01:36:57.306 --> 01:36:58.473 circumstances. 01:36:58.744 --> 01:37:01.690 We hope that Congress can be an effective partner 01:37:01.690 --> 01:37:02.523 for you. 01:37:02.523 --> 01:37:03.488 - Senator Heitkamp, real quick before you leave, 01:37:03.488 --> 01:37:05.656 you may not have been here but one of the action 01:37:05.656 --> 01:37:07.828 items I'm taking away from her is literally that 01:37:07.828 --> 01:37:11.625 state-by-state, territory-by-territory assessment 01:37:11.625 --> 01:37:13.958 who has prepared themselves, 01:37:14.227 --> 01:37:15.310 what is that, 01:37:16.589 --> 01:37:18.242 what is the current state so we can determine 01:37:18.242 --> 01:37:19.361 something during mitigation. 01:37:19.361 --> 01:37:21.352 We'll definitely follow that up with a hearing. 01:37:21.352 --> 01:37:23.158 - Yeah Mr. Chairman, you know, um, 01:37:23.158 --> 01:37:25.705 Grand Forks flood was a devastating event. 01:37:25.705 --> 01:37:28.770 We all pulled our state disaster plan off, 01:37:28.770 --> 01:37:29.646 (blowing), 01:37:29.646 --> 01:37:32.608 blew the dust off of it and realized that 01:37:32.608 --> 01:37:35.340 we needed to take that process more seriously. 01:37:35.340 --> 01:37:38.331 So, nothing like a state disaster the caliber of 01:37:38.331 --> 01:37:41.331 this to realign all of our thinking. 01:37:41.622 --> 01:37:42.843 - So we'll work with you on that. 01:37:42.843 --> 01:37:44.093 Senator Hassan. 01:37:44.582 --> 01:37:46.602 - Well thank you very much Mr. Chair 01:37:46.602 --> 01:37:48.527 and thank you all to the witnesses for being here 01:37:48.527 --> 01:37:49.772 today and for the work you do on behalf of 01:37:49.772 --> 01:37:53.022 our country. We are very very grateful. 01:37:53.404 --> 01:37:56.342 I've got three basic questions and so I'm gonna 01:37:56.342 --> 01:37:57.829 try to move them 'em quick so we can get to 01:37:57.829 --> 01:37:58.829 all of them. 01:37:59.627 --> 01:38:02.235 Um, Administrator Long, I want to again thank you 01:38:02.235 --> 01:38:05.735 for being here today and also for briefing 01:38:06.011 --> 01:38:07.454 several senators on a call on September 28th on 01:38:07.454 --> 01:38:09.148 which you updated us on the US government's 01:38:09.148 --> 01:38:11.374 relief efforts in Puerto Rico. 01:38:11.374 --> 01:38:13.950 On this call you said that the airports and 01:38:13.950 --> 01:38:15.887 seaports were all heavily damaged. 01:38:15.887 --> 01:38:17.699 You also added that the road networks 01:38:17.699 --> 01:38:20.443 were in many cases impassible and that you lacked 01:38:20.443 --> 01:38:23.255 trucks and personnel to be able to effectively 01:38:23.255 --> 01:38:25.896 distribute the ample relief supplies you had 01:38:25.896 --> 01:38:27.479 waiting on pallets. 01:38:27.533 --> 01:38:30.400 So when did FEMA and the Department of Defense 01:38:30.400 --> 01:38:32.702 first make the assessment that the damage to the 01:38:32.702 --> 01:38:35.778 airports and seaports would encumber the delivery 01:38:35.778 --> 01:38:37.361 of relief supplies? 01:38:37.586 --> 01:38:39.989 - Um, almost immediately and that was the 01:38:39.989 --> 01:38:42.630 logistical complexity of being able to put 01:38:42.630 --> 01:38:44.305 forward the humanitarian mission. 01:38:44.305 --> 01:38:45.610 All of those ports were damaged but it wasn't 01:38:45.610 --> 01:38:47.947 just the ports it was the air traffic control 01:38:47.947 --> 01:38:48.980 systems. - [Senator Hassan] Okay. 01:38:48.980 --> 01:38:51.793 - That also guide those in. It was, yeah. 01:38:51.793 --> 01:38:52.946 - So it was almost immediate so when did you 01:38:52.946 --> 01:38:54.868 make the determination that you would need the 01:38:54.868 --> 01:38:57.938 full capabilities of the Unites States military 01:38:57.938 --> 01:39:00.184 to be able to distribute resources based on that 01:39:00.184 --> 01:39:02.101 ascendment- assessment? 01:39:02.285 --> 01:39:04.025 And when did you first ask the Department of 01:39:04.025 --> 01:39:06.251 Defense for the type of assets that we were 01:39:06.251 --> 01:39:08.731 eventually provided for the relief response? 01:39:08.731 --> 01:39:10.935 - And if I may, I may defer here 01:39:10.935 --> 01:39:11.838 but let me be clear. 01:39:11.838 --> 01:39:14.643 We engaged the Department of Defense before 01:39:14.643 --> 01:39:17.596 Maria hit and so there were a ton of assets on 01:39:17.596 --> 01:39:21.002 the island you know before the storm hit. 01:39:21.002 --> 01:39:24.502 But you can only put so many people and equipment 01:39:24.502 --> 01:39:27.234 on an island or you expose it to the storm 01:39:27.234 --> 01:39:29.227 and it becomes useless after the fact. 01:39:29.227 --> 01:39:32.289 So it's a balancing game but if I may? 01:39:32.289 --> 01:39:34.543 If I may defer? - Sure. Go ahead. 01:39:34.543 --> 01:39:35.376 - My name is Bob Salesses. - Right. 01:39:35.376 --> 01:39:37.968 - And I represent the Defense Department 01:39:37.968 --> 01:39:38.885 here today. 01:39:39.368 --> 01:39:40.201 As you may recall. 01:39:40.201 --> 01:39:41.034 - [Senator Hassan] Make sure your 01:39:41.034 --> 01:39:41.867 microphone's on, please. 01:39:41.867 --> 01:39:42.724 - How do I turn it on? 01:39:42.724 --> 01:39:43.632 There it is, sorry. 01:39:43.632 --> 01:39:45.771 Hurricane Irma came through first, 01:39:45.771 --> 01:39:47.866 as you know it hit St. Thomas and St. John, 01:39:47.866 --> 01:39:49.213 did a lot of damage. 01:39:49.213 --> 01:39:52.065 We actually had DOD assets in the area, 01:39:52.065 --> 01:39:52.898 we had the US. 01:39:52.898 --> 01:39:55.313 - So I'm just gonna interrupt for a second, 01:39:55.313 --> 01:39:58.204 because on the September 28th call with FEMA 01:39:58.204 --> 01:39:59.046 and other agencies, 01:39:59.046 --> 01:40:00.838 the DOD representative stated that the 01:40:00.838 --> 01:40:04.314 US Northern Command was working on a plan to 01:40:04.314 --> 01:40:07.590 mobilize an additional sustainment force to 01:40:07.590 --> 01:40:08.423 Puerto Rico. 01:40:08.423 --> 01:40:10.725 Now that's eight days after the hurricane hit. 01:40:10.725 --> 01:40:13.258 Additionally, according to FEMA's website, 01:40:13.258 --> 01:40:15.327 on October first US Northern Command delivered 01:40:15.327 --> 01:40:17.660 approximately 310,000 meals, 01:40:18.351 --> 01:40:20.300 150,000 liters of water, 01:40:20.300 --> 01:40:22.673 generators, tarps, additional sustainment units 01:40:22.673 --> 01:40:26.506 and leading components of aviation command and 01:40:27.206 --> 01:40:28.039 control. 01:40:28.428 --> 01:40:31.803 Given that it was apparent from FEMA and DOD 01:40:31.803 --> 01:40:34.458 assessment that both the airports and seaports 01:40:34.458 --> 01:40:36.258 of Puerto Rico were heavily damaged and that 01:40:36.258 --> 01:40:39.097 this would cause immense distribution challenges, 01:40:39.097 --> 01:40:41.405 why did it take until October first to deliver 01:40:41.405 --> 01:40:44.239 aviation command and control to the island? 01:40:44.239 --> 01:40:47.092 And why on September 28th was the US Northern 01:40:47.092 --> 01:40:49.925 Command still working to finalize it's plans 01:40:49.925 --> 01:40:52.269 to deliver a sustainment force? 01:40:52.269 --> 01:40:54.791 And when did the sustainment force arrive? 01:40:54.791 --> 01:40:56.551 - So ma'am, to answer that question again, 01:40:56.551 --> 01:40:58.044 there's concurrent activity always 01:40:58.044 --> 01:40:59.342 in these events. 01:40:59.342 --> 01:41:01.820 As I indicated we had Navy ships in the area: 01:41:01.820 --> 01:41:03.315 the US Kearsarge, the Oak Hill, 01:41:03.315 --> 01:41:04.523 they had helicopters, 01:41:04.523 --> 01:41:06.829 they were doing search and rescue capabilities. 01:41:06.829 --> 01:41:09.246 Simultaneously, US Transcomm, 01:41:09.456 --> 01:41:11.674 which is responsible for strategic airlift and 01:41:11.674 --> 01:41:15.007 providing C-17's and C-5's was flying in 01:41:15.267 --> 01:41:17.934 assessment teams for air fields. 01:41:18.152 --> 01:41:20.058 As the Administrator pointed out, 01:41:20.058 --> 01:41:23.975 a number of those air fields had severe damage, 01:41:23.997 --> 01:41:26.000 no navigation aids, no radars, 01:41:26.000 --> 01:41:27.106 those kinds of things. 01:41:27.106 --> 01:41:29.412 That equipment had to be put in place. 01:41:29.412 --> 01:41:31.040 All of this was happening well before the 01:41:31.040 --> 01:41:32.040 28th, ma'am. 01:41:32.581 --> 01:41:33.778 I don't know where the impression got, 01:41:33.778 --> 01:41:35.765 there was. - I'll tell you where. 01:41:35.765 --> 01:41:37.142 The impression came from the questions we 01:41:37.142 --> 01:41:38.734 asked on a conference call 01:41:38.734 --> 01:41:39.801 on September 28th. - [Robert] Ma'am there was 01:41:39.801 --> 01:41:41.218 a lot of military capability. 01:41:41.218 --> 01:41:43.606 - So what I would ask as a follow up will 01:41:43.606 --> 01:41:46.527 of course have these letters to you directly, 01:41:46.527 --> 01:41:48.406 is some real specifics here because I think 01:41:48.406 --> 01:41:49.239 all of us. - [Robert] Right. 01:41:49.239 --> 01:41:51.041 - Were concerned that eight days after the 01:41:51.041 --> 01:41:53.635 hurricane hit it seemed like we were still 01:41:53.635 --> 01:41:55.272 having to suggest on that call that the 01:41:55.272 --> 01:41:57.308 United States military was gonna be necessary 01:41:57.308 --> 01:42:01.308 to help get some supplies distributed because of 01:42:01.730 --> 01:42:03.991 the impassibility of transportation 01:42:03.991 --> 01:42:05.234 infrastructure. 01:42:05.234 --> 01:42:06.067 I do, 01:42:06.067 --> 01:42:07.474 just 'cause I have a couple of minutes left, 01:42:07.474 --> 01:42:10.803 want to move on to one other question to 01:42:10.803 --> 01:42:12.386 Administrator Long. 01:42:12.896 --> 01:42:15.978 Last week Pro-Publica posted a story that stated 01:42:15.978 --> 01:42:18.726 that FEMA was declining to publicly release a 01:42:18.726 --> 01:42:22.111 document drafted several years ago that detailed 01:42:22.111 --> 01:42:24.802 how FEMA would respond to a major hurricane in 01:42:24.802 --> 01:42:25.802 Puerto Rico. 01:42:26.170 --> 01:42:28.049 According to Pro-Publica, 01:42:28.049 --> 01:42:30.530 FEMA started drafting the plans known as the 01:42:30.530 --> 01:42:33.940 Hurricane Annex after the lack of preparation 01:42:33.940 --> 01:42:36.378 in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. 01:42:36.378 --> 01:42:39.189 Pro-Publica also found similar plans posted on 01:42:39.189 --> 01:42:41.272 DOD's website for Hawaii, 01:42:41.518 --> 01:42:44.768 which detailed an 85 step process to restore 01:42:44.768 --> 01:42:46.933 electricity on Hawaii in the event 01:42:46.933 --> 01:42:48.183 of a hurricane. 01:42:48.564 --> 01:42:51.266 So why is FEMA not releasing this document 01:42:51.266 --> 01:42:52.433 to the public? 01:42:52.697 --> 01:42:55.648 And could you please commit to making it public, 01:42:55.648 --> 01:42:56.562 and if not, 01:42:56.562 --> 01:42:58.124 will you please articulate what was in the 01:42:58.124 --> 01:42:59.957 Hurricane Annex and what steps you followed in 01:42:59.957 --> 01:43:02.566 the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. 01:43:02.566 --> 01:43:04.818 - Sure Senator, um, we gave it to the committee 01:43:04.818 --> 01:43:08.292 last night, apparently, I was just briefed. 01:43:08.292 --> 01:43:10.316 But I was unaware of the issue. 01:43:10.316 --> 01:43:11.149 - [Senator Hassan] Alright. 01:43:11.149 --> 01:43:11.982 - I would be happy to follow up with you 01:43:11.982 --> 01:43:12.815 directly on that. 01:43:12.815 --> 01:43:14.321 - Well thank you very much and in that case, 01:43:14.321 --> 01:43:15.738 I will also just, 01:43:15.852 --> 01:43:19.174 before yielding back the remainder of my time, 01:43:19.174 --> 01:43:21.341 let you all know that, um, 01:43:21.923 --> 01:43:25.224 well, actually we have a minute so instead of 01:43:25.224 --> 01:43:26.441 giving this to the record, 01:43:26.441 --> 01:43:29.306 I did want to touch on the US Virgin Islands 01:43:29.306 --> 01:43:32.375 and where we are in terms of power restoration 01:43:32.375 --> 01:43:35.312 and tourism because perhaps even more so than 01:43:35.312 --> 01:43:38.589 Puerto Rico the US Virgin Islands economy 01:43:38.589 --> 01:43:40.493 fundamentally depends on the ability of the 01:43:40.493 --> 01:43:43.840 islands to host tourists from all over the world. 01:43:43.840 --> 01:43:45.736 The Virgin Islands suffered a direct hit from 01:43:45.736 --> 01:43:48.082 not only Hurricane Maria but Hurricane Irma 01:43:48.082 --> 01:43:48.915 as well. 01:43:49.467 --> 01:43:51.994 These storms knocked out the power across these 01:43:51.994 --> 01:43:54.723 islands and the islands cannot expect to begin to 01:43:54.723 --> 01:43:58.390 reestablish it's tourism economy without the 01:43:58.444 --> 01:44:01.113 restoration of power, to say the least. 01:44:01.113 --> 01:44:03.193 Yet after more than a month the US Virgin Islands 01:44:03.193 --> 01:44:05.299 report that less than a third of the territories 01:44:05.299 --> 01:44:07.466 have power up and running. 01:44:08.293 --> 01:44:10.772 So, what steps are FEMA and DOD taking to restore 01:44:10.772 --> 01:44:13.381 full power to the US Virgin Islands? 01:44:13.381 --> 01:44:15.688 And what is FEMA's current estimate of when 01:44:15.688 --> 01:44:18.639 100 percent of the islands will have power? 01:44:18.639 --> 01:44:20.871 - Yep, so, excellent point. 01:44:20.871 --> 01:44:22.519 You know the Virgin Islands were hit equally as 01:44:22.519 --> 01:44:23.998 hard as Puerto Rico, 01:44:23.998 --> 01:44:25.994 and the bottom line is they're basically in the 01:44:25.994 --> 01:44:26.857 same approach. 01:44:26.857 --> 01:44:28.531 But there's two different approaches being taken 01:44:28.531 --> 01:44:30.867 to restore the power as I understand it. 01:44:30.867 --> 01:44:33.611 So where we proactively pushed forward the Army 01:44:33.611 --> 01:44:35.753 Corps of Engineers in Puerto Rico, 01:44:35.753 --> 01:44:37.370 the power authority that represents 01:44:37.370 --> 01:44:40.965 the Virgin Islands is in control and conducting 01:44:40.965 --> 01:44:43.238 their own contracts and leading their power 01:44:43.238 --> 01:44:45.155 restoration but if, uh, 01:44:45.406 --> 01:44:48.329 the last number I saw was that power should be 01:44:48.329 --> 01:44:49.720 restored by, you know, 01:44:49.720 --> 01:44:52.053 December time frame as well. 01:44:52.192 --> 01:44:54.092 But here again, that's just an estimate. 01:44:54.092 --> 01:44:54.925 - Okay. 01:44:54.925 --> 01:44:57.814 Well thank you again for your participation. 01:44:57.814 --> 01:44:58.955 I appreciate it very much and 01:44:58.955 --> 01:45:00.342 Mr. Chair thank you. 01:45:00.342 --> 01:45:02.484 - Senator Hassan let me just, uh, brief you 01:45:02.484 --> 01:45:05.070 what I know about that report you're referencing. 01:45:05.070 --> 01:45:07.263 The Annex is jointly owned by FEMA and the state 01:45:07.263 --> 01:45:09.096 of, well, Puerto Rico. 01:45:10.088 --> 01:45:12.858 It was not released because Puerto Rico did not 01:45:12.858 --> 01:45:15.483 give FEMA permission to share with the media. 01:45:15.483 --> 01:45:18.622 We got it as a 'for official use only' document 01:45:18.622 --> 01:45:19.907 which we're happy to share with you. 01:45:19.907 --> 01:45:21.795 But until Puerto Rico agrees to release it, 01:45:21.795 --> 01:45:23.496 it can't be released to the general public. 01:45:23.496 --> 01:45:25.056 - Well I would appreciate to see it. 01:45:25.056 --> 01:45:26.627 I'm glad we have it and I'll follow up with 01:45:26.627 --> 01:45:27.860 you further. Thank you. 01:45:27.860 --> 01:45:29.193 - Senator Danes. 01:45:29.651 --> 01:45:32.068 - Thank you Chairman Johnson. 01:45:33.256 --> 01:45:36.423 Thank you for testifying today and uh, 01:45:36.467 --> 01:45:38.651 Administrator Long it's good to see you again. 01:45:38.651 --> 01:45:39.984 I gotta tell ya, 01:45:40.732 --> 01:45:44.107 folks out in Eastern Montana are very grateful 01:45:44.107 --> 01:45:47.774 with the fact that you listened to our pleas 01:45:48.150 --> 01:45:51.733 when we had some devastating wildfires that 01:45:52.152 --> 01:45:54.621 took out much of Garfield County and um, 01:45:54.621 --> 01:45:57.377 I think we've seen sometimes the criteria for 01:45:57.377 --> 01:45:59.960 dealing with a rural situation, 01:46:00.799 --> 01:46:03.543 rural environment which much of Montana is, 01:46:03.543 --> 01:46:06.520 can be a bit different than a disaster that 01:46:06.520 --> 01:46:08.080 hits one of our urban centers. 01:46:08.080 --> 01:46:11.511 And I want to thank you for your responsiveness, 01:46:11.511 --> 01:46:13.794 and importantly for your action. 01:46:13.794 --> 01:46:16.139 And the folks out in Eastern Montana appreciate 01:46:16.139 --> 01:46:17.056 that a lot. 01:46:19.513 --> 01:46:22.554 We had a terrible wildfire season in Montana 01:46:22.554 --> 01:46:23.971 this past summer. 01:46:24.782 --> 01:46:27.997 In fact, Secretary Perdue listed the top 01:46:27.997 --> 01:46:31.664 wildfires in the nation as ranked by dollars 01:46:32.472 --> 01:46:34.139 spent to fight them. 01:46:34.836 --> 01:46:36.314 You know we spent over two billion dollars 01:46:36.314 --> 01:46:38.897 fighting wildfires this season, 01:46:39.274 --> 01:46:41.108 it's still not over yet. 01:46:41.108 --> 01:46:43.183 But the number one fire in the nation was in 01:46:43.183 --> 01:46:45.495 Montana- the Lolo Peak fire. 01:46:45.495 --> 01:46:47.040 The number three fire in the nation was in 01:46:47.040 --> 01:46:48.804 Montana: the Rice Ridge fire, 01:46:48.804 --> 01:46:50.325 just in terms of dollars. 01:46:50.325 --> 01:46:54.019 So it's one of those terrible seasons and again, 01:46:54.019 --> 01:46:57.610 thank you Mr. Long for what you did in response 01:46:57.610 --> 01:46:59.943 to help us there in Montana. 01:47:00.859 --> 01:47:02.722 Much of the discussion here today has been on, 01:47:02.722 --> 01:47:06.555 on Puerto Rico, and the devastating hurricane, 01:47:09.711 --> 01:47:11.794 and the loss of the grid. 01:47:13.017 --> 01:47:15.104 Mr. Long, I will tell you I was, 01:47:15.104 --> 01:47:18.036 I was a bit surprised when I heard the story of 01:47:18.036 --> 01:47:20.052 a small contractor of two people 01:47:20.052 --> 01:47:23.635 most have never heard of, including myself, 01:47:26.136 --> 01:47:29.351 being awarded a contract that was worth, what, 01:47:29.351 --> 01:47:33.018 300 million dollars to rebuild Puerto Rico's 01:47:33.060 --> 01:47:33.977 power grid. 01:47:35.531 --> 01:47:36.781 In the contact, 01:47:37.086 --> 01:47:41.086 the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, PREPA, 01:47:41.319 --> 01:47:45.314 claimed it met all the guidelines and regulation 01:47:45.314 --> 01:47:46.814 set forth by FEMA, 01:47:47.922 --> 01:47:51.505 and that it had been reviewed also by FEMA. 01:47:51.727 --> 01:47:53.754 Would you explain FEMA's involvement in the 01:47:53.754 --> 01:47:54.587 contract process? 01:47:54.587 --> 01:47:55.837 - [Brock] Sure. 01:47:56.420 --> 01:48:00.060 - And how you monitor federal dollars before 01:48:00.060 --> 01:48:01.047 they're allocated. 01:48:01.047 --> 01:48:03.297 - Sure. So let me be clear, 01:48:03.463 --> 01:48:06.637 the Whitefish contract was not a FEMA contract. 01:48:06.637 --> 01:48:08.389 PREPA entered into this contract 01:48:08.389 --> 01:48:09.889 in late September. 01:48:10.285 --> 01:48:13.290 We were notified several weeks after the fact. 01:48:13.290 --> 01:48:15.758 Our lawyers, there's no lawyer inside FEMA that 01:48:15.758 --> 01:48:17.045 would have ever agreed to the language that was 01:48:17.045 --> 01:48:18.942 in that contact to begin with, 01:48:18.942 --> 01:48:20.920 so let me be very clear about that. 01:48:20.920 --> 01:48:23.958 And, uh, we raised the red flag in basically 01:48:23.958 --> 01:48:25.699 saying, 'we're not sure this is a 01:48:25.699 --> 01:48:28.878 sole-source contract or a competitive rate'. 01:48:28.878 --> 01:48:30.353 There were many things wrong, 01:48:30.353 --> 01:48:32.339 that was also language in there that would 01:48:32.339 --> 01:48:33.912 suggest that the federal government would never 01:48:33.912 --> 01:48:35.501 audit Whitefish, which, 01:48:35.501 --> 01:48:37.259 there's not a lawyer inside FEMA that would 01:48:37.259 --> 01:48:39.469 ever agree to that type of language. 01:48:39.469 --> 01:48:40.999 So the bottom line is, 01:48:40.999 --> 01:48:41.999 is that, um, 01:48:43.761 --> 01:48:47.761 as I understand, not one dollar has gone towards 01:48:47.767 --> 01:48:49.761 that contract from FEMA. 01:48:49.761 --> 01:48:51.311 And what we're doing is rectifying to make sure 01:48:51.311 --> 01:48:54.468 that PREPA has not requested any funding for 01:48:54.468 --> 01:48:57.135 that, that reimbursement effort. 01:48:57.351 --> 01:48:59.564 We have, we have a lot of work to do when it 01:48:59.564 --> 01:49:00.893 comes to grant monitoring 01:49:00.893 --> 01:49:02.309 in all levels of government. 01:49:02.309 --> 01:49:03.419 It's not just FEMA, 01:49:03.419 --> 01:49:05.249 but it's at the state and local governments when 01:49:05.249 --> 01:49:08.721 it comes to the grant entities that are there. 01:49:08.721 --> 01:49:11.663 We asked them to always follow pre-disaster bid 01:49:11.663 --> 01:49:14.020 laws and policies because when you change those 01:49:14.020 --> 01:49:15.655 policies after disaster, 01:49:15.655 --> 01:49:18.572 it's gonna hang you up in an audit. 01:49:18.777 --> 01:49:20.765 We also ask them to follow emergency bid laws 01:49:20.765 --> 01:49:22.379 when it comes to the procurement process 01:49:22.379 --> 01:49:24.379 according to 2CFR, okay. 01:49:25.773 --> 01:49:27.859 And so we have a lot of work to do when it comes 01:49:27.859 --> 01:49:29.945 to training and ensuring the grant monitoring 01:49:29.945 --> 01:49:32.344 but in that case that was not our contract. 01:49:32.344 --> 01:49:33.177 - [Senator Dane] Yeah. 01:49:33.177 --> 01:49:34.010 - Yeah. 01:49:34.010 --> 01:49:35.036 - Thank you, Long. I'll be interested as you 01:49:35.036 --> 01:49:37.040 dig into that one for what the learnings are. 01:49:37.040 --> 01:49:38.290 - [Brock] Sure. 01:49:38.296 --> 01:49:40.327 - From that situation and how we can improve 01:49:40.327 --> 01:49:41.410 that process. 01:49:41.892 --> 01:49:42.725 It's always one of the concerns 01:49:42.725 --> 01:49:44.725 when we have a disaster. 01:49:45.058 --> 01:49:47.334 Of course we want to move quickly, 01:49:47.334 --> 01:49:50.220 people are in need, people are dying. 01:49:50.220 --> 01:49:52.444 But we also want to make sure we're accountable. 01:49:52.444 --> 01:49:53.673 - [Brock] Sure. 01:49:53.673 --> 01:49:54.673 - Efficient. 01:49:55.916 --> 01:49:58.191 And there's often times opportunity for a 01:49:58.191 --> 01:50:00.779 tremendous amount of waste in some kind of, 01:50:00.779 --> 01:50:04.111 in a situation we're throwing billions of 01:50:04.111 --> 01:50:05.602 dollars at at some of these disasters. 01:50:05.602 --> 01:50:06.665 So um, I'll look forward to that follow up 01:50:06.665 --> 01:50:09.458 what you learned from that, Mr. Long. 01:50:09.458 --> 01:50:11.117 And thank you Mr. Chairman. 01:50:11.117 --> 01:50:13.784 - [Sen. Johnson] Senator Peters. 01:50:14.827 --> 01:50:16.770 - Thank you Mr. Chairman. 01:50:16.770 --> 01:50:17.853 Mr. Long, um, 01:50:17.882 --> 01:50:21.497 one of my constituents volunteered through the 01:50:21.497 --> 01:50:24.675 AFLCIO to provide assistance in Puerto Rico. 01:50:24.675 --> 01:50:27.280 He was there from October fourth through the 01:50:27.280 --> 01:50:30.345 18th and, uh, he certainly said the citizens 01:50:30.345 --> 01:50:32.345 remarked how grateful they were for the 01:50:32.345 --> 01:50:35.206 assistance that was being provided by his group 01:50:35.206 --> 01:50:37.538 because no one else seemed to be there to help 01:50:37.538 --> 01:50:41.038 was at least his experience on the ground. 01:50:41.855 --> 01:50:44.206 I know a group of National Nurses United had a 01:50:44.206 --> 01:50:47.246 similar experience and also made some of the same 01:50:47.246 --> 01:50:48.496 comments to me. 01:50:49.315 --> 01:50:51.152 So it seems to be a common perception that 01:50:51.152 --> 01:50:54.174 assistance wasn't reaching the people in need 01:50:54.174 --> 01:50:55.424 in Puerto Rico, 01:50:55.864 --> 01:50:57.535 that there were some distribution problems, 01:50:57.535 --> 01:50:59.892 that stuff may have gone to distribution centers 01:50:59.892 --> 01:51:02.059 but it wasn't getting out, 01:51:02.302 --> 01:51:03.877 actually out to the individuals. 01:51:03.877 --> 01:51:04.710 So my question is, why why, 01:51:04.710 --> 01:51:08.297 why were we hearing that from volunteers and 01:51:08.297 --> 01:51:10.255 do you believe that was an issue. 01:51:10.255 --> 01:51:12.160 - I can't speak to the gentleman sir, 01:51:12.160 --> 01:51:14.574 to the constituents direct experience but I can 01:51:14.574 --> 01:51:17.054 explain the logistical complexities that we face 01:51:17.054 --> 01:51:18.849 when it came to the humanitarian issues of 01:51:18.849 --> 01:51:20.921 getting meals and water out. 01:51:20.921 --> 01:51:23.421 As we were discussing earlier, 01:51:23.467 --> 01:51:24.697 all the ports were damaged. 01:51:24.697 --> 01:51:26.428 It took us time to not only rebuild the air 01:51:26.428 --> 01:51:30.178 traffic control system but open up the ports. 01:51:30.346 --> 01:51:32.334 You know we pre-staged quite a bit of food in 01:51:32.334 --> 01:51:35.844 our Caribbean area division before the storm. 01:51:35.844 --> 01:51:37.924 You can only stage so much on the island. 01:51:37.924 --> 01:51:40.590 We also checked with Governor Rosello and 01:51:40.590 --> 01:51:41.458 the school systems, 01:51:41.458 --> 01:51:44.369 they had a lot of food inside the shelters, 01:51:44.369 --> 01:51:47.142 multiple multiple days of food in each one 01:51:47.142 --> 01:51:48.740 of the school shelters that were there. 01:51:48.740 --> 01:51:50.141 So we tried to put as much food forward 01:51:50.141 --> 01:51:52.891 as possible before the storm hit. 01:51:52.970 --> 01:51:55.637 When it came to the diminished capacity, 01:51:55.637 --> 01:51:57.756 obviously the state and local governments, 01:51:57.756 --> 01:52:00.050 they were disaster survivors. 01:52:00.050 --> 01:52:03.800 As we began to push in the food to the island 01:52:04.308 --> 01:52:06.808 we had to quickly mobilize 11, 01:52:08.012 --> 01:52:08.845 excuse me, 01:52:08.845 --> 01:52:11.215 ten regional distribution hubs where we would 01:52:11.215 --> 01:52:14.821 fly it in, set up and stage all the commodities 01:52:14.821 --> 01:52:17.575 and then force the food and water to 01:52:17.575 --> 01:52:19.914 each one of these distribution hubs. 01:52:19.914 --> 01:52:21.553 We had to establish communication with all 01:52:21.553 --> 01:52:24.764 78 mayors because there was no survivable calms 01:52:24.764 --> 01:52:26.097 that were there. 01:52:26.605 --> 01:52:28.494 We started communicating and sending liaisons to 01:52:28.494 --> 01:52:30.167 mayors and making sure that we got the 01:52:30.167 --> 01:52:32.584 commodities to them directly. 01:52:32.687 --> 01:52:34.914 If they couldn't get it to the final mile, 01:52:34.914 --> 01:52:36.367 then we would actually air drop it. 01:52:36.367 --> 01:52:38.186 If there were isolation issues and I don't know 01:52:38.186 --> 01:52:41.565 how many isolation based air drops we've made 01:52:41.565 --> 01:52:43.982 but they're continuing today. 01:52:44.274 --> 01:52:45.268 Did we get to everybody? 01:52:45.268 --> 01:52:46.685 It's hard to say. 01:52:46.886 --> 01:52:48.835 Part of it was the lack of communications and the 01:52:48.835 --> 01:52:51.388 ability that we recognized that people weren't 01:52:51.388 --> 01:52:52.805 sure where to go, 01:52:53.265 --> 01:52:55.524 and in some cases what I saw with my own eyes, 01:52:55.524 --> 01:52:58.553 I went to Atuabo in the central portions, 01:52:58.553 --> 01:53:00.742 mountainous regions of Puerto Rico where 01:53:00.742 --> 01:53:02.540 some of the folks in the isolated communities 01:53:02.540 --> 01:53:03.876 are being really resilient and they're not 01:53:03.876 --> 01:53:07.543 choosing to come to the areas where food and 01:53:07.692 --> 01:53:08.525 water is. 01:53:08.895 --> 01:53:11.125 And so, the bottom line is, 01:53:11.125 --> 01:53:14.518 I know that this is one of the (stutters), 01:53:14.518 --> 01:53:16.104 I feel certain that this is probably one of 01:53:16.104 --> 01:53:17.436 the largest humanitarian missions that we've 01:53:17.436 --> 01:53:19.769 ever conducted in the United States and there 01:53:19.769 --> 01:53:21.961 are tens of millions of meals and water that were 01:53:21.961 --> 01:53:25.019 pushed and there is a lot of assets on there. 01:53:25.019 --> 01:53:28.355 I've also asked the office of Inspector General 01:53:28.355 --> 01:53:31.228 to look into how our commodities were being used 01:53:31.228 --> 01:53:33.367 by some of the mayors as well and it's my 01:53:33.367 --> 01:53:35.490 understanding that the FBI may be looking at that 01:53:35.490 --> 01:53:36.323 as well. 01:53:37.712 --> 01:53:39.969 - Well I appreciate your candor and I know that 01:53:39.969 --> 01:53:43.043 this was a incredibly difficult task that you 01:53:43.043 --> 01:53:44.937 were involved in and continue to be involved in 01:53:44.937 --> 01:53:46.528 probably for quite some time, 01:53:46.528 --> 01:53:49.340 and I appreciate your efforts on that. 01:53:49.340 --> 01:53:51.628 And you've been very candid in this hearing today 01:53:51.628 --> 01:53:54.190 and that's refreshing to have that kind of candor 01:53:54.190 --> 01:53:57.385 'cause the idea is that we have to learn, 01:53:57.385 --> 01:53:58.632 celebrate what we did right and learn from 01:53:58.632 --> 01:54:01.684 our mistakes to be ready for the future. 01:54:01.684 --> 01:54:03.279 But what would you be, your assessment in 01:54:03.279 --> 01:54:06.362 Puerto Rico on a scale of one to ten, 01:54:06.401 --> 01:54:08.705 in your expert capacity as to FEMA's 01:54:08.705 --> 01:54:11.122 ability to meet the disaster? 01:54:11.297 --> 01:54:12.663 - Well I think we have a lot of work to do. 01:54:12.663 --> 01:54:14.580 One of the first things I want to do is come back 01:54:14.580 --> 01:54:15.912 and have an after action. 01:54:15.912 --> 01:54:18.083 I want to figure out the grant funding that went 01:54:18.083 --> 01:54:21.315 to FEMA, or, excuse me, went to Puerto Rico. 01:54:21.315 --> 01:54:22.816 What did we get in return of that? 01:54:22.816 --> 01:54:24.566 I want to make sure that, you know, 01:54:24.566 --> 01:54:27.288 are the commodity capabilities that are 01:54:27.288 --> 01:54:29.654 on the island are obviously too small. 01:54:29.654 --> 01:54:32.630 How do we set up island territories to be more 01:54:32.630 --> 01:54:35.498 self sufficient that it doesn't require a massive 01:54:35.498 --> 01:54:38.609 DOD mission to be able to fly these things in? 01:54:38.609 --> 01:54:39.775 There are whole host of improvements that 01:54:39.775 --> 01:54:42.395 need to be made and I recognize that. 01:54:42.395 --> 01:54:44.825 I'll be dedicated to making sure that we find out 01:54:44.825 --> 01:54:47.471 and do an exhaustive after action and if there 01:54:47.471 --> 01:54:50.219 are issues where I need the Senate's support, 01:54:50.219 --> 01:54:51.863 I'll be definitely coming back to you to ask 01:54:51.863 --> 01:54:54.143 for that support to change the way that we do 01:54:54.143 --> 01:54:55.385 business in the future. 01:54:55.385 --> 01:54:56.218 Trust me, 01:54:56.218 --> 01:54:57.750 I do not want to go through this event again. 01:54:57.750 --> 01:54:59.243 - [Sen. Peters] Right. 01:54:59.243 --> 01:55:01.318 - As much as anybody else. 01:55:01.318 --> 01:55:03.367 - Well, and I asked the one to ten, 01:55:03.367 --> 01:55:04.577 that may be tough for you to do, 01:55:04.577 --> 01:55:07.459 but perhaps for the average Puerto Rican, 01:55:07.459 --> 01:55:09.032 how would they rate the federal government's 01:55:09.032 --> 01:55:09.865 response? 01:55:10.446 --> 01:55:11.352 You've been on the ground an awful lot, 01:55:11.352 --> 01:55:12.520 I appreciate that. 01:55:12.520 --> 01:55:13.388 - [Brock] Senator. 01:55:13.388 --> 01:55:14.221 - From one to ten, 01:55:14.221 --> 01:55:15.054 what do you think they would say? 01:55:15.054 --> 01:55:16.956 - With all due respect, 01:55:16.956 --> 01:55:18.773 obviously people have different experiences, 01:55:18.773 --> 01:55:20.487 I'm not interested in giving myself a grade 01:55:20.487 --> 01:55:22.237 or rating each other. 01:55:22.274 --> 01:55:23.107 Quite honestly that'd be the only thing that 01:55:23.107 --> 01:55:25.690 the media picked up today about 01:55:26.581 --> 01:55:28.125 this congressional hearing if that's the case. 01:55:28.125 --> 01:55:28.958 Could we have done better? 01:55:28.958 --> 01:55:30.658 Did we move as fast as people want? 01:55:30.658 --> 01:55:32.908 Obviously in some cases no, 01:55:33.009 --> 01:55:34.264 but if you look at. 01:55:34.264 --> 01:55:37.014 In the Miami Herald this morning, 01:55:37.030 --> 01:55:40.946 the State Department Representative Luis Rivera, 01:55:40.946 --> 01:55:43.842 read his assessment and go talk to the mayors, 01:55:43.842 --> 01:55:46.070 go talk to the 78 mayors and all of them 01:55:46.070 --> 01:55:48.070 and get your assessment from them, please, 01:55:48.070 --> 01:55:50.834 because for me to sit back and say 01:55:50.834 --> 01:55:51.927 'we did things perfectly', 01:55:51.927 --> 01:55:53.344 I know we didn't. 01:55:53.712 --> 01:55:57.156 Of course there's things that I wish had gone 01:55:57.156 --> 01:55:59.855 better or things that I had known going into 01:55:59.855 --> 01:56:01.523 that event, obviously. 01:56:01.523 --> 01:56:03.681 But uh, the bottom line is is that 01:56:03.681 --> 01:56:05.155 I know at the end of the day, 01:56:05.155 --> 01:56:07.635 we pushed as hard as we could. 01:56:07.635 --> 01:56:09.619 Our partners pushed as hard as we could. 01:56:09.619 --> 01:56:12.744 And we moved as fast as the situation allowed. 01:56:12.744 --> 01:56:15.132 And this is one of the most logistically complex 01:56:15.132 --> 01:56:18.119 disasters that this nation has faced. 01:56:18.119 --> 01:56:20.656 - Well you mentioned talking to local mayors 01:56:20.656 --> 01:56:23.396 actually leads into the second question I have 01:56:23.396 --> 01:56:24.229 is that as you know, 01:56:24.229 --> 01:56:26.351 Isabella County and Midland County Michigan 01:56:26.351 --> 01:56:28.150 experienced some catastrophic flooding 01:56:28.150 --> 01:56:29.150 this summer, 01:56:29.195 --> 01:56:31.043 one of the long list of issues that you had, 01:56:31.043 --> 01:56:33.876 that were on your plate this year. 01:56:35.034 --> 01:56:35.867 And I head from county administrators, 01:56:35.867 --> 01:56:37.104 emergency responders as well as impacted 01:56:37.104 --> 01:56:39.314 constituents in general that they very 01:56:39.314 --> 01:56:41.642 appreciative of the work that FEMA did to help 01:56:41.642 --> 01:56:44.289 them in responding to that flooding. 01:56:44.289 --> 01:56:45.173 But that said, 01:56:45.173 --> 01:56:46.743 they also thought that FEMA could have done a 01:56:46.743 --> 01:56:48.939 much better job of coordinating with local 01:56:48.939 --> 01:56:50.893 officials at the beginning of 01:56:50.893 --> 01:56:52.643 the response efforts. 01:56:53.826 --> 01:56:54.659 And in our experience, 01:56:54.659 --> 01:56:55.492 I think as you mentioned, 01:56:55.492 --> 01:56:57.464 up front coordination with local authorities 01:56:57.464 --> 01:56:58.935 can go a long way to facilitating 01:56:58.935 --> 01:57:00.768 that kind of response, 01:57:01.096 --> 01:57:01.929 but that's what I heard from 01:57:01.929 --> 01:57:03.620 my folks in Michigan, 01:57:03.620 --> 01:57:05.414 although again being overly, 01:57:05.414 --> 01:57:06.863 being supportive of your efforts, 01:57:06.863 --> 01:57:09.103 but thinking that that was a lack 01:57:09.103 --> 01:57:12.147 in FEMA's efforts was the local coordination 01:57:12.147 --> 01:57:13.117 with local officials. 01:57:13.117 --> 01:57:16.063 What do you think we should be doing to better 01:57:16.063 --> 01:57:18.730 that type of cooperative effort? 01:57:20.202 --> 01:57:21.298 - Personally I would like to expand 01:57:21.298 --> 01:57:22.465 our footprint. 01:57:23.637 --> 01:57:26.027 You know I would like to change our footprint 01:57:26.027 --> 01:57:29.173 and graduate beyond the regional offices. 01:57:29.173 --> 01:57:31.742 I would like to develop what we call state 01:57:31.742 --> 01:57:33.781 integration teams that are multi-faceted that 01:57:33.781 --> 01:57:35.927 are there working with the state every day 01:57:35.927 --> 01:57:36.817 and being able to drive out 01:57:36.817 --> 01:57:37.971 to your local counties, 01:57:37.971 --> 01:57:40.316 and doing things such as approving mitigation 01:57:40.316 --> 01:57:43.714 plans with having, having had it to come all the 01:57:43.714 --> 01:57:46.412 way back through the region or up to headquarters. 01:57:46.412 --> 01:57:47.653 I'd like to change the work force. 01:57:47.653 --> 01:57:49.672 I would like to make our reservist cavalry more 01:57:49.672 --> 01:57:52.777 in line with what the National Guard approach is 01:57:52.777 --> 01:57:54.547 so that you can have a full-time job, 01:57:54.547 --> 01:57:56.963 step away from your job to go support FEMA in a 01:57:56.963 --> 01:58:00.380 disaster without losing that daytime job. 01:58:00.497 --> 01:58:02.029 I would like to change our entire workforce 01:58:02.029 --> 01:58:04.430 program to be more like an FBI model. 01:58:04.430 --> 01:58:06.901 We're the only public safety agency in 01:58:06.901 --> 01:58:08.549 the country that doesn't have a true academy 01:58:08.549 --> 01:58:12.132 style model of hiring and graduating people 01:58:12.268 --> 01:58:13.272 through our system, 01:58:13.272 --> 01:58:15.626 so that we're training everybody to be the next 01:58:15.626 --> 01:58:18.240 Federal Coordinating Officer that understands 01:58:18.240 --> 01:58:20.573 all aspects of this program. 01:58:21.098 --> 01:58:23.016 I'm frustrated by our hiring processes. 01:58:23.016 --> 01:58:24.595 I would like to rewrite the book on 01:58:24.595 --> 01:58:25.826 how we do that. 01:58:25.826 --> 01:58:28.690 And how we maintain and utilize disaster 01:58:28.690 --> 01:58:30.016 reservists who are critically important 01:58:30.016 --> 01:58:31.266 to our mission. 01:58:31.838 --> 01:58:33.333 - Well I think those are all really good thoughts 01:58:33.333 --> 01:58:34.720 so I look forward to working with you on those 01:58:34.720 --> 01:58:35.553 issues going forward. 01:58:35.553 --> 01:58:37.136 Thank you Mr. Long. 01:58:37.752 --> 01:58:38.879 - Senator Peters you know, 01:58:38.879 --> 01:58:40.182 one of the concerns I have, 01:58:40.182 --> 01:58:41.392 just kinda of listening to some of the dialogue 01:58:41.392 --> 01:58:42.225 here is 01:58:42.952 --> 01:58:45.081 I don't want to see FEMA be the primary 01:58:45.081 --> 01:58:46.331 responder here. 01:58:47.213 --> 01:58:49.568 I believe the role is to support state and 01:58:49.568 --> 01:58:51.932 local governments, to support them. 01:58:51.932 --> 01:58:54.010 And the more we expect out of FEMA, 01:58:54.010 --> 01:58:57.549 first of all we're gonna spread them thinner, 01:58:57.549 --> 01:58:58.785 and now you're gonna have again a one size 01:58:58.785 --> 01:59:00.683 fits all model and it's gonna be the federal 01:59:00.683 --> 01:59:02.867 government that's gonna have to decide where 01:59:02.867 --> 01:59:04.584 all these assets have to be deployed 01:59:04.584 --> 01:59:05.751 ahead of time. 01:59:06.115 --> 01:59:08.066 States and local governments need to understand 01:59:08.066 --> 01:59:09.803 that, they need to understand risk, 01:59:09.803 --> 01:59:12.115 they need to be held responsible as well. 01:59:12.115 --> 01:59:13.347 And so I think we need to be very careful 01:59:13.347 --> 01:59:15.012 as we go down this road and say, 01:59:15.012 --> 01:59:16.412 'well hey, how come FEMA didn't do the 01:59:16.412 --> 01:59:17.662 job perfectly'. 01:59:18.424 --> 01:59:19.717 And listen to people's complaints, 01:59:19.717 --> 01:59:21.010 'ah, they didn't coordinate quite as well as 01:59:21.010 --> 01:59:21.976 we'd like to'. 01:59:21.976 --> 01:59:24.028 Again, it's to help them. 01:59:24.028 --> 01:59:25.027 FEMA's role is to help, 01:59:25.027 --> 01:59:26.152 to be subordinate to that, 01:59:26.152 --> 01:59:28.461 so I think that's incredibly important. 01:59:28.461 --> 01:59:29.929 I've only got one other point I want to make 01:59:29.929 --> 01:59:31.745 'cause it was pretty interesting in talking 01:59:31.745 --> 01:59:33.162 to you, Mr. Long, 01:59:35.166 --> 01:59:38.583 we have so much foodstuffs and water to a 01:59:38.849 --> 01:59:40.843 certain extent down in Puerto. 01:59:40.843 --> 01:59:42.320 You pointed out the fact the private sector is 01:59:42.320 --> 01:59:43.570 now asking you, 01:59:43.635 --> 01:59:46.552 'we need to reestablish ourselves.' 01:59:46.645 --> 01:59:50.276 If our population's gonna rely on FEMA and the 01:59:50.276 --> 01:59:52.566 federal government to provide meals, 01:59:52.566 --> 01:59:54.887 we're not gonna have the private sector firing 01:59:54.887 --> 01:59:56.676 back up and have grocery stores 01:59:56.676 --> 01:59:57.753 operating properly. 01:59:57.753 --> 01:59:58.981 Can you just kind of talk about what? 01:59:58.981 --> 02:00:00.428 - Sure, you're absolutely right. 02:00:00.428 --> 02:00:03.904 So, um, the goal is always to get the retail 02:00:03.904 --> 02:00:06.197 industry back up and running and the last number 02:00:06.197 --> 02:00:08.239 I saw was roughly 90 percent. 02:00:08.239 --> 02:00:11.972 Obviously, um, as the retail industry comes up we 02:00:11.972 --> 02:00:15.884 should be drawing down on the commodity mission. 02:00:15.884 --> 02:00:18.610 In many cases the mayors have asked us to stop 02:00:18.610 --> 02:00:21.846 the flow of food but continue the water issues 02:00:21.846 --> 02:00:24.901 until the water system is fully back online. 02:00:24.901 --> 02:00:28.223 So it's a constant communication battle every day, 02:00:28.223 --> 02:00:29.141 or not battle, uh, 02:00:29.141 --> 02:00:32.655 it's just constant communication every day with 02:00:32.655 --> 02:00:33.661 the mayors to understand what the need is, 02:00:33.661 --> 02:00:35.985 where the private sector market is. 02:00:35.985 --> 02:00:38.103 But as we go forward I do think that we have to 02:00:38.103 --> 02:00:40.991 form tighter bonds with the private sector and 02:00:40.991 --> 02:00:42.965 understand the modeling to see this, 02:00:42.965 --> 02:00:44.939 not only in Puerto Rico but in California, 02:00:44.939 --> 02:00:47.106 or Florida or Texas to say 02:00:47.529 --> 02:00:48.470 here's where the market is, 02:00:48.470 --> 02:00:50.853 here's where the gas stations are coming 02:00:50.853 --> 02:00:53.365 back online so that we can tailor the response 02:00:53.365 --> 02:00:54.948 day in and day out. 02:00:55.945 --> 02:00:58.712 - I think your name describes what your function 02:00:58.712 --> 02:01:02.045 is: Federal Emergency Management Agency. 02:01:02.806 --> 02:01:05.139 It's not 'Federal Recovery', 02:01:05.848 --> 02:01:07.265 it's not 'Long term Recovery'. 02:01:07.265 --> 02:01:08.871 There's gonna be other federal agencies but 02:01:08.871 --> 02:01:11.169 hopefully more state and local governments that 02:01:11.169 --> 02:01:14.015 are going to really take up the responsibility 02:01:14.015 --> 02:01:16.972 of recovering in their local jurisdictions. 02:01:16.972 --> 02:01:19.139 With that, Senator Carper. 02:01:19.257 --> 02:01:22.424 - Mr. Long what the chairman's saying, 02:01:23.399 --> 02:01:25.232 the last hundred years 02:01:25.294 --> 02:01:27.627 33 category five hurricanes, 02:01:29.208 --> 02:01:32.512 this Fall, two, within a matter of weeks 02:01:32.512 --> 02:01:33.465 of one another. 02:01:33.465 --> 02:01:37.132 - We've seen uh, very interesting chart that 02:01:37.282 --> 02:01:38.699 the chairman has, 02:01:38.764 --> 02:01:41.484 very instructive chart that the Chairman has shown 02:01:41.484 --> 02:01:43.502 that indicates what's happening in terms of 02:01:43.502 --> 02:01:47.335 frequencies, this uh, kinda crazy weather that 02:01:48.236 --> 02:01:49.653 we're faced with. 02:01:50.702 --> 02:01:52.288 And I would, uh, just uh, 02:01:52.288 --> 02:01:54.414 this is a shared responsibility but I would feel 02:01:54.414 --> 02:01:57.477 that we had failed in our responsibilities 02:01:57.477 --> 02:02:00.310 collectively if we simply rebuild, 02:02:00.392 --> 02:02:04.059 help rebuild an electric grid in Puerto Rico 02:02:05.351 --> 02:02:07.110 is just as vulnerable, 02:02:07.110 --> 02:02:10.027 that is just as energy inefficient, 02:02:10.344 --> 02:02:13.098 and that is just as polluting as what 02:02:13.098 --> 02:02:16.431 they largely have faced in past decades. 02:02:16.692 --> 02:02:20.442 I think we'd really missed a, an opportunity. 02:02:21.527 --> 02:02:24.058 Our colleague, Senator Peters, asked you 02:02:24.058 --> 02:02:27.808 Mr. Long to evaluate or maybe provide a grade 02:02:27.812 --> 02:02:29.062 of some sort to 02:02:29.300 --> 02:02:31.300 the work of FEMA so far. 02:02:32.377 --> 02:02:34.213 We have a saying in Delaware when a little 02:02:34.213 --> 02:02:36.713 fighter, we're a little state, 02:02:37.212 --> 02:02:39.234 a little fighter fighting a big fighter and wins 02:02:39.234 --> 02:02:41.380 say that the little fighter fights above 02:02:41.380 --> 02:02:42.880 his or her weight. 02:02:43.292 --> 02:02:45.700 And I think FEMA is punching above it's weight. 02:02:45.700 --> 02:02:47.700 And we uh, applaud that. 02:02:48.002 --> 02:02:49.441 I think the grade to be assigned is probably 02:02:49.441 --> 02:02:52.225 incomplete 'cause there's plenty of work still 02:02:52.225 --> 02:02:54.725 to do and think you know that. 02:02:57.967 --> 02:02:58.800 Richard Nixon used to say, 02:02:58.800 --> 02:02:59.653 I'm the only Democrat I know that 02:02:59.653 --> 02:03:00.719 quotes Richard Nixon, 02:03:00.719 --> 02:03:02.469 but Nixon used to say 02:03:04.026 --> 02:03:05.467 "the only people who don't make mistakes 02:03:05.467 --> 02:03:07.331 are people who don't do anything". 02:03:07.331 --> 02:03:08.330 Think about that. 02:03:08.330 --> 02:03:10.020 Tom Carper always says, 02:03:10.020 --> 02:03:12.365 'everything I do I know I can do better'. 02:03:12.365 --> 02:03:13.716 And if it isn't perfect, make it better. 02:03:13.716 --> 02:03:14.965 So that's our goal, we know perfection 02:03:14.965 --> 02:03:18.548 is probably not achievable but we certainly 02:03:18.624 --> 02:03:19.850 wan to head in that direction regardless of 02:03:19.850 --> 02:03:23.564 if we sit on this side of the dius or your side. 02:03:23.564 --> 02:03:26.772 Senator Peters also talked about the interaction 02:03:26.772 --> 02:03:30.609 interface between state and local folks and FEMA, 02:03:30.609 --> 02:03:31.442 and I would, 02:03:31.442 --> 02:03:32.991 this would be one short question for you 02:03:32.991 --> 02:03:36.223 Administrator Long that there's been some 02:03:36.223 --> 02:03:37.753 feedback that there's been a disconnect between 02:03:37.753 --> 02:03:41.405 the governor of Puerto, government of Puerto Rico, 02:03:41.405 --> 02:03:43.191 FEMA, the Coast Guard, Army Corps of Engineers, 02:03:43.191 --> 02:03:45.710 various contractors on the ground regarding roles 02:03:45.710 --> 02:03:48.280 and responsibilities who is doing what activity. 02:03:48.280 --> 02:03:50.411 I don't think that's to be totally surprising. 02:03:50.411 --> 02:03:51.911 But um, I just uh, 02:03:51.953 --> 02:03:54.049 what are you doing to ensure that a cohesive 02:03:54.049 --> 02:03:57.720 effort that supports the governor of Puerto Rico 02:03:57.720 --> 02:03:59.770 is ultimately in charge of recovery efforts. 02:03:59.770 --> 02:04:01.284 Will you just respond to that? 02:04:01.284 --> 02:04:03.228 - Sure it's a great question. 02:04:03.228 --> 02:04:05.231 So, clear communication is the line, 02:04:05.231 --> 02:04:07.040 is what's needed to succeed. 02:04:07.040 --> 02:04:10.873 And I speak to Governor Rosello multiple times 02:04:11.074 --> 02:04:13.241 a week on a regular basis, 02:04:13.250 --> 02:04:14.500 but what we do, 02:04:14.594 --> 02:04:17.125 obviously to have wide area management capability 02:04:17.125 --> 02:04:19.346 over the magnitude of everything that's happened 02:04:19.346 --> 02:04:21.500 is I have to rely very heavily on Federal 02:04:21.500 --> 02:04:25.125 Coordinating Officers and for the example of 02:04:25.125 --> 02:04:25.958 Puerto Rico, 02:04:25.958 --> 02:04:27.833 Mike Burn is my Federal Coordinating Officer. 02:04:27.833 --> 02:04:29.282 Technically he's appointed by the President 02:04:29.282 --> 02:04:31.464 if you look at the Stafford Act. 02:04:31.464 --> 02:04:33.384 And so I have Federal Coordinating Officers over 02:04:33.384 --> 02:04:35.466 each one of these disasters that I stay in touch 02:04:35.466 --> 02:04:38.420 with but I also reach out very regularly to, 02:04:38.420 --> 02:04:39.837 Governor Rosello. 02:04:40.669 --> 02:04:42.318 And I gotta tell ya, 02:04:42.318 --> 02:04:44.327 every day that man goes to work trying to do 02:04:44.327 --> 02:04:46.893 the best that he can for Puerto Rico and uh, 02:04:46.893 --> 02:04:49.529 I have deep respect for the governor and 02:04:49.529 --> 02:04:51.643 what he's trying to do and work through. 02:04:51.643 --> 02:04:55.276 And he's facing the most complex disaster of 02:04:55.276 --> 02:04:56.359 many of them. 02:04:57.235 --> 02:04:58.965 And so the communication's good, 02:04:58.965 --> 02:05:02.436 but I have to set up recovery command on site 02:05:02.436 --> 02:05:04.800 and allow the decisions to be made onsite rather 02:05:04.800 --> 02:05:07.271 than all the way back up here in D.C. 02:05:07.271 --> 02:05:08.853 Incident command decisions have to be made 02:05:08.853 --> 02:05:11.090 closest to where the disaster is, 02:05:11.090 --> 02:05:12.090 not up here. 02:05:12.395 --> 02:05:14.113 - Sometimes when I see adult children of 02:05:14.113 --> 02:05:16.201 my friends who gone on to do great things with 02:05:16.201 --> 02:05:19.044 their life I say they picked the right parents. 02:05:19.044 --> 02:05:21.245 And uh, I would say to Rick, 02:05:21.245 --> 02:05:22.995 Rosello governor now, 02:05:23.997 --> 02:05:24.830 that he picked the right parents. 02:05:24.830 --> 02:05:25.884 My old colleague Pedro was there 02:05:25.884 --> 02:05:29.717 with whom I served from '93-2001 as governors. 02:05:30.294 --> 02:05:31.127 I um, 02:05:32.467 --> 02:05:34.636 I wanna ask one question for each of you 02:05:34.636 --> 02:05:38.219 and then I'm done but the question is this. 02:05:39.646 --> 02:05:41.184 Just name one thing, 02:05:41.184 --> 02:05:43.360 each of you just name one thing, 02:05:43.360 --> 02:05:45.556 that folks on our side of the aisle, 02:05:45.556 --> 02:05:47.274 those who which serve here 02:05:47.274 --> 02:05:48.107 in the Senate and the House, 02:05:48.107 --> 02:05:49.606 the one thing that we need to be doing to 02:05:49.606 --> 02:05:51.811 enable you and your folks to do a better job. 02:05:51.811 --> 02:05:52.968 Just one thing, please. 02:05:52.968 --> 02:05:55.705 And we'll just start (stutters) 02:05:55.705 --> 02:05:56.538 if I can, 02:05:56.538 --> 02:05:57.871 with Dr. Kadlec. 02:05:58.009 --> 02:05:59.155 Are you an Air Force Academy graduate? 02:05:59.155 --> 02:05:59.988 - Yes sir I am. 02:05:59.988 --> 02:06:00.951 - Navy salutes Air Force. 02:06:00.951 --> 02:06:02.019 Good, good for you. 02:06:02.019 --> 02:06:03.366 - Sir you beat us at football, though. 02:06:03.366 --> 02:06:04.940 - Thank you for your service. 02:06:04.940 --> 02:06:05.773 - Thank you sir. 02:06:05.773 --> 02:06:07.638 I think one of the issues that came up was 02:06:07.638 --> 02:06:09.868 about streamlining processes and 02:06:09.868 --> 02:06:11.785 effects and activities. 02:06:12.454 --> 02:06:14.319 For the healthcare we talk about minutes 02:06:14.319 --> 02:06:17.449 and hours really depending life and death 02:06:17.449 --> 02:06:20.626 decision and being able to intervene positively. 02:06:20.626 --> 02:06:22.532 And I think one of the areas that Congress should 02:06:22.532 --> 02:06:24.380 look at is dependencies. 02:06:24.380 --> 02:06:28.011 Dependencies affect all the activities here. 02:06:28.011 --> 02:06:29.503 What makes it more streamlined, 02:06:29.503 --> 02:06:30.725 what makes it more efficient, 02:06:30.725 --> 02:06:34.336 what makes it more, most importantly, effective? 02:06:34.336 --> 02:06:36.494 And those are the areas that I would identify as. 02:06:36.494 --> 02:06:37.327 - [Sen. Johnson] Okay. 02:06:37.327 --> 02:06:38.160 - Most important. 02:06:38.160 --> 02:06:38.993 - Good, thanks. 02:06:38.993 --> 02:06:39.826 General Jackson. 02:06:39.826 --> 02:06:40.659 Thank you. 02:06:40.659 --> 02:06:41.492 - Senator, thanks for the question. 02:06:41.492 --> 02:06:43.422 Since we've spoken mostly about the power grid 02:06:43.422 --> 02:06:46.098 restoration I think that's where my comment 02:06:46.098 --> 02:06:46.931 would come from. 02:06:46.931 --> 02:06:49.916 And that is, I think that if Congress can decide 02:06:49.916 --> 02:06:51.999 what in-state looks like. 02:06:52.272 --> 02:06:54.158 There's multiple requirements that could 02:06:54.158 --> 02:06:54.991 be out there, 02:06:54.991 --> 02:06:56.361 multiple things that could be done, 02:06:56.361 --> 02:06:57.704 they all cost different amounts of money but 02:06:57.704 --> 02:06:59.414 what is in-state look like and what does the 02:06:59.414 --> 02:07:01.164 nation want us to do? 02:07:02.100 --> 02:07:03.414 Whether it's what the Corps is doing or what, 02:07:03.414 --> 02:07:06.581 whoever will do in terms of, you know, 02:07:06.841 --> 02:07:08.552 what the power generation will look like. 02:07:08.552 --> 02:07:09.733 What the transmission lines and such 02:07:09.733 --> 02:07:10.983 will look like. 02:07:11.345 --> 02:07:14.628 Being able to craft what in-state looks like with 02:07:14.628 --> 02:07:16.180 the resources to match 02:07:16.180 --> 02:07:17.723 would be my recommendation. 02:07:17.723 --> 02:07:19.817 - Good. Thanks, thanks so much. 02:07:19.817 --> 02:07:21.356 - Senator thanks for the question. 02:07:21.356 --> 02:07:22.504 I'd say to continue to support the 02:07:22.504 --> 02:07:23.649 men and women in uniform, 02:07:23.649 --> 02:07:25.515 specifically the Department of Defense 02:07:25.515 --> 02:07:28.968 did enormous work in all of these hurricanes. 02:07:28.968 --> 02:07:30.417 As you know, the number of Navy ships, 02:07:30.417 --> 02:07:32.197 that strategic airlift that was 02:07:32.197 --> 02:07:33.030 involved in those, 02:07:33.030 --> 02:07:34.765 the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps 02:07:34.765 --> 02:07:36.462 active, reserve and guard. 02:07:36.462 --> 02:07:38.200 That made a huge different in each one 02:07:38.200 --> 02:07:39.557 of these hurricanes. 02:07:39.557 --> 02:07:41.512 The Defense Department has evolved greatly 02:07:41.512 --> 02:07:44.512 in that responsibility of supporting 02:07:44.644 --> 02:07:45.762 civil authorities and that needs to continue 02:07:45.762 --> 02:07:46.990 because it makes all the difference to our 02:07:46.990 --> 02:07:47.823 citizens. 02:07:47.823 --> 02:07:48.656 - Yeah. 02:07:48.656 --> 02:07:50.118 Well I know when I'm talking with the folks 02:07:50.118 --> 02:07:52.846 from different armed services other than the Navy 02:07:52.846 --> 02:07:53.929 I uh, the uh, 02:07:54.008 --> 02:07:55.176 sometimes I'll, I'll, 02:07:55.176 --> 02:07:56.772 there's a friendly inter service rivalry, 02:07:56.772 --> 02:07:57.633 as you know, 02:07:57.633 --> 02:07:59.930 not just on the football field. 02:07:59.930 --> 02:08:01.064 But I always say to them at the end of those 02:08:01.064 --> 02:08:04.104 conversations, 'different uniforms, same team'. 02:08:04.104 --> 02:08:05.410 And that's a great team. 02:08:05.410 --> 02:08:06.993 Administrator Long. 02:08:07.221 --> 02:08:09.567 - Externally for the entire country I think 02:08:09.567 --> 02:08:11.364 survivable communications is something that we 02:08:11.364 --> 02:08:13.471 have to address with the private sector. 02:08:13.471 --> 02:08:15.226 We become more and more vulnerable every day 02:08:15.226 --> 02:08:17.196 as we go to digital networks. 02:08:17.196 --> 02:08:20.877 And uh, when you don't have redundant systems 02:08:20.877 --> 02:08:23.807 or mitigated systems designed to handle 02:08:23.807 --> 02:08:26.541 all hazards then it creates panic. 02:08:26.541 --> 02:08:27.824 And as we've seen, 02:08:27.824 --> 02:08:29.649 we basically just went through a complete 02:08:29.649 --> 02:08:31.990 and total communication blackout for an island. 02:08:31.990 --> 02:08:32.849 And it creates a lot of panic, 02:08:32.849 --> 02:08:34.276 a lot of misunderstanding, 02:08:34.276 --> 02:08:36.276 a lot of misinformation. 02:08:36.502 --> 02:08:38.636 And that was incredibly frustrating, 02:08:38.636 --> 02:08:40.281 so I think we have a lot of work to do 02:08:40.281 --> 02:08:41.610 for survivable comms. 02:08:41.610 --> 02:08:42.527 Internally, 02:08:43.132 --> 02:08:44.215 fix the NFIP, 02:08:46.035 --> 02:08:47.313 do more pre-disaster mitigation, 02:08:47.313 --> 02:08:49.576 and let's come back to the drawing board on 02:08:49.576 --> 02:08:51.576 the disaster on the DRF, 02:08:52.910 --> 02:08:54.993 the Disaster Relief Fund. 02:08:55.581 --> 02:08:57.050 - Thanks to all of you and the teams you lead. 02:08:57.050 --> 02:08:57.980 Thanks so much. 02:08:57.980 --> 02:08:59.308 - [Brock] Thank you. 02:08:59.308 --> 02:09:00.141 - Thank you. 02:09:00.141 --> 02:09:01.470 So my final comment, 02:09:01.470 --> 02:09:03.824 I appreciate that my colleagues liked this chart. 02:09:03.824 --> 02:09:07.015 There's a number of factors that are built into 02:09:07.015 --> 02:09:09.725 the dramatic increase in the FEMA declarations. 02:09:09.725 --> 02:09:12.047 One of them is just so we declare more disasters 02:09:12.047 --> 02:09:13.380 a FEMA disaster. 02:09:13.890 --> 02:09:15.807 And my concern is that, 02:09:16.072 --> 02:09:18.536 I won't say the work abdication, 02:09:18.536 --> 02:09:20.480 but certainly local and state authorities 02:09:20.480 --> 02:09:21.947 are happy to have the federal government 02:09:21.947 --> 02:09:24.923 spend their money and be responsible for 02:09:24.923 --> 02:09:27.075 greater share for greater share of these things 02:09:27.075 --> 02:09:28.178 that are occurring within their state. 02:09:28.178 --> 02:09:29.356 So I mean that's part of the factor here. 02:09:29.356 --> 02:09:32.059 But again, I want to thank all of you. 02:09:32.059 --> 02:09:35.074 I think your efforts have been extraordinary. 02:09:35.074 --> 02:09:37.793 I would give you pretty high grade, personally. 02:09:37.793 --> 02:09:38.626 Again, I, 02:09:38.801 --> 02:09:41.579 this is unprecedented what has happened here. 02:09:41.579 --> 02:09:44.162 You get 51 inches in any place, 02:09:44.645 --> 02:09:45.796 there's no way to plan for that. 02:09:45.796 --> 02:09:47.933 That's gonna create a lot of destruction. 02:09:47.933 --> 02:09:49.984 You get category five hurricanes going over 02:09:49.984 --> 02:09:51.401 an entire island, 02:09:51.417 --> 02:09:54.726 even when it's in the Caribbean that, you know, 02:09:54.726 --> 02:09:56.559 is used to hurricanes, 02:09:57.679 --> 02:09:59.141 that's gonna cause disaster you just don't snap 02:09:59.141 --> 02:10:00.140 your fingers and alleviate all 02:10:00.140 --> 02:10:01.455 pain and suffering. 02:10:01.455 --> 02:10:03.030 So again, I think the men and women who 02:10:03.030 --> 02:10:04.959 have worked with you have done 02:10:04.959 --> 02:10:06.115 an extraordinary job. 02:10:06.115 --> 02:10:07.528 I thank all of them and I thank all of you. 02:10:07.528 --> 02:10:08.388 And with that, 02:10:08.388 --> 02:10:10.240 this hearing record will remain open for 15 days 02:10:10.240 --> 02:10:12.278 until November 15th, 5:00 pm for the 02:10:12.278 --> 02:10:13.921 submissions of statements and questions 02:10:13.921 --> 02:10:14.754 for the record. 02:10:14.754 --> 02:10:15.699 This hearing's adjourned. 02:10:15.699 --> 02:10:18.449 (gavel pounding)