WEBVTT 00:02.695 --> 00:03.620 (gavel bangs) 00:03.620 --> 00:05.270 - The hearing will come to order. 00:05.790 --> 00:08.220 The Strategic Forces Subcommittee meets today 00:08.220 --> 00:12.540 to review the Administration's FY2019 budget request 00:12.540 --> 00:13.851 for missile defense spending 00:13.851 --> 00:17.723 and to discuss related policies with our witnesses. 00:18.120 --> 00:21.290 This is an incredibly important and timely discussion, 00:21.290 --> 00:24.603 given the increasing missile threats facing our nation. 00:24.810 --> 00:25.910 Over the past year, 00:25.910 --> 00:27.970 we have witnessed dangerous advances 00:27.970 --> 00:30.973 in North Korea's ballistic missile capabilities. 00:31.150 --> 00:33.300 Kim Jong Un conducted a record number 00:33.300 --> 00:34.913 of ballistic missile tests, 00:34.970 --> 00:37.332 including tests of two new systems 00:37.332 --> 00:39.870 that appear to have range sufficient 00:39.870 --> 00:42.033 to hold the United States at risk. 00:42.320 --> 00:45.316 The Administration has responded to this growing threat. 00:45.316 --> 00:46.410 In September, 00:46.410 --> 00:49.030 the Department of Defense submitted a request 00:49.030 --> 00:54.030 to reprogram about $400 million in FY2017 funds 00:54.208 --> 00:57.143 towards urgent missile defense requirements. 00:57.310 --> 00:58.143 Additionally, 00:58.143 --> 00:59.700 in November the Administration 00:59.700 --> 01:03.420 amended its FY2018 budget request 01:03.630 --> 01:06.860 to include almost $4 billion in additional funds 01:06.980 --> 01:09.863 for missile defense and defeat activities, 01:09.930 --> 01:11.610 including the expansion of our 01:11.610 --> 01:13.790 ground-based midcourse defense system 01:13.790 --> 01:17.183 by an additional 20 interceptors by 2023. 01:18.370 --> 01:20.690 This robust support for missile defense 01:20.690 --> 01:23.733 continues in the FY2019 request, 01:23.850 --> 01:26.640 which includes almost a 25% increase 01:26.640 --> 01:29.453 in the Missile Defense Agency's budget. 01:30.000 --> 01:32.463 While I strongly support these increases, 01:32.680 --> 01:35.390 it is this Subcommittee's responsibility 01:35.390 --> 01:38.510 to ensure they meet the warfighters' needs today 01:38.690 --> 01:41.060 and invest in advanced technology 01:41.060 --> 01:43.143 to stay ahead of tomorrow's threats. 01:43.370 --> 01:44.233 Furthermore, 01:44.470 --> 01:46.520 while North Korea ballistic missiles 01:46.520 --> 01:48.640 remain the principal threat against which 01:48.640 --> 01:51.303 our homeland missile defenses are arrayed, 01:51.360 --> 01:54.983 it represents only a portion of the broader missile threat. 01:55.310 --> 01:57.130 A report released last year by the 01:57.130 --> 01:59.836 National Air and Space Intelligence Center 01:59.836 --> 02:02.881 noted that Russia retains the largest force 02:02.881 --> 02:05.283 of strategic ballistic missiles, 02:05.490 --> 02:08.210 while China has the most active and diverse 02:08.210 --> 02:11.003 ballistic missile development program in the world, 02:11.410 --> 02:14.597 and both nations continue to invest in hypersonic 02:14.597 --> 02:17.180 and cruise missiles designed to strike 02:17.180 --> 02:21.883 forward-deployed US forces and in some case, the homeland. 02:22.300 --> 02:24.880 Testifying on these issues before us today 02:24.880 --> 02:26.453 is a distinguished panel. 02:26.700 --> 02:30.633 We have John Rood, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, 02:30.750 --> 02:32.444 and General Lori Robinson, 02:32.444 --> 02:35.753 Commander of US Northern Command and NORAD, 02:36.020 --> 02:37.340 and General Robinson, 02:37.340 --> 02:40.615 as this is likely the last time we will hear from you 02:40.615 --> 02:43.663 in anticipation of your retirement, 02:43.780 --> 02:46.886 I also want to thank you for your 36 years 02:46.886 --> 02:49.713 of distinguished service to this country. 02:49.800 --> 02:50.750 - Thank you, ma'am. 02:51.730 --> 02:53.860 - I think I speak for all of us when I say 02:53.860 --> 02:55.990 it has been a pleasure to work with you 02:55.990 --> 02:57.763 and we wish you the best of luck. 02:58.680 --> 03:01.700 We're also joined by Lieutenant General Sam Greaves, 03:01.700 --> 03:04.130 director of the Missile Defense Agency, 03:04.130 --> 03:06.683 and Lieutenant General James Dickinson, 03:06.770 --> 03:09.000 who holds the title of Commanding General, 03:09.000 --> 03:12.283 United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command, 03:12.450 --> 03:13.993 among many others. 03:14.310 --> 03:16.220 Thank you all for being with us today. 03:16.220 --> 03:17.980 We look forward to your comments 03:18.130 --> 03:20.980 and I would now like to recognize our ranking member, 03:20.980 --> 03:21.950 Senator Donnelly, 03:21.950 --> 03:24.453 for any opening remarks he would like to make. 03:24.870 --> 03:25.760 - Thank you, Madam Chair, 03:25.760 --> 03:27.610 I'd like to thank all the witnesses 03:27.610 --> 03:30.713 and General Robinson, congratulations. 03:30.890 --> 03:33.140 Thank you for all your service to our country 03:33.530 --> 03:35.160 for all the amazing things you have done 03:35.160 --> 03:36.910 for our nation to make it stronger. 03:37.320 --> 03:40.170 I want to thank Senator Fischer for holding this hearing. 03:40.200 --> 03:42.913 Let me also thank today's witnesses for testifying. 03:43.280 --> 03:44.503 We very much appreciate your time 03:44.503 --> 03:47.323 and the work you do every day in service of our nation. 03:47.859 --> 03:50.820 Protecting our country, our forward-deployed troops, 03:50.820 --> 03:52.230 and our allies around the world 03:52.230 --> 03:53.803 is of the utmost importance, 03:54.260 --> 03:56.060 and the threats have not stood still 03:56.330 --> 03:58.833 since this Subcommittee last met on the subject. 03:59.340 --> 04:00.300 For just one example, 04:00.300 --> 04:02.482 as General Greaves and I discussed yesterday, 04:02.482 --> 04:04.453 North Korea has made rapid progress 04:04.453 --> 04:08.173 on its intercontinental ballistic missile capability. 04:08.800 --> 04:12.293 As we await the release of the Defense Missile Review, 04:13.010 --> 04:14.800 it's important we take this opportunity 04:14.800 --> 04:17.610 to review the fiscal year 19 budget request 04:17.980 --> 04:20.080 to ensure it provides sufficient resources 04:20.310 --> 04:22.836 to continue the work of getting our missile defense systems 04:22.836 --> 04:25.373 to perform reliably and effectively. 04:25.576 --> 04:28.270 We also need to continue improving our sensor 04:28.270 --> 04:29.891 and discrimination capabilities 04:29.891 --> 04:32.313 so we have a better picture of the threats, 04:32.630 --> 04:35.890 and we need to continue to conduct smart stimulation, 04:35.890 --> 04:38.340 simulation, and testing before we commit 04:38.340 --> 04:39.833 to buying new technologies. 04:40.690 --> 04:43.266 While we continue to improve the homeland defense systems, 04:43.266 --> 04:45.210 we should not take our eyes off the ball 04:45.210 --> 04:47.340 when it comes to protecting our deployed troops 04:47.340 --> 04:49.683 and reassuring our allies and partners. 04:50.204 --> 04:52.470 The demand from our combatant commanders 04:52.470 --> 04:56.263 for Aegis ships, THAAD, and Patriot batteries remains high. 04:56.750 --> 04:59.373 We need to consider how we can best allocate these systems 04:59.373 --> 05:02.680 and effectively train the warfighters who will operate them 05:02.706 --> 05:04.900 to provide the protection that is needed 05:04.900 --> 05:06.563 in today's demanding environment. 05:06.990 --> 05:08.410 Again, thank you for coming today. 05:08.410 --> 05:11.110 We look forward to the dialogue and to your testimony. 05:11.210 --> 05:12.350 Thank you, Madam Chair. 05:12.350 --> 05:13.850 - Thank you, Senator Donnelly. 05:14.040 --> 05:16.290 Secretary Rood, I'd like to welcome you 05:16.290 --> 05:18.890 if you would like to make comments to the Committee. 05:19.520 --> 05:23.390 - Thank you, Madam Chairwoman, Ranking Member Donnelly, 05:23.390 --> 05:25.040 distinguished members of the Committee, 05:25.040 --> 05:27.450 thank you for the opportunity to testify today on behalf of 05:27.450 --> 05:30.823 the Administration's fiscal year 19 budget request. 05:32.330 --> 05:34.420 With regard to the security environment today, 05:34.420 --> 05:36.850 the United States faces an increasingly complex 05:36.850 --> 05:39.500 security environment in which the central challenge 05:39.500 --> 05:42.260 to our prosperity and security is the re-emergence 05:42.260 --> 05:44.070 of long-term strategic competition 05:44.070 --> 05:48.563 driven by revisionist powers in China and Russia. 05:49.040 --> 05:50.770 Although they pose separate challenges 05:50.770 --> 05:52.223 with unique attributes, 05:52.350 --> 05:56.220 both China and Russia seek to reshape the world order 05:56.220 --> 05:58.163 and change territorial borders. 05:58.520 --> 05:59.353 Consequently, 05:59.353 --> 06:00.700 they pose increasing security threats 06:00.700 --> 06:03.633 to the United States and our allies and partners. 06:04.050 --> 06:06.990 Long-term competition with China and Russia requires 06:06.990 --> 06:10.130 increased US and allied partner military investment 06:10.150 --> 06:12.403 because of the magnitude of the threats they pose today 06:12.403 --> 06:14.220 and the potential that such threats 06:14.220 --> 06:15.683 will increase in the future. 06:16.310 --> 06:18.750 We must also simultaneously strengthen our efforts 06:18.750 --> 06:21.290 to deter and counter the clear and present danger 06:21.483 --> 06:24.663 posed by rogue regimes such as North Korea and Iran. 06:25.540 --> 06:27.890 The US military remains the strongest in the world. 06:27.890 --> 06:29.527 However, our advantages are eroding 06:29.527 --> 06:32.720 as potential adversaries modernize and build up 06:32.720 --> 06:34.983 their conventional and nuclear forces. 06:35.350 --> 06:36.210 In particular, 06:36.210 --> 06:40.360 they are fielding a broad and expanding arsenal 06:40.360 --> 06:42.010 of new and more advanced missiles, 06:42.010 --> 06:43.760 capable of threatening the US, 06:43.760 --> 06:46.573 our forces abroad, and its allies and partners. 06:47.300 --> 06:50.760 Although this picture is unsettling, and not what we desire, 06:50.760 --> 06:53.560 as Secretary of Defense Mattis has pointed out, and I quote, 06:53.560 --> 06:57.240 "We must look reality in the eye and see the world as it is, 06:57.240 --> 06:59.453 not as we wish it to be," end quote. 07:00.090 --> 07:02.200 The Administration has heeded this admonition 07:02.200 --> 07:03.963 in recent strategic reviews. 07:03.970 --> 07:06.060 In the National Security Strategy, 07:06.060 --> 07:07.620 the National Defense Strategy, 07:07.620 --> 07:09.633 as well as the Nuclear Posture Review, 07:10.090 --> 07:12.720 they reflect a consistent and pragmatic assessment 07:12.720 --> 07:14.720 of the threats and uncertainties we face 07:14.740 --> 07:16.490 in the future security environment. 07:17.160 --> 07:18.960 Our task at DoD is to ensure 07:18.960 --> 07:21.203 that the US military advantage endures, 07:22.472 --> 07:24.900 and in combination with other elements of national power, 07:24.900 --> 07:27.470 that we are fully able to meet the increasing challenges 07:27.470 --> 07:28.883 to our national security. 07:30.030 --> 07:31.970 With this as a strategic context, 07:31.970 --> 07:32.803 let me turn to a discussion 07:32.803 --> 07:35.993 of the FY19 budget request for missile defense, 07:36.140 --> 07:39.423 and the policies, programs, and capabilities it supports. 07:40.130 --> 07:41.850 The Department's budget request 07:41.850 --> 07:43.240 supports the President's direction 07:43.240 --> 07:45.190 set out in the National Security Strategy 07:45.190 --> 07:47.640 to deploy a layered missile defense system 07:47.850 --> 07:50.280 to protect the American homeland from North Korean 07:50.280 --> 07:51.833 and Iranian missile threats. 07:52.410 --> 07:54.930 The request also supports regional missile defenses 07:54.930 --> 07:58.223 to protect our deployed forces, allies and partners. 07:59.030 --> 08:01.410 Our missile defense system not only protects 08:01.410 --> 08:02.440 the United States. 08:02.440 --> 08:04.200 It strengthens deterrence of war 08:04.200 --> 08:06.163 and assurance of allies and partners. 08:06.980 --> 08:08.090 Today, the GMD, 08:08.090 --> 08:11.290 or Ground-Based Midcourse Defense System 08:11.470 --> 08:13.293 provides protection for the nation. 08:14.050 --> 08:15.730 General Greaves and others will discuss 08:15.730 --> 08:17.093 some of its attributes, 08:17.230 --> 08:19.903 but as noted by you, Senator Fischer, 08:20.090 --> 08:23.168 in September of last year DoD requested the reprogramming 08:23.168 --> 08:27.630 of 2017 funding of more than $400 million 08:28.080 --> 08:29.987 to counter the North Korean missile threat, 08:29.987 --> 08:33.216 and we appreciate the support that we received 08:33.216 --> 08:34.766 from Congress for this request. 08:34.790 --> 08:36.290 A portion of these funds support 08:36.290 --> 08:38.400 the important homeland defense activities, 08:38.400 --> 08:40.330 including initiating work on the procurement 08:40.330 --> 08:42.480 of 20 additional ground-based interceptors 08:42.480 --> 08:45.253 in Alaska as early as 2023, 08:45.550 --> 08:48.773 which will bring the total to 64 fielded interceptors. 08:49.710 --> 08:52.420 This reprogramming also funded a service life extension 08:52.420 --> 08:54.570 to the Cobra Dane radar in Alaska 08:54.570 --> 08:57.430 and software upgrades to the sea-based x-band radar 08:57.800 --> 09:00.700 which are both essential elements of our homeland defense. 09:01.030 --> 09:01.863 Of course, 09:01.863 --> 09:03.830 last November the President submitted an amendment 09:03.830 --> 09:06.699 to the FY18 budget request for $4 million 09:06.699 --> 09:09.460 of additional funding for missile defense, 09:09.460 --> 09:11.580 which includes construction of a new missile field 09:11.580 --> 09:13.023 at Fort Greely, Alaska, 09:13.260 --> 09:14.670 and additional procurement funding 09:14.670 --> 09:17.450 for the necessary 20 GBIs. 09:17.920 --> 09:20.970 The FY 19 budget request includes $9.9 billion 09:21.007 --> 09:24.640 for the Missile Defense Agency and $3 billion 09:25.070 --> 09:27.923 for air and missile defense programs in the services. 09:28.910 --> 09:31.840 This budget funds a more capable ground-based interceptor 09:31.840 --> 09:33.593 with a redesigned kill vehicle, 09:33.800 --> 09:35.340 the deployment of new missile tracking 09:35.340 --> 09:37.400 and discrimination sensors in Alaska, 09:37.400 --> 09:39.203 Hawaii, and the Pacific region, 09:39.700 --> 09:42.353 and a new space-based kill assessment capability. 09:43.090 --> 09:45.530 These near-term investments will enable us to obtain 09:45.530 --> 09:48.000 substantially more performance and efficiency 09:48.230 --> 09:51.393 out of the GMD system necessary to meet the evolving threat. 09:51.971 --> 09:55.340 We are also moving forward to bolster homeland defenses 09:55.340 --> 09:57.623 against air and cruise missile threats. 09:57.990 --> 09:58.909 In 2018, 09:58.909 --> 10:01.770 we will complete the first part of a two-phase effort 10:01.770 --> 10:04.200 to provide effective surveillance against missile threats 10:04.200 --> 10:05.853 to the national capital region. 10:06.480 --> 10:09.630 Doing so will enhance our ability to detect, track, 10:09.630 --> 10:11.550 and investigate suspicious aircraft 10:11.550 --> 10:13.313 as well as cruise missiles, 10:13.460 --> 10:16.220 and when necessary cue our missile defense systems 10:16.220 --> 10:18.683 against the full spectrum of air threats. 10:19.410 --> 10:21.070 We're on track to begin the second phase 10:21.070 --> 10:23.203 of this effort in fiscal year 19. 10:23.756 --> 10:26.650 We're also looking at technologies and concepts 10:26.650 --> 10:28.760 that could be used to provide scalable 10:28.760 --> 10:31.633 and deployable options for expanding this capability. 10:32.550 --> 10:34.860 The Department's FY 19 budget request 10:34.860 --> 10:37.750 also continues deployment of regional missile defenses 10:38.670 --> 10:41.370 tailored to meet the missile threats to US forces abroad 10:41.370 --> 10:43.273 and allies and partners in Europe, 10:43.520 --> 10:45.770 the Middle East, and the Indo-Pacific region. 10:46.240 --> 10:49.210 The budget enhances our regional missile defense capability 10:49.730 --> 10:50.563 through additional Patriot missiles as well as THAAD, 10:50.563 --> 10:52.287 SM3 Block 1B and SM3 Block 2A interceptors. 10:52.287 --> 10:57.287 Our focus is on developing and fielding capabilities 11:00.140 --> 11:02.500 that are mobile and relocatable, 11:02.500 --> 11:05.710 which allows us flexibility to respond to a crisis 11:05.800 --> 11:07.913 or conflict wherever it emerges. 11:09.460 --> 11:11.310 We're also encouraging our allies and partners 11:11.310 --> 11:14.100 in Europe, the Middle East, and in Asia 11:14.320 --> 11:16.670 to acquire MD capabilities and strengthen 11:16.670 --> 11:19.440 missile defense cooperation in order to move towards 11:19.440 --> 11:21.410 a more interoperable and integrated 11:21.730 --> 11:23.293 missile defense architecture. 11:23.970 --> 11:24.803 Looking forward, 11:24.803 --> 11:27.600 it's clear potential adversaries are modernizing 11:27.600 --> 11:29.773 and expanding their missile capabilities. 11:30.040 --> 11:32.670 We must ensure that our missile defense investment 11:32.850 --> 11:36.410 and strategy enable us to meet 11:36.410 --> 11:38.180 the most dangerous missile threats today, 11:38.180 --> 11:39.540 while enabling us to counter 11:39.540 --> 11:41.793 future missile threats as they expand. 11:42.330 --> 11:44.360 Areas for work on advanced technology 11:44.360 --> 11:48.453 include improved discrimination in our sensor architecture, 11:48.750 --> 11:50.750 lasers to intercept offensive missiles 11:50.750 --> 11:53.300 during their most vulnerable boost phase of flight, 11:53.590 --> 11:56.113 evaluating space-based sensor concepts, 11:56.280 --> 11:58.293 and the multi-object kill vehicle. 11:59.410 --> 12:00.690 Let me conclude by saying that 12:00.690 --> 12:02.319 in an increasingly complex 12:02.319 --> 12:04.283 and threatening security environment, 12:04.800 --> 12:07.710 DoD must sustain the capabilities needed to deter 12:07.710 --> 12:09.883 and defend against attacks on our homeland, 12:10.180 --> 12:12.893 US deployed forces abroad, allies, and partners. 12:13.070 --> 12:14.720 We must make the investments needed 12:14.720 --> 12:16.570 to address the ongoing erosion 12:16.570 --> 12:18.660 of our operational advantages 12:18.660 --> 12:21.410 and remain the pre-eminent military power in the world. 12:21.620 --> 12:23.430 Thank you again for the opportunity to testify. 12:23.430 --> 12:25.080 I look forward to your questions. 12:25.330 --> 12:26.963 - Thank you Mister Secretary. 12:27.620 --> 12:30.963 Your full statements will be included in the record. 12:31.150 --> 12:32.343 General Robinson. 12:32.900 --> 12:35.373 - Ma'am, sir, first of all thank you very much. 12:35.660 --> 12:38.060 I am certainly honored to be sitting here 12:38.060 --> 12:40.323 and testifying with this Committee, 12:40.330 --> 12:42.193 especially along with my brothers. 12:42.370 --> 12:44.203 It's an honor for me. 12:44.760 --> 12:48.220 As what's been mentioned is the strategic environment 12:48.220 --> 12:51.410 and threats facing our nation continue to evolve, 12:51.410 --> 12:53.233 as you have both mentioned, 12:53.790 --> 12:55.800 our adversaries are taking deliberate steps 12:55.800 --> 12:57.790 to extend their operational reach 12:58.090 --> 12:59.850 and are developing new capabilities 12:59.850 --> 13:02.610 to range targets in North America, 13:02.610 --> 13:04.233 in the United States and Canada. 13:04.870 --> 13:06.640 At US Northern Command and NORAD, 13:06.640 --> 13:08.576 we understand the urgency of keeping pace 13:08.576 --> 13:11.100 with these evolving threats. 13:11.100 --> 13:13.520 We also recognize that North Korea 13:13.710 --> 13:16.573 represents the most immediate threat to our homeland, 13:16.710 --> 13:20.763 and therefore remains NORTHCOM's highest priority. 13:21.760 --> 13:25.080 I'm confident that the ground-based midcourse defense system 13:25.080 --> 13:26.520 can defeat the threat today, 13:26.520 --> 13:29.120 and I've testified in front of every committee 13:29.120 --> 13:32.883 and have said so and I remain confident. 13:32.970 --> 13:35.310 And I strongly support the continued improvements 13:35.310 --> 13:37.550 to the ballistic missile defense enterprise 13:38.180 --> 13:40.353 in order to maintain our advantage. 13:40.450 --> 13:43.340 We continue to work with the Missile Defense Agency, 13:43.340 --> 13:46.080 the intelligence community, and other combatant commands 13:46.080 --> 13:49.763 as part of our collaborative effort to outpace the threat. 13:50.330 --> 13:53.173 I'm grateful, quite frankly, 13:53.240 --> 13:55.660 for the Committee's approval of the FY 17 13:55.660 --> 13:57.880 above-threshold reprogramming 13:57.880 --> 13:59.793 and support the budget amendment, 13:59.985 --> 14:03.853 and this will increase the system's capability and capacity. 14:04.500 --> 14:06.783 Under my NORAD responsibility, 14:06.800 --> 14:09.520 advanced cruise missiles with a low radar cross-section 14:09.520 --> 14:12.193 represent a challenge to our air defense systems. 14:12.300 --> 14:15.360 Russia continues to modernize its delivery systems, 14:15.360 --> 14:18.060 long-range bombers and strategic submarines 14:18.230 --> 14:22.003 capable of launching from distances not previously seen, 14:22.590 --> 14:24.311 reducing the indication and warnings 14:24.311 --> 14:27.193 we are likely to receive from a combat launch. 14:27.550 --> 14:29.910 To defend against these advanced cruise missiles, 14:29.910 --> 14:32.640 we must make prudent investments, 14:32.640 --> 14:34.993 as you both have talked about, 14:35.220 --> 14:37.690 and we appreciate in advance sensors 14:37.690 --> 14:39.020 and defensive weapons systems 14:39.020 --> 14:42.343 to protect our nation's vital assets. 14:43.210 --> 14:45.920 The men, the women, the warriors 14:46.150 --> 14:48.280 of US Northern Command and NORAD 14:48.280 --> 14:50.743 stand united in a common purpose, 14:51.240 --> 14:53.450 ready to face the threats to the United States 14:53.450 --> 14:54.773 and Canada today, 14:54.870 --> 14:57.970 and we are evolving to face the threats of tomorrow. 14:57.970 --> 14:58.920 Ladies and gentlemen, 14:58.920 --> 15:00.793 you need to know we have the watch. 15:02.100 --> 15:04.493 Ma'am, sir, as you both have indicated, 15:04.770 --> 15:07.033 I'm getting to have the privilege to retire. 15:07.840 --> 15:09.800 I have to tell you both that after 15:09.800 --> 15:12.983 36 years of serving my nation, 15:15.630 --> 15:18.260 and after these last two years of having 15:18.260 --> 15:22.793 this sacred responsibility of defending our nation, 15:24.480 --> 15:28.223 I want you both to know, I want all of you to understand, 15:28.410 --> 15:31.510 my gratitude and my heartfelt appreciation 15:31.510 --> 15:34.410 for what you do to support NORAD 15:34.410 --> 15:36.583 and US Northern Command every day. 15:37.270 --> 15:39.603 To our nations armed forces, 15:39.940 --> 15:42.600 soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, civilians, 15:42.600 --> 15:45.713 and in my NORAD hat, the Canadians, 15:46.030 --> 15:47.960 what you do each and every day. 15:47.960 --> 15:49.603 You know, people say to me, 15:49.637 --> 15:51.737 "Hey, thank you for what you do," 15:52.560 --> 15:56.880 but I know I can't do what I do if you don't do what you 15:57.197 --> 15:59.963 and your back-benchers do each and every day. 16:00.330 --> 16:04.313 So thank you very much. I welcome your questions. 16:04.313 --> 16:06.563 (applause) 16:11.800 --> 16:13.210 - Thank you, General. - Yes, ma'am. 16:13.210 --> 16:14.110 - General Greaves. 16:15.370 --> 16:17.863 - Chairman Fischer, Ranking Member Donnelly, 16:18.220 --> 16:20.320 distinguished members of the Subcommittee, 16:20.520 --> 16:22.340 thank you for this opportunity to testify 16:22.340 --> 16:23.730 on the Missile Defense Agency's 16:23.730 --> 16:26.343 budget request for fiscal year 2019. 16:27.300 --> 16:29.510 I would first like to express our appreciation 16:29.510 --> 16:31.450 to this Committee for its support 16:31.450 --> 16:34.460 of the Department's above-threshold reprogram request 16:34.610 --> 16:39.010 in September 2017 and the FY 2018 budget amendment, 16:39.010 --> 16:41.170 which provided reprogramming approval 16:41.470 --> 16:43.360 and emergency funding to enhance 16:43.360 --> 16:46.303 the nation's missile defeat and defense capabilities. 16:46.900 --> 16:48.760 I'm also pleased to report that we are 16:48.760 --> 16:51.563 executing those funds with the utmost urgency. 16:52.306 --> 16:54.510 I would also like to take a second to thank 16:54.510 --> 16:56.160 the thousands of men and women 16:56.160 --> 16:58.000 across government and industry 16:58.530 --> 17:00.950 who work tirelessly every single day 17:00.950 --> 17:03.660 across the globe in support of our nation's 17:03.660 --> 17:05.310 ballistic missile defense system. 17:05.770 --> 17:08.483 They remain our asymmetric advantage. 17:09.910 --> 17:11.230 Over the past year, 17:11.230 --> 17:14.230 we've been given a clear and unambiguous message 17:14.230 --> 17:16.460 from the President that we are committed 17:16.460 --> 17:18.790 to expanding and improving a state of the art 17:18.790 --> 17:21.913 missile defense system, so in my mind, 17:22.240 --> 17:25.080 the time for delays and more studies 17:25.210 --> 17:27.143 and more objections is over. 17:28.020 --> 17:28.860 As I say it, 17:28.860 --> 17:32.231 the threat has voted and continues to visibly vote 17:32.231 --> 17:34.973 through a demonstration of capabilities. 17:36.410 --> 17:37.700 Last summer I laid out three 17:37.700 --> 17:40.660 Missile Defense Agency priorities to help guide 17:40.660 --> 17:44.023 our actions, our behavior, and program planning. 17:44.910 --> 17:47.210 First, we will continue to focus 17:47.210 --> 17:49.200 on increasing system reliability 17:49.410 --> 17:51.253 to build warfighter confidence. 17:52.020 --> 17:54.960 Second, we will increase engagement capability 17:54.960 --> 17:57.940 and capacity, and third, 17:57.940 --> 17:59.853 we will address the advanced threat. 18:01.150 --> 18:02.780 I can tell you that the current 18:02.780 --> 18:05.533 ballistic missile defense system meets today's threat. 18:06.290 --> 18:08.250 However, as the threat increases 18:08.250 --> 18:10.453 in both number and lethality, 18:10.780 --> 18:14.173 we need to ensure that our systems will remain reliable, 18:14.530 --> 18:17.033 remain secure from cybersecurity threats, 18:17.560 --> 18:19.990 and that the nation's ballistic missile defense capability 18:19.990 --> 18:22.703 and capacity keep pace with that threat. 18:23.700 --> 18:26.830 We currently have 44 emplaced ground-based interceptors 18:26.830 --> 18:28.810 for homeland defense and plan 18:28.810 --> 18:31.863 to expand the fleet to 64 by 2023. 18:32.830 --> 18:35.250 In addition, improvements in sensor coverage 18:35.250 --> 18:37.490 to include the long-range discriminating radar 18:37.490 --> 18:38.653 in clear Alaska, 18:39.060 --> 18:41.050 the addition of a homeland defense radar 18:41.050 --> 18:42.653 in Hawaii is approved, 18:43.050 --> 18:45.624 and planning for a homeland defense radar in the Pacific 18:45.624 --> 18:48.720 as well as advanced discrimination improvements 18:49.020 --> 18:50.490 will enable the United States 18:50.490 --> 18:52.390 to improve protection of the homeland. 18:53.280 --> 18:54.900 The Agency will also continue 18:54.900 --> 18:58.163 its redesigned kill vehicle development efforts, 18:58.620 --> 19:01.363 enhance the stockpile liability program, 19:01.770 --> 19:04.743 and expand the ground-based interceptor battlespace. 19:06.080 --> 19:08.330 Integrated space and terrestrial sensors 19:08.330 --> 19:11.020 for cueing, tracking, discrimination, 19:11.020 --> 19:13.010 and targeting ballistic missile threats 19:13.010 --> 19:15.640 are critical to improving missile defense 19:15.640 --> 19:17.193 architectural robustness. 19:18.000 --> 19:19.760 This budget will continue to fund 19:19.760 --> 19:22.780 the space-based kill assessment demonstration program 19:23.360 --> 19:26.290 to deliver a capability to confirm intercepts 19:26.290 --> 19:28.493 for improved defense of the homeland. 19:29.200 --> 19:31.870 We're also continuing concept definition studies 19:31.870 --> 19:34.773 for space-based missile defense tracking sensors, 19:35.200 --> 19:38.170 and if pursued, space sensors will be able to detect 19:38.170 --> 19:41.370 and track traditional and emerging threats 19:41.670 --> 19:43.763 as part of the BMDS architecture. 19:45.310 --> 19:46.610 We will continue to install 19:46.610 --> 19:48.840 the Aegis ballistic missile defense weapons system 19:48.840 --> 19:50.840 on Aegis ships and deliver 19:50.840 --> 19:53.763 standard missile 3 block 1B interceptors. 19:54.450 --> 19:58.163 We're also supporting the European phase of active approach, 19:58.350 --> 19:59.980 providing coverage and protection 19:59.980 --> 20:02.360 of NATO European territory, populations, 20:02.360 --> 20:03.817 and our deployed forces 20:03.817 --> 20:06.788 against the increasing ballistic missile threat 20:06.788 --> 20:08.203 from the Middle East. 20:09.130 --> 20:11.840 Our request will support continued integration 20:11.840 --> 20:14.283 of the SM3 Block 2A missile, 20:14.520 --> 20:16.460 a co-development effort with Japan 20:16.460 --> 20:19.940 into the Aegis ballistic missile defense weapons system 20:20.360 --> 20:22.450 and the pre-production of all-up rounds 20:22.450 --> 20:25.683 to support the initial deployment for EPAA Phase Three. 20:26.920 --> 20:28.620 Currently, there is an operational 20:28.620 --> 20:30.933 Aegis Ashore site located in Romania, 20:31.430 --> 20:33.210 and while we have experienced delays 20:33.210 --> 20:35.010 in the military construction portion 20:35.020 --> 20:37.003 of the Aegis Ashore effort in Poland, 20:37.480 --> 20:40.170 we remain steadfastly committed 20:40.208 --> 20:42.460 to delivery of that capability 20:42.460 --> 20:44.713 in support of EPAA Phase Three. 20:45.850 --> 20:49.340 Finally, this budget request will continue the exploration 20:49.340 --> 20:53.173 of breakthrough technologies for integration into the BMDS, 20:53.550 --> 20:55.723 including discrimination improvements, 20:56.400 --> 20:58.723 multi-object kill vehicle technology, 20:58.960 --> 21:00.943 hypersonic defense technology, 21:01.260 --> 21:03.403 space-based intercept detect technology, 21:03.700 --> 21:06.790 and exploring high-powered lasers and interceptors 21:06.790 --> 21:09.010 that have potential use against threat missiles 21:09.010 --> 21:10.393 in a boost phase of flight. 21:11.420 --> 21:14.300 As we evaluate the elements of the missile defense system, 21:14.300 --> 21:16.620 we will actively pursue developing elements 21:16.620 --> 21:20.200 that have multi-mission and department-wide utility 21:20.200 --> 21:22.423 and leverage those systems. 21:22.760 --> 21:25.010 One such activity is with the F35 21:25.010 --> 21:28.093 that may have residual capability for missile defense. 21:29.270 --> 21:30.700 Mister Chairman and members of the, 21:30.700 --> 21:33.210 Madam Chairman, I apologize, 21:33.210 --> 21:34.823 and members of the Subcommittee, 21:34.990 --> 21:36.830 I look forward to answering your questions. 21:36.830 --> 21:37.663 Thank you. 21:39.310 --> 21:41.603 - Thank you, General. General Dickinson. 21:44.440 --> 21:46.090 - Chairman Fischer, Ranking Member Donnelly, 21:46.090 --> 21:48.690 and other distinguished members of the Subcommittee, 21:48.700 --> 21:51.180 thank you for your continued support of our soldiers, 21:51.180 --> 21:52.743 civilians, and their families. 21:52.930 --> 21:55.424 I'm honored today to testify before you 21:55.424 --> 21:58.360 to emphasize the importance of air and missile defense 21:58.360 --> 22:01.743 to our nation, deployed forces, allies, and partners. 22:02.090 --> 22:04.810 Air and missile defense threats continue to increase, 22:04.810 --> 22:07.803 both in quantity and offensive capability. 22:08.090 --> 22:10.560 With this in mind, I appreciate your continued support 22:10.560 --> 22:12.910 for the nation's air and missile defense forces 22:13.060 --> 22:15.950 as we fulfill our role in securing the nation today 22:16.120 --> 22:18.880 and developing future forces and capabilities 22:18.880 --> 22:20.713 to counter tomorrow's threats. 22:21.180 --> 22:23.200 I'd like to briefly summarize the missions 22:23.200 --> 22:24.943 of the organizations I command. 22:25.410 --> 22:28.470 First, United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command, 22:28.470 --> 22:31.543 Army Forces Strategic Command, SMDC/ARSTRAT, 22:32.320 --> 22:34.400 serves as a force provider in support 22:34.400 --> 22:35.943 of our combatant commanders. 22:36.170 --> 22:39.463 Our six priorities are to protect our homeland, 22:39.580 --> 22:42.433 provide combat-ready forces and capabilities, 22:42.570 --> 22:45.373 plan and conduct synchronized global operations, 22:45.590 --> 22:48.963 prepare or adapt lead-ahead concepts in technologies, 22:49.180 --> 22:52.030 preserve and account for the nation's critical resources, 22:52.090 --> 22:54.883 and promote and foster a positive command climate. 22:55.360 --> 22:57.880 We provide not only air and missile defense forces, 22:57.880 --> 22:59.983 but also Army space forces. 23:00.300 --> 23:02.040 The Army has more than 4,000 23:02.040 --> 23:04.203 military and civilian space cadre, 23:04.260 --> 23:06.648 providing continuous space-based capabilities 23:06.648 --> 23:09.513 in support to the warfighter around the world, 23:09.590 --> 23:12.093 from satellite communications to missile warning. 23:12.660 --> 23:16.290 SMDC/ARSTRAT's Future Warfare Center and Technical Center 23:16.510 --> 23:19.023 develop space and missile defense concepts, 23:19.070 --> 23:20.653 requirements, and doctrine. 23:20.960 --> 23:23.210 We provide training to the Army space cadre 23:23.210 --> 23:25.800 and missile defense operators and execute 23:25.800 --> 23:28.350 space and missile defense research and development. 23:28.630 --> 23:30.500 Within the SMDC/ARSTRAT, 23:30.500 --> 23:32.680 we are collaborating closely with the Army's 23:32.680 --> 23:35.403 Air and Missile Defense cross-functional team. 23:35.630 --> 23:38.363 This effort is key to rapidly developing requirements 23:38.363 --> 23:42.170 and ensuring these future capabilities transition quickly 23:42.380 --> 23:45.503 from concept to prototyping to fielding. 23:45.860 --> 23:48.510 We are focusing on capabilities that include mobile, 23:48.510 --> 23:51.173 short-range air defense, and directed energy. 23:52.020 --> 23:54.430 I also have the honor and the privilege to command 23:54.430 --> 23:56.380 the Joint Functional Component Command 23:56.380 --> 23:59.703 for Integrated Missile Defense, or JFCCIMD, 23:59.890 --> 24:02.370 which supports United States Strategic Command 24:02.520 --> 24:04.340 by integrating and synchronizing 24:04.400 --> 24:06.563 global missile defense operations. 24:06.850 --> 24:09.023 In support of US STRATCOM, 24:09.150 --> 24:13.483 JFCCIMD executes these five essential missile defense tasks: 24:14.190 --> 24:16.313 synchronizing operational-level planning, 24:16.370 --> 24:18.363 supporting ongoing operations, 24:18.540 --> 24:22.063 integrating training exercises and test activities globally, 24:22.230 --> 24:25.080 providing recommendations on the allocation of low-density, 24:25.080 --> 24:27.380 high-demand missile defense resources, 24:27.380 --> 24:30.223 and also advocating for future capabilities. 24:30.700 --> 24:32.010 To accomplish this, 24:32.010 --> 24:34.360 we maintain close collaborative relationships 24:34.360 --> 24:36.503 with the geographic combatant commands, 24:36.650 --> 24:38.223 the Missile Defense Agency, 24:38.270 --> 24:40.323 the Office of the Secretary of Defense, 24:40.330 --> 24:43.003 the Joint Staff, and our allies and partners. 24:43.490 --> 24:46.010 Lastly, it's important to highlight that the challenges 24:46.010 --> 24:49.540 that we face cannot be overcome without the dedication 24:49.540 --> 24:52.963 of our most precious asset, our people. 24:53.600 --> 24:55.700 The service members, civilians, and contractors, 24:55.700 --> 24:57.070 along with their families, 24:57.070 --> 24:59.203 stationed at home and globally deployed, 24:59.300 --> 25:01.900 provide support to the Army and joint warfighter 25:01.900 --> 25:03.113 each and every day. 25:03.350 --> 25:05.980 We are committed to providing trained and ready soldiers 25:05.980 --> 25:07.990 and civilians and developing effective 25:07.990 --> 25:09.769 space and missile defense capabilities 25:09.769 --> 25:12.843 to counter the threats of today and tomorrow. 25:13.390 --> 25:15.530 I appreciate the Committee's continued support 25:15.530 --> 25:18.720 of missile defense operations and especially your support 25:18.720 --> 25:21.430 of the men and women who deploy, develop, 25:21.430 --> 25:23.723 and operate these complicated systems. 25:24.320 --> 25:26.981 I have addressed in detail the full range of these missions 25:26.981 --> 25:30.663 and how we are executing them today in my written statement, 25:30.860 --> 25:33.823 which as Madam, you said will be submitted for the record. 25:33.850 --> 25:35.923 I look forward to addressing your questions. 25:35.969 --> 25:36.802 Thank you. 25:37.940 --> 25:39.440 - Thank you you all very much. 25:39.480 --> 25:42.053 We'll begin our first round of questions. 25:42.290 --> 25:44.823 General Robinson and General Greaves, 25:45.240 --> 25:50.190 you both have talked about the defense capabilities 25:50.190 --> 25:54.720 that we have currently with the most pressing threat 25:54.720 --> 25:58.670 that we have, and that's North Korea, but in your opinion, 25:58.670 --> 26:01.733 does this budget keep us on a path to stay ahead 26:01.733 --> 26:04.400 of the threat that's posed by North Korea? 26:04.400 --> 26:06.570 - So, ma'am, I'll talk first and then I'll let 26:06.570 --> 26:08.440 General Greaves since he's the smart one, 26:08.440 --> 26:11.463 and here's what I worry about. 26:11.505 --> 26:13.070 As I've paid attention, 26:13.070 --> 26:18.070 so we appreciate the ATR that was given to us last fall, 26:18.400 --> 26:20.423 it allows us to build capacity. 26:20.570 --> 26:22.580 You and I have chatted a couple of times. 26:22.580 --> 26:26.480 The fact is when we looked at what KJU was doing 26:26.480 --> 26:29.853 last May versus what happened through the summertime, 26:29.920 --> 26:33.100 this capacity and this redesigned kill vehicles 26:33.100 --> 26:34.963 will be very good for us in Alaska, 26:35.000 --> 26:35.833 but at the same time, 26:35.833 --> 26:38.114 we're not taking our eye off of 26:38.114 --> 26:41.020 having better discriminating radar, 26:41.020 --> 26:42.810 so I would tell you that where we are 26:42.810 --> 26:45.199 and what we're doing right now keeps us 26:45.199 --> 26:48.143 ahead of what's happening, 26:48.260 --> 26:49.940 we just can't keep our eye off the ball. 26:49.940 --> 26:52.240 And then I'll turn it over to General Greaves. 26:53.350 --> 26:57.310 - Chairman Fischer, the answer's yes, as I mentioned, 26:57.310 --> 26:59.550 the current ballistic missile defense system 26:59.550 --> 27:04.493 can meet today's threat, and with both, well, the FY 17 ATR, 27:05.441 --> 27:07.940 the FY 18 budget amendment, and this budget, 27:07.940 --> 27:11.983 what it does is increase our capability, 27:12.170 --> 27:14.200 our capacity, more rounds in the ground, 27:14.200 --> 27:16.965 whether it's ground-based interceptors, or THAADs, 27:16.965 --> 27:21.073 or Aegis SM3 1Bs, and ultimately the 2As, 27:21.330 --> 27:24.240 and so I believe we are perfectly positioned 27:24.240 --> 27:25.730 to defend against the threat. 27:25.730 --> 27:27.423 The other thing the budget does, 27:27.630 --> 27:30.560 it helps us keep our eye on the advancing threat 27:30.560 --> 27:34.283 as North Korea in particular and Iran, 27:34.460 --> 27:37.620 as they both increase their capability, 27:37.620 --> 27:39.857 both in numbers and lethality, 27:39.970 --> 27:43.390 we must ensure that we look ahead at what capability 27:43.390 --> 27:46.723 will be required to stay apace of that threat. 27:47.060 --> 27:48.540 One research area we're working with 27:48.540 --> 27:50.650 is in the area of space sensors 27:50.650 --> 27:55.300 or deploying the terrestrial architecture to space 27:55.306 --> 27:58.693 to supplement and augment what's on the ground. 27:59.060 --> 28:02.593 So keeping track of that capability's quite essential. 28:02.600 --> 28:03.433 Thank you. 28:03.433 --> 28:07.833 - And US Forces Korea, you submitted that GEON request, 28:08.140 --> 28:12.400 and can you talk a little bit about the request 28:12.400 --> 28:14.560 and the importance of receiving funding this year? 28:14.560 --> 28:16.020 You outlined it a little bit, 28:16.020 --> 28:20.083 but what is the priority for it this year? 28:20.650 --> 28:22.100 - It's a very high priority. 28:22.100 --> 28:24.950 In fact, it was sensitized to me 28:24.950 --> 28:28.873 during my last visit to Korea with General Brooks. 28:29.160 --> 28:34.070 We spent over an hour about two to three feet away, 28:34.070 --> 28:36.000 and he impressed upon me the importance 28:36.000 --> 28:39.483 of what's in that GEON. 28:39.810 --> 28:42.790 What it does, it, a couple of things. 28:42.790 --> 28:47.710 One, it allows us to disconnect the fiber tie 28:47.710 --> 28:51.050 between the THAAD control center and its launchers 28:51.050 --> 28:54.343 to increase the battle space by moving the launchers out. 28:54.680 --> 28:57.010 It allows the Patriot capability 28:57.061 --> 29:00.310 to essentially use the power of the THAAD radar 29:00.490 --> 29:01.990 to expand its battle space, 29:01.990 --> 29:04.910 and then it does what I believe is extremely important, 29:04.910 --> 29:09.470 integrates THAAD and Patriot to essentially optimize 29:09.470 --> 29:11.860 use of the interceptors so you minimize 29:11.860 --> 29:13.343 or eliminate wastage. 29:13.540 --> 29:16.970 So, for General Brooks being right there on the front line, 29:16.970 --> 29:18.740 that was extremely important to him 29:18.740 --> 29:20.790 to ensure that we expand the battle space 29:21.120 --> 29:23.753 and optimize use of those precious assets. 29:25.040 --> 29:28.450 - And usually, items on the EUFOR list 29:28.720 --> 29:30.380 are there because they were judged to be 29:30.380 --> 29:32.440 of lower priorities than the items 29:32.440 --> 29:36.057 that are included in the basic budget request, 29:36.057 --> 29:37.900 and as I understand it, however, 29:37.900 --> 29:40.428 this funding appears on the EUFOR list 29:40.428 --> 29:42.670 as a result of timing. 29:42.670 --> 29:43.893 Is that correct? 29:44.220 --> 29:47.159 - That's correct, and the items you see-- 29:47.159 --> 29:49.540 - [Deb] It's not a reflection of the priority, 29:49.540 --> 29:50.616 then, in this case? 29:50.616 --> 29:53.793 - Not in my mind. - It's all due to timing. 29:53.870 --> 29:54.970 - Yes, ma'am. - Okay. 29:55.560 --> 30:00.063 And Secretary Rood, when do you expect to complete the MDR? 30:01.930 --> 30:04.780 - We're in the process of doing that work now as we speak, 30:04.780 --> 30:07.460 Senator, and we're looking in the near term here, 30:07.460 --> 30:09.483 in the spring to finish that review. 30:10.340 --> 30:11.360 There are a number of, 30:11.360 --> 30:12.433 you've highlighted in your statement 30:12.433 --> 30:14.550 some of the challenges and the threat environment 30:14.550 --> 30:17.390 that we face, so we're eager to stay ahead of that threat, 30:17.390 --> 30:20.290 and we're looking at some competing approaches to do that, 30:20.300 --> 30:22.500 but I expect we'll have that shortly to you. 30:23.090 --> 30:26.980 - General Hyten noted some difficult policy questions 30:26.980 --> 30:30.967 in there and we heard that boost-phase term 30:33.049 --> 30:37.053 on an opening statement that that's a big challenge. 30:37.420 --> 30:41.680 Is the Department formulating any policies to fill that gap 30:41.680 --> 30:46.680 so that you can address those challenges that are associated 30:47.360 --> 30:51.833 with the boost-phase intercept as part of the MDR? 30:52.970 --> 30:55.313 - Yes, we're looking at boost-phase defense. 30:55.470 --> 30:57.313 There is, as mentioned, 30:57.490 --> 30:59.840 this is a period during the missile's flight 30:59.840 --> 31:02.030 when it is vulnerable to attack. 31:02.030 --> 31:06.000 It's a challenging period to be able to execute 31:06.000 --> 31:08.130 an effective missile defense during that period 31:08.130 --> 31:10.883 due to the geographic constraints and other things, 31:11.000 --> 31:13.330 but we are looking at a variety of ways 31:13.330 --> 31:15.053 to try to accomplish that goal. 31:15.120 --> 31:17.323 - Including lasers? - Yes. 31:17.960 --> 31:19.633 - Thank you. Senator Donnelly. 31:21.140 --> 31:22.300 - Thank you, Madam Chair, 31:22.300 --> 31:25.893 and I wanna thank all the witnesses again for being here. 31:26.501 --> 31:30.740 Undersecretary Rood, could you tell me how and why 31:30.740 --> 31:34.150 the Review changed from the Ballistic Missile Defense Review 31:34.520 --> 31:36.020 to the Missile Defense Review? 31:37.310 --> 31:39.130 - In terms of the rationale, Senator, 31:39.130 --> 31:41.490 the Ballistic Missile Defense Review is looking, 31:41.490 --> 31:43.460 of course, at ballistic missile defense, 31:43.460 --> 31:46.533 defense of missiles that fly over a ballistic trajectory. 31:46.860 --> 31:50.290 The thought process was that there are other forms 31:50.290 --> 31:52.710 of missile attack, cruise missile attack, 31:52.710 --> 31:55.183 hypersonic glide vehicles and the like, 31:55.300 --> 31:57.490 that were of a similar nature in their challenge 31:57.490 --> 32:00.240 and the integrated air and missile defense systems 32:00.240 --> 32:03.800 that the services are pursuing to provide defense 32:03.800 --> 32:05.210 for our troops in the field, 32:05.210 --> 32:07.173 our allies and things of that nature, 32:07.360 --> 32:10.040 that it was important to see a connection there 32:10.131 --> 32:11.690 and that that was the rationale. 32:11.690 --> 32:12.523 Of course, 32:12.523 --> 32:14.580 it predated my arrival at the department to do that, 32:14.580 --> 32:17.366 but I support that decision because of the integrated 32:17.366 --> 32:20.483 security challenge that we face with those threats. 32:21.300 --> 32:22.133 - General Greaves, 32:22.133 --> 32:23.610 can you tell us how you contributed 32:23.610 --> 32:25.610 and put into the Missile Defense Review? 32:28.560 --> 32:31.530 - Yes sir, we have key members of our staff 32:31.530 --> 32:33.220 from the Engineering Directorate, 32:33.220 --> 32:35.840 from our command and control battle management directorate, 32:35.840 --> 32:37.220 from other parts of the organization 32:37.220 --> 32:40.100 that have met frequently with other members 32:40.100 --> 32:44.513 within the Department and helped construct the MDR. 32:44.730 --> 32:46.363 So we've been actively involved. 32:46.680 --> 32:48.550 - General Robinson, could you please tell us 32:48.550 --> 32:49.940 how you helped contribute input 32:49.940 --> 32:52.053 into the Missile Defense Review process? 32:52.110 --> 32:54.450 - Absolutely, I think what's important 32:54.450 --> 32:56.980 as the warfighter and the one defending the United States, 32:56.980 --> 32:59.494 I've been able to contribute saying that I need 32:59.494 --> 33:03.800 to be able to detect, identify, track, and when necessary, 33:03.800 --> 33:05.730 engage to defend the United States. 33:05.730 --> 33:08.020 So whether it's ballistic missiles, 33:08.020 --> 33:09.470 whether it's cruise missiles, 33:09.810 --> 33:12.343 I've been able to give as a battle space owner 33:12.343 --> 33:17.343 my opinion and support my brothers here at the table. 33:19.480 --> 33:21.230 - General Dickinson, same question. 33:22.670 --> 33:26.490 - Yes, we've contributed in a large part to the effort 33:26.490 --> 33:30.560 in terms of JFCCIMD or the role that I play as the 33:30.560 --> 33:33.070 integrated missile defense element 33:33.070 --> 33:34.840 for US Strategic Command, 33:34.840 --> 33:38.360 so we've been participating throughout the process 33:38.360 --> 33:40.610 and what we bring to the process 33:40.610 --> 33:43.520 is we bring the representation of all the combatant commands 33:43.520 --> 33:46.417 along with NORTHCOM in terms of providing that expertise 33:46.417 --> 33:48.739 and that perspective as we help 33:48.739 --> 33:50.853 to develop and shape the document. 33:51.340 --> 33:54.047 - General Greaves, I understand you're trying to accelerate 33:54.047 --> 33:57.656 the development and fielding of the redesigned kill vehicle 33:57.656 --> 33:59.743 to address the growing threat, 34:00.170 --> 34:02.361 and what I would like to know is, 34:02.361 --> 34:04.980 can you describe for us the ways you're mitigating 34:04.980 --> 34:08.050 the risk in the program and ensuring we have a capability 34:08.050 --> 34:10.493 that is fully tested before it is deployed? 34:12.940 --> 34:17.563 - Yes, sir, this development will be a gated, 34:19.160 --> 34:23.920 milestone-driven acquisition as in specific decision points 34:23.920 --> 34:26.420 along the way where the Department, 34:26.420 --> 34:28.520 not only the Missile Defense Agency, 34:28.520 --> 34:31.310 will assess readiness to proceed to the next phase. 34:31.310 --> 34:35.197 As an example, we completed the preliminary design review 34:35.197 --> 34:39.278 last May, and used that as a decision point 34:39.278 --> 34:43.080 to convince anyone from the Cape, 34:43.080 --> 34:45.763 then AT and L and Miss Lord, 34:45.910 --> 34:48.370 and others within the building that we were ready 34:48.380 --> 34:52.227 to proceed with obligating I think it was 34:52.227 --> 34:55.253 $56 million worth of advanced procurement. 34:55.560 --> 34:59.640 So what have done is we have taken great care 34:59.640 --> 35:02.500 and we have heeded the NDAA language 35:02.790 --> 35:04.810 that addresses fly before you buy 35:04.810 --> 35:07.140 with the specific wording that talks about 35:07.140 --> 35:12.140 assessing our readiness to make these decisions 35:12.300 --> 35:16.080 to either adequately assessing through tests 35:16.080 --> 35:18.601 or some other method before we make 35:18.601 --> 35:21.423 these production and deployment decisions. 35:21.560 --> 35:25.150 So we will make decisions after, as I mentioned, 35:25.150 --> 35:26.240 the preliminary design review. 35:26.240 --> 35:29.040 We have the critical design review coming up in December, 35:29.040 --> 35:32.715 where another subset of that funding will be assessed, 35:32.715 --> 35:36.060 and we've got a decision to make 35:36.060 --> 35:39.380 after the first controlled test vehicle test, 35:39.380 --> 35:41.800 which will now include not only 35:41.800 --> 35:44.370 a fly-out of the interceptor, 35:44.370 --> 35:48.300 but a target, where we will maneuver to the target, 35:48.300 --> 35:52.100 but then maneuver away after convincing ourselves 35:52.100 --> 35:53.810 that it would have engaged the target, 35:53.810 --> 35:55.740 and we will use that extra capability 35:55.740 --> 35:58.690 to assess how well the interceptor does 35:58.750 --> 36:02.963 in the combined or expanded battle space. 36:03.160 --> 36:08.160 So, the bottom line story, sir, is a gated, 36:08.590 --> 36:11.170 milestone-driven, thoroughly reviewed 36:11.450 --> 36:12.923 assessment along the way. 36:13.473 --> 36:15.953 - Thank you. Thank you, Madam Chair. 36:16.992 --> 36:19.013 - Thank you, Senator. Senator Cotton. 36:20.010 --> 36:21.900 - Thank you all for appearing today for your testimony. 36:21.900 --> 36:22.733 General Greaves, 36:22.733 --> 36:25.280 let's talk a little bit more about boost phase intercept. 36:25.540 --> 36:29.140 I will reveal that I am a major proponent of this technology 36:29.140 --> 36:32.920 at the outset and the boost phase missiles are big 36:32.920 --> 36:36.480 and they're hot, so easy to detect, and most importantly, 36:36.480 --> 36:39.253 they're over the bad guy's territory, not over ours. 36:39.547 --> 36:42.770 But yeah, they don't come from just anywhere on Earth. 36:42.770 --> 36:44.630 There's a limited number of countries on Earth 36:44.630 --> 36:46.110 that have this capability and the intention 36:46.110 --> 36:49.633 to challenge us and that boost phase intercept is at risk. 36:49.830 --> 36:52.673 Two obvious candidates are Russia and China, 36:52.673 --> 36:56.780 but is it fair to say that boost phase defenses 36:56.780 --> 36:59.160 are not really suitable against that threat 36:59.160 --> 37:00.750 because those countries are so large 37:00.750 --> 37:03.443 and they can position their missiles so far inland? 37:04.020 --> 37:05.220 - I would say, sir, yes, 37:05.220 --> 37:08.143 there is a geographical component of it. 37:10.249 --> 37:12.724 Boost phase intercept is, if not ideally well-suited to, 37:12.724 --> 37:15.573 say the Korean peninsula, they're very slim, 37:15.660 --> 37:18.930 where, as you say, they can't go far back. 37:18.930 --> 37:19.980 - Those are the magic words. 37:19.980 --> 37:23.200 So since Russia and China are not really susceptible 37:23.200 --> 37:25.640 to effective boost phase missile defense, where is it? 37:25.640 --> 37:27.713 North Korea, maybe Iran as well, 37:27.920 --> 37:30.220 but North Korea is where it's really suitable. 37:31.390 --> 37:32.980 You talked about lasers earlier, 37:32.980 --> 37:34.903 I wanna come back to those in a bit. 37:35.269 --> 37:39.900 What is the Agency doing to explore the feasibility 37:39.900 --> 37:44.900 of airborne hit to kill defenses, specifically on UAVs? 37:46.030 --> 37:48.713 What kind of technology gap do we have today, 37:48.720 --> 37:51.420 given what we're already capable of doing with the UAV 37:51.550 --> 37:56.550 and air-to-ground attack that might help neutralize 37:56.640 --> 37:58.890 or at least mitigate the North Korean threat? 37:59.896 --> 38:02.183 - We are doing technology development. 38:02.361 --> 38:05.923 That is the phase of acquisition that we're in, 38:06.300 --> 38:09.470 looking at both directed energy components 38:09.470 --> 38:14.180 as well as most likely taking advantage of air assets 38:14.180 --> 38:16.300 which will already be in the theaters 38:16.300 --> 38:18.513 in support of other mission sets, 38:20.290 --> 38:25.060 executing by the COCOM to look at those assets 38:25.060 --> 38:27.490 as either sensors that can be fed into 38:27.490 --> 38:29.420 the command and control battle management system 38:29.420 --> 38:33.053 within our ballistic missile defense system, or as shooters. 38:33.320 --> 38:36.150 They can be platforms for a new breed 38:36.150 --> 38:39.910 of fast interceptor weapons, that if placed appropriately, 38:39.910 --> 38:41.833 or closely, or in the right position, 38:42.090 --> 38:45.040 would be effective boost phase intercept capability. 38:45.040 --> 38:48.890 - Yeah, so a fan of manned aircraft as well, 38:48.890 --> 38:51.810 but manned aircraft have men and women in them, 38:51.810 --> 38:53.300 so they have limitations, right? 38:53.300 --> 38:55.600 They have to land, they have to eat, 38:55.600 --> 38:57.550 they have to sleep, so on and so forth. 38:57.820 --> 38:59.063 UAVs do not. 39:01.269 --> 39:04.400 How high a priority is it for the Agency 39:04.800 --> 39:07.490 to explore the possibility that we could put 39:07.490 --> 39:11.050 an effective airborne net over the Korean peninsula 39:11.360 --> 39:16.033 with UAVs, both sensor platforms and armed platforms, 39:16.050 --> 39:18.750 in international waters that could potentially prevent 39:19.420 --> 39:21.250 North Korean missiles from ever getting off 39:21.250 --> 39:22.253 of a launching pad? 39:22.760 --> 39:26.203 - It is a high priority within the Missile Defense Agency, 39:26.450 --> 39:28.210 and the phase that we're in now 39:28.210 --> 39:30.653 is the technology piece of it. 39:31.040 --> 39:32.693 For instance, directed energy. 39:33.140 --> 39:33.977 Can we-- 39:34.160 --> 39:35.791 - [Tom] Can we get to directed energy in just a moment? 39:35.791 --> 39:36.624 - Sure. 39:36.624 --> 39:39.670 - So what is the gap, given what we can do with the UAV, 39:39.670 --> 39:41.633 and air-to-ground attack right now, 39:41.730 --> 39:44.520 what is the gap of taking that kind of demonstrated 39:44.520 --> 39:47.680 and deployed technology and deploying it 39:47.680 --> 39:49.750 in that kind of system against North Korea, 39:49.750 --> 39:53.283 and rather than aiming it at a terrorist's home or car, 39:53.300 --> 39:56.033 aiming at a North Korean missile on the launch pad? 39:56.492 --> 39:59.330 - The full answer will have to be coordinated 39:59.330 --> 40:00.440 with the combatant commander, 40:00.440 --> 40:05.440 but the gap or limitation is numbers and altitude 40:07.569 --> 40:11.123 and duration for the platforms of interest. 40:11.320 --> 40:13.420 And we have been doing some preliminary work 40:13.420 --> 40:15.133 on that over the past few years. 40:15.390 --> 40:17.820 And again, we're not talking directed energy, 40:17.820 --> 40:22.793 but doing things such as bean pointing, stability, 40:22.970 --> 40:27.220 duration, and pseudo-conops development on it, 40:27.220 --> 40:31.080 but the actual placement above, around, 40:31.080 --> 40:35.513 in vicinity of the targets, that's a co-conversation. 40:36.030 --> 40:39.000 - Okay, I just think it's an extremely high priority 40:39.787 --> 40:41.900 and most people probably underestimate 40:41.900 --> 40:43.900 how close we are to that kind of solution. 40:43.900 --> 40:45.390 I know that's not the long-term solution. 40:45.390 --> 40:47.460 That's why I wanted to put directed energy or lasers 40:47.460 --> 40:49.593 to the end of the conversation. 40:49.593 --> 40:52.243 I know it's a little bit longer and that's ultimately 40:52.250 --> 40:53.763 the right solution I think, 40:53.810 --> 40:56.240 once lasers get shrunken down so the power source 40:56.240 --> 40:57.877 can actually fit on the aircraft like that, 40:57.877 --> 41:00.003 and I strongly support that as well, 41:00.166 --> 41:02.790 but I think we have a real opportunity 41:02.790 --> 41:05.150 in the very short term, not a matter of months, 41:05.150 --> 41:07.013 but not a matter of decades either, 41:07.300 --> 41:09.780 to if not neutralize the North Korean threat 41:09.780 --> 41:11.470 with airborne boost phase systems, 41:11.470 --> 41:13.238 at least severely mitigate it. 41:13.238 --> 41:15.283 - [Sam] Yes, sir. - Thank you. 41:17.001 --> 41:17.834 - [Deb] Thank you, Senator. Senator Sullivan. 41:17.834 --> 41:19.880 - Thank you, Madam Chair, and just to follow up 41:19.880 --> 41:23.503 on Senator Cotton's questioning, General Greaves, 41:23.790 --> 41:26.593 is the technology available right now to do that? 41:27.780 --> 41:30.300 - Sir, I'd say portions of the technology are available. 41:30.300 --> 41:33.570 For instance, the current suite of kinetic weapons 41:33.570 --> 41:36.270 that we have that could potentially fulfill that role, 41:36.470 --> 41:38.810 they may not have the distance, 41:38.810 --> 41:41.010 the legs as we call it, to execute, 41:41.010 --> 41:44.913 even if we had the UAV technology flying and ready to go. 41:45.222 --> 41:48.080 The concept of operations or the ops concept 41:48.080 --> 41:50.810 is extremely important with respect to 41:50.960 --> 41:52.300 how many caps you're flying, 41:52.300 --> 41:53.610 where those caps are located, 41:53.610 --> 41:55.340 the resources tail that goes behind it, 41:55.340 --> 41:57.310 but those are not my areas of responsibility, 41:57.310 --> 42:01.213 that's the COCOM, but the technology is getting closer. 42:01.350 --> 42:03.050 - Okay, good, that's good to know. 42:03.920 --> 42:05.640 General Robinson, thank you. 42:05.640 --> 42:07.240 I missed your opening statement, 42:07.240 --> 42:08.760 but I understand you had an announcement 42:08.760 --> 42:12.920 which we're kind of shocked, 42:12.920 --> 42:15.960 and wow, you've been an historic figure. 42:15.960 --> 42:17.400 I wanna thank you for your service, 42:17.400 --> 42:20.030 first female combatant commander 42:20.030 --> 42:22.053 in the history of the United States. 42:22.630 --> 42:25.690 Thanks for coming up to Alaska so much, we appreciate that. 42:25.690 --> 42:28.780 Recently, at the event that we both were at 42:28.780 --> 42:30.610 was a great evening, so thank you. 42:30.610 --> 42:32.563 Thank you for your wonderful service. 42:33.003 --> 42:35.833 I wanted to talk a little bit, 42:35.870 --> 42:39.695 I mentioned to a number of you, General Greaves as well, 42:39.695 --> 42:43.270 so we made good progress in the last year, I think, 42:43.270 --> 42:46.983 with regard to a missile defense bill from this Committee, 42:47.170 --> 42:50.123 passes in the NDA, fully funded in December, 42:50.500 --> 42:55.470 and I was out on a CODEL led by the current Chairman, 42:55.470 --> 42:58.503 acting Chairman of the Armed Services, Senator Inhofe, 42:58.750 --> 43:01.233 we're in Alaska, we went out to Fort Greeley, 43:02.230 --> 43:05.590 part of the funding in the new authorization 43:05.590 --> 43:07.313 is for a new field out there. 43:07.800 --> 43:10.500 Lot of excitement, we're on the ground, looking at it, 43:11.220 --> 43:14.463 and then we hear five to six years, 43:15.210 --> 43:19.260 five to six years before we get this field operational. 43:19.260 --> 43:23.173 Now, we won World War II in a shorter amount of time. 43:24.000 --> 43:26.023 I can go through a whole list, 43:26.540 --> 43:28.890 and the Chair is very focused on these issues, 43:28.890 --> 43:31.993 not just in the military, but even building roads, whatever, 43:33.690 --> 43:36.560 why on Earth should this take five to six years 43:36.560 --> 43:37.470 and what do you need? 43:37.470 --> 43:39.420 I've already talked to a number of you. 43:39.660 --> 43:40.820 Legislatively, 43:40.820 --> 43:43.797 'cause I'm sure it would be bipartisan to say, 43:43.797 --> 43:45.697 "Hey, we're doing all this, the threat is here, 43:45.697 --> 43:46.817 "the threat is here right now. 43:46.817 --> 43:49.243 "We need more capacity, 43:49.760 --> 43:52.193 a new field at Fort Greeley is more capacity. 43:52.340 --> 43:55.860 What can we do to help you make this so it's not 43:55.860 --> 43:59.763 five to six years, a half a decade, 44:00.090 --> 44:01.950 to get a new field operational? 44:01.950 --> 44:03.130 We should try and get that done 44:03.130 --> 44:04.813 in a year and a half, in a year. 44:05.260 --> 44:06.280 So General Greaves, 44:06.280 --> 44:09.700 I know I just pitched this to you just the other day, 44:09.700 --> 44:13.113 but we wanna get this in the NDAA to help you, 44:13.220 --> 44:15.610 to help America defend itself 44:15.980 --> 44:18.170 when there's enormous bipartisan support to do it. 44:18.170 --> 44:20.233 Five to six years to me is lunacy. 44:21.020 --> 44:21.853 What can we do? 44:21.853 --> 44:23.960 And I'll throw this out to any of the witnesses. 44:24.990 --> 44:26.090 - Sir, if I can start, 44:26.320 --> 44:29.163 one update to our conversation yesterday, 44:29.523 --> 44:33.490 the environmental impact statement for Fort Greeley 44:33.490 --> 44:36.210 was done for a 100 interceptor base 44:36.210 --> 44:39.070 when the field was-- - Right, right. 44:39.070 --> 44:40.803 - was first developed. 44:40.970 --> 44:43.820 So what we have to do for the additional 20 44:43.820 --> 44:45.370 is an environment assessment, 44:45.370 --> 44:46.970 and that work's just about done. 44:47.000 --> 44:47.833 - Okay. - So-- 44:47.833 --> 44:49.743 - Good. - That's off the table. 44:50.020 --> 44:52.811 The construction of the missile field itself 44:52.811 --> 44:55.653 is an approximately 36-month effort, 44:56.030 --> 44:58.610 and the limitations involved are-- 44:58.721 --> 45:00.380 - [Dan] We built the Al-Can Highway in 11 months. 45:00.380 --> 45:01.213 - Yes, sir. 45:01.410 --> 45:03.620 - I mean, there's a long list of things 45:03.620 --> 45:05.700 in America we used to build quickly. 45:05.700 --> 45:09.403 Even three years is pretty darn long, right? 45:09.610 --> 45:13.220 - Yes, sir, and those three years are paced 45:13.220 --> 45:18.190 by the standard building timeframe 45:18.190 --> 45:20.623 up in Alaska, April through October. 45:20.678 --> 45:22.617 Now there are things that can be done-- 45:22.617 --> 45:23.910 - [Dan] We've built year-round in Alaska on occasion. 45:23.910 --> 45:24.860 - Yes, sir, I was about to say, 45:24.860 --> 45:26.960 there are things that can be done 45:27.230 --> 45:31.193 to essentially reduce that time, 45:31.580 --> 45:35.960 but the pacing item for the additional 20 GBIs 45:35.960 --> 45:38.420 in the ground are the GBIs themselves 45:38.690 --> 45:40.690 and the fact that they were being procured 45:40.690 --> 45:44.253 as all-up rounds with the redesigned kill vehicle on top. 45:44.620 --> 45:45.730 And the approach, 45:45.730 --> 45:48.490 unlike what was done for the initial deployment 45:48.490 --> 45:51.859 of the initial interceptors where we essentially 45:51.859 --> 45:54.363 have done exactly what you're asking, 45:55.320 --> 46:00.210 we are taking a series of steps 46:00.450 --> 46:03.330 to ensure that what we are designing, building, testing, 46:03.330 --> 46:06.233 and delivering are more reliable, more maintainable, 46:06.400 --> 46:08.883 and for the long term, more sustainable. 46:09.110 --> 46:11.870 So, and the acquisition of that 46:11.870 --> 46:13.660 under the current set of guidelines, 46:13.660 --> 46:15.560 we talked about that a little earlier, 46:15.580 --> 46:20.023 is a gated and milestone-driven decision process. 46:20.050 --> 46:21.683 So there are a number of folks, 46:21.800 --> 46:24.720 other areas within the Department that are involved, 46:24.720 --> 46:27.000 all the way from the operational testers 46:27.140 --> 46:31.000 to the folks in Cape to the folks in now A and S, 46:31.000 --> 46:32.400 Acquisition and Sustainment, 46:32.680 --> 46:36.070 that have to be involved and ensure 46:36.070 --> 46:38.250 that we are minimizing risks to this deployment. 46:38.250 --> 46:43.250 Now if it was stated that there is some national security 46:43.310 --> 46:45.522 waiver to get them into the ground now, 46:45.522 --> 46:48.980 and to provide the Missile Defense Agency and others 46:48.980 --> 46:51.130 with complete authority to do things, 46:51.130 --> 46:53.370 then we could of course move out faster 46:53.370 --> 46:54.883 at a higher level of risk. 46:55.260 --> 46:56.960 But we learned some significant lessons 46:56.960 --> 47:00.100 from the deployment of the initial set of GBIs 47:00.100 --> 47:03.261 where we had to go back and complete the systems engineering 47:03.261 --> 47:05.733 for those rounds, 47:05.870 --> 47:08.190 and it's taken us quite a bit of time to do it, 47:08.190 --> 47:09.810 and we've now completed that. 47:09.810 --> 47:14.210 So the intent here is to, keeping the threat in mind, 47:14.210 --> 47:16.960 we've already accelerated the planned deployment 47:17.240 --> 47:21.120 of those GBIs by at least a year, to 2023. 47:21.120 --> 47:24.063 Beginning in 2021, going out to 2023, 47:24.750 --> 47:29.750 but to accelerate it further brings increased risk. 47:30.070 --> 47:32.580 We feel very confident we can deliver it 47:32.580 --> 47:34.157 per the timeline that we've got. 47:34.157 --> 47:36.223 - [Dan] Well, we wanna work with you on-- 47:36.223 --> 47:37.056 - Yes, sir. 47:37.056 --> 47:38.800 - Accelerating, all of you, on accelerating that. 47:40.600 --> 47:42.100 - Thank you, Senator Sullivan. 47:43.710 --> 47:46.830 Secretary Rood, if I could continue with another issue 47:46.830 --> 47:49.373 on the missile defense enterprise. 47:49.530 --> 47:52.360 We know it struggled with the increasing portion 47:52.360 --> 47:55.325 of the MDA's budget that's going to procurement 47:55.325 --> 47:57.750 and taking money away from what 47:57.870 --> 48:00.050 really is the MDA's chief purpose, 48:00.050 --> 48:01.943 and that's research and development, 48:02.260 --> 48:04.790 and while we all support this significant increase 48:04.790 --> 48:08.363 in the MDA's top line that's included in this year's budget, 48:08.432 --> 48:12.040 I think it actually exasperates this issue. 48:12.040 --> 48:14.480 MDA's budget grew by almost $2 billion 48:14.742 --> 48:18.160 compared to the projections in last year's budget 48:18.160 --> 48:21.793 and about 45% of that increase went to procurement. 48:22.060 --> 48:26.623 So do you expect the MDR to look into this issue? 48:28.620 --> 48:31.490 - One of the things that is a challenge facing us 48:31.730 --> 48:34.550 in the Department is the Missile Defense Agency's role, 48:34.550 --> 48:36.880 as you say, is a research, development, 48:36.880 --> 48:38.993 testing, and evaluation organization. 48:39.030 --> 48:41.443 They've also played a substantial role in operations 48:41.443 --> 48:46.443 and sustainment assistance once we have them in the field, 48:46.880 --> 48:48.760 and one of the organizational issues 48:48.760 --> 48:51.368 that we need to work through is the transition, 48:51.368 --> 48:55.810 at what point and how do we transition those capabilities 48:55.810 --> 48:57.270 to the services to manage. 48:57.270 --> 48:59.350 That's been something the Department has 48:59.350 --> 49:01.363 struggled with for quite some time, 49:02.110 --> 49:04.250 for the past decade and a half about, 49:04.250 --> 49:05.590 that's been a discussion item, 49:05.590 --> 49:07.220 and so that is one of the things 49:07.220 --> 49:09.730 in the Missile Defense Review that we are looking at, 49:09.730 --> 49:12.378 because we wanna make sure that we get the balance correct 49:12.378 --> 49:16.000 where MDA's work on near-term production, 49:16.000 --> 49:17.640 that is to say current systems, 49:17.640 --> 49:20.110 and the balance about new system development, 49:20.110 --> 49:22.800 advanced capabilities, there's always a balance 49:22.800 --> 49:24.150 about how much do you invest today 49:24.150 --> 49:25.983 and how much in future technology, 49:26.290 --> 49:28.570 and getting that balance correct 49:28.570 --> 49:30.270 is one of things we're looking at. 49:31.030 --> 49:32.973 - I hope you are able to do that. 49:33.780 --> 49:36.720 And Secretary, for all of Russia's talk about 49:36.720 --> 49:41.350 how the US missile defenses jeopardize strategic stability 49:41.350 --> 49:44.963 and justifies their violation of arms control treaties, 49:45.140 --> 49:48.033 or pursuit of new nuclear weapons, 49:48.270 --> 49:51.853 President Putin's speech was the latest example of that, 49:52.240 --> 49:54.950 isn't it true that Moscow deploys 49:54.950 --> 49:58.343 a highly capable ballistic missile defense system? 49:59.480 --> 50:02.710 - They do, the Russians have maintained and indeed, 50:02.710 --> 50:05.020 at the times when their budgets were most stressed, 50:05.020 --> 50:06.630 they continued to modernize 50:06.630 --> 50:09.943 the Moscow anti-ballistic missile defense system. 50:10.876 --> 50:12.900 I can say from the time when I previously served 50:12.900 --> 50:17.160 in government in the 2001-2008 period, 50:17.160 --> 50:20.013 having routine discussions with the Russians about that, 50:20.448 --> 50:23.030 and they're very blunt about the fact 50:23.030 --> 50:26.080 that that's a high priority for them to defend their capital 50:26.080 --> 50:27.530 and their people where the majority 50:27.530 --> 50:30.730 of their population lives against ballistic missile attack. 50:30.730 --> 50:32.780 Their basic argument is that they don't wish 50:32.780 --> 50:34.740 the United States to do that. (chuckles) 50:34.740 --> 50:37.910 And so I don't accept that argument, 50:37.910 --> 50:40.690 and I would note it's a new argument from President Putin. 50:40.690 --> 50:43.100 In 2001, when the United States 50:43.100 --> 50:45.643 announced its withdrawal from the ABM treaty, 50:45.750 --> 50:47.760 President Putin gave a national address 50:47.760 --> 50:49.910 in which he stated this posed no threat 50:49.910 --> 50:51.583 to Russia's national security, 50:51.900 --> 50:54.240 and shortly thereafter he agreed to the conclusion 50:54.240 --> 50:57.380 of the Moscow treaty, which at that time and to date, 50:57.380 --> 51:00.510 is the largest reduction in strategic nuclear forces 51:00.640 --> 51:02.290 that our two countries have done. 51:02.780 --> 51:05.500 So I read very carefully his recent statement, 51:05.500 --> 51:08.060 and we weren't surprised by what was announced, 51:08.060 --> 51:11.700 certainly disappointed by the tone in that statement, 51:11.700 --> 51:15.890 but it's a new discussion item, it's a new characterization, 51:15.890 --> 51:18.190 I think, of what has led to those capabilities 51:18.190 --> 51:20.140 that we're seeing from President Putin. 51:20.290 --> 51:23.040 - Do you have any thoughts that you can share with us 51:23.040 --> 51:28.040 on why you think President Putin is making this new case? 51:32.140 --> 51:34.030 - I think there is twofold. 51:34.030 --> 51:35.870 One, the context of that speech, 51:35.870 --> 51:38.480 the vast majority of it dealt with domestic issues. 51:38.480 --> 51:41.630 It was a bit of a state of the union speech 51:43.910 --> 51:46.560 wouldn't be exactly the right description of it, 51:46.560 --> 51:49.140 but it covered a whole range of topics, 51:49.140 --> 51:51.393 mostly focused on domestic issues. 51:51.680 --> 51:54.740 The tail end did focus on defense capabilities 51:54.740 --> 51:56.440 and those particular capabilities. 51:56.720 --> 51:57.553 The one-- 51:57.553 --> 51:58.877 - [Deb] Was it a political speech, do you believe, then? 51:58.877 --> 52:01.423 - It, yes, but it was more than that, 52:01.500 --> 52:03.860 and certainly was messaging to the rest of the world 52:03.860 --> 52:06.460 and the United States, so we should see it for both. 52:06.580 --> 52:11.320 And it was noteworthy that President Putin showed animation 52:11.320 --> 52:14.223 of a missile strike on the United States. 52:14.370 --> 52:15.440 There's only one other country 52:15.440 --> 52:17.223 that has done that, in North Korea. 52:17.900 --> 52:20.360 It was also noteworthy that it's not the only time 52:20.360 --> 52:22.960 or effort where the Russians have signaled things 52:22.960 --> 52:23.930 to us in the United States. 52:23.930 --> 52:27.180 So I think, while it was a political speech, 52:27.180 --> 52:28.960 it was also a message to the United States 52:28.960 --> 52:31.890 and the rest of the world about how they see us 52:31.890 --> 52:33.540 and that security environment 52:33.540 --> 52:36.393 and the capabilities that Russia is pursuing. 52:37.230 --> 52:39.930 - [Deb] Thank you, Mister Secretary. Senator Donnelly. 52:41.760 --> 52:43.010 - Thank you, Madam Chair. 52:44.360 --> 52:47.660 General Dickinson, DoTE continues to find 52:47.660 --> 52:50.340 that Army's training of its soldiers to conduct testing 52:50.340 --> 52:52.593 of THAAD and Patriot is insufficient. 52:53.160 --> 52:56.390 In the FY 17 report, DoTE found that flight testing 52:56.390 --> 53:00.680 in FY 17 demonstrated that THAAD training and documentation 53:00.680 --> 53:03.319 deficiencies worsened in FY 17 53:03.319 --> 53:06.073 and Patriot training remained inadequate 53:06.073 --> 53:09.723 to prepare operators for complex Patriot engagements. 53:10.390 --> 53:12.113 In your role as Commander of Army's 53:12.113 --> 53:14.103 Base and Missile Defense Command, 53:15.500 --> 53:18.210 you have are responsibility to organize, train, and equip 53:18.210 --> 53:22.793 Army's space and global ballistic missile defense forces. 53:23.550 --> 53:25.993 Do these deficiencies concern you 53:26.190 --> 53:28.490 and what are we doing to improve the training? 53:30.860 --> 53:33.920 - So the air and missile defenders in the Army in particular 53:34.580 --> 53:36.090 that I can speak for go through 53:36.090 --> 53:39.140 a very rigorous training program 53:39.330 --> 53:43.223 from the time that they come into their initial assignments 53:43.223 --> 53:46.320 into their units, they go through a very detailed 53:46.320 --> 53:48.310 and comprehensive training strategy 53:48.310 --> 53:49.927 that's codified and developed 53:49.927 --> 53:52.453 into what we call table training, 53:52.600 --> 53:55.230 very similar to what you may see in a Armor unit 53:55.230 --> 53:57.104 that has tables one through 12 53:57.104 --> 53:59.810 that are very proscriptive and descriptive 53:59.814 --> 54:03.200 in highlighting the tasks that need to be completed 54:03.450 --> 54:07.103 as they move along from an individual type of qualification 54:07.103 --> 54:09.400 as an individual soldier or operator 54:09.400 --> 54:11.693 into a team or into a crew. 54:12.220 --> 54:14.660 That spans from a Patriot unit 54:14.670 --> 54:17.833 to a THAAD unit, even to a GM unit, 54:17.833 --> 54:22.010 and I'm responsible for providing trained and ready forces 54:22.010 --> 54:24.650 to General Robinson in the GMD world 54:24.800 --> 54:28.010 in terms of the 100th and the 49th Missile Defense units. 54:28.010 --> 54:31.790 But I can assure you that that training development 54:31.790 --> 54:33.860 and that training proficiency is measured 54:33.860 --> 54:35.433 on a very frequent basis, 54:35.600 --> 54:39.650 and it is tested frequently on the actual equipment, 54:39.650 --> 54:42.100 and we also use a host of simulations 54:42.100 --> 54:44.213 in order to develop that. 54:44.690 --> 54:49.690 - So then is the FY 17 DoTE report wrong in its conclusions? 54:51.600 --> 54:53.170 - I wouldn't say it was wrong. 54:53.170 --> 54:55.590 I would have to look closely at the scenarios 54:55.590 --> 54:57.390 in which they were evaluating those. 54:57.707 --> 55:00.340 I will tell you from my experience as a commander 55:00.340 --> 55:03.453 on the ground and through the evaluations that I run, 55:03.710 --> 55:05.640 that the training proficiencies, 55:05.640 --> 55:09.413 particularly with the GM system, are at a very high state, 55:09.660 --> 55:11.720 and I don't believe DoT and E 55:11.980 --> 55:14.180 was evaluating the GM soldiers. 55:14.180 --> 55:16.480 I know they were on the THAAD and the Patriot. 55:16.630 --> 55:19.333 - [Lori] So, sir, Senator, if you don't mind, 55:19.410 --> 55:21.360 I had the privilege to go to Fort Greeley 55:21.360 --> 55:22.823 and watch the soldiers, 55:22.970 --> 55:25.750 and so I know from the time that I have to give 55:25.750 --> 55:28.580 some authorities that I have to the execution 55:28.580 --> 55:30.330 that happens on the ground at Fort Greeley 55:30.330 --> 55:33.440 for me to be able sit down and talk to the soldiers 55:33.440 --> 55:35.000 that do this each and every day 55:35.000 --> 55:36.573 from a training perspective. 55:36.980 --> 55:38.733 I was very proud to watch them, 55:38.842 --> 55:41.680 and I know that this training goes on 55:41.680 --> 55:44.163 more than once a day, every crew, 55:44.320 --> 55:49.010 both from my command center in Colorado Springs 55:49.010 --> 55:51.640 down to the soldiers at Fort Greeley. 55:51.640 --> 55:53.590 So I just wanted to add that as the warfighter. 55:53.590 --> 55:55.698 - General, I have great respect for them, too, 55:55.698 --> 55:58.963 and appreciate everything that they do for our country. 55:59.350 --> 56:03.733 So how does the report come up with that conclusion? 56:04.280 --> 56:05.500 - Well, I'd have to go back and do 56:05.500 --> 56:07.287 like General Dickinson said and go say, 56:07.287 --> 56:09.340 "What was the scenario that they looked at?" 56:09.340 --> 56:11.940 What did they, you know, get a little more context 56:11.940 --> 56:15.340 because of what I watched and observed myself. 56:15.340 --> 56:19.050 So I owe you my best military advice 56:19.050 --> 56:21.283 if I go back and reread what was given. 56:21.445 --> 56:25.380 - I might add, also, so I'd have to go back, 56:25.380 --> 56:26.410 as I mentioned earlier, 56:26.410 --> 56:29.793 take a look at the report and see what the scenario is. 56:29.950 --> 56:31.980 If it was a test scenario, for example, 56:31.980 --> 56:33.210 sometimes they will look at that 56:33.210 --> 56:36.203 during one of the MDA's tests, operational tests, 56:36.280 --> 56:38.700 or whether or not they were in the field 56:38.700 --> 56:40.323 with the soldiers at that time. 56:40.490 --> 56:43.597 So the circumstances are very important here, 56:43.597 --> 56:46.460 but I can attest to the fact that at every level 56:46.460 --> 56:48.900 within their training program, they are trained, certified. 56:48.900 --> 56:51.140 It's a series of written evaluations, 56:51.140 --> 56:53.563 it's a series of hands-on evaluations, 56:53.570 --> 56:57.410 and then performance-oriented evaluations 56:57.750 --> 57:01.410 conducted by and often, many times outside agencies. 57:01.410 --> 57:03.010 What I mean by that is outside 57:03.010 --> 57:04.440 their immediate chain of command. 57:04.440 --> 57:06.500 And there are pass, and there are failures, 57:06.500 --> 57:08.083 and we do that routinely, 57:08.330 --> 57:10.068 both in the United States as well as 57:10.068 --> 57:12.623 to our deployed forces overseas. 57:12.870 --> 57:15.053 - Okay, well, I am about out of time. 57:15.830 --> 57:17.573 General Robinson, thank you again. 57:18.810 --> 57:21.493 As you head toward retirement and travel around, 57:21.761 --> 57:24.590 when you go to the Air Force Academy 57:24.590 --> 57:25.760 Notre Dame football game, 57:25.760 --> 57:28.010 I am curious as to who you'll be rooting for. 57:28.340 --> 57:30.680 - Well, when your husband's an Academy graduate, 57:30.680 --> 57:32.550 and your brothers are Academy graduates, 57:32.550 --> 57:35.850 there's really not much that I can say to that, 57:35.850 --> 57:37.610 so Go Air Force. (laughter) 57:37.610 --> 57:39.353 - [Joe] There you go. Thank you. 57:41.310 --> 57:42.433 - Senator Sullivan. 57:42.690 --> 57:43.940 - Thank you, Madam Chair. 57:44.150 --> 57:45.900 Mister Secretary, good to see you again, 57:45.900 --> 57:48.250 and I'm glad you're in this position. 57:48.250 --> 57:50.810 You have a background with a lot of expertise 57:50.810 --> 57:51.713 in these areas. 57:52.000 --> 57:54.040 Let me ask on the Missile Defense Review. 57:54.040 --> 57:57.530 When are you anticipating that being done 57:57.530 --> 58:02.530 and the reason I ask is one of the things 58:02.960 --> 58:07.960 that we'll looking at with regard to the NDAA this year 58:08.818 --> 58:11.840 is building on what we did last year 58:12.100 --> 58:13.650 with regard to missile defense. 58:13.700 --> 58:16.573 And we had kind of a breakthrough, I think, politically. 58:16.860 --> 58:21.140 We had a bill that was included, part of the NDA, 58:21.140 --> 58:23.810 which was a pretty significant advancement 58:23.810 --> 58:26.743 in missile defense that was very bipartisan, 58:27.360 --> 58:30.780 and if you look at the history of missile defenses, 58:30.780 --> 58:32.640 not always been bipartisan. 58:32.640 --> 58:35.190 Matter of fact, it's kind of been a partisan issue. 58:36.040 --> 58:38.800 But in this case, I think we made a breakthrough, 58:38.800 --> 58:41.740 so I'm asking this 'cause we will be looking 58:42.100 --> 58:46.510 at kind of a missile defense 2.0 component of the NDAA, 58:46.510 --> 58:50.630 but we want it to be significantly informed 58:51.160 --> 58:54.040 by the work that the Pentagon's doing. 58:54.040 --> 58:57.540 So when do you anticipate that being done 58:57.540 --> 59:01.018 and is there a timeline we can hold you to 59:01.018 --> 59:06.018 that would be in front of the work that we're doing 59:06.520 --> 59:07.958 on the NDA, which as you know, 59:07.958 --> 59:09.743 kind of is already starting. 59:11.100 --> 59:14.160 - We're at work now on the Missile Defense Review. 59:14.160 --> 59:18.250 There is a number of, there are a number of real challenges 59:18.250 --> 59:19.500 that we're still working through, 59:19.500 --> 59:23.073 how specifically we will address in that report, 59:23.400 --> 59:26.090 but I'm pleased that we've come a long way. 59:26.090 --> 59:28.890 So I think this spring we firmly plan 59:28.890 --> 59:30.313 to complete the report. 59:30.920 --> 59:33.640 Right now we still have some internal discussions 59:33.640 --> 59:35.340 in the Department to work through, 59:35.620 --> 59:38.520 different opinions, as you'd expect, on certain questions. 59:38.660 --> 59:40.410 But I think we'll have something soon, 59:40.410 --> 59:42.940 and I understand your point about wanting 59:42.940 --> 59:45.330 to take that into account and the legislation 59:45.330 --> 59:47.660 that you sponsored last year was very noteworthy 59:47.660 --> 59:50.460 in advancing the ball down the field on missile defense. 59:50.460 --> 59:53.340 And the NDAA markup schedule is certainly something 59:53.340 --> 59:54.950 that we would want to take into account. 59:54.950 --> 59:57.663 - Great, so you think sometime in April? 59:57.840 --> 01:00:00.410 I mean, I'm gonna try and hold you to something here, 01:00:00.410 --> 01:00:01.451 Mister Secretary. 01:00:01.451 --> 01:00:05.001 - I wouldn't want to commit to-- 01:00:05.001 --> 01:00:06.770 - I'm putting your feet to the fire, if you-- 01:00:06.770 --> 01:00:07.980 - I feel the heat already. 01:00:07.980 --> 01:00:11.610 - All right, good. I'm glad. - Rising around. 01:00:11.610 --> 01:00:14.250 I wouldn't want to commit to April 01:00:14.250 --> 01:00:15.280 to get it to the Committee, 01:00:15.280 --> 01:00:18.610 but certainly we'll be deeper into our discussions 01:00:18.610 --> 01:00:22.006 by that time, but I think in the next couple of months here, 01:00:22.006 --> 01:00:23.940 that is our intention to finish it. 01:00:23.940 --> 01:00:26.120 - Okay, 'cause we don't wanna miss, 01:00:26.120 --> 01:00:28.130 I know there's a lot of work, 01:00:28.130 --> 01:00:30.173 a lot of expertise going into this, 01:00:30.560 --> 01:00:34.210 but we don't wanna keep in mind the vehicle that will move 01:00:34.210 --> 01:00:39.060 legislatively to enact some of these ideas and reforms 01:00:39.060 --> 01:00:41.780 you have in the review is gonna be in the NDAA, 01:00:41.780 --> 01:00:45.020 we're gonna be marking it up late April, early June, 01:00:45.020 --> 01:00:48.010 so I think it's important to keep that in mind. 01:00:48.010 --> 01:00:51.853 One element that we started on in last year's legislation, 01:00:52.080 --> 01:00:54.001 but as I talked to the experts, 01:00:54.001 --> 01:00:56.617 essentially everybody at the table and General Hyten, 01:00:56.617 --> 01:01:00.420 there seems to be, I would say, 01:01:00.420 --> 01:01:03.060 broad-based consensus on what we need to do more 01:01:03.060 --> 01:01:08.060 with regard to the next steps is a space-based sensors 01:01:09.294 --> 01:01:11.900 that are integrating both kind of 01:01:11.900 --> 01:01:16.203 theater and homeland missile defense. 01:01:16.610 --> 01:01:19.700 Would that be something that all of you are in agreement on, 01:01:19.700 --> 01:01:24.690 the need to accelerate and really focus on 01:01:24.690 --> 01:01:26.900 kind of that unblinking eye that kind of 01:01:26.900 --> 01:01:29.870 birth to ending being able to track? 01:01:29.870 --> 01:01:31.360 Can I get an answer from each of you 01:01:31.360 --> 01:01:32.739 if that's something you think is 01:01:32.739 --> 01:01:35.163 worthy for us to be working with you on 01:01:35.163 --> 01:01:38.493 to pursue as a program on our missile defense system? 01:01:38.710 --> 01:01:40.172 - Senator Sullivan, absolutely 01:01:40.172 --> 01:01:41.913 that is where we need to start. 01:01:42.860 --> 01:01:44.230 - General Robinson, will you agree with that? 01:01:44.230 --> 01:01:47.000 - I do, but let's not forget what we need to make sure 01:01:47.000 --> 01:01:48.747 is that we can do what we need to do today 01:01:48.747 --> 01:01:50.667 as we look to the future. 01:01:50.817 --> 01:01:52.390 - [Dan] I agree. Great point. 01:01:52.390 --> 01:01:53.780 - Okay, so that's my only thing 01:01:53.780 --> 01:01:55.490 that I would add to the conversation. 01:01:55.490 --> 01:01:57.293 - Thank you. Mister Secretary? 01:01:57.620 --> 01:01:59.470 - Support, in this year's budget, 01:01:59.470 --> 01:02:01.580 we're going to talk about doing some demonstrations 01:02:01.580 --> 01:02:05.563 on space-based sensor capability as you know, 01:02:05.780 --> 01:02:07.620 and I think continuing too build on that 01:02:07.620 --> 01:02:09.820 is one of the things that we would like to do. 01:02:09.820 --> 01:02:11.240 You gotta look at that in the context 01:02:11.240 --> 01:02:14.760 of the other budget challenges as we put together the next 01:02:14.760 --> 01:02:16.740 five-year budget submission through the remainder 01:02:16.740 --> 01:02:18.560 of the year, but I'm certainly supportive 01:02:18.560 --> 01:02:19.670 of continuing to explore that. 01:02:19.670 --> 01:02:21.163 - Okay, General Dickinson. 01:02:21.270 --> 01:02:22.103 - Absolutely, 01:02:22.103 --> 01:02:25.290 I think the better you see the potential threat, 01:02:25.290 --> 01:02:28.750 the better we'll be in the redundancy and resiliency 01:02:28.750 --> 01:02:31.050 of having terrestrial-based sensors 01:02:31.050 --> 01:02:34.563 as well as space-based sensors provide us that capability, 01:02:34.640 --> 01:02:37.793 especially as we look to an increasing evolving threat. 01:02:37.840 --> 01:02:39.380 So the better information we have, 01:02:39.380 --> 01:02:42.548 the better opportunity and better we'll have to defeat it. 01:02:42.548 --> 01:02:44.540 - [Sam] Senator, if I can add-- 01:02:44.540 --> 01:02:46.510 - Senator, can I have time for one more question? 01:02:46.510 --> 01:02:47.800 - Yeah, just really quickly, 01:02:47.800 --> 01:02:52.800 the integration of sensors in space with terrestrial sensors 01:02:53.150 --> 01:02:55.330 are absolutely critical for the real threat 01:02:55.330 --> 01:02:57.963 that we see in front of us, the hypersonic threat. 01:02:58.180 --> 01:02:59.440 Birth to death tracking, 01:02:59.440 --> 01:03:01.563 and that's why I said absolutely. 01:03:01.580 --> 01:03:02.480 - Okay, great, thank you. 01:03:02.480 --> 01:03:04.490 Let me ask one final question, 01:03:04.490 --> 01:03:07.280 and it goes to the issue of testing. 01:03:07.280 --> 01:03:09.992 Again, what we tried to do in the legislation last year 01:03:09.992 --> 01:03:14.992 was really kind of give cover to all of you, 01:03:15.908 --> 01:03:20.908 not in terms of quote unquote failures, 01:03:21.030 --> 01:03:25.460 but to start to make the point, 01:03:25.460 --> 01:03:27.730 not only to Congress, but the American people 01:03:27.730 --> 01:03:29.683 that when you are testing, 01:03:30.190 --> 01:03:34.800 even if you're not hitting a target, or a successful flight, 01:03:34.800 --> 01:03:36.663 you're learning, you're learning. 01:03:36.900 --> 01:03:37.950 Our space program, 01:03:37.950 --> 01:03:40.280 you only have to look at that in the 1950's and 60's, 01:03:40.280 --> 01:03:42.900 we were quote "failing" all the time. 01:03:42.900 --> 01:03:44.950 But we weren't failing, we were learning. 01:03:45.010 --> 01:03:47.410 Kim Jong Un, I would never wanna use him as an example, 01:03:47.410 --> 01:03:49.960 so I'm not, but the guy is obviously testing, 01:03:49.960 --> 01:03:51.823 failing, and learning. 01:03:52.230 --> 01:03:55.500 And so we are trying to provide you 01:03:55.500 --> 01:03:58.170 with a sense from the Congress that, 01:03:58.170 --> 01:04:00.113 Hey, the next time you do a big test, 01:04:00.690 --> 01:04:02.663 and it doesn't hit the target, 01:04:03.250 --> 01:04:05.820 it certainly would be my intention not to drag 01:04:05.820 --> 01:04:07.610 all of you up in front of this Committee 01:04:07.610 --> 01:04:09.840 and pound the table and look for the TV cameras 01:04:09.840 --> 01:04:11.940 and try to berate the people with stars 01:04:11.940 --> 01:04:13.890 on their shoulders that you're failing. 01:04:14.090 --> 01:04:16.240 'cause you're not failing, you're learning. 01:04:16.480 --> 01:04:20.253 So we started that in last year's NDAA, 01:04:20.450 --> 01:04:23.250 we're trying to accelerate and put you on a schedule 01:04:23.250 --> 01:04:24.913 to do tests at least yearly, 01:04:25.200 --> 01:04:28.720 but what more can we do to help you 01:04:30.860 --> 01:04:32.253 in terms of your testing? 01:04:32.430 --> 01:04:35.023 Even if you're not always hitting the target, 01:04:35.890 --> 01:04:38.763 my understanding with talking to some of the experts, 01:04:39.130 --> 01:04:42.330 there'll be certain tests that we're stretching the envelope 01:04:42.950 --> 01:04:45.160 from physics from the activities that we're doing 01:04:45.160 --> 01:04:46.610 so much that you almost think 01:04:46.680 --> 01:04:48.110 you're gonna miss the target anyway, 01:04:48.110 --> 01:04:49.660 and you're still gonna learn a ton. 01:04:49.660 --> 01:04:53.265 So what more can we be doing to help you in the Congress 01:04:53.265 --> 01:04:58.265 so your culture of testing is not so worried 01:04:59.920 --> 01:05:02.850 about some of us calling you up here 01:05:02.850 --> 01:05:05.880 the next time there's a missed target 01:05:05.880 --> 01:05:08.123 when we're still learning tons? 01:05:09.120 --> 01:05:12.410 - Senator, I'd say what you've just stated 01:05:12.410 --> 01:05:16.510 is sufficient in my mind in that we're not only 01:05:16.550 --> 01:05:19.380 learning when we don't achieve an intercept, 01:05:19.380 --> 01:05:22.313 we're also delivering capability. 01:05:22.410 --> 01:05:25.470 One example I'll use is the recent SM3 2A mission 01:05:25.470 --> 01:05:27.383 that we just executed. 01:05:27.600 --> 01:05:29.040 We did not achieve an intercept. 01:05:29.040 --> 01:05:31.390 We believe we understand why we did not, 01:05:31.390 --> 01:05:35.223 but taking a look at what we did achieve, 01:05:35.720 --> 01:05:38.330 we achieved the demonstration of launching 01:05:39.127 --> 01:05:40.677 the SM3 2A from Aegis to shore, 01:05:40.820 --> 01:05:43.530 which is absolutely critical for the sites in Romania, 01:05:43.530 --> 01:05:46.180 in Poland, and if the Japanese continue 01:05:46.180 --> 01:05:48.903 with their acquisition of the two Aegis-shore sites, 01:05:48.920 --> 01:05:51.343 it's a clear demonstration of that capability. 01:05:51.620 --> 01:05:55.160 We also increased the battle space for that weapon system. 01:05:55.160 --> 01:05:56.940 We flew outside the radar, 01:05:56.940 --> 01:05:58.683 the organic radar's capability 01:05:58.683 --> 01:06:02.760 and demonstrated feeding offsite sensor information, 01:06:02.760 --> 01:06:04.733 engagement quality information, 01:06:04.910 --> 01:06:07.283 to that interceptor as it was in flight. 01:06:07.440 --> 01:06:10.570 We also certified the Aegis weapon system base line 01:06:10.570 --> 01:06:12.260 that accompanied all that capability. 01:06:12.260 --> 01:06:15.060 So we did not achieve that intercept, 01:06:15.060 --> 01:06:17.350 but we learned and we delivered capability 01:06:17.350 --> 01:06:20.650 and what you have stated, sir, is sufficient in my mind, 01:06:20.650 --> 01:06:24.840 because it lends a level of understanding 01:06:24.840 --> 01:06:28.430 that we do a lot more than just intercepts. 01:06:28.430 --> 01:06:30.330 - Yeah, anyone else wanna comment on that? 01:06:30.330 --> 01:06:32.210 I mean, one thing I've thought is you guys 01:06:32.210 --> 01:06:33.921 could do a background briefing through our 01:06:33.921 --> 01:06:36.090 wonderful friends in the media 01:06:36.090 --> 01:06:38.950 who love to look for quote unquote failures 01:06:39.330 --> 01:06:41.530 that don't really understand the issues, 01:06:41.530 --> 01:06:43.950 and if you can background the media on this 01:06:43.950 --> 01:06:48.120 that it's not a failure, it's a learning opportunity, 01:06:48.120 --> 01:06:50.370 but anything else, Mister Secretary, General? 01:06:52.610 --> 01:06:54.891 - I certainly concur with the approach. 01:06:54.891 --> 01:06:56.450 Throughout our history, 01:06:56.450 --> 01:06:58.753 the things where we've had some issues, 01:06:59.010 --> 01:07:01.080 first of all we generally have issues at some level 01:07:01.080 --> 01:07:03.430 in virtually every new cutting edge endeavor, 01:07:03.430 --> 01:07:06.870 and so I wholly concur with the thought process 01:07:06.870 --> 01:07:08.400 that you're taking, and it's not just us. 01:07:08.400 --> 01:07:10.590 I think in some ways, when we look at our allies 01:07:10.590 --> 01:07:12.493 like Israel and their test regimen, 01:07:12.610 --> 01:07:16.363 they're much more willing to go back out to the test range, 01:07:16.460 --> 01:07:19.423 begin a flight test regimen, work through their issues, 01:07:19.620 --> 01:07:21.580 understanding there are going to be bumps in the road. 01:07:21.580 --> 01:07:25.500 So I think I certainly second the approach 01:07:25.500 --> 01:07:27.590 that you're trying to encourage us to take. 01:07:27.590 --> 01:07:28.860 - And as you probably know, Mister Secretary, 01:07:28.860 --> 01:07:31.245 the Israelis are actually testing right now 01:07:31.245 --> 01:07:35.060 in the great state of Alaska, in Kodiak, Alaska, 01:07:35.060 --> 01:07:37.123 so they're learning a lot there as well. 01:07:37.430 --> 01:07:38.263 Thank you, Madam Chairman. 01:07:38.263 --> 01:07:39.260 - [James] Senator, if I could, 01:07:39.260 --> 01:07:40.093 just one final thought on that. 01:07:40.093 --> 01:07:40.926 - Yes, sir. 01:07:41.547 --> 01:07:42.380 - So as General Greaves described 01:07:42.380 --> 01:07:43.240 in terms of learning a lot. 01:07:43.240 --> 01:07:45.790 First of all I think your approach is right on. 01:07:45.790 --> 01:07:47.190 I think that's what we need. 01:07:47.630 --> 01:07:48.530 The other piece that goes in, 01:07:48.530 --> 01:07:49.940 not only on the learning piece 01:07:49.940 --> 01:07:52.023 to the technology under development, 01:07:52.120 --> 01:07:54.622 but there's a big learning piece between the warfighter 01:07:54.622 --> 01:07:57.723 as well as the material developer, in this case MDA. 01:07:57.770 --> 01:07:59.990 And so that's actually a relationship that we enjoy 01:07:59.990 --> 01:08:02.430 on a daily basis between the 100th and the 49th 01:08:02.430 --> 01:08:04.120 and the Missile Defense Agency. 01:08:04.120 --> 01:08:07.840 So that ability to have the warfighter working side by side 01:08:07.840 --> 01:08:11.030 with the material developer in a test scenario, for example, 01:08:11.030 --> 01:08:13.893 and I'll use the FTG15 a year ago, 01:08:14.010 --> 01:08:15.800 where we actually had a crew out of the 100th 01:08:15.800 --> 01:08:18.700 that actually executed the warfighting piece of that test, 01:08:18.720 --> 01:08:22.600 launching the interceptor and making for that engagement 01:08:22.810 --> 01:08:24.360 is the fact that we learn a lot 01:08:24.530 --> 01:08:26.020 from the warfighter's perspective, 01:08:26.020 --> 01:08:27.440 and then we are also able to inform 01:08:27.440 --> 01:08:29.920 the material developer on the road ahead. 01:08:29.920 --> 01:08:32.770 Are they developing the things that the soldiers can use? 01:08:32.770 --> 01:08:34.173 So I would just offer that. 01:08:35.580 --> 01:08:38.520 - My thanks to the panel today for your testimony 01:08:38.520 --> 01:08:42.020 and your willingness to give us some pretty blunt answers. 01:08:42.020 --> 01:08:45.040 We appreciate that, and I thank you all for your service. 01:08:45.040 --> 01:08:47.840 And thank you again, General Robinson, 01:08:47.840 --> 01:08:49.923 for your service to this nation, 01:08:50.040 --> 01:08:51.885 and we wish you all the best. 01:08:51.885 --> 01:08:52.718 - [Lori] Thank you, ma'am. 01:08:52.718 --> 01:08:54.343 - Thank you. Hearing is adjourned. 01:08:54.504 --> 01:08:57.004 (gavel bangs)