WEBVTT 00:00.394 --> 00:02.230 - We want to welcome them to our hearing 00:02.230 --> 00:04.400 on the fiscal year 2019 budget request 00:04.400 --> 00:06.663 for missile defense and defeat activities. 00:07.040 --> 00:08.960 I want to thank our witnesses for their 00:08.960 --> 00:10.020 service to our country, 00:10.020 --> 00:11.970 but also for being here in the preparation 00:11.970 --> 00:14.580 you have to put in to these hearings, 00:14.580 --> 00:15.940 I know it takes a lot of time and energy but 00:15.940 --> 00:17.563 it is very helpful to us. 00:17.810 --> 00:20.233 Our witnesses today are the honorable John Ruud, 00:20.570 --> 00:22.623 undersecretary of defense for policy, 00:22.980 --> 00:25.683 General Lori Robinson, commander Northern Command, 00:26.620 --> 00:30.303 North American Aerospace Defense Command, 00:30.750 --> 00:34.010 I want to take a moment to especially 00:34.010 --> 00:35.423 recognized General Robinson, 00:35.940 --> 00:38.650 you have been a friend of this committee, 00:38.650 --> 00:40.750 and not only the commander of NORTHCOM and NORAD, 00:40.750 --> 00:43.870 but also across your 37 years of service 00:43.870 --> 00:45.023 to this great nation, 00:45.107 --> 00:47.020 and I speak on behalf of this committee 00:47.020 --> 00:47.950 and the house as a whole, 00:47.950 --> 00:50.310 I thank you for your dedicated and unwavering service, 00:50.310 --> 00:53.063 and we wish you well in your retirement. 00:53.480 --> 00:55.293 - I'd like to give a round of applause. 00:55.294 --> 00:58.044 (people applaud) 01:03.770 --> 01:05.043 - General Lieutenant Sam Greaves, 01:05.043 --> 01:06.593 I know he's not retiring, 01:06.700 --> 01:08.100 he's just getting warmed up, 01:09.640 --> 01:11.793 he is a director of Missile Defense Agency, 01:12.240 --> 01:14.540 and General congratulations on your assignment 01:14.560 --> 01:15.850 as director of MDA, 01:15.850 --> 01:17.340 you're no stranger to this committee, 01:17.340 --> 01:18.670 and we look forward to continuing 01:18.670 --> 01:19.920 to work together with you on missile 01:19.920 --> 01:21.253 defense for a long time. 01:22.010 --> 01:23.113 And lieutenant, 01:26.178 --> 01:28.500 it's got Lieutenant down here, 01:28.500 --> 01:29.950 I don't think you want me to, 01:31.050 --> 01:32.460 Lieutenant General James Dickinson, 01:32.460 --> 01:34.943 commander Army Space and Missile Defense Command, 01:35.370 --> 01:38.370 Army Forces Strategic Command and Joint Functional Component 01:38.852 --> 01:40.140 Command for integrated missile defense 01:40.623 --> 01:41.783 for the US Strategic Command. 01:42.970 --> 01:45.737 Let me start by just highlighting some of what we have 01:45.940 --> 01:47.810 seen since our previous missile defense 01:47.810 --> 01:50.143 hearing in June of last year, 01:50.770 --> 01:54.583 North Korea has tested a missile with ICBM range, 01:55.090 --> 01:57.660 Iran continues to develop their own ICBMs 01:57.750 --> 02:00.103 under the guise of space launch programs. 02:00.920 --> 02:03.270 Putin boasted in his recent national 02:03.270 --> 02:06.437 speech about quote, "invincible missile", 02:07.305 --> 02:09.843 targeted at the United States. 02:10.480 --> 02:13.560 And China's surging ahead with their own missile programs, 02:13.560 --> 02:18.103 most notably the hypersonic and the hypersonic realm. 02:19.140 --> 02:21.170 Fortunately I think this administration gets 02:21.170 --> 02:23.458 the budget amendment we received last year 02:23.458 --> 02:26.673 for an additional four billion dollars for missile defense, 02:26.673 --> 02:29.290 and the FY 19 request which includes 02:29.290 --> 02:32.863 about 12 billion across the board for missile defense, 02:33.050 --> 02:35.030 seemed appropriate given the rising threat 02:35.030 --> 02:36.623 levels around the globe. 02:37.990 --> 02:40.320 As is highlighted in the national defense strategy, 02:40.320 --> 02:42.997 quote, "We cannot expect success in fighting 02:42.997 --> 02:46.653 "tomorrow's conflicts with yesterday's weapons or equipment. 02:47.277 --> 02:49.837 "To address the scope and pace of our competitors, 02:49.837 --> 02:51.957 "and adversaries ambitions and capabilities, 02:51.957 --> 02:53.884 "we must invest in modernization 02:53.884 --> 02:57.920 "of key capabilities through sustained predictable budgets." 02:57.920 --> 02:58.753 Close quote. 02:59.670 --> 03:01.560 Now we are waiting on this administration 03:01.560 --> 03:03.140 to release the missile defense review, 03:03.140 --> 03:05.440 hopefully in the coming weeks we we'll see it. 03:05.810 --> 03:08.830 We have developed the best missile defenses in the world, 03:08.830 --> 03:10.690 but for the most part they are technologies 03:10.690 --> 03:13.003 that were started 15 years ago, 03:13.610 --> 03:17.200 the increasing threat makes it essential 03:17.200 --> 03:19.813 that we expand and enhance our missile defenses, 03:19.950 --> 03:21.633 not only with capacity, 03:21.670 --> 03:24.853 but also through steps of leaps in technology, 03:24.960 --> 03:27.283 right now and not five years from now, 03:27.650 --> 03:29.550 increasing our GBI inventory, 03:29.550 --> 03:30.590 land-based sensors, 03:30.590 --> 03:33.853 and regional interceptor hit capacity is critical, 03:34.330 --> 03:36.740 but cannot come at the cost of seriously going 03:36.740 --> 03:38.853 after technologies like directed energy, 03:39.280 --> 03:42.113 space sensing and boost phase capability. 03:43.507 --> 03:44.350 I want to thank our witnesses again, 03:44.350 --> 03:45.197 I look forward to the discussion, 03:45.197 --> 03:47.250 but right now I'd like to turn the ranking member, 03:47.250 --> 03:48.630 my friend and colleague from Tennessee, 03:48.630 --> 03:51.030 Mr Cooper for any opening statement he may have. 03:51.230 --> 03:53.960 - Thank you Mr Chairman I would also like 03:53.960 --> 03:55.140 to welcome the witnesses, 03:55.140 --> 03:59.413 and in particular wish General Robinson the best of luck, 03:59.890 --> 04:01.130 you served your nation well, 04:01.130 --> 04:02.380 you should be very proud. 04:02.990 --> 04:04.780 I will hold most of my questions for 04:04.780 --> 04:06.400 the classified portion of the hearing, 04:06.400 --> 04:09.150 so I'll abbreviate my remarks now, 04:09.150 --> 04:12.000 I look forward to hearing the testimony of the witnesses. 04:14.960 --> 04:15.793 - Great, 04:15.793 --> 04:17.040 Now we'll ask each of the witnesses 04:17.040 --> 04:19.043 to summarize their opening statements, 04:19.380 --> 04:21.030 you will be allowed five minutes, 04:21.300 --> 04:23.150 I'll let you know each of your opening statements 04:23.150 --> 04:25.710 and their full will be taken into 04:26.120 --> 04:27.510 the record without objection, 04:27.510 --> 04:28.343 so ordered, 04:28.680 --> 04:31.723 Mr Ruud I recognize you first for your opening statement. 04:33.090 --> 04:34.333 - Mr Chairman thank you, 04:34.570 --> 04:35.713 Chairman Rogers, 04:35.720 --> 04:37.390 Ranking Member Cooper and distinguished 04:37.390 --> 04:38.223 members of the committee, 04:38.223 --> 04:40.730 thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today 04:40.730 --> 04:42.620 to testify on behalf of the presidents fiscal 04:42.620 --> 04:46.090 year 19 budget request in support of our efforts 04:46.090 --> 04:48.403 to improve our missile defense capabilities, 04:48.530 --> 04:50.993 so that we remain ahead of the evolving threat, 04:51.560 --> 04:54.291 while providing effective, integrated and interoperable 04:54.291 --> 04:56.290 regional missile defenses, 04:56.290 --> 04:59.033 in support of our global defense strategy. 04:59.880 --> 05:02.080 As the national defense strategy points out, 05:02.150 --> 05:05.020 the United States allies and partners confront 05:05.020 --> 05:07.010 a security environment that is more complex 05:07.010 --> 05:09.963 and volatile than any we have experienced in recent memory, 05:10.570 --> 05:13.290 today over 20 states possess offensive missiles 05:13.290 --> 05:15.230 and potential adversaries are expanding 05:15.230 --> 05:16.600 there missile capabilities 05:16.635 --> 05:19.403 in three directions simultaneously, 05:19.870 --> 05:21.720 They are increasing the capabilities 05:21.860 --> 05:23.713 of their existing missile systems, 05:23.800 --> 05:28.213 adding new and unprecedented types of missile capabilities, 05:30.360 --> 05:31.810 and integrating offensive missiles 05:31.810 --> 05:33.620 more thoroughly in the course of threats, 05:33.620 --> 05:36.113 military exercises and war planning. 05:36.528 --> 05:39.000 As you mentioned Mr Chairman in your opening statement, 05:39.000 --> 05:40.530 over the past several years North Korea 05:40.530 --> 05:44.563 has made substantial improvements in their ICBM program, 05:44.870 --> 05:46.580 Iran is extending the range of 05:46.580 --> 05:48.000 its ballistic missile systems, 05:48.000 --> 05:51.513 with the goal of achieving an operational ICBM capability, 05:51.720 --> 05:53.860 and through its space launch vehicle program, 05:53.860 --> 05:56.060 could shorten the pathway to an ICBM, 05:56.060 --> 05:59.083 because space launch vehicles use similar technologies. 05:59.810 --> 06:01.670 Potential adversaries are also fielding 06:01.670 --> 06:05.040 an increasingly diverse and expansive modern range 06:05.040 --> 06:07.080 of regional offensive missile systems 06:07.080 --> 06:09.423 that can threaten American forces abroad, 06:09.520 --> 06:10.823 allies and partners. 06:11.250 --> 06:13.450 Their regional offensive missile systems include 06:13.450 --> 06:15.210 multiple types of short medium 06:15.210 --> 06:16.680 and intermediate range missiles, 06:16.680 --> 06:19.360 intended to provide coercive political 06:19.360 --> 06:22.893 and military advantages in regional crises or conflicts. 06:23.610 --> 06:26.110 These missile systems appear to be a central element 06:26.110 --> 06:27.930 of Russia's frequent and explicit 06:27.930 --> 06:30.870 and coercive nuclear threats to the United States, 06:30.870 --> 06:32.363 our allies and partners. 06:33.020 --> 06:34.470 As you mentioned Mr Chairman, 06:34.640 --> 06:36.540 Russia is developing a new generation of 06:36.540 --> 06:38.930 advanced regional ballistic and cruise missiles 06:38.930 --> 06:42.623 that support it's anti-access area of denial strategy, 06:42.880 --> 06:46.180 intended to defeat US and allied will 06:46.180 --> 06:49.293 and capability in regional crises or conflicts. 06:50.400 --> 06:53.710 China is also engaging in substantial modernization 06:53.710 --> 06:55.820 efforts that are summarized in my statement 06:55.820 --> 06:57.303 that I will not repeat. 06:58.590 --> 06:59.423 So with that, 06:59.423 --> 07:01.970 this is the backdrop and the strategic context, 07:01.970 --> 07:06.003 let me turn to a discussion of the 2019 budget request, 07:06.350 --> 07:07.850 for missile defense and the policies 07:07.850 --> 07:10.343 programs and capabilities that it supports. 07:10.860 --> 07:12.520 The department's budget request supports 07:12.520 --> 07:13.850 the president's direction set out in 07:13.850 --> 07:15.840 the national security strategy to develop 07:15.840 --> 07:18.220 a layered missile defense system to protect 07:18.220 --> 07:20.690 the American homeland from North Korean 07:20.690 --> 07:22.393 and Iranian missile threats. 07:22.850 --> 07:25.500 The request also support regional missile defenses 07:25.500 --> 07:28.363 to protect our deployed forces allies and partners. 07:28.970 --> 07:30.330 Our missile defense system not 07:30.330 --> 07:31.450 only protect the United States, 07:31.450 --> 07:33.593 it strengthens deterrence of war, 07:33.900 --> 07:36.653 and ensures our allies and partners. 07:37.905 --> 07:38.738 Today the ground-based missile defense 07:38.738 --> 07:40.900 system provides protection for the nation, 07:40.900 --> 07:43.380 it consists of 44 ground-based interceptors 07:43.380 --> 07:45.483 deployed in Alaska and California, 07:45.950 --> 07:48.100 and land sea and space-based sensors, 07:48.100 --> 07:50.360 as well as a command and control system operated 07:50.360 --> 07:53.633 24 hours a day by trained servicemembers. 07:54.050 --> 07:55.300 We are strengthening this system, 07:55.300 --> 07:57.953 investing in technologies to ensure we can continue to 07:57.953 --> 08:01.553 counter rogue state missile threats to our homeland. 08:02.700 --> 08:05.580 In 2017 DOD requested the reprogramming 08:05.580 --> 08:09.290 of fiscal year 2017 funding of more than 400 million 08:09.290 --> 08:11.630 dollars to counter the North Korean missile threat, 08:11.630 --> 08:14.480 Congress approved this request for which we are grateful, 08:14.800 --> 08:17.640 these funds support important homeland defense activities, 08:17.640 --> 08:19.610 including initiating work on procurement 08:19.610 --> 08:22.300 of 20 additional ground-based interceptors 08:22.300 --> 08:24.883 in Alaska as early as 2023, 08:25.250 --> 08:28.383 which will bring the total to 64 fielded interceptors. 08:29.060 --> 08:31.110 The reprogramming also funded a service 08:31.110 --> 08:34.063 life extension to the co-band radar in Alaska, 08:34.690 --> 08:37.383 and software upgrades to the sea-based X-band radar, 08:37.860 --> 08:39.410 both of which are essential elements 08:39.410 --> 08:40.793 to our homeland defense. 08:41.930 --> 08:45.760 In November of 2017 the president submitted an amendment 08:45.760 --> 08:48.570 to the 2018 budget request for four billion dollars 08:48.570 --> 08:49.743 for missile defense, 08:50.000 --> 08:51.800 which includes construction of a new missile 08:51.800 --> 08:53.483 field at Fort Riley, Alaska, 08:53.630 --> 08:56.863 and additional procurement funding for 20 more GBI's. 08:58.330 --> 09:01.440 The FY 19 budget request includes 9.9 billion 09:01.440 --> 09:03.460 dollars for the Missile Defense Agency, 09:03.460 --> 09:06.220 and three billion additional dollars for air 09:06.220 --> 09:09.170 and missile defense activities in the military departments. 09:09.430 --> 09:13.279 This budget funds are more capable GBI 09:13.279 --> 09:15.653 with a redesigned kill-vehicle, 09:15.760 --> 09:17.653 the deployment of missile tracking, 09:17.920 --> 09:20.250 and discrimination sensors in a network 09:20.250 --> 09:22.603 in Alaska, Hawaii and the Pacific region, 09:22.810 --> 09:25.260 and a new space-based kill assessment capability. 09:25.560 --> 09:27.420 These near-term investments will help 09:27.420 --> 09:29.910 us obtain substantially more performance 09:29.910 --> 09:32.170 and efficiency out of the GMD system 09:32.300 --> 09:34.433 necessary to meet the evolving threat. 09:35.300 --> 09:38.420 We're also taking steps to bolster homeland defenses 09:38.420 --> 09:40.580 against air and cruise missile threats, 09:40.580 --> 09:43.310 and 2018 will complete the first part of 09:43.310 --> 09:46.500 a two-part effort to provide effective surveillance 09:46.500 --> 09:49.163 against these threats in the national capital region, 09:49.560 --> 09:51.900 doing so will enhance our ability to detect, 09:51.900 --> 09:54.380 track and investigate suspicious aircraft 09:54.380 --> 09:55.983 as well as cruise missiles, 09:56.140 --> 09:58.280 and when necessary queue our missile defense 09:58.280 --> 10:01.363 systems against the full spectrum of air threats. 10:01.726 --> 10:03.990 We are on track to begin the second phase 10:03.990 --> 10:06.003 of this effort in fiscal year 2019, 10:06.310 --> 10:08.560 which will expand our capability to detect, 10:08.560 --> 10:12.180 identify and take decisive action before threats 10:12.180 --> 10:13.801 can strike potential targets within 10:13.801 --> 10:15.713 the national capital region. 10:16.410 --> 10:18.690 We are also looking into technologies and concepts 10:18.690 --> 10:20.340 that can be used to provide scalable 10:20.340 --> 10:23.313 and deployable options for expanding this capability, 10:24.160 --> 10:26.080 the department's budget request also 10:26.080 --> 10:29.453 includes deployment of regional missile defenses, 10:29.810 --> 10:32.700 tailored to meet threats to US forces abroad, 10:32.700 --> 10:34.523 and allies and partners in Europe, 10:34.580 --> 10:37.563 the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific region, 10:38.070 --> 10:39.950 the budget enhances our regional missile 10:39.950 --> 10:42.773 defense capability through additional Patriot missiles, 10:43.040 --> 10:45.963 as well as THAAD SM-3 Block 1B, 10:46.610 --> 10:49.283 and SM-3 Block 2A interceptors, 10:49.650 --> 10:51.880 our focus is on developing and fielding missile 10:51.880 --> 10:54.590 defense capabilities that are mobile and relocatable 10:55.100 --> 10:57.240 which allows us flexibility to respond to 10:57.240 --> 10:59.353 a crisis wherever it may emerge. 10:59.810 --> 11:02.650 Because systems such as Patriot, THAAD and Aegis BMD 11:02.650 --> 11:06.283 capable ships can be surged when and where required, 11:06.520 --> 11:08.070 they make it possible to deploy 11:08.070 --> 11:09.840 layered missile defense capabilities, 11:09.840 --> 11:12.763 that are responsible to regional threats as they arise. 11:13.550 --> 11:15.680 We are encouraging our allies and partners in Europe, 11:15.680 --> 11:18.815 the Middle East, and the Near East and Asia, 11:18.815 --> 11:21.870 to acquire missile defense capabilities, 11:21.870 --> 11:25.080 and to strengthen cooperation in order to move towards 11:25.080 --> 11:27.220 a more interoperable and integrated 11:27.370 --> 11:28.610 missile defense architecture, 11:28.610 --> 11:30.080 against hostile ballistic missile 11:30.080 --> 11:31.693 and cruise missile threats. 11:32.460 --> 11:34.870 Looking forward it's clear our potential adversaries 11:34.870 --> 11:37.453 are modernizing and expanding their capabilities, 11:37.710 --> 11:39.880 we must ensure that our missile defense 11:39.880 --> 11:42.520 investment strategy and priorities enable 11:42.520 --> 11:44.720 us to meet the most dangerous threats today, 11:44.840 --> 11:47.170 while also enabling us to counter future 11:47.170 --> 11:48.943 missile threats as they expand. 11:50.180 --> 11:52.110 Mr Chairman let me conclude by stating 11:52.260 --> 11:55.660 in this increasingly complex and threatening environment, 11:55.660 --> 11:58.010 DOD must sustain the capabilities needed 11:58.010 --> 12:00.993 to deter and defend against attacks on our homeland, 12:01.200 --> 12:03.943 our forces abroad and our allies and partners, 12:04.110 --> 12:07.320 we must make the investments needed to address 12:07.320 --> 12:09.905 the ongoing erosion of our operational advantages 12:09.905 --> 12:13.433 and remain the pre-eminent military power in the world, 12:13.580 --> 12:14.970 thank you again for the opportunity 12:14.970 --> 12:16.483 to testify before you today. 12:16.920 --> 12:17.920 - Thank you Mr Ruud, 12:17.920 --> 12:19.300 General Robinson, you're recognized. 12:19.300 --> 12:20.133 - Thank you, 12:20.689 --> 12:22.560 Chairman Rogers, Ranking Member Cooper 12:22.560 --> 12:24.590 and distinguished members of the committee, 12:24.590 --> 12:26.403 I am honored to join you today, 12:26.440 --> 12:29.363 to testify alongside Undersecretary of Defense Ruud, 12:29.410 --> 12:31.310 General Greaves and General Dickinson. 12:31.420 --> 12:33.500 As has been mentioned the strategic environment 12:33.500 --> 12:36.313 and threats facing our nation continues to evolve, 12:36.410 --> 12:38.370 our adversaries are taking deliberate steps 12:38.370 --> 12:40.140 to extend their operational reach, 12:40.140 --> 12:41.920 and are developing new capabilities 12:41.920 --> 12:44.833 to ranged targets in North America and Canada. 12:45.100 --> 12:47.240 At USNORTHCOM and NORAD we understand 12:47.240 --> 12:50.333 the urgency of keeping pace with these evolving threats, 12:50.470 --> 12:53.070 we also recognize that North Korea represents 12:53.070 --> 12:55.060 the most immediate threat to our homeland, 12:55.060 --> 12:57.823 and therefore remains NORTHCOM's highest priority. 12:58.460 --> 13:00.210 I'm confident that ground-based mid-course 13:00.210 --> 13:02.480 defense system can defeat this threat today, 13:02.480 --> 13:05.330 and I strongly support the continued improvements 13:05.330 --> 13:07.082 to the ballistic missile defense enterprise 13:07.082 --> 13:09.493 in order to maintain our advantage, 13:09.800 --> 13:12.500 we continue to work closely with the Missile Defense Agency, 13:12.500 --> 13:13.860 the intelligence community, 13:13.860 --> 13:15.920 and others combatant commands as part of 13:15.920 --> 13:18.263 a collaborative effort to outpace the threat. 13:19.300 --> 13:21.710 I am grateful as has been mentioned for 13:21.710 --> 13:23.877 the committee's approval of the FY-17 13:23.877 --> 13:26.600 above threshold reprogramming and support the 13:26.600 --> 13:27.870 budget amendment that will increase 13:27.870 --> 13:30.173 the systems capability and capacity. 13:30.550 --> 13:33.020 Under my NORAD responsibilities advanced cruise 13:33.020 --> 13:35.530 missiles with a low radar cross section represent 13:35.530 --> 13:37.483 a challenge to our air defense systems, 13:37.670 --> 13:40.693 Russia continues to modernize its delivery systems, 13:40.780 --> 13:43.483 long-range bombers and strategic submarines, 13:43.500 --> 13:47.133 capable of launching from distances not previously seen, 13:47.210 --> 13:49.220 reducing the indications and warnings we 13:49.220 --> 13:51.623 are likely to receive prior to a combat lunch. 13:52.110 --> 13:53.590 To defend against advanced cruise 13:53.590 --> 13:55.090 missiles as has been mentioned, 13:55.090 --> 13:57.730 we are making prudent investments in advanced sensors 13:57.730 --> 13:59.610 and defensive weapon systems to protect 13:59.610 --> 14:01.203 our nation's vital assets, 14:01.590 --> 14:02.633 the men and women, 14:02.650 --> 14:05.270 the Warriors of USNORTHCOM and NORAD 14:05.270 --> 14:08.510 stand united in a common purpose ready to face the threats 14:08.510 --> 14:10.400 of the United States and Canada today, 14:10.400 --> 14:13.163 and we are evolving to face the threats of tomorrow, 14:13.570 --> 14:15.100 sirs as you have mentioned, 14:15.100 --> 14:17.133 I am getting the privilege to retire, 14:17.270 --> 14:20.543 I will tell you that after 37 years of serving my nation, 14:20.630 --> 14:22.640 and after having these last two years, 14:22.640 --> 14:25.683 having the sacred responsibility of defending our nation, 14:25.760 --> 14:28.380 I want you all to know my gratitude 14:28.480 --> 14:31.070 my heartfelt appreciation for your support 14:31.070 --> 14:33.513 to NORAD and US Northern command, 14:33.870 --> 14:35.770 and to our nation's armed forces, 14:35.770 --> 14:38.883 soldiers, sailors, airmen, marine, Coastguardsmen, 14:39.050 --> 14:42.663 and civilians and in my NORAD Hat Canadians. 14:42.790 --> 14:44.530 Thank you again For giving me the privilege 14:44.530 --> 14:47.430 and the opportunity to speak and I welcome your questions. 14:48.270 --> 14:49.720 - Thank you General Robinson, 14:49.870 --> 14:51.853 General Greaves you are recognized for five minutes. 14:52.090 --> 14:52.923 - Chairman Roberts, 14:52.923 --> 14:54.163 Ranking Member Cooper, 14:54.360 --> 14:56.360 distinguished members of the subcommittee, 14:56.360 --> 14:58.600 thank you for this opportunity to testify on 14:58.799 --> 15:00.760 the Missile Defense Agency's budget request 15:00.760 --> 15:02.453 for fiscal year 2019, 15:03.170 --> 15:05.200 I'd first like to express our appreciation 15:05.200 --> 15:07.180 to this committee for its support of 15:07.180 --> 15:09.550 the departments above threshold reprogram request 15:09.550 --> 15:12.003 in September 2017, 15:12.370 --> 15:14.740 and the FY 2018 budget amendment 15:15.150 --> 15:17.500 which provided reprogramming approval 15:17.500 --> 15:19.970 and emergency funding to enhance the nation's 15:19.970 --> 15:22.233 missile defeat and defense capabilities, 15:22.750 --> 15:24.680 I'm also very pleased to report that we 15:24.680 --> 15:27.533 are executing these funds with the utmost urgency. 15:28.043 --> 15:30.570 I would also like to thank the thousands of men 15:30.570 --> 15:33.260 and women across the government and industry 15:33.260 --> 15:36.070 who work tirelessly every day across the globe 15:36.070 --> 15:39.143 in support of our nation's ballistic missile defense system, 15:39.600 --> 15:42.593 I truly believe they remain in our asymmetric advantage. 15:43.790 --> 15:45.707 Over the past year we've been giving a clear 15:45.707 --> 15:48.177 and unambiguous message from the president that 15:48.177 --> 15:51.180 we are committed to expanding and improving 15:51.180 --> 15:53.280 a state-of-the-art missile defense system, 15:53.750 --> 15:57.590 so in my mind the time for delays and more studies 15:57.590 --> 15:59.393 and more objections is over, 16:00.020 --> 16:02.770 as I say it that threat has voted and continues 16:02.770 --> 16:04.710 to visibly vote through the demonstration 16:04.710 --> 16:06.023 of their capabilities. 16:06.653 --> 16:08.750 Last summer I laid out three 16:08.750 --> 16:10.570 Missile Defense Agency priorities, 16:10.570 --> 16:14.093 to help guide our actions our behavior and program planning, 16:14.730 --> 16:17.750 first, we will continue to focus on increasing 16:17.750 --> 16:20.963 system reliability to build more fighter confidence. 16:21.580 --> 16:25.933 Second we will increase engagement capability and capacity, 16:26.890 --> 16:29.603 and third we will address the advanced threat. 16:30.760 --> 16:32.770 I can confidently tell you today that 16:32.770 --> 16:35.513 the current BDSM system meets today's threat, 16:36.530 --> 16:38.520 however as the threat increases 16:38.520 --> 16:40.573 in both number and lethality, 16:40.920 --> 16:43.793 we need to ensure our systems remain reliable, 16:44.170 --> 16:46.893 remain secure from cyber security threats, 16:47.050 --> 16:48.850 and that the nation's ballistic missile defense 16:48.850 --> 16:52.163 capability and capacity keep pace with that threat. 16:53.350 --> 16:55.660 We currently have 44 ground-based interceptors 16:55.660 --> 16:57.950 for homeland defense and plan to expand 16:57.950 --> 17:00.563 the fleet to 64 by 2023, 17:01.300 --> 17:04.350 in addition improvements in sensor coverage to include 17:04.350 --> 17:07.323 the long-range discriminating radar in Alaska, 17:07.860 --> 17:09.350 the addition of a homeland defense 17:09.350 --> 17:11.243 radar in Hawaii if approved, 17:11.620 --> 17:13.417 and planning for a homeland defense radar in 17:13.417 --> 17:15.910 the Pacific as well as advanced discrimination 17:15.910 --> 17:18.590 improvements will enable the United States 17:18.590 --> 17:20.603 to improve protection of the homeland, 17:21.020 --> 17:23.150 the agency will also continue redesign 17:23.150 --> 17:24.943 kill-vehicle development efforts, 17:25.330 --> 17:27.820 enhance the stockpile reliability program 17:28.250 --> 17:30.683 and expand the GBI battle space. 17:31.640 --> 17:33.830 Integrated space and terrestrial sensors 17:33.830 --> 17:36.880 for queuing, tracking, discriminating 17:36.880 --> 17:39.750 and targeting ballistic missile threats are critical 17:39.750 --> 17:42.450 to improving missile defense architecture 17:42.450 --> 17:43.913 and its robustness. 17:44.640 --> 17:47.520 This budget will continue to fund the space-based 17:47.520 --> 17:49.632 Kill assessment demonstration program 17:49.632 --> 17:52.610 to deliver a capability to confirm intercepts 17:52.610 --> 17:54.643 for improved defense of the homeland. 17:55.490 --> 17:57.930 We're also continuing constant definition studies 17:57.930 --> 18:00.453 for space-based missile defense tracking sensors, 18:01.150 --> 18:03.860 if pursued, spaces sensors will be able to detect 18:03.870 --> 18:06.170 and track both traditional as well 18:06.170 --> 18:10.023 as emerging threats as part of the BDSM architecture, 18:10.920 --> 18:13.820 additionally as this space layer matures we will need 18:13.820 --> 18:15.983 an improved space test infrastructure, 18:16.270 --> 18:19.670 to support verification in such areas as concept 18:19.670 --> 18:22.470 of operations and the technical performance 18:22.470 --> 18:24.423 of space assets under development. 18:25.470 --> 18:27.340 This budget will also increase the number 18:27.340 --> 18:29.520 of terminal high altitude area defense 18:29.520 --> 18:31.403 or THAAD interceptors, 18:31.470 --> 18:33.660 to improve regional missile defenses for 18:33.660 --> 18:35.080 the protection of our forward deployed 18:35.080 --> 18:37.313 forces, allies and partners. 18:38.090 --> 18:40.530 We will continue to install the Aegis ballistic 18:40.530 --> 18:42.730 missile defense weapon system on Aegis ships 18:43.060 --> 18:44.620 and deliver standard Missile three, 18:44.620 --> 18:46.463 block 1B interceptors. 18:47.100 --> 18:50.113 We are also supporting the European phase adaptive approach, 18:50.300 --> 18:52.750 providing coverage and protection of NATO European 18:52.750 --> 18:55.970 territory, populations and forces against the increase 18:55.970 --> 18:58.420 in ballistic missile threat from the Middle East. 18:59.030 --> 19:01.230 Our request will support continued integration 19:01.230 --> 19:03.700 of the SM-3 Block 2A missile which is 19:03.700 --> 19:05.560 a co-development effort with Japan, 19:05.560 --> 19:07.923 into the Aegis BMD weapon system. 19:08.680 --> 19:10.520 Currently there is an operational Aegis source 19:10.520 --> 19:12.083 site located in Romania, 19:12.380 --> 19:14.330 and while we have experienced delays in 19:14.330 --> 19:16.460 the military construction portion of 19:16.460 --> 19:18.413 the Aegis to shore effort in Poland, 19:19.000 --> 19:21.620 we remain steadfastly committed to delivery of 19:21.620 --> 19:24.610 that capability in support of EPAA phase three 19:24.610 --> 19:25.923 as soon as possible. 19:26.860 --> 19:29.130 This budget request will continue the development 19:29.130 --> 19:32.383 of breakthrough technologies for integration into the BMDS, 19:32.620 --> 19:34.963 including discrimination improvements, 19:35.190 --> 19:37.683 multi-object kill-vehicle technology, 19:37.850 --> 19:39.713 hypersonic defense technology, 19:40.020 --> 19:42.610 and exploring high-powered lasers and interceptors 19:42.610 --> 19:44.830 that have potential against threat missiles 19:44.830 --> 19:46.283 in the boost phase of flight. 19:47.340 --> 19:49.523 Additionally as we evaluate the elements of 19:49.523 --> 19:51.292 the missile defense system we will actively 19:51.292 --> 19:54.455 pursue developing elements that have multi mission 19:54.455 --> 19:57.040 and department wide utility and leveraged 19:57.040 --> 19:58.943 systems such as the F-35, 19:59.410 --> 20:02.390 which likely has the sensor communications 20:02.390 --> 20:04.620 and shooter capability in support of 20:04.620 --> 20:06.470 the ballistic missile defense system. 20:07.273 --> 20:09.750 Finally, we take the financial audit 20:09.750 --> 20:12.403 and our fiscal stewardship role very seriously, 20:12.770 --> 20:14.820 and MDA has robust and accountable 20:14.820 --> 20:17.373 financial management processes in place, 20:18.140 --> 20:22.690 as a note we closed down FY-17 with 151 dollars 20:22.690 --> 20:25.670 of expiring funds out of an 8.6 billion 20:25.670 --> 20:27.653 dollars budget that's on our books, 20:28.156 --> 20:29.560 we are now in the midst of 20:29.560 --> 20:32.313 the FY-18 full financial statement audit, 20:32.430 --> 20:34.693 and have received no findings to date. 20:35.480 --> 20:37.630 The bottom line is we are committed across 20:37.630 --> 20:41.200 the entire agency to achieving fully auditable books, 20:41.200 --> 20:43.280 and maintaining the confidence of the Congress 20:43.280 --> 20:44.553 and the American public. 20:44.951 --> 20:46.130 Mr Chairman, 20:46.130 --> 20:47.210 Ranking Member Cooper, 20:47.210 --> 20:48.330 members of the subcommittee, 20:48.330 --> 20:49.950 I look forward to answering your questions, 20:49.950 --> 20:50.783 thank you. 20:51.550 --> 20:52.732 - Thank you General Greaves, 20:52.732 --> 20:55.432 General Dickinson you are recognized for five minutes. 20:55.440 --> 20:56.273 - Chairman Rogers, 20:56.273 --> 20:57.630 Ranking Member Cooper and the other 20:57.630 --> 20:59.730 distinguished members of the subcommittee, 20:59.840 --> 21:01.660 thank you for your support of our soldiers 21:01.660 --> 21:03.310 and civilians and their families, 21:03.400 --> 21:05.531 I'm honored to testify before you today to emphasize 21:05.531 --> 21:08.423 the importance of air and missile defense to our nation, 21:08.550 --> 21:10.400 deployed forces, partners and allies. 21:11.560 --> 21:12.740 Air and missile threats continue 21:12.740 --> 21:15.963 to increase both in quantity and offensive capability, 21:16.220 --> 21:18.150 with this in mind thank you for the passage of 21:18.150 --> 21:21.560 the FY-18 appropriations act and your continuing support 21:21.560 --> 21:23.960 for the nation's air and missile defense forces, 21:24.020 --> 21:27.290 your support enables us to continue fulfilling our role 21:27.290 --> 21:29.680 in securing the nation today and developing 21:29.680 --> 21:31.385 future forces and capabilities to 21:31.385 --> 21:34.053 deter and counter tomorrow's threats. 21:34.510 --> 21:36.310 I'd like to briefly summarize the missions of 21:36.310 --> 21:38.333 the organizations I represent today, 21:38.540 --> 21:39.877 first the United States Army Space 21:39.877 --> 21:41.433 and Missile Defense Command, 21:41.480 --> 21:43.313 Army Forces Strategic Command, 21:43.650 --> 21:44.780 SMDCR Strat 21:44.860 --> 21:46.750 serves as a force provider in support 21:46.750 --> 21:48.083 of our combatant commands, 21:48.370 --> 21:49.470 SMDCR Strat, 21:49.470 --> 21:52.093 a multi-faceted multi-compound command, 21:52.220 --> 21:54.010 consists of two were fighting brigades, 21:54.010 --> 21:56.840 a technical center and a future war fighting center 21:57.000 --> 21:58.606 that provides trained and ready space 21:58.606 --> 22:01.520 and missile defense forces and capabilities 22:01.520 --> 22:03.220 to the war fighter and the nation, 22:03.260 --> 22:05.470 stretching across 11 different time zones 22:05.470 --> 22:07.433 the 23 dispersed locations, 22:07.500 --> 22:10.230 we provide low density high demand capabilities 22:10.300 --> 22:12.797 for today's fight as well as build future space 22:12.797 --> 22:15.430 and missile defense capabilities for tomorrow 22:15.430 --> 22:18.460 by researching testing and integrating space, 22:18.460 --> 22:22.213 missile defense, cyber and directed energy technologies. 22:22.570 --> 22:24.370 The changing operational environment 22:24.430 --> 22:27.120 and evolving threat requires to provide the army 22:27.120 --> 22:29.230 and the joint force with enhanced air 22:29.230 --> 22:31.723 and missile defense capacity and capability, 22:31.860 --> 22:33.890 and maintain readiness while managing 22:33.890 --> 22:37.373 the high operational demands of our low density forces, 22:37.590 --> 22:41.020 within SMDCR Strat we are collaborating closely with 22:41.020 --> 22:43.680 the army's air and missile defense cross functional team 22:43.680 --> 22:46.140 on capabilities to increase the lethality 22:46.300 --> 22:48.200 of the army and the joint force, 22:48.200 --> 22:50.493 including maneuver short range air defense, 22:50.550 --> 22:51.833 and directed energy. 22:53.040 --> 22:55.130 A cross functional team as a key part of 22:55.130 --> 22:57.033 the army's new modernization effort, 22:57.050 --> 22:59.750 that will enable us to rapidly develop requirements 22:59.910 --> 23:02.949 and ensure future capabilities transition quickly 23:02.949 --> 23:06.573 from concept to prototyping to fielding. 23:07.024 --> 23:08.950 I also have the privilege of commanding 23:08.950 --> 23:10.630 the Joint Functional Component Command 23:10.630 --> 23:12.203 for Integrated Missile Defense, 23:12.460 --> 23:13.923 JFCCIMD, 23:14.070 --> 23:16.183 which supports United States Strategic Command 23:16.183 --> 23:18.230 by integrating and synchronizing 23:18.230 --> 23:20.148 global missile defense operations, 23:20.148 --> 23:22.580 JFCCIMD conducts global missile 23:22.580 --> 23:24.043 defense operation supports, 23:24.300 --> 23:26.810 advocates for and recommends acceptance 23:26.810 --> 23:29.313 of missile defense capabilities and executes joint 23:29.313 --> 23:31.760 and combined global missile defense 23:31.760 --> 23:34.733 training and education for the nation. 23:35.120 --> 23:37.100 To accomplish this we maintain close 23:37.100 --> 23:38.830 collaborative relationships with 23:38.830 --> 23:40.730 the geographic combatant and commands, 23:40.750 --> 23:42.293 the Missile Defense Agency, 23:42.360 --> 23:44.020 the office of the Secretary of Defense, 23:44.020 --> 23:45.033 the joint staff, 23:45.210 --> 23:47.153 and our allies and partners, 23:47.340 --> 23:48.940 despite their unique missions, 23:48.940 --> 23:53.940 a unifying principle for both SMDCR Strat and JFCCIMD, 23:54.140 --> 23:57.563 is our number one priority to protect our homeland, 23:58.140 --> 24:00.540 both commands will remain bold and innovative 24:00.740 --> 24:02.767 offering solutions to ensure our nation's forces 24:02.767 --> 24:06.017 are prepared to fight across multiple domains, 24:06.017 --> 24:09.962 finally the challenges we face cannot be met without 24:09.962 --> 24:12.873 the dedication of our greatest asset, 24:12.980 --> 24:13.813 our people, 24:14.180 --> 24:16.350 the remarkable service members, civilians 24:17.287 --> 24:19.340 and contractors along with their families stationed 24:19.340 --> 24:21.773 at home and globally deployed, 24:21.880 --> 24:24.070 provide support to the army and the joint 24:24.070 --> 24:25.913 war fighter each and every day, 24:26.300 --> 24:28.220 I have the utmost confidence and respect for 24:28.220 --> 24:29.930 the Warriors who volunteered to operate 24:29.930 --> 24:32.653 these highly complex systems around the world, 24:33.060 --> 24:34.840 thank you for your continued support for 24:34.840 --> 24:36.710 the committed professionals to develop, 24:36.710 --> 24:40.143 deploy and operate our nation's air missile defense systems, 24:40.400 --> 24:42.857 I've addressed in detail the full range of these missions, 24:42.857 --> 24:44.773 and how we are executing them, 24:44.830 --> 24:47.820 and I ask that my statement be submitted for the record, 24:47.820 --> 24:49.810 and I look forward to addressing your questions, 24:49.810 --> 24:50.823 thank you. 24:51.290 --> 24:52.950 - Without objection this statement is accepted 24:52.950 --> 24:53.813 into the record, 24:54.260 --> 24:56.673 and I'll recognize myself for questions, 24:56.970 --> 24:58.540 to let you know what we're planning, 24:58.540 --> 25:00.310 we're going to be calling for votes around five, 25:00.310 --> 25:01.680 so it's my hope that we can get through 25:01.680 --> 25:03.620 one round of questions in open session, 25:03.620 --> 25:06.630 and then trot down to the skiff for 25:06.630 --> 25:08.680 the closed portion before votes, 25:08.680 --> 25:11.180 because I don't know how long we'll be over there. 25:11.473 --> 25:12.423 First, 25:12.550 --> 25:13.653 General Greaves you made reference to 25:13.653 --> 25:16.593 that Romanian and Polish Aegis ashore sites, 25:16.743 --> 25:19.393 I'm curious as to the Romanian site, 25:20.460 --> 25:22.987 how the new AEW system that we put into 25:22.987 --> 25:24.490 the NDAA is coming along, 25:24.490 --> 25:25.835 can you give us a progress report on 25:25.835 --> 25:27.653 that air defense system? 25:29.135 --> 25:29.968 - Mr Chairman, 25:30.509 --> 25:34.313 the AEW system is not operational today, 25:35.310 --> 25:36.840 within the Missile Defense Agency, 25:36.840 --> 25:39.500 my predecessor initiated and we completed 25:39.500 --> 25:43.670 two demonstrations of potential capability 25:43.670 --> 25:48.020 as inflowing data from simulated source and then 25:48.020 --> 25:50.620 from actual tracks into the Aegis weapon system 25:50.620 --> 25:55.283 to demonstrate that the capability would work, 25:56.250 --> 25:59.923 as of right now we are waiting funds to complete the, 26:01.097 --> 26:05.450 demonstration of an actual system which would include 26:07.103 --> 26:11.807 an army low-cost radar as a potential candidate 26:13.320 --> 26:15.683 as well as the SeaRAM system, 26:16.020 --> 26:17.740 so as of today it is not operational. 26:17.740 --> 26:18.573 - Great, 26:18.660 --> 26:21.310 and looking at the President's budget request for 19, 26:21.310 --> 26:23.640 it appears that the Missile Defense Agency has 26:23.640 --> 26:26.420 a gap in developing critical advanced technology such 26:26.420 --> 26:27.780 as high-powered directed energy 26:27.780 --> 26:30.793 for boost phase missile defense and space sensing, 26:31.380 --> 26:33.713 as you quoted secretary Maddis, 26:33.890 --> 26:36.467 quote, "If we fail to adapt to speed of relevance 26:36.467 --> 26:37.860 "our focus will lose." 26:37.860 --> 26:38.693 close quote, 26:39.010 --> 26:41.640 yet in these critical technology areas we continue 26:41.640 --> 26:46.500 to trade studies and analyses via starting programs 26:46.500 --> 26:48.713 with goals for operational capabilities, 26:48.950 --> 26:51.010 how does a one-year delay in Missile Defense Agency 26:51.010 --> 26:52.640 specific funding impact your ability 26:52.640 --> 26:54.037 to deliver high-powered directed energy 26:54.037 --> 26:55.763 and space sensing capabilities? 26:56.560 --> 26:58.863 - Mr Chairman I am concerned about that delay, 26:59.690 --> 27:03.913 I am very encouraged with the fact that my new boss, 27:04.660 --> 27:08.333 Doctor Griffin working with Miss Laurie in her capacity, 27:08.740 --> 27:12.670 have the focus and art re-engineering and redirecting 27:12.670 --> 27:14.170 the Department to prioritize 27:14.170 --> 27:15.530 as Doctor Griffin has testified, 27:15.530 --> 27:18.030 the number one priority being hypersonic 27:18.130 --> 27:19.933 both offense and defense, 27:20.040 --> 27:21.653 as well as directed energy, 27:21.790 --> 27:23.380 and we've had conversations, 27:23.380 --> 27:27.370 I've seen actions being taken to prioritize those 27:27.370 --> 27:29.697 two areas as well as other technology areas 27:29.697 --> 27:32.883 to deliver that capability to keep pace with the threat. 27:33.210 --> 27:34.043 - Great, 27:35.000 --> 27:37.050 and this will be to any of the witnesses, 27:37.090 --> 27:39.280 across the board there's been a consensus on 27:39.280 --> 27:41.180 the need to get to space 27:41.180 --> 27:43.363 for missile tracking and discrimination, 27:43.610 --> 27:45.190 again without the benefit of having 27:45.190 --> 27:46.540 the missile defense review, 27:46.660 --> 27:48.500 can you lay out the Department's position 27:48.500 --> 27:50.770 on how space is being looked at in regards 27:50.770 --> 27:53.173 to a war fighting domain for missile defense, 27:53.535 --> 27:56.540 are you still looking at what a space-based 27:56.540 --> 27:58.713 intercept constellation could provide, 27:59.420 --> 28:01.030 is the ultimate goal for directed energy 28:01.030 --> 28:02.293 to be used in space? 28:03.830 --> 28:06.233 And this will be for anyone of you who will take it. 28:06.590 --> 28:07.423 - I'll start, 28:08.126 --> 28:09.970 if General Greaves or the others would like 28:09.970 --> 28:10.983 to add please do, 28:11.660 --> 28:14.450 sir you are correct that we are concerned 28:14.450 --> 28:17.683 that space has become a war fighting domain, 28:18.870 --> 28:20.543 it is a contested area, 28:20.720 --> 28:23.170 what we are observing in terms of the activities 28:23.170 --> 28:25.963 of other nation is of concern, 28:26.410 --> 28:28.360 and so you have that as a backdrop with 28:28.360 --> 28:31.860 this contested and congested space domain, 28:31.860 --> 28:33.440 and then in the missile defense area, 28:33.440 --> 28:35.840 certain capabilities as highlighted 28:35.840 --> 28:37.050 in our various statements, 28:37.050 --> 28:39.080 that countries like North Korea, 28:39.080 --> 28:40.670 Iran, Russia and China, 28:40.670 --> 28:43.433 are pursuing that causes substantial concern. 28:43.810 --> 28:46.230 So we are looking at capabilities 28:46.230 --> 28:47.900 that could be employed in space, 28:47.900 --> 28:50.133 both sensor capabilities and others, 28:50.391 --> 28:53.130 it's one of the subjects we're continuing 28:53.130 --> 28:56.373 to evaluate potential alternatives in that regard, 28:56.510 --> 29:00.010 no final decisions made yet on those capabilities 29:00.010 --> 29:01.020 that will be pursued, 29:01.020 --> 29:03.245 but it's definitely an area of active 29:03.245 --> 29:04.713 study in the Department. 29:06.950 --> 29:10.196 - Mr Chairman I would add that moving 29:10.196 --> 29:15.196 our sensing layer to space to work in coordination with 29:15.610 --> 29:18.260 the ground layer is absolutely essential 29:18.260 --> 29:20.860 to keep pace with the threat that we know is coming, 29:21.650 --> 29:24.573 I'll point out one such example is the hypersonic threat, 29:25.020 --> 29:26.550 and as my deputies fond of saying, 29:26.550 --> 29:28.400 if you can't see it you can shoot it, 29:28.490 --> 29:30.480 so the first thing we need to do is ensure that 29:30.480 --> 29:35.100 we can maintain birth to death tracking of threats 29:35.100 --> 29:37.270 that are flying lower that can maneuver, 29:37.270 --> 29:40.270 that are not as predictable as the ballistic missile threat, 29:40.330 --> 29:42.770 so it is essential that we deploy 29:42.840 --> 29:45.513 and operate a space sensing layer to begin with. 29:46.320 --> 29:50.373 The other part of it is the focus on boost phase intercept, 29:50.750 --> 29:53.660 I do not believe we have an option to not have 29:53.660 --> 29:57.510 some sort of capability for boost phase intercept, 29:57.510 --> 30:00.623 whether it be directed energy or kinetic weapons, 30:00.870 --> 30:01.910 I think there are a number of things 30:01.910 --> 30:03.040 that have to happen of course, 30:03.040 --> 30:03.873 policy, 30:04.222 --> 30:05.593 force structure, 30:05.765 --> 30:07.250 concept of operations, 30:07.250 --> 30:10.320 those things have to be developed by the 30:10.320 --> 30:12.653 COCOMS and other parts of the department, 30:12.930 --> 30:16.410 but the ability to have a boost phase intercept 30:16.410 --> 30:18.470 capability is I believe essential as 30:18.470 --> 30:19.670 we move into the future. 30:20.010 --> 30:22.263 As far as space-based interceptors, 30:22.930 --> 30:25.870 there are challenges that need to be worked through 30:25.870 --> 30:29.203 from the policy area whether or not to base it, 30:29.349 --> 30:32.140 the technologies got to be developed, 30:32.140 --> 30:35.410 but I believe we should be doing some work in 30:35.410 --> 30:39.030 that area to essentially lay the groundwork if 30:39.030 --> 30:41.530 the nation decides to deploy space-based 30:41.530 --> 30:43.170 interceptors we haven't lost that time, 30:43.170 --> 30:44.313 time is the key, 30:44.685 --> 30:46.333 the threat is time, 30:46.520 --> 30:49.240 because as a nation we can do anything given enough 30:49.240 --> 30:52.200 time to develop and deploy the capability, 30:52.200 --> 30:54.183 so that's my input sir. 30:55.020 --> 30:55.853 - Thank you general, 30:55.853 --> 30:57.090 I now recognize the ranking member for 30:57.090 --> 30:58.390 any questions he may have. 30:58.550 --> 30:59.580 - Thank you Mr Chairman, 30:59.580 --> 31:01.740 all of the witnesses are interested 31:01.740 --> 31:03.453 in protecting all of America, 31:04.020 --> 31:06.440 but the one exception to that is Secretary Ruud's 31:06.440 --> 31:09.490 testimony he gave special protection coming 31:09.490 --> 31:11.423 to the National Capital Region. 31:12.673 --> 31:15.940 How do we tell our friends in New York or Boston, 31:15.940 --> 31:17.603 or Norfolk, Newport News, 31:18.218 --> 31:19.068 or South Florida, 31:19.090 --> 31:21.140 they get less protection than we do here? 31:22.570 --> 31:25.870 - Sir the policy is to protect the entire United States, 31:25.870 --> 31:28.550 and that is in fact the capability that 31:28.550 --> 31:30.280 the ballistic missile defense system 31:30.280 --> 31:32.693 that's been deployed for the nation possesses, 31:33.380 --> 31:35.250 what I was referring to in my statement is there 31:35.250 --> 31:37.931 are some improvements that are being made for 31:37.931 --> 31:41.720 the ability to detect aircraft and cruise missiles 31:41.720 --> 31:43.690 as part of a two phased program 31:43.960 --> 31:45.290 that provide that enhancement, 31:45.290 --> 31:46.860 that does not mean the rest of the country 31:46.860 --> 31:49.040 will not enjoy protection as well, 31:49.040 --> 31:52.290 as you know through our air defense system, 31:52.290 --> 31:54.222 that General Robinson and others execute, 31:54.222 --> 31:58.403 we do surveil threats to all 50 states, 31:58.620 --> 32:00.430 where we look at those threats, 32:00.430 --> 32:01.290 evaluate them, 32:01.290 --> 32:04.183 and certainly work through those defense systems. 32:07.790 --> 32:09.520 - I think it's pretty clear in your paragraph 32:09.520 --> 32:10.750 on the bottom of page two, 32:10.750 --> 32:12.103 and the top of page three, 32:12.560 --> 32:15.433 that the National capital region comes first, 32:15.600 --> 32:17.850 at least as far as aircraft or cruise 32:17.850 --> 32:19.853 missile threats are concerned, 32:20.370 --> 32:22.197 and your exact quote is, 32:22.197 --> 32:24.927 "We are also looking into technologies and concepts 32:24.927 --> 32:26.937 "that could be used to provide scalable 32:26.937 --> 32:29.145 "and deployable options for expanding 32:29.145 --> 32:31.427 "this defensive capability." 32:32.080 --> 32:33.980 Presumably to the rest of the country? 32:35.070 --> 32:37.880 - There are options like that for improving 32:37.880 --> 32:39.740 the capabilities that would be applied, 32:39.740 --> 32:41.150 not only the rest of the country, 32:41.150 --> 32:43.550 but elsewhere outside of this country 32:43.800 --> 32:45.053 that we are looking at, 32:45.220 --> 32:47.150 but in terms of the ability to defend 32:47.150 --> 32:49.623 the country against cruise missile threats, 32:49.680 --> 32:51.173 those things or aircraft, 32:51.815 --> 32:55.110 the rest of the country also will have means to do that, 32:55.110 --> 32:57.418 but there are some particular programs that have 32:57.418 --> 33:00.710 been underway for some time to provide 33:00.710 --> 33:02.390 some phased improvements in 33:02.390 --> 33:04.983 our capability for the air threats, 33:05.220 --> 33:07.300 I'm happy to provide you a fuller briefing 33:07.300 --> 33:09.650 and more information on that if you'd like Sir? 33:10.900 --> 33:13.253 - We'll talk about it in classified session, 33:13.310 --> 33:14.410 thank you Mr Chairman. 33:16.438 --> 33:17.530 - The chair now recognizes the gentleman from Colorado, 33:17.530 --> 33:18.363 Mr Lambourne. 33:18.760 --> 33:19.810 - Thank you chairman, 33:20.307 --> 33:21.140 thank you all for being here, 33:21.140 --> 33:23.223 General Robinson I wish you the best in the future, 33:23.230 --> 33:24.330 and thank you for your service, 33:24.330 --> 33:27.123 but thank you all for the great work that you are doing. 33:27.470 --> 33:28.510 And the first question, 33:28.510 --> 33:30.400 actually this is not missile defense but 33:30.400 --> 33:31.693 it has to do with space, 33:31.890 --> 33:33.588 yesterday I was at the space symposium 33:33.588 --> 33:35.810 and Vice President Pence, 33:35.810 --> 33:38.053 who's also chairman of the Space Council, 33:38.390 --> 33:42.190 talked about a new directive from 33:42.190 --> 33:45.863 the council on space management, 33:46.123 --> 33:51.063 watching and tracking debris and similar things, 33:51.300 --> 33:53.670 taking that responsibility and giving it 33:53.670 --> 33:56.483 to the Department of Commerce, 33:56.680 --> 33:59.930 Mr Ruud will that help the military focus better 33:59.930 --> 34:01.153 on its core mission? 34:01.260 --> 34:02.963 To give that responsibility away? 34:03.670 --> 34:04.653 - Yes it well, 34:05.080 --> 34:08.763 as described at the Space Symposium and elsewhere, 34:09.270 --> 34:12.547 the number of objects in space continues to increase, 34:12.547 --> 34:14.550 and a number of objects not only satellites, 34:14.550 --> 34:16.833 but some of the debris and other matters, 34:17.060 --> 34:19.840 the Defense Department has had the responsibility 34:19.840 --> 34:22.160 to catalog those objects and to engage in 34:22.160 --> 34:26.593 a discussion with commercial operators in space, 34:27.090 --> 34:31.070 with the aim of providing safe use of that space 34:31.070 --> 34:34.680 for their communications satellites or other items, 34:34.680 --> 34:37.270 as that has grown the Commerce Department 34:37.270 --> 34:40.683 we think is an more appropriate player to do that, 34:40.840 --> 34:42.490 and our colleagues at the Commerce Department 34:42.490 --> 34:44.783 have stepped forward to take on that mission, 34:44.890 --> 34:46.990 the Defense Department will still maintain 34:47.311 --> 34:48.610 its responsibilities in the defense base, 34:48.610 --> 34:50.893 we will partner with the Commerce Department, 34:51.030 --> 34:52.530 but it's an area the Commerce Department 34:52.530 --> 34:54.240 will more appropriately take the lead. 34:54.240 --> 34:55.940 - Fantastic, that's great to hear, 34:55.950 --> 34:57.490 okay back to missile defense, 34:57.490 --> 34:59.400 General Greaves I'd like to ask you a question, 34:59.400 --> 35:02.710 you've touched on some very important 35:03.060 --> 35:05.540 cutting-edge technologies developing 35:05.590 --> 35:07.883 multi-object kill vehicle, 35:08.240 --> 35:09.663 directed energy, 35:09.986 --> 35:11.273 tracking, 35:12.271 --> 35:13.271 hypersonics, 35:14.200 --> 35:17.730 are we devoting enough resources in this budget 35:17.730 --> 35:21.700 that we are discussing to advance those technologies, 35:21.700 --> 35:25.063 or should we be doing more R&D in those areas? 35:27.170 --> 35:28.003 - Congressmen, 35:28.003 --> 35:31.853 we are beginning the work on hypersonics, 35:32.160 --> 35:34.453 beginning the work on directed energy, 35:34.690 --> 35:37.950 and continuing the work at a lower level on 35:37.950 --> 35:39.723 the multiple object kill vehicle, 35:40.120 --> 35:42.330 I have significant hope from what 35:42.330 --> 35:44.110 I've seen already from within the department, 35:44.110 --> 35:47.010 that was Doctor Griffin's focus on 35:47.010 --> 35:49.410 the priorities he's laid out for the department, 35:50.490 --> 35:52.860 the discussion will become a lot more robust, 35:52.860 --> 35:56.150 and my hope is that we will see increased 35:56.150 --> 35:59.863 resources dedicated to those areas in the next budget. 36:00.440 --> 36:02.890 - Well this is a really important issue, 36:02.890 --> 36:05.460 and I think as we discuss the NDAA, 36:05.460 --> 36:07.090 we're gonna want to make sure that 36:07.090 --> 36:11.103 the R&D resources are really there, 36:11.378 --> 36:12.543 are any of them, 36:13.320 --> 36:15.460 are you saying it's kind of lacking right now 36:15.460 --> 36:17.773 and we need more resources? 36:18.282 --> 36:21.787 - Congressmen I'm saying the threat has demonstrated 36:21.787 --> 36:24.650 the capability within the last 18 months 36:24.650 --> 36:27.913 that was somewhat theoretical before that time, 36:28.860 --> 36:30.720 we've seen the rapid progress, 36:30.720 --> 36:34.090 and time is the enemy which is driving the department 36:34.090 --> 36:37.290 under Doctor Griffin's leadership to focus on those areas 36:37.290 --> 36:40.770 and apply the resources I believe that we will need 36:40.770 --> 36:44.393 to provide capabilities to stay in advance of the threat, 36:44.540 --> 36:46.940 so my hope is to see additional resources 36:46.940 --> 36:49.623 in that area in the next PB. 36:49.900 --> 36:50.810 - Alright thank you so much, 36:50.810 --> 36:55.231 and lastly the chairman already talked with you about this, 36:55.231 --> 36:58.353 that is space-based sensors, 36:58.910 --> 37:00.153 whether it's infrared, 37:03.059 --> 37:03.892 or electrical, 37:04.140 --> 37:05.103 optical, 37:07.510 --> 37:08.900 radar detectable, 37:08.900 --> 37:09.733 optical, 37:10.220 --> 37:11.243 so on and so forth, 37:11.440 --> 37:15.163 are we doing enough in those areas for space-based sensors? 37:15.920 --> 37:16.753 - Let's see, 37:17.309 --> 37:18.142 again I'll start with the threat, 37:18.142 --> 37:20.140 and the threat I see is the hypersonic 37:20.646 --> 37:22.093 thread is the greatest threat, 37:22.720 --> 37:26.383 we are executing the planning, 37:26.680 --> 37:29.250 and I expect to see a significant increase in 37:29.250 --> 37:30.730 the amount and time and resources that 37:30.730 --> 37:32.463 we will spend in that area, 37:32.740 --> 37:35.950 it is the top priority I believe for me within 37:35.950 --> 37:38.800 the agency to enhance our sensor architecture 37:39.130 --> 37:41.575 and to include leading that sensor architecture 37:41.575 --> 37:44.513 to space in concert with what we have on the ground. 37:45.440 --> 37:46.280 - Alright, thank you so much, 37:46.280 --> 37:47.540 Mr Chairman I yield back. 37:48.150 --> 37:48.983 - Thank you, 37:49.659 --> 37:50.960 I recognized the gentle lady from Hawaii, 37:50.960 --> 37:52.760 Miss Hannah Busaka for five minutes. 37:53.490 --> 37:54.690 - Thank you Mr Chairman, 37:56.210 --> 37:59.513 General Robinson thank you very much for your service, 37:59.860 --> 38:03.963 I have some questions for you about NORTHCOM and NORAD, 38:04.160 --> 38:06.960 so what is the interface between the two, 38:06.960 --> 38:09.773 they both seem to be your commands but separate? 38:10.480 --> 38:12.453 - Yes ma'am that's a true statement, 38:13.189 --> 38:16.273 under my North American Aerospace Defense Command hat, 38:16.770 --> 38:18.740 I'm responsible for defending Canada 38:18.740 --> 38:20.740 and the United States in the air domain, 38:21.233 --> 38:25.713 so that can be whether it's Russian long-range aviation, 38:25.830 --> 38:28.173 or submarines shooting missiles, 38:28.621 --> 38:30.690 so I'm responsible for that, 38:30.690 --> 38:32.010 in my NORTHCOM hat, 38:32.010 --> 38:33.660 as commander of Northern Command, 38:33.730 --> 38:37.640 I am responsible for defending the United States from 38:37.640 --> 38:40.363 a ballistic missile defense threat, 38:40.670 --> 38:43.410 I also work defense to civil authorities as well 38:43.410 --> 38:46.883 as theater of the security operation with Canada, 38:47.034 --> 38:49.653 Mexico and the Bahamas. 38:50.680 --> 38:52.883 - So General, as you know, 38:52.910 --> 38:57.053 Hawaii had the infamous false missile alert, 38:57.710 --> 39:00.740 so I'm trying to figure out who is it 39:00.740 --> 39:03.810 that would have or should have detected if 39:03.810 --> 39:07.903 a missile was fired from North Korea, 39:09.274 --> 39:10.310 and whether it was headed for Guam, 39:10.310 --> 39:12.183 the United States continent, 39:12.320 --> 39:13.233 or Hawaii, 39:13.300 --> 39:17.540 who would have been the agency or the entity 39:17.540 --> 39:21.023 that should be the one frontline detecting it? 39:21.540 --> 39:24.450 - So we look at that that STRATCOM does 39:24.450 --> 39:25.823 the initial sensing, 39:26.370 --> 39:29.680 and then we work our way through on as the missile, 39:29.680 --> 39:33.603 and I can be much more clear in the closed session, 39:34.230 --> 39:36.330 but as we work through the missile launch, 39:36.330 --> 39:38.270 and as it goes through flight, 39:38.270 --> 39:40.343 then there's different roles and responsibilities 39:40.343 --> 39:42.223 that we have, 39:42.650 --> 39:44.720 and at the end of the day when it comes 39:44.720 --> 39:46.870 time to defend the United States against 39:46.870 --> 39:47.780 a ballistic missile, 39:47.780 --> 39:49.963 it's me as the commander of NORTHCOM. 39:50.990 --> 39:52.613 - So just so that I'm clear, 39:53.920 --> 39:56.403 when we are talking about Hawaii or Guam, 39:56.690 --> 40:00.800 is it different or is that considered to be as it reaches 40:00.800 --> 40:02.810 a certain, it seems like trajectory 40:02.810 --> 40:05.910 it will become your responsibility? 40:05.910 --> 40:07.573 - Ma'am I would really rather talk about 40:07.573 --> 40:09.113 that in a closed session, 40:09.530 --> 40:11.800 so I can give you the detail you're looking for. 40:11.800 --> 40:13.050 - And as you can imagine, 40:13.610 --> 40:16.500 that's a question that's plaguing us in Hawaii right now, 40:16.500 --> 40:20.623 we are trying to figure out who is the one who should know, 40:21.500 --> 40:23.810 the one thing that the congressional delegation 40:23.810 --> 40:28.050 is uniformed on in Hawaii, our four members, 40:28.050 --> 40:33.050 is that we believe that we should split apart 40:34.210 --> 40:36.860 the emergency alert system between 40:36.860 --> 40:40.140 that which is potentially militarily, 40:40.140 --> 40:42.333 ballistic missile in particular, 40:42.480 --> 40:43.640 and that which would be, 40:43.640 --> 40:46.880 like we just had major flooding and hurricanes 40:46.880 --> 40:47.943 and tsunamis, 40:48.060 --> 40:50.890 that should be something that the state should handle, 40:50.890 --> 40:53.650 but we are not sure that the state should be delving 40:53.650 --> 40:57.503 in this area of missiles and missile alert. 40:58.010 --> 41:01.090 In the testimony, 41:01.090 --> 41:06.053 let me get to I believe General Dickinson, 41:06.420 --> 41:11.420 when we talk about the whole spectrum of missile defense, 41:11.930 --> 41:15.255 and how we break it up in terms of from 41:15.255 --> 41:17.900 the I guess when it shot up 41:17.960 --> 41:19.980 and it goes up in the trajectory, 41:19.980 --> 41:22.880 and then it goes straight and then it starts to come down, 41:23.210 --> 41:27.130 do you have any specific role in that scenario, 41:27.130 --> 41:29.083 or is that General Greaves? 41:32.430 --> 41:35.080 - So I'll start off with the operational perspective, 41:35.607 --> 41:36.440 and I'll turn it over to General Greaves for 41:36.440 --> 41:37.690 the technical piece of that, 41:37.690 --> 41:42.050 but what you're describing is our ability to look at 41:42.050 --> 41:45.823 the total trajectory of the ballistic missile flight, 41:46.010 --> 41:49.415 and able to influence or have capabilities 41:49.415 --> 41:51.140 in each stage of that flight, 41:51.140 --> 41:52.730 whether it's prelaunch, 41:52.730 --> 41:54.993 whether it's during the mid towards terminal, 41:55.200 --> 41:56.663 or even the boost phase, 41:56.750 --> 41:58.880 our ability to do operational planning 41:58.880 --> 42:00.720 and then have capabilities that are able 42:00.720 --> 42:03.000 to influence each one of those steps in 42:03.000 --> 42:05.250 the flight of that missile is very important, 42:05.320 --> 42:09.690 so when you look at operational design around the world, 42:09.690 --> 42:11.790 and each of the different COCOMS for our regional 42:11.790 --> 42:15.343 missile defenses as well as our national defenses, 42:15.440 --> 42:18.090 we look at that very carefully to see how we do that, 42:18.194 --> 42:19.750 and then the capabilities that come along with that 42:19.750 --> 42:21.958 are critical to our ability to influence 42:21.958 --> 42:24.443 each one of those sections of flight. 42:25.390 --> 42:28.313 - General I don't mean to be insulting in any way, 42:28.500 --> 42:31.180 but if it takes this long to detect it 42:31.180 --> 42:33.163 as you just gave the explanation, 42:33.240 --> 42:35.753 there are a lot of people who are going to be very anti. 42:36.010 --> 42:37.810 General do you have anything to add? 42:38.100 --> 42:39.540 - Just one clarification ma'am is 42:39.540 --> 42:42.353 that my role is the acquirer, 42:42.870 --> 42:45.190 our folks they essentially work with industry 42:45.190 --> 42:46.573 to deliver the capability, 42:46.770 --> 42:48.930 the operational use of those systems rests 42:48.930 --> 42:50.330 with the command commanders. 42:50.830 --> 42:51.930 - Thank you very much, 42:52.124 --> 42:54.213 and with that I yield back. 42:54.213 --> 42:55.387 - I think the gentle lady, 42:55.387 --> 42:56.820 and I recognize the gentleman from California, 42:56.820 --> 42:58.170 Mr Hunter for five minutes. 42:58.670 --> 43:00.010 - Thank you Mr Chairman thank you lady 43:00.010 --> 43:01.260 and gentlemen for being here, 43:01.260 --> 43:02.130 and for your service, 43:02.130 --> 43:04.853 I guess General Dickinson, 43:05.182 --> 43:07.860 let's talk about if we could, 43:07.860 --> 43:09.990 the way that the pendulum swings from high-tech 43:09.990 --> 43:11.610 to low-tech based on what we're doing 43:11.610 --> 43:13.990 at whatever point in time we exist right now, 43:13.990 --> 43:16.080 which is looking at North Korea, 43:16.080 --> 43:17.693 looking at Russia and China, 43:17.910 --> 43:19.633 talking a lot about space, 43:20.000 --> 43:21.933 very complex giant systems, 43:22.200 --> 43:26.773 when 10 years ago the focus was the SeaRAM, 43:26.920 --> 43:28.997 our counter battery radars acquiring rockets 43:28.997 --> 43:31.836 and other just mortars and content 43:31.836 --> 43:34.480 that guys were shooting at our forward 43:34.480 --> 43:36.480 operating bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, 43:36.800 --> 43:37.950 so that's switched now, 43:38.010 --> 43:40.450 so now are focusing more on space stuff, 43:40.450 --> 43:42.390 I guess my general question is to begin, 43:42.390 --> 43:45.099 do you think the pendulum is staying where it needs to be, 43:45.099 --> 43:47.570 we get back in that fight again where we we're getting 43:47.570 --> 43:48.470 shot at all the time, 43:48.470 --> 43:51.240 and we realize we lost that 43:52.575 --> 43:55.083 sharpness that we had in that fight, 43:55.230 --> 43:57.580 and give it up to the more high-tech big fight, 43:57.920 --> 44:00.018 and realizing that there is only a few countries, 44:00.018 --> 44:03.070 that takes satellites and interceptors and other things 44:03.070 --> 44:04.130 to stop their ICBMs, 44:04.130 --> 44:06.100 there's lots of countries that can do a lot 44:06.100 --> 44:08.420 of bad things to forward operating bases in Africa to 44:08.420 --> 44:11.020 the Middle East to the Philippines and other places, 44:11.420 --> 44:13.953 that's the pendulum question, 44:14.480 --> 44:15.313 where are we? 44:15.700 --> 44:18.270 - So I think with regards to your question, 44:18.270 --> 44:19.920 so we have identified that, 44:19.920 --> 44:21.693 your mention of the SeaRAM system, 44:22.100 --> 44:25.650 the army as a whole is identified that as an area 44:25.650 --> 44:28.540 that we are continuing development in terms 44:28.540 --> 44:31.530 of building back short range defense capability 44:31.530 --> 44:33.530 that will bring back into the army formations 44:33.530 --> 44:35.080 here in the next several years, 44:35.380 --> 44:37.440 we're currently looking at what we call maneuver 44:37.440 --> 44:38.963 short ed capabilities, 44:39.090 --> 44:41.304 whether that's a gun missile mix or potentially 44:41.304 --> 44:43.340 in the future to directed energy, 44:43.340 --> 44:45.890 in my particular command we are looking 44:45.890 --> 44:46.960 into directed energy, 44:46.960 --> 44:50.240 and have good success in demonstrating 44:50.240 --> 44:54.930 a five KW laser mounted on a Stryker combat vehicle, 44:54.930 --> 44:58.270 and we've had very good success over the last year 44:58.270 --> 45:01.090 and a half or so with four different tests where 45:01.090 --> 45:03.810 we actually had soldiers on the Stryker combat 45:03.810 --> 45:07.050 vehicle engaging small UAS quad copter 45:07.050 --> 45:09.203 type targets very successfully, 45:09.320 --> 45:14.313 so as we mature that technology beyond five KW on to 50 KW, 45:14.640 --> 45:18.373 with the ultimate objective for the army at a hundred KW, 45:18.570 --> 45:19.700 we are looking at that, 45:19.700 --> 45:22.523 that will be integrated into what we call an if pick, 45:22.560 --> 45:24.483 which is the follow on to the SeaRAM, 45:24.670 --> 45:27.670 that will have the ability to use directed energy, 45:27.670 --> 45:30.083 as well as potentially a gun missile mix, 45:30.490 --> 45:32.720 we're also looking to see whether or not we 45:32.720 --> 45:35.080 can employ electronic warfare and some 45:35.080 --> 45:36.653 of those capabilities as well, 45:36.680 --> 45:38.860 so overall the army has identified the fact 45:38.860 --> 45:42.540 that we need to bring back that capability into 45:42.540 --> 45:44.483 the maneuver forces for the army, 45:44.670 --> 45:45.900 and so to your question, 45:45.900 --> 45:48.913 I would say that pendulum is probably about right, 45:49.030 --> 45:50.220 we're looking at what we need to do 45:50.220 --> 45:51.670 to address what you describe, 45:52.060 --> 45:53.180 the counter UAS, 45:53.180 --> 45:55.190 counter cruise missile capability, 45:55.190 --> 45:58.340 and we're looking to the near peer adversaries 45:58.340 --> 46:01.723 that have the more sophisticated missile technology. 46:02.290 --> 46:03.820 - Look at what the Ukrainians went through with 46:03.820 --> 46:05.986 the Russians bombarding them with artillery fire, 46:05.986 --> 46:09.103 and I'd like the members of this committee to know, 46:09.212 --> 46:11.730 this committee before I was in Congress put 46:11.730 --> 46:15.203 the SeaRAM in Iraq in the first place, 46:15.260 --> 46:16.093 it was a Navy, 46:16.093 --> 46:17.450 it shoots uranium, 46:17.450 --> 46:18.563 missiles coming in, 46:19.210 --> 46:20.510 the military didn't want to do it, 46:20.510 --> 46:23.023 this committee later went up in California, 46:23.270 --> 46:24.103 sent it out there, 46:24.103 --> 46:25.660 and they could then shoot rockets and mortars coming 46:25.660 --> 46:27.810 in with the spent uranium and it saved a lot of lives, 46:27.810 --> 46:29.590 but it was one of the things that this committee did 46:29.590 --> 46:32.223 was outside the box that the military didn't want to do. 46:34.420 --> 46:35.790 I guess lastly are you looking at what 46:35.790 --> 46:38.380 the Ukrainians have done with our counter-battery 46:38.380 --> 46:41.490 radars that we gave them with restrictions, 46:41.490 --> 46:43.020 we couldn't give them any offensive weaponry 46:43.020 --> 46:44.850 for the last eight years, 46:44.850 --> 46:46.340 but we've given them counter-battery radars, 46:46.340 --> 46:48.550 and they've really rigged those up 46:48.550 --> 46:49.810 to do some amazing things, 46:49.810 --> 46:51.010 have you guys look at that? 46:51.010 --> 46:52.370 - We continue to look at that, 46:52.370 --> 46:54.500 and other operational scenarios we've had in 46:54.500 --> 46:57.170 the theater with our own weapon system as we build to 46:57.170 --> 46:58.823 the future with that capability. 46:58.940 --> 47:01.130 - And I guess tying in with that you have the new integrated 47:01.130 --> 47:03.290 air and missile defense battle command system, 47:03.290 --> 47:04.683 the IBCS, 47:05.400 --> 47:07.250 can you just talk about that briefly? 47:07.520 --> 47:09.150 - So that the future system-- 47:09.150 --> 47:10.550 - In terms of the budgeting, 47:10.630 --> 47:13.053 and its milestones being on track on time. 47:13.500 --> 47:18.500 - So the program overall is on track to deliver in 2022, 47:20.420 --> 47:22.923 we'll do a limited user test in 2020, 47:23.200 --> 47:24.163 that system, 47:24.970 --> 47:26.880 that capability brings online the fact that 47:26.880 --> 47:29.040 we'll be able to bring in multiple sensors, 47:29.040 --> 47:32.413 multiple shooters onto an integrated fire control network, 47:32.520 --> 47:34.920 so that will greatly enhance our capability 47:34.920 --> 47:37.210 to essentially have the best shooter and 47:37.210 --> 47:40.060 the best sensor coupled together to prosecute the target. 47:40.164 --> 47:42.370 - And that would plug-in to whatever the distributed 47:42.370 --> 47:45.313 common ground system is in the future I would guess? 47:45.360 --> 47:46.640 - We're looking at that, yes. 47:46.640 --> 47:48.456 - Okay, alright thank you very much, 47:48.456 --> 47:49.911 thank you Mr Chairman. 47:49.911 --> 47:50.744 - Thank you gentlemen, 47:50.744 --> 47:51.610 the chair now recognizes the gentleman 47:51.610 --> 47:53.070 from New Jersey, Mr Norcross, 47:53.070 --> 47:53.903 five minutes, 47:54.700 --> 47:55.533 or not. 47:57.750 --> 47:59.133 Alright the chair now recognizes the gentleman 47:59.133 --> 48:01.040 from the great state of Alabama, 48:01.040 --> 48:02.463 Mr Byrne for five minutes. 48:02.780 --> 48:03.980 - Thank you Mr Chairman, 48:04.240 --> 48:06.770 I think General Greaves this is directed to you, 48:06.770 --> 48:08.133 but if I'm wrong tell me, 48:08.998 --> 48:09.980 I want to talk about hypersonic, 48:09.980 --> 48:11.753 are you the right person for that? 48:12.820 --> 48:14.133 - [General Greaves] One of several. 48:14.610 --> 48:17.010 - Well if somebody else can answer this jump in, 48:17.720 --> 48:19.820 I know that you spent a little over a year 48:20.735 --> 48:22.873 now and your analysis of alternatives, 48:23.820 --> 48:27.260 and I've been reading recently China has made some 48:27.260 --> 48:30.993 pretty shocking advances in the realm of hypersonic weapons, 48:31.048 --> 48:33.260 aside from the flight testing they've done there 48:33.260 --> 48:35.420 are reports that there are heavily investing 48:35.788 --> 48:37.220 in their ground testing infrastructure, 48:37.220 --> 48:39.520 and have planned to have a wind tunnel operational 48:39.520 --> 48:42.820 by 2020 that can simulate hypersonic speeds, 48:42.820 --> 48:44.864 which will allow them to better test their weapons, 48:44.864 --> 48:47.290 there are no indications that they are slowing down 48:47.290 --> 48:48.720 the development of their capabilities, 48:48.720 --> 48:49.823 and earlier this year, 48:49.990 --> 48:52.723 Admiral Harris, with PAYCOM, 48:52.724 --> 48:53.740 testified this committee, 48:53.740 --> 48:55.730 that Chinese hypersonic weapons are one of 48:55.730 --> 48:57.120 the biggest threats in his region. 48:57.120 --> 48:58.677 So can you tell us, 48:58.677 --> 49:02.003 as you coming to the close of the analysis of alternatives, 49:02.340 --> 49:04.520 what you've learned so far and how far 49:04.520 --> 49:06.253 that you see it moving forward? 49:07.140 --> 49:09.130 - Yes sir, you are correct, 49:09.130 --> 49:11.267 we are coming to closure on the AOA, 49:12.551 --> 49:13.384 the announcements of alternatives, 49:13.384 --> 49:14.940 I should be able to get a quick look within 49:14.940 --> 49:16.143 the next 30 days, 49:16.810 --> 49:19.440 and before the end of the year that should be completed. 49:19.440 --> 49:22.970 What we are determining is that the architecture 49:22.970 --> 49:26.770 that we need to defend against that hypersonic 49:26.770 --> 49:30.663 threat will be air, ground and space based, 49:31.190 --> 49:32.473 the most important one, 49:33.080 --> 49:35.430 initially is to deploy that sensing layer 49:35.430 --> 49:36.863 I referenced before, 49:37.170 --> 49:39.967 but also we need to look at the systems engineering part 49:39.967 --> 49:41.770 for that to roll out and develop 49:41.770 --> 49:43.420 the architecture that's required, 49:43.650 --> 49:47.080 as well as a potential new interceptor that 49:47.080 --> 49:49.000 we may need to mitigate that threat, 49:49.000 --> 49:51.710 so it's a complete architectural look 49:51.910 --> 49:54.023 at what will be needed, 49:54.120 --> 49:55.420 and the threat, 49:55.420 --> 49:57.683 the enemy is time again, 49:57.930 --> 50:01.520 so we look to Doctor Griffin and Mrs Lawrence's 50:01.520 --> 50:05.040 leadership within the Department to strongly advocate 50:05.040 --> 50:07.623 for what will roll out of the AOA, 50:07.830 --> 50:09.879 and to ensure that activity is resourced 50:09.879 --> 50:11.840 and funded in next year's budget, 50:11.840 --> 50:14.102 and we can continue on to deploy 50:14.102 --> 50:16.963 those capabilities to meet the threat, 50:17.140 --> 50:19.100 and I'll turn it it over to either Secretary Ruud 50:19.100 --> 50:21.873 or General Robinson to see if they have anything to add. 50:23.222 --> 50:24.940 - I think General Greaves largely covered it, 50:24.940 --> 50:26.870 except to say I concur with you fully 50:26.870 --> 50:28.180 about the growth of the threat, 50:28.180 --> 50:29.730 I think we're very concerned about 50:29.730 --> 50:32.743 the rate of progression that we've seen, 50:32.910 --> 50:35.433 not only in China but elsewhere like Russia, 50:35.640 --> 50:36.990 and so it's an area that we are looking 50:36.990 --> 50:38.610 very seriously at in the department, 50:38.610 --> 50:41.150 and the analysis of alternatives being led 50:41.150 --> 50:43.453 by General Greaves and Doctor Griffin. 50:44.920 --> 50:46.833 - Let me pose a hypothetical to you, 50:47.210 --> 50:49.163 a very disturbing hypothetical. 50:50.010 --> 50:52.193 There is a breakdown in Congress, 50:52.670 --> 50:55.290 and we decide to go back to the funding levels 50:55.290 --> 50:57.030 that were established in the budget control 50:57.030 --> 50:59.283 act for the out years, 50:59.750 --> 51:02.600 what does that do to what you're responsible for Mr Ruud? 51:03.950 --> 51:06.450 - Certainly the Congress in its recent actions 51:06.450 --> 51:08.630 has shown great confidence in 51:08.630 --> 51:11.750 the Defense Department leadership to come forward with 51:11.810 --> 51:15.533 the kind of programs and capabilities to defend the nation. 51:15.870 --> 51:17.120 - It was a two-year deal, 51:17.200 --> 51:18.350 and it could break now, 51:18.840 --> 51:21.320 what happens to what you're responsible for, 51:21.320 --> 51:22.470 if there's a breakdown, 51:23.224 --> 51:24.370 and we go back to those spending levels 51:24.370 --> 51:25.820 under the budget control act? 51:26.310 --> 51:28.860 - It would obviously cause a substantial concern, 51:28.860 --> 51:32.700 because the levels envisioned in the budget control act 51:32.700 --> 51:35.723 are significantly below that which we are operating now, 51:35.800 --> 51:37.760 as the national defense strategy makes clear, 51:37.760 --> 51:39.382 we've entered a period of competition 51:39.382 --> 51:41.373 amongst the great powers, 51:41.570 --> 51:44.630 with China and Russia being our principal concerns, 51:44.630 --> 51:47.550 but certainly states like North Korea and Iran 51:47.550 --> 51:49.610 and the fight that we are in with violent 51:49.610 --> 51:52.210 extremism posing a substantial threat, 51:52.210 --> 51:55.530 so certainly a substantially smaller defense budget 51:55.530 --> 51:58.260 is envisioned under those PBA caps will 51:58.260 --> 52:00.543 be a significant concern for us. 52:00.640 --> 52:02.622 - Would endanger your ability to defend America 52:02.622 --> 52:04.223 against a missile attack? 52:06.230 --> 52:08.730 - Well we would obviously continue to mount 52:08.730 --> 52:11.350 an effective defense with the capabilities we had, 52:11.350 --> 52:14.290 but certainly a smaller topline budget and how 52:14.290 --> 52:16.240 that got translated down to missile defense 52:16.240 --> 52:20.023 would impose some significant constraints. 52:21.120 --> 52:22.970 - Thank you I yield back Mr Chairman. 52:23.550 --> 52:24.383 - I thank the gentlemen, 52:24.383 --> 52:25.740 the chair now recognizes the gentle lady 52:25.927 --> 52:27.553 from California, Miss Davies for five minutes. 52:27.900 --> 52:28.733 - Thank you, thank you Mr Chairman, 52:28.733 --> 52:30.763 thank you all very much for being here, 52:31.310 --> 52:32.143 this morning, 52:32.143 --> 52:34.200 and you might have seen or heard, 52:34.200 --> 52:39.173 we had a session on promoting DOD's culture of innovation, 52:40.801 --> 52:42.410 and the question really is whether or not 52:42.410 --> 52:44.847 we are able to keep pace with the scope 52:44.847 --> 52:48.383 of innovation in the defense technology sector, 52:48.620 --> 52:53.620 given a host of issues including culture, 52:54.800 --> 52:57.950 but some of that the restrictions we have 52:57.950 --> 52:59.430 in terms of our own laws, 52:59.430 --> 53:04.067 in terms of our own need to create multiple layers 53:07.281 --> 53:09.820 of authority and little different from DARPA 53:10.070 --> 53:11.143 as you well know, 53:11.420 --> 53:14.143 how do you see that? 53:14.610 --> 53:15.760 Could you comment on that, 53:15.760 --> 53:19.930 because I think a lot of us know and understand some 53:19.930 --> 53:21.573 of the difficulties we have, 53:22.200 --> 53:26.190 that it takes a long time to bring many 53:26.190 --> 53:28.170 of those technologies to bear, 53:28.170 --> 53:31.363 and by the time we are ready for them it's late, 53:32.863 --> 53:33.696 what do you see, 53:33.696 --> 53:37.680 what holds you up in being able to get what you need to 53:37.855 --> 53:40.363 the war fighter in a timely fashion? 53:41.550 --> 53:43.770 - Ma'am I'll start with what Doctor Griffin 53:43.770 --> 53:44.793 said this morning, 53:45.720 --> 53:48.370 the three impediments that he discussed this morning, 53:48.620 --> 53:51.723 the first being excessive processes, 53:51.940 --> 53:52.923 bureaucracy, 53:53.270 --> 53:56.110 the second being risk aversion, 53:56.110 --> 53:57.350 risk aversion nature, 53:57.350 --> 53:59.823 and the third being a fear to fail, 54:00.181 --> 54:02.970 those are things which are the biggest impediments, 54:02.970 --> 54:04.583 I totally concur with him, 54:04.790 --> 54:09.354 that leads to, if not indecision, 54:09.354 --> 54:12.860 the length of time it takes to make a decision, 54:12.860 --> 54:15.000 I think speed of decision-making within 54:15.000 --> 54:17.190 the Department is what we need, 54:17.190 --> 54:19.810 and with those three impediments 54:19.810 --> 54:21.190 that Doctor Griffin laid out, 54:21.190 --> 54:26.190 and his intent to reduce or attempt to eliminate those 54:26.370 --> 54:29.410 I think would go a long way in ensuring that 54:29.410 --> 54:32.260 we can make decisions in a time relevant manner as 54:32.460 --> 54:34.140 the secretary of defense and talks about 54:34.140 --> 54:35.840 to deliver the capability we need, 54:36.070 --> 54:36.903 thank you. 54:38.600 --> 54:40.490 - The only thing I would add Congresswoman, 54:40.490 --> 54:42.513 is that for Secretary Maddis, 54:43.110 --> 54:45.532 improving the department's capabilities to both 54:45.532 --> 54:48.420 be good storage to the taxpayers dollars as well as 54:48.420 --> 54:50.613 to improve the speed at which we can 54:50.613 --> 54:52.720 field capabilities to war fighters, 54:52.720 --> 54:55.833 is one of his three top lines of effort, 54:55.960 --> 54:59.330 he works that through his leadership team, 54:59.330 --> 55:01.500 the deputy secretary of defense in particular 55:01.500 --> 55:03.233 very focused in this area, 55:03.440 --> 55:06.150 and I think the legislation that Congress passed 55:06.330 --> 55:09.040 creating the separation with an undersecretary 55:09.040 --> 55:10.160 for research engineering, 55:10.160 --> 55:12.530 and an undersecretary for acquisition and sustainment, 55:12.530 --> 55:14.750 is certainly something we fully embrace 55:14.750 --> 55:16.683 and are starting to move forward with, 55:16.910 --> 55:18.780 so the problem and the challenge certainly 55:18.780 --> 55:20.520 is very well understood by the senior 55:20.520 --> 55:21.970 leadership of the Department, 55:21.990 --> 55:24.156 we've got to make the changes necessary 55:24.156 --> 55:27.253 to support the kind of innovation you just discussed. 55:28.017 --> 55:30.550 - And I think that Congress is ready and willing to try 55:30.550 --> 55:33.140 and work through a number of those requirements 55:33.140 --> 55:38.140 so they don't basically take us down a complicated path 55:39.310 --> 55:42.763 that perhaps we are going to be able to avoid in the future, 55:43.500 --> 55:45.070 recognizing of course we still have 55:45.070 --> 55:47.683 many requirements that are going to be out there, 55:47.877 --> 55:48.710 thank you, 55:48.710 --> 55:49.543 I appreciate that. 55:49.934 --> 55:51.210 I think the other issue that we have 55:51.210 --> 55:54.453 all worked with and talked about, 55:54.710 --> 55:57.480 is whether or not it's possible through 55:57.480 --> 56:02.123 the use of multiple satellites to in fact, 56:03.449 --> 56:06.963 have less expensive technology, 56:07.410 --> 56:08.253 more of it, 56:08.350 --> 56:13.350 that may in fact help us to mitigate some of 56:14.040 --> 56:17.913 the high costs and even the issues around missile defense, 56:18.522 --> 56:22.230 is that something that you feel that 56:22.300 --> 56:24.493 we can be exploring further, 56:24.770 --> 56:26.520 and we should be exploring further? 56:27.150 --> 56:28.160 - Ma'am I totally agree, 56:28.160 --> 56:29.470 we are exploring it today, 56:29.470 --> 56:31.395 we have taken action in certain areas today 56:31.395 --> 56:33.260 and within the recent past, 56:33.260 --> 56:35.560 and it's something we must do into the future, 56:35.600 --> 56:38.642 whether or not it's dis-aggregating missions 56:38.642 --> 56:42.983 or payloads from what I call our Battle Star Galacticas, 56:43.210 --> 56:46.160 or we're hosting payloads are using commercial capability, 56:46.160 --> 56:49.308 those are all things that I know the Department 56:49.308 --> 56:50.700 has been looking at, 56:50.700 --> 56:51.533 is looking at, 56:51.533 --> 56:53.803 and will be looking out into the future. 56:54.340 --> 56:55.173 - Thank you, 56:55.512 --> 56:59.227 and just quickly the agency's top line 57:00.700 --> 57:04.483 of 11.5 billion for this fiscal year, 57:04.537 --> 57:07.700 is gonna be cut down in the administration's 57:07.700 --> 57:09.253 budget to 9.9, 57:09.650 --> 57:11.493 is that a concern to you, 57:12.270 --> 57:13.913 that you will be able to, 57:16.380 --> 57:18.900 mitigate again the impacts of what's 57:18.900 --> 57:21.723 being proposed as a funding reduction? 57:23.790 --> 57:26.850 - Ma'am I think that the answer is yes, 57:26.850 --> 57:27.890 it concerns me, 57:27.890 --> 57:29.960 but I do believe that we've got 57:30.183 --> 57:32.920 the management structure in place, 57:32.920 --> 57:34.413 the attention in place, 57:34.910 --> 57:36.443 the threat has voted, 57:36.730 --> 57:39.333 the fact that North Korea has done what it's done, 57:39.440 --> 57:42.190 it's visible to the entire nation and the entire world, 57:42.200 --> 57:44.460 so it's reality we're dealing with, 57:44.460 --> 57:46.660 and those discussions will be very robust within 57:46.660 --> 57:49.100 the Department to ensure that we deploy 57:49.100 --> 57:51.580 a missile defense system that is capable 57:51.740 --> 57:52.940 of defending the nation. 57:53.884 --> 57:54.717 - Thank you, 57:54.717 --> 57:55.733 thank you Mr Chairman. 57:57.070 --> 57:57.945 - Thank the gentle lady, 57:57.945 --> 57:59.210 the chair now recognizes the gentleman from Georgia, 57:59.210 --> 58:00.460 Mr Haas for five minutes. 58:01.320 --> 58:02.583 - Thank you Mr Chairman, 58:03.458 --> 58:06.803 General Greaves let me begin with you with this, 58:07.570 --> 58:11.023 for directed energy boost phase missile defense application, 58:11.260 --> 58:13.560 can you explain the similarities and differences 58:13.560 --> 58:16.713 between what MDA requires versus the services? 58:18.980 --> 58:19.813 - Yes sir, 58:20.946 --> 58:22.863 the short answer is power level, 58:23.821 --> 58:25.013 as you heard, 58:25.160 --> 58:27.810 General Dickinson discussed his requirements 58:27.810 --> 58:31.295 to go from five kilowatts to 50 to a hundred, 58:31.295 --> 58:32.570 the missile defense requirements begin 58:32.570 --> 58:34.673 at 500 kilowatts to a megawatt, 58:35.030 --> 58:37.520 and we can discuss more of that in the closed session, 58:37.520 --> 58:42.490 but power level as well as delivery capability for 58:42.490 --> 58:44.363 the boost phase intercept mission, 58:44.460 --> 58:47.420 if you may recall that the airborne laser program, 58:47.420 --> 58:48.970 a chemical laser which essentially 58:48.970 --> 58:51.053 operated within the atmosphere, 58:51.730 --> 58:55.470 where we are looking at deployment 58:55.910 --> 58:57.310 capability is much higher, 58:57.310 --> 58:59.603 60,000 feet plus, 59:00.050 --> 59:03.890 and all of the beam steering, beam quality requirements 59:03.890 --> 59:04.810 that go along with that, 59:04.810 --> 59:06.743 so the bottom line is power level. 59:07.330 --> 59:09.230 - General Dickinson anything that you would 59:09.230 --> 59:10.743 like to add to that? 59:11.700 --> 59:13.250 - I'd agree with what General Greaves said, 59:13.250 --> 59:16.610 what we are developing now is intended for more of 59:16.610 --> 59:18.310 a close fight if you will and support 59:18.310 --> 59:19.763 of the maneuver forces, 59:20.060 --> 59:21.603 whether army, marine, 59:21.810 --> 59:24.220 and are the power levels we are talking about 59:24.220 --> 59:26.000 are appropriate for countering 59:26.480 --> 59:27.810 UASes and potentially 59:27.810 --> 59:30.663 cruise missiles in the short term. 59:32.583 --> 59:33.640 - General Greaves, 59:33.640 --> 59:36.130 are there areas that are not being addressed by 59:36.130 --> 59:38.510 the Department high energy laser advanced 59:38.510 --> 59:40.830 development program that are specific to 59:40.830 --> 59:45.670 what MDA had intended to use for those funds in FY 19 59:45.670 --> 59:49.603 that would somehow delay the missile defense capability? 59:53.300 --> 59:54.133 - No sir, 59:54.133 --> 59:57.390 what I would say is that the discussion is 59:57.390 --> 01:00:00.660 a department level discussion right now, 01:00:00.660 --> 01:00:03.477 so we are looking at the requirements that on 01:00:03.477 --> 01:00:05.770 the lower end as General Dickinson 01:00:05.770 --> 01:00:07.480 mentioned as well as mine, 01:00:07.480 --> 01:00:11.210 we are working with Doctor Griffin's staff, 01:00:11.210 --> 01:00:13.100 and Doctor Griffin in particular, 01:00:13.100 --> 01:00:15.890 to ensure that the funds that were allocated 01:00:15.890 --> 01:00:17.293 for directed energy, 01:00:18.150 --> 01:00:21.293 and the funds that we requested make it down to our level. 01:00:22.000 --> 01:00:23.800 - Okay, the last question I have for you, 01:00:23.800 --> 01:00:24.920 in your written statement, 01:00:24.920 --> 01:00:26.550 I wanted to shift gears a little bit here, 01:00:26.550 --> 01:00:28.310 but in your written statement you discussed 01:00:28.310 --> 01:00:31.150 the need to develop technology and capabilities 01:00:31.150 --> 01:00:35.773 that would take out ICBMs in their boost phase of flight, 01:00:37.280 --> 01:00:41.773 can you explain how in the FY 19 budget, 01:00:42.288 --> 01:00:43.121 that's being requested, 01:00:43.121 --> 01:00:46.693 how that would help those technologies? 01:00:47.140 --> 01:00:47.973 - Yes sir, 01:00:48.344 --> 01:00:50.890 basically it's the amount we've got allocated 01:00:50.890 --> 01:00:53.193 to do what we call laser scaling, 01:00:53.600 --> 01:00:57.483 we've been able to demonstrate 30 kilowatts in the lab, 01:00:58.030 --> 01:01:00.690 we need to continue the work to upgrade 01:01:00.690 --> 01:01:03.790 that power level demonstration capability 01:01:03.790 --> 01:01:06.490 to 100 kilowatts in a stepwise fashion and get 01:01:06.490 --> 01:01:09.513 to the 500, one megawatt level, 01:01:09.530 --> 01:01:12.750 so the technology work is absolutely essential so 01:01:12.750 --> 01:01:16.100 that we can demonstrate the Capability on the ground 01:01:16.450 --> 01:01:18.393 and in the air as part of the plan, 01:01:18.620 --> 01:01:20.809 before we leap off into a full system 01:01:20.809 --> 01:01:25.210 that has promises which we haven't delivered 01:01:25.210 --> 01:01:27.900 the high technology readiness level capabilities 01:01:27.900 --> 01:01:31.543 that we need to develop and deploy the system. 01:01:31.960 --> 01:01:33.980 - Okay so you feel comfortable that 01:01:37.447 --> 01:01:41.560 the PB 19 budget request would be sufficient? 01:01:42.745 --> 01:01:45.610 - I will be advocating for additional funding 01:01:45.610 --> 01:01:48.610 to be quite honest with you- - That's what I wanted to know 01:01:48.960 --> 01:01:50.860 - There were hard decisions that had 01:01:50.860 --> 01:01:52.390 to be made within the department, 01:01:52.390 --> 01:01:56.072 and the PB represents the product of those decisions. 01:01:56.072 --> 01:01:56.993 - Okay, 01:01:57.520 --> 01:01:58.370 thank you very much, 01:01:58.370 --> 01:01:59.763 Mr Chairman I yield back. 01:02:00.697 --> 01:02:01.613 - The gentleman yields back, 01:02:01.620 --> 01:02:02.453 the chair now recognizes the gentleman 01:02:02.698 --> 01:02:03.803 from Alabama, Mr Brooks for five minutes. 01:02:05.820 --> 01:02:07.020 - Thank you Mr Chairman, 01:02:07.650 --> 01:02:08.793 General Greaves, 01:02:09.070 --> 01:02:11.310 it has been brought to my attention that requirement for 01:02:11.310 --> 01:02:14.763 a THAAD follow-on development program has been eliminated, 01:02:14.960 --> 01:02:17.570 either though other missile defense systems have 01:02:17.580 --> 01:02:19.690 an ongoing follow-on development 01:02:19.690 --> 01:02:21.313 after their initial fielding, 01:02:21.780 --> 01:02:24.133 given the pace of threat evolution globally, 01:02:24.180 --> 01:02:27.143 and given that that is a successful and in-demand system, 01:02:27.430 --> 01:02:30.730 can you share your plans if any for an ongoing 01:02:30.730 --> 01:02:34.123 THAAD follow-on that would build upon current capabilities? 01:02:36.680 --> 01:02:37.563 - Congressmen, 01:02:38.090 --> 01:02:39.193 to be quite honest, 01:02:41.108 --> 01:02:44.110 we across all of our systems look at what 01:02:44.110 --> 01:02:47.070 the next generation can produce and can feel, 01:02:47.070 --> 01:02:48.800 THAAD currently meet the requirements 01:02:48.800 --> 01:02:50.720 that have been delivered to us, 01:02:50.720 --> 01:02:55.010 and I will not say that it's not being done, 01:02:55.010 --> 01:02:56.710 I'd say that the systems that 01:02:57.497 --> 01:02:58.330 we delivered meets requirements, 01:02:58.330 --> 01:03:00.580 and were looking to see what capability 01:03:00.580 --> 01:03:03.453 will enhance its capability for the future. 01:03:04.720 --> 01:03:06.113 - As a follow-up, 01:03:06.250 --> 01:03:11.250 currently THAAD was operationalized in Hawaii in 2009, 01:03:12.730 --> 01:03:15.030 to provide additional homeland missile defense 01:03:15.200 --> 01:03:17.713 against longer range threats from North Korea, 01:03:18.360 --> 01:03:21.900 perhaps THAAD could provide another layer 01:03:21.900 --> 01:03:25.073 of coverage against ICBMs for homeland defense, 01:03:25.400 --> 01:03:27.620 what if any are your plans to test 01:03:27.620 --> 01:03:29.833 that against ICBM targets? 01:03:30.660 --> 01:03:33.047 - Congressmen I request that we cover that 01:03:33.047 --> 01:03:35.130 in the closed session, 01:03:35.130 --> 01:03:36.840 I have a quick answer for you, 01:03:36.840 --> 01:03:40.743 but I would not want to say too much in the open session. 01:03:40.860 --> 01:03:41.693 - If you would, 01:03:41.693 --> 01:03:43.797 I'm not sure if I'll be here during the closed session, 01:03:43.797 --> 01:03:46.170 but if you'll answer that question for 01:03:46.170 --> 01:03:47.893 the record I would appreciate it, 01:03:48.610 --> 01:03:50.540 we are about to have votes called in five 01:03:50.540 --> 01:03:52.720 or 10 minutes is what I've been notified, 01:03:52.720 --> 01:03:56.610 and I do have other meetings that are conflicting. 01:03:56.610 --> 01:03:58.760 - The short answer sir, we have studied it, 01:03:58.760 --> 01:03:59.593 and we've got the answer. 01:03:59.593 --> 01:04:00.490 - Alright thank you, 01:04:00.980 --> 01:04:02.923 General Greaves and General Dickinson, 01:04:03.040 --> 01:04:05.260 are you concerned that current THAAD battery 01:04:05.260 --> 01:04:07.590 and interceptor availability will be challenged 01:04:07.590 --> 01:04:10.503 given current and future operational requirements? 01:04:15.927 --> 01:04:18.910 - As of today we've got six going 01:04:18.910 --> 01:04:20.993 to seven operational THAAD batteries, 01:04:21.180 --> 01:04:23.530 and congressmen I know you're well aware we have one 01:04:23.530 --> 01:04:27.843 that's in Guam and one recently deployed to Korea, 01:04:27.961 --> 01:04:31.823 and as you look at the capacity that we have, 01:04:31.890 --> 01:04:33.340 we've got five ready, 01:04:33.340 --> 01:04:34.390 or soon to be five, 01:04:34.390 --> 01:04:35.223 four right now, 01:04:35.223 --> 01:04:36.663 five here this fall, 01:04:36.870 --> 01:04:38.503 that will be fully operational, 01:04:38.640 --> 01:04:41.860 I think the THAAD weapon system and the way it's developed 01:04:41.860 --> 01:04:43.190 and designed right now gives us 01:04:43.190 --> 01:04:45.340 some flexibility and capacity, 01:04:45.340 --> 01:04:47.880 operational flexibility in the sense that 01:04:47.980 --> 01:04:50.930 we can move additional launchers from one battery to 01:04:50.930 --> 01:04:53.453 the other to increase capacity if needed, 01:04:53.900 --> 01:04:55.650 but at this particular time I think 01:04:55.680 --> 01:04:58.450 the seven batteries which I believe are the program 01:04:59.151 --> 01:05:02.093 of record by MDA is satisfactory. 01:05:02.181 --> 01:05:04.459 - Do you have a plan to provide additional 01:05:04.459 --> 01:05:06.190 THAAD batteries to the army, 01:05:06.190 --> 01:05:08.610 or to add launchers to the existing batteries 01:05:08.610 --> 01:05:10.573 to increase defensive capabilities? 01:05:11.980 --> 01:05:12.813 - Congressmen, 01:05:12.990 --> 01:05:14.770 General Dickinson mentioned the permanent record, 01:05:14.770 --> 01:05:17.170 so as of today the answer is no, 01:05:17.170 --> 01:05:18.513 permanent record is seven, 01:05:18.560 --> 01:05:20.840 however there is discussion within the Department 01:05:20.840 --> 01:05:23.280 on what the THAAD battery requirement is, 01:05:23.280 --> 01:05:27.050 so if that changes we will request resources 01:05:27.050 --> 01:05:29.423 to develop and deploy that capability. 01:05:29.670 --> 01:05:31.313 - And then finally General Greaves, 01:05:31.450 --> 01:05:33.540 can you talk a little bit about the status of 01:05:33.540 --> 01:05:36.750 the joint emergent operational need for US Forces Korea, 01:05:36.750 --> 01:05:37.930 what work has begun, 01:05:37.930 --> 01:05:39.823 and what work needs to be done, 01:05:40.130 --> 01:05:42.340 I'm aware of your unfunded requirement 01:05:42.350 --> 01:05:45.233 of 284 million for the JEON, 01:05:45.890 --> 01:05:47.560 joint emergent operational need, 01:05:47.560 --> 01:05:49.910 and I'm concerned that key integration work for 01:05:49.924 --> 01:05:51.984 the THAAD and the PAK-3 MSE missile, 01:05:51.984 --> 01:05:54.870 and for launch through remote capability 01:05:54.870 --> 01:05:55.923 has not been funded. 01:05:57.720 --> 01:05:58.620 - Yes congressmen, 01:05:58.820 --> 01:06:01.320 that is one of the top priorities 01:06:01.320 --> 01:06:02.750 for General Brooks in Korea, 01:06:02.750 --> 01:06:05.593 who discussed that requirement with me directly, 01:06:06.330 --> 01:06:10.853 we have laid out a plan which if resourced properly 01:06:10.853 --> 01:06:15.700 provides that capability to improve 01:06:15.700 --> 01:06:18.383 the interoperability between those two systems, 01:06:19.204 --> 01:06:20.330 and we will continue to advocate for 01:06:20.330 --> 01:06:22.490 the funding required to complete that project, 01:06:22.490 --> 01:06:25.250 and pending department decision we'll see where we go next. 01:06:25.250 --> 01:06:26.083 - Alright, 01:06:26.083 --> 01:06:28.583 Mr Chairman that concludes my questions, 01:06:28.790 --> 01:06:30.727 gentleman and lady thank you for your service 01:06:30.727 --> 01:06:32.827 and I yield the remainder of my time back. 01:06:33.482 --> 01:06:34.315 - I thank the gentleman, 01:06:34.315 --> 01:06:35.148 the chair now recognizes the gentleman 01:06:35.148 --> 01:06:37.530 from Colorado, Mr Kaufman for five minutes. 01:06:38.360 --> 01:06:39.560 - Thank you Mr Chairman, 01:06:39.933 --> 01:06:42.313 to all the witnesses, 01:06:43.290 --> 01:06:48.290 how is the rapid advance of North Korean missile technology, 01:06:49.020 --> 01:06:53.663 obviously they still have to weaponize that launch system, 01:06:54.500 --> 01:06:58.770 but how is that affected your decisions 01:06:59.200 --> 01:07:01.323 the US missile defense posture? 01:07:03.790 --> 01:07:05.850 - I'll start and invite my colleagues 01:07:05.850 --> 01:07:07.343 to add to that sir, 01:07:08.110 --> 01:07:10.760 certainly the rapid pace that the North Koreans 01:07:10.760 --> 01:07:12.540 are improving their capabilities, 01:07:12.540 --> 01:07:15.380 And the demonstrable way they've gone about that with 01:07:15.380 --> 01:07:18.810 some two dozen ballistic missile tests in recent years, 01:07:18.810 --> 01:07:23.080 accompanied with nuclear testing has really punctuated 01:07:23.080 --> 01:07:24.900 the concern that we've had for quite some 01:07:24.900 --> 01:07:26.548 time about North Korea, 01:07:26.548 --> 01:07:29.173 punctuated it with an exclamation point, 01:07:29.670 --> 01:07:31.690 so that has gotten our attention, 01:07:31.690 --> 01:07:35.290 as mentioned in our statements last 01:07:35.290 --> 01:07:37.400 year we requested supplemental funding 01:07:37.520 --> 01:07:40.560 which the Congress was supportive of, 01:07:40.560 --> 01:07:41.883 and thank you for that, 01:07:42.130 --> 01:07:44.420 to increase the pace at which we're doing that, 01:07:44.420 --> 01:07:47.140 but the size, scale and sophistication of 01:07:47.140 --> 01:07:48.470 the threat it's growing, 01:07:48.470 --> 01:07:51.460 and the size and scale and sophistication of our defense 01:07:51.700 --> 01:07:54.713 is supposed to grow in the President's budget request, 01:07:54.860 --> 01:07:57.120 and we are presently examining capabilities 01:07:57.120 --> 01:07:59.543 to take that to a substantially higher level, 01:07:59.920 --> 01:08:02.170 not just for the United States as discussed, 01:08:02.170 --> 01:08:04.253 we have deployed THAAD to South Korea, 01:08:04.480 --> 01:08:07.241 we are in conversations with our Japanese allies 01:08:07.241 --> 01:08:09.910 and other partners about how we can improve 01:08:09.910 --> 01:08:12.520 our collective capabilities to be able 01:08:12.520 --> 01:08:14.093 to respond to that threat sir. 01:08:15.840 --> 01:08:18.460 - Sir the only thing I would add to that as 01:08:18.460 --> 01:08:22.682 the commander of NORTHCOM is we watched very quickly 01:08:22.682 --> 01:08:25.347 the rapidity with which he did testing and 01:08:25.347 --> 01:08:27.603 the speed with which he made capability, 01:08:27.710 --> 01:08:30.640 so with the ATR that was given to us last year 01:08:30.640 --> 01:08:33.890 to be able to add capacity while still working on 01:08:33.890 --> 01:08:37.530 the redesigned kill vehicle will also add to the capability 01:08:37.530 --> 01:08:39.740 and still working on discrimination radar, 01:08:39.740 --> 01:08:42.410 so all of this is good news to help us, 01:08:42.410 --> 01:08:43.910 but we watch him very closely. 01:08:46.482 --> 01:08:49.190 - Congressman I support entirely what Secretary Ruud 01:08:49.190 --> 01:08:51.203 and General Robinson just articulated, 01:08:51.520 --> 01:08:55.703 it has caused us and helped us to focus our efforts on, 01:08:55.940 --> 01:08:58.470 and make the articulation of the threat 01:08:58.470 --> 01:09:00.560 a whole lot easier because it's been demonstrated, 01:09:00.560 --> 01:09:02.723 and the timeline has been compressed, 01:09:03.210 --> 01:09:05.933 due to the demonstrated capability that we've seen. 01:09:08.780 --> 01:09:11.370 - And in my role as a force provider 01:09:11.370 --> 01:09:13.620 for General Robinson for the soldiers 01:09:13.620 --> 01:09:15.970 that actually operate the GM system, 01:09:15.970 --> 01:09:17.730 I can tell you I'm absolutely confident 01:09:17.730 --> 01:09:21.060 in their abilities to operate that system 24 hours 01:09:21.060 --> 01:09:23.380 a day on behalf of the nation, 01:09:23.380 --> 01:09:26.810 and completely confident given the capabilities 01:09:26.810 --> 01:09:28.770 that we have seen demonstrated in the weapon 01:09:28.770 --> 01:09:29.810 system that we have, 01:09:29.810 --> 01:09:32.690 I am in complete agreement on where we are going on 01:09:33.499 --> 01:09:35.249 the path to improve the reliability 01:09:35.500 --> 01:09:37.323 and performance of the system. 01:09:38.370 --> 01:09:40.973 - One for all witnesses again, 01:09:41.410 --> 01:09:42.503 across the board, 01:09:43.940 --> 01:09:48.130 there's been a consensus on the need to get to space 01:09:48.130 --> 01:09:51.463 for missile defense tracking and discrimination, 01:09:51.820 --> 01:09:56.163 again without the benefit of having the MDR, 01:09:56.310 --> 01:10:00.040 can you lay out the department's position 01:10:00.040 --> 01:10:04.120 on how space is being looked at in regards to 01:10:05.230 --> 01:10:07.330 a war fighting domain for missile defense, 01:10:07.610 --> 01:10:10.387 are you still looking at what space-based 01:10:10.387 --> 01:10:14.223 intercept constellation could provide, 01:10:14.300 --> 01:10:17.328 is the ultimate goal for directed energy 01:10:17.328 --> 01:10:19.523 to be used in space? 01:10:21.040 --> 01:10:22.240 - I'll just start briefly, 01:10:22.240 --> 01:10:24.720 and again reiterate that we are concerned about 01:10:24.720 --> 01:10:27.230 the progression of space capabilities, 01:10:27.230 --> 01:10:29.860 and the contested nature of space as a domain 01:10:29.860 --> 01:10:31.233 just as a general matter, 01:10:31.420 --> 01:10:34.080 and the area of missile defense of course, 01:10:34.080 --> 01:10:36.367 the offensive missiles that could be fired against 01:10:36.367 --> 01:10:39.033 the states will transit space and re-enter, 01:10:40.300 --> 01:10:42.540 we've had in our architecture for some 01:10:42.540 --> 01:10:44.600 time space-based capabilities to track 01:10:44.600 --> 01:10:46.693 and detect the launch of those missiles, 01:10:46.890 --> 01:10:49.660 and there have been efforts over the years to have 01:10:49.660 --> 01:10:52.060 a space-based testbed and other activities 01:10:52.060 --> 01:10:54.453 to evaluate competing capabilities, 01:10:54.760 --> 01:10:56.900 certainly the Missile defense agency and General Greaves 01:10:56.900 --> 01:10:58.323 can articulate that further, 01:10:58.360 --> 01:11:01.100 have put forward concepts for space-based 01:11:01.100 --> 01:11:03.990 tracking capabilities which the Department 01:11:04.020 --> 01:11:06.453 has funded for demonstration this year, 01:11:06.660 --> 01:11:09.670 and we are looking at additional capabilities 01:11:09.670 --> 01:11:10.503 in that regard, 01:11:10.503 --> 01:11:13.007 both in the space-based tracking area and evaluating 01:11:13.007 --> 01:11:16.360 the capabilities that could potentially be fielded 01:11:16.360 --> 01:11:19.280 in space for the kill mechanism whether 01:11:19.280 --> 01:11:21.833 that be through directed energy or other means, 01:11:22.320 --> 01:11:24.170 those are things that were just simply evaluating 01:11:24.170 --> 01:11:25.003 at this stage, 01:11:25.003 --> 01:11:27.160 but General Greaves may want to articulate more. 01:11:27.650 --> 01:11:28.483 - Congressmen, 01:11:29.231 --> 01:11:30.490 it begins with the threat, 01:11:30.490 --> 01:11:33.510 today's ballistic missile threat is fairly predictable, 01:11:33.510 --> 01:11:36.850 you throw a baseball from where I am in that direction, 01:11:36.850 --> 01:11:38.300 it will go in that direction, 01:11:38.530 --> 01:11:41.820 the concern again is what we've seen Russia, 01:11:41.820 --> 01:11:46.820 China and other nations do in the area of hypersonics 01:11:47.520 --> 01:11:50.933 where it's lower flying, maneuverable, 01:11:51.090 --> 01:11:54.860 and the need as they deploy more complex countermeasures, 01:11:54.860 --> 01:11:58.203 things to aim at defeating our missile defense capabilities, 01:11:58.860 --> 01:11:59.693 the need, 01:11:59.693 --> 01:12:03.090 the absolute essential need to track and maintain 01:12:03.090 --> 01:12:06.683 custody of that threat from beginning to end, 01:12:06.840 --> 01:12:09.100 and that draws you up into space, 01:12:09.100 --> 01:12:10.940 we don't have enough radars to populate 01:12:10.940 --> 01:12:14.330 the global to maintain that same level of custody, 01:12:14.330 --> 01:12:16.580 so from a space sensing layer, 01:12:16.580 --> 01:12:17.430 absolutely essential, 01:12:17.430 --> 01:12:20.130 first thing we need to do is increase that capability, 01:12:20.310 --> 01:12:23.280 and then as a nation decide what the next 01:12:23.280 --> 01:12:26.410 step is with deploying an interceptor, 01:12:26.410 --> 01:12:27.280 if it's space-based, 01:12:27.280 --> 01:12:28.150 whether or not to do it, 01:12:28.150 --> 01:12:29.603 how to use directed energy, 01:12:30.760 --> 01:12:32.800 spending resources on the technology 01:12:32.800 --> 01:12:37.553 and initial development work to essentially determine 01:12:37.810 --> 01:12:39.760 if that capability is real or not, 01:12:39.760 --> 01:12:42.340 so it's really critical that we pursue 01:12:42.340 --> 01:12:43.700 the space-based capability. 01:12:43.700 --> 01:12:45.200 - Appreciate it, I yield back. 01:12:45.843 --> 01:12:49.833 - It looks like if we walk briskly down to the skiff, 01:12:50.100 --> 01:12:51.670 we will be able to get the classified session 01:12:51.670 --> 01:12:52.733 done before votes, 01:12:52.770 --> 01:12:53.930 so we will reconvene, 01:12:53.930 --> 01:12:55.590 we will stand in recess for five minutes 01:12:55.590 --> 01:12:56.990 while we moved to the skiff.