WEBVTT 00:00.790 --> 00:04.480 - Secretary Esper and General Milly to the committee 00:04.480 --> 00:06.420 for an update on Army operations, 00:06.420 --> 00:10.083 and a review of the 2019 budget request. 00:10.410 --> 00:14.630 The Army is seeking 182.1 billion dollars 00:14.630 --> 00:17.640 in it's current request, which is an increase of about 00:17.640 --> 00:21.033 five billion over amount appropriated for 18. 00:21.440 --> 00:23.650 With this budget request the Army will continue 00:23.650 --> 00:25.690 to build readiness, and counter-threats 00:25.690 --> 00:28.283 posed by near-peer competitors, 00:28.520 --> 00:31.703 while modernizing in order to face future threats. 00:32.310 --> 00:35.070 We, here today, acknowledge the challenging assignment 00:35.070 --> 00:36.450 that you face to source, 00:36.450 --> 00:38.863 and increase demand for forces today, 00:39.010 --> 00:41.521 while also modernizing to compete 00:41.521 --> 00:44.673 with more technically capable adversaries. 00:45.390 --> 00:46.840 We appreciate your service. 00:46.840 --> 00:48.560 and we look forward to working with you 00:48.560 --> 00:50.410 during the appropriation process 00:50.410 --> 00:52.310 to meet the needs of the Army in 00:52.310 --> 00:54.923 today's complex strategic environment. 00:55.516 --> 00:58.480 I'll now turn to Senator Durbin, the Vice Chairman. 00:58.480 --> 00:59.313 Thanks Mr. Chairman. 00:59.313 --> 01:00.690 I'm pleased to join you in welcoming the 01:00.690 --> 01:02.563 Secretary of the Army, Mark Esper; 01:02.810 --> 01:05.210 Chief of Staff of the Army, General Mark Milley. 01:05.460 --> 01:07.360 And, to our hearing to review the Army's 01:07.360 --> 01:10.083 budget request for the fiscal year 2019. 01:10.600 --> 01:12.799 If you name a hotspot in the world, 01:12.799 --> 01:14.960 odds are strong that the women, 01:14.960 --> 01:17.533 and men of the United States Army, are there. 01:18.190 --> 01:20.200 Our soldiers comprise the majority of 01:20.200 --> 01:23.373 the 15,000 troops deployed in Afghanistan, 01:23.750 --> 01:26.237 the 28,000 serving in South Korea, 01:26.237 --> 01:31.237 the 7,000 in Iraq and Syria, and 60,000 stationed in Europe. 01:31.970 --> 01:34.820 These soldiers live every day so close to danger, 01:34.820 --> 01:36.673 and we owe them more than gratitude. 01:37.080 --> 01:39.900 Our troops need to tools, and training to do their job, 01:39.900 --> 01:42.853 support for their families who are often far away, 01:43.020 --> 01:45.763 and a commitment to the well being after deployment. 01:46.400 --> 01:48.830 Many times, the key to following through on these promises 01:48.830 --> 01:50.710 start with responsible management 01:51.010 --> 01:53.473 of the funds we devote to our national defense. 01:53.700 --> 01:58.163 We are now operating under a rare two year budget deal, 01:58.470 --> 01:59.930 and I'll emphasis publicly, 01:59.930 --> 02:02.230 what I've emphasized privately to our witness, 02:02.870 --> 02:04.180 and that's how important it is 02:04.180 --> 02:07.293 that the Army spend these budget increases wisely. 02:07.580 --> 02:09.780 Between 2017 and 2018, 02:09.780 --> 02:13.602 funding for the Army increased by 17%. 02:13.602 --> 02:16.450 Any institution, any institution 02:16.450 --> 02:18.070 would struggle with responsible 02:18.070 --> 02:21.100 management of such a large funding increase 02:21.100 --> 02:22.973 in such a short period of time. 02:23.440 --> 02:24.980 Secretary Esper and General Milley, 02:24.980 --> 02:27.363 I know you agree because you've told me, 02:27.510 --> 02:30.380 that losing funds to waste is a loss for our troops, 02:30.380 --> 02:32.093 and the American tax payer. 02:32.610 --> 02:34.330 The question is, how are you, 02:34.330 --> 02:36.213 how are we, going to prevent it. 02:37.250 --> 02:39.220 We must remember that this budget deal 02:39.220 --> 02:40.540 will be over before we know it, 02:40.540 --> 02:43.403 and the fiscal year of 2020 defense budget 02:43.403 --> 02:47.820 faces a dramatic increase, decrease, 02:47.820 --> 02:50.653 certainly uncertainty, we just don't know. 02:50.890 --> 02:53.620 So, after two years of dramatic increase, 02:53.620 --> 02:56.620 we're not certain what the third year will look like at all. 02:57.140 --> 02:58.730 Simply maintaining the current level 02:58.730 --> 03:01.403 of budget defense is not a guarantee. 03:01.800 --> 03:04.290 In addition, the threat of an unstable world, 03:04.290 --> 03:06.870 the challenge of being good stewards of public funds, 03:06.870 --> 03:10.053 the Army is challenged to modernize faster, and faster. 03:10.410 --> 03:12.560 The Army's initiated several new concepts, 03:12.560 --> 03:14.060 such as the Army Futures Command, 03:14.060 --> 03:15.563 to help meet these challenges. 03:15.800 --> 03:17.800 I look forward to hearing how these concepts 03:17.800 --> 03:19.323 are truly transformational. 03:19.680 --> 03:21.270 We have many other issues to discuss. 03:21.270 --> 03:22.470 I look forward to questions. 03:22.470 --> 03:23.670 Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 03:24.100 --> 03:26.600 - Senator Leahy, do you have an opening statement? 03:26.900 --> 03:27.733 - [Senator Leahy] Thank you, Mr. Chairman, 03:27.733 --> 03:29.603 I'll have a question later. 03:30.069 --> 03:33.623 - We'll now turn to the honorable Mark Esper, 03:33.623 --> 03:36.553 Secretary of the Army, and then after him, 03:36.650 --> 03:39.300 General Mark Milley, the Chief of Staff of the Army. 03:39.300 --> 03:41.310 Mr. Secretary your written testimony, 03:41.310 --> 03:43.160 and general, yours too will be made 03:43.160 --> 03:45.090 part of the hearing record in it's entirety. 03:45.090 --> 03:46.363 You proceed as you wish. 03:46.650 --> 03:48.250 - Good, thank you, Mr. Chairman. 03:48.420 --> 03:53.273 Chairman Shelby, Ranking Member Durbin, Senator Leahy, 03:53.362 --> 03:55.660 and other distinguished members of the committee. 03:55.660 --> 03:56.740 Good morning and thank you for 03:56.740 --> 03:58.890 the opportunity to appear before you today. 03:59.160 --> 04:00.460 Let me say up from front that the Armies 04:00.460 --> 04:02.880 readiness across it's formations is improving, 04:02.880 --> 04:04.303 and if called upon today, 04:04.440 --> 04:07.053 I'm confident that we would prevail in any conflict. 04:07.520 --> 04:08.870 This is due in part to the increased 04:08.870 --> 04:10.853 funding Congress provided last year, 04:11.200 --> 04:13.350 and for this I would like to say thank you. 04:14.240 --> 04:16.840 The Armies mission to defend the nation has not changed, 04:16.840 --> 04:18.843 but the strategic environment has. 04:19.210 --> 04:21.440 Following seventeen years of sustained combat, 04:21.440 --> 04:23.430 we now face a future characterized 04:23.430 --> 04:25.767 by the reemergence of great power competition, 04:25.767 --> 04:28.600 and the continued challenges by rogue states, 04:28.600 --> 04:30.900 and non-state actors, making the world 04:30.900 --> 04:33.063 ever more complex and dangerous. 04:33.520 --> 04:36.020 To address these challenges, the Army is changing. 04:36.430 --> 04:37.980 We have a comprehensive plan to 04:38.610 --> 04:40.350 ensure our long term dominance, in fact, 04:40.350 --> 04:41.550 General Milley, and I will soon 04:41.550 --> 04:43.433 publish our Army Vision Statement. 04:43.940 --> 04:45.330 This vision is fully consistent 04:45.330 --> 04:46.850 with the national defense strategy, 04:46.850 --> 04:48.600 and one that we believe will ensure 04:49.203 --> 04:50.503 success for years to come. 04:50.630 --> 04:52.250 We will achieve this vision through focused, 04:52.250 --> 04:54.390 and endurant priorities, encompassing several 04:54.390 --> 04:56.903 major long term lines of effort. 04:57.870 --> 05:00.530 But, a vision alone will not make the Army successful, 05:00.530 --> 05:02.410 we must have predictable, adequate, 05:02.410 --> 05:04.163 sustained and timely funding. 05:04.700 --> 05:05.920 Fiscal uncertainty has done 05:05.920 --> 05:07.390 a great deal to erode our readiness, 05:07.390 --> 05:09.433 and hamper our ability to modernize. 05:10.230 --> 05:12.870 While, the Army must be ready to deploy, fight and win, 05:12.870 --> 05:15.262 anytime, anywhere, against any adversary, 05:15.262 --> 05:18.000 the National Defense Strategy has defined China, 05:18.000 --> 05:20.442 and Russia as the principal competitors against which 05:20.442 --> 05:24.683 we must build sufficient capacity, and capabilities. 05:25.060 --> 05:26.660 Both countries are taking a more 05:27.137 --> 05:28.220 aggressive role on the world stage, 05:28.220 --> 05:30.230 and either possess, or are building advanced 05:30.230 --> 05:32.630 capabilities that are specifically designed 05:32.630 --> 05:34.760 to reverse the tactical overmatch 05:34.760 --> 05:36.323 we have enjoyed for decades. 05:37.470 --> 05:38.510 In support of the NDS, 05:38.510 --> 05:41.320 the Army's increasing our lethality along three focused 05:42.488 --> 05:44.963 priorities: readiness, modernization, and reform. 05:45.460 --> 05:48.210 Readiness is the top priority, because only a ready total 05:48.210 --> 05:50.543 army, regular army, guard and reserve, 05:50.650 --> 05:53.040 can deter conflict, defeat enemies, 05:53.040 --> 05:55.290 and enable the joint force to win decisively. 05:56.130 --> 05:58.080 We are refocusing training for 05:58.080 --> 05:59.260 our soldiers to be more lethal, 05:59.260 --> 06:00.790 and more resilient on the high-intensity 06:00.790 --> 06:02.140 battle field of the future. 06:02.760 --> 06:04.760 We are also increasing home station training, 06:04.760 --> 06:06.050 getting more repetitions for our 06:06.050 --> 06:08.193 formations at the company level and below. 06:08.950 --> 06:10.890 We are giving training time back to commanders 06:10.890 --> 06:12.790 by reducing certain self imposed 06:12.790 --> 06:14.040 mandatory training requirements 06:14.040 --> 06:16.090 not tied to increase lethality, 06:16.090 --> 06:18.040 and by eliminating excessive reporting. 06:18.630 --> 06:20.130 We have maximized the number of 06:20.130 --> 06:22.983 combat training center rotations to 20 per year, 06:23.240 --> 06:25.890 four of which are dedicated to the reserve component. 06:25.927 --> 06:28.913 These rotations are focused on the the highing conflict, 06:28.980 --> 06:32.260 replicating near-peer competitor capabilities, including; 06:32.260 --> 06:35.100 increased enemy lethality, degraded communications, 06:35.100 --> 06:38.173 persistent observation, and a contested environment, 06:38.567 --> 06:40.040 and while the quality training, 06:40.040 --> 06:42.040 and the spree of our soldiers are what made the U.S. Army 06:42.040 --> 06:44.983 the most ready and lethal ground combat force in history, 06:45.120 --> 06:47.480 our superiority is enabled by the best weapons. 06:47.480 --> 06:49.180 and equipment that we can provide. 06:49.420 --> 06:51.740 As such, our second priority is modernization, 06:51.740 --> 06:52.953 or future readiness. 06:53.300 --> 06:55.790 To ensure our soldiers never unfair fight, 06:55.790 --> 06:59.153 the Army is now increasing efforts in modernizing the force. 06:59.610 --> 07:01.888 Our modernization strategy is focused on one goal, 07:01.888 --> 07:04.590 making our soldiers, and units far more lethal, 07:04.590 --> 07:06.733 and effective than any other adversary. 07:07.510 --> 07:09.100 The establishment of the Army's Futures Command, 07:09.100 --> 07:11.010 this summer, is the best example of our commitment 07:11.010 --> 07:12.923 to the future lethality of the force. 07:13.460 --> 07:15.130 Army Futures Command will address the key 07:15.130 --> 07:17.480 shortcomings of the current acquisition system, 07:17.620 --> 07:19.803 providing unity of command, effort, 07:20.833 --> 07:23.503 and purpose to the modernization process. 07:24.010 --> 07:26.470 The army has also identified it's top six 07:26.470 --> 07:28.670 modernization priories for the coming years. 07:28.690 --> 07:30.210 Each of these priorities is detailed in my 07:30.210 --> 07:31.860 written statement, and each is the preview 07:31.860 --> 07:34.453 of a newly established, cross-functional team. 07:35.260 --> 07:37.260 The purpose of these CFT's is to determine 07:37.260 --> 07:39.260 the requirements of needed capabilities, 07:39.430 --> 07:42.330 to ensure all stake holders are at the table from day one, 07:42.640 --> 07:44.280 and to focus Army resources on 07:44.280 --> 07:47.253 accelerated experimentation, prototyping, and fielding. 07:47.880 --> 07:49.580 In order to ensure battlefield success, 07:49.580 --> 07:52.543 our doctrine must reflect the threat environment we face, 07:52.550 --> 07:54.350 and remain in pace with our other 07:54.350 --> 07:56.100 efforts to modernize our equipment. 07:56.780 --> 07:59.320 Our third priority is reform, freeing up time, money, 07:59.320 --> 08:01.170 and man power, to enhance readiness, 08:01.170 --> 08:02.593 accelerate modernization, 08:02.620 --> 08:04.460 and ensure the efficient use of resources 08:04.460 --> 08:06.360 provided to us by the American people. 08:06.790 --> 08:08.460 Our reform efforts, particularly within 08:08.460 --> 08:10.733 an acquisition system, are long over do. 08:11.270 --> 08:12.660 While Futures Command is probably the 08:12.660 --> 08:13.823 boldest reform we are pursuing, 08:13.823 --> 08:15.570 there are other acquisition reform 08:15.570 --> 08:17.023 initiatives we are taking. 08:17.390 --> 08:18.680 Some of these reforms include: 08:18.680 --> 08:21.430 reinvigorating the Army requirements oversight council, 08:21.440 --> 08:22.940 moving major defense acquisition 08:22.940 --> 08:24.390 programs back to the service, 08:25.620 --> 08:27.340 and using other transactional authorities 08:27.340 --> 08:29.713 to accelerate fielding in limited situations. 08:30.220 --> 08:32.080 Another essential reform effort is development 08:32.080 --> 08:35.050 of a modernized personnel system based on the principals, 08:35.050 --> 08:36.600 and practices of talent management 08:36.600 --> 08:38.450 that are found in the private sector. 08:38.960 --> 08:41.210 A system much more open, flexible, and dynamic, 08:41.210 --> 08:42.770 so that we can better attract, develop, 08:42.770 --> 08:45.903 and retain the best and brightest our nation has to offer. 08:46.530 --> 08:48.970 A ready and modernized Army is critical to defend a nation, 08:48.970 --> 08:51.470 but we must not overlook what makes us remarkable. 08:51.470 --> 08:54.070 For this, I have outlined three enduring priorities. 08:54.130 --> 08:55.150 First, taking care of our soldiers, 08:55.150 --> 08:57.173 civilians, and their families. 08:57.330 --> 08:59.880 Second, a service-wide recommitment to the Army's values, 08:59.880 --> 09:01.740 especially by leaders to treat 09:01.740 --> 09:03.913 everyone with dignity, and respect. 09:04.070 --> 09:06.150 And finally, strengthening our alliances, 09:06.150 --> 09:07.620 and partnerships by building stronger 09:07.620 --> 09:09.593 ties through a number of initiatives. 09:09.740 --> 09:12.740 I look forward to discussing these with you as time permits. 09:12.880 --> 09:14.110 With that, let me thank you again for 09:14.110 --> 09:15.374 this committees continued support of the Army, 09:15.374 --> 09:17.700 and specifically the defense appropriations, 09:17.700 --> 09:19.549 and funding increases requested 09:19.549 --> 09:22.253 in the FY18, and FY19 budgets. 09:22.360 --> 09:23.460 I look forward to your questions, 09:23.460 --> 09:25.510 and appreciate the opportunity to discuss 09:25.510 --> 09:27.440 these important matters with you today. 09:27.440 --> 09:28.273 Thank you. 09:28.350 --> 09:29.183 - Joe Milley. 09:30.280 --> 09:33.780 - Thank you, Chairman Shelbey, and Ranking Member Durbin, 09:33.780 --> 09:36.860 and thanks also to Vice Chairman Leahy, 09:36.860 --> 09:38.510 and all the distinguished members of the committee 09:38.510 --> 09:40.520 for the opportunity to testify this morning. 09:40.520 --> 09:43.306 I wanna start by thank you, and thanking all of Congress, 09:43.306 --> 09:46.150 and this appropriations committee in particular, 09:46.150 --> 09:48.233 for the 18 bill that was passed. 09:48.560 --> 09:49.700 And, these appropriations will 09:49.700 --> 09:51.373 continue to increase our current, 09:51.540 --> 09:53.240 and our future readiness of our Army, 09:53.240 --> 09:56.083 and positively impact the moral of the force. 09:56.410 --> 09:58.580 We recognize that with this significant 09:58.580 --> 10:00.423 budget comes great responsibility, 10:00.594 --> 10:03.500 and we will work diligently to spend these dollars 10:03.500 --> 10:05.260 in a responsible manner for the 10:05.260 --> 10:07.163 last two quarters of the fiscal year. 10:07.500 --> 10:09.670 Thank you also, for the general increases 10:09.670 --> 10:12.170 on defense caps over 18 and 19, 10:12.170 --> 10:13.790 and these increases will support 10:14.090 --> 10:16.020 our new national defense strategy, 10:16.020 --> 10:18.120 as propagated by General Mattis, 10:18.120 --> 10:19.290 or Secretary of Defense Mattis, 10:19.290 --> 10:21.570 and advance the Army's readiness, 10:21.570 --> 10:22.840 and lethality while allowing our 10:22.840 --> 10:24.940 Army to modernize for the future. 10:24.940 --> 10:29.279 These increases have stopped a steep, lengthy decline. 10:29.279 --> 10:31.634 They stopped the bleeding of the Army, 10:31.634 --> 10:33.513 and the Army is on the mend, 10:33.556 --> 10:36.200 and I can report out to you today that 10:36.440 --> 10:39.133 after 2 1/2 years as the Chief of Staff of the Army, 10:39.300 --> 10:41.410 we are in significantly better shape 10:41.750 --> 10:43.913 than we were just a short time ago, 10:44.030 --> 10:46.480 and that is from the generosity of this Congress, 10:46.721 --> 10:47.554 and the American people. 10:47.554 --> 10:49.394 It's essential that we maintain these increases, 10:49.394 --> 10:53.089 as returning to BCA caps will halt our ability to modernize, 10:53.089 --> 10:56.233 and will reverse our recent gains, and readiness, 10:56.620 --> 10:58.440 because a demand for a ready, able, 10:58.440 --> 11:00.827 and lethal Army is not decreasing. 11:00.827 --> 11:03.582 Today is noted by Senator Durbin, 11:03.582 --> 11:07.220 we have over 180,000 soldiers supporting 11:07.220 --> 11:09.020 combatant commands around the world, 11:09.210 --> 11:11.660 including on-going operations in the middle east, 11:12.330 --> 11:14.913 including deterring adversaries in Europe, 11:15.090 --> 11:17.630 and including deterring adversaries in 11:17.630 --> 11:18.993 the Asia-Pacific region. 11:19.570 --> 11:22.750 The Army roughly fills about 50% 11:22.750 --> 11:25.195 of annual plan demand by any combatant command, 11:25.195 --> 11:28.033 and about 60% of all emergent, 11:28.080 --> 11:30.503 or unplanned demand by combatant commanders. 11:30.960 --> 11:33.460 We have increased a number of our combat 11:33.460 --> 11:36.070 training center rotations, as noted by Secretary Esper. 11:36.070 --> 11:39.210 We've improved our equipment operational readiness rates, 11:39.210 --> 11:42.253 and improved the flow of spare parts. 11:42.530 --> 11:45.167 We've replenished our Army preposition stocks in both Asia, 11:45.167 --> 11:46.647 and Europe, and we have improved our 11:46.647 --> 11:49.163 munitions stocks around the globe. 11:49.530 --> 11:51.220 In short, we have significantly improved 11:51.220 --> 11:52.994 our manning shortfalls, filled holes, 11:52.994 --> 11:54.994 and overall readiness of our operational, 11:54.994 --> 11:57.363 and deployable units. 11:58.420 --> 12:01.843 Significantly better than just 24 months ago. 12:02.290 --> 12:03.833 We have a better Army today, 12:04.090 --> 12:06.790 and we have it because of you and the American people. 12:07.250 --> 12:09.490 However, we cannot be content with 12:09.490 --> 12:11.790 simply being ready for today's global demands. 12:11.960 --> 12:14.460 Instead, we have to continue to focus on readiness, 12:14.460 --> 12:15.860 both now, and in the future. 12:16.170 --> 12:17.910 The National Defense Strategy calls for 12:17.910 --> 12:19.653 us to build a more lethal force. 12:19.960 --> 12:23.513 We face a long term competition with China, and Russia. 12:23.820 --> 12:25.700 A serious regional threat from Iran, 12:25.700 --> 12:28.903 as well as ongoing operations against terrorism. 12:28.903 --> 12:31.167 And we remain cautiously optimistic, 12:31.167 --> 12:35.293 but we remain vigilant about the situation with North Korea. 12:35.680 --> 12:37.360 We know these great power competitors, 12:37.360 --> 12:40.230 both China and Russia, have made significant advancements 12:40.300 --> 12:42.710 in the development of advanced weapons, technologies, 12:42.710 --> 12:44.810 and capabilities of their military forces, 12:45.000 --> 12:46.540 and I'll be happy to provide a classified 12:46.540 --> 12:49.693 briefing on those from an Army perspective, if you desire. 12:50.070 --> 12:52.209 We must maintain our overmatch, 12:52.209 --> 12:53.440 and increase our lethality as an 12:53.440 --> 12:55.743 Army on any future battlefield, 12:56.070 --> 12:58.510 but doing so will require predictable, adequate, 12:58.510 --> 13:00.010 sustained, and timely funding. 13:00.430 --> 13:03.253 The Army's FY19 budget reflects our priorities, 13:03.520 --> 13:05.280 as Secretary said, to grow and maintain a 13:05.280 --> 13:08.449 high capable force, to modernize and build our future force, 13:08.449 --> 13:10.490 and to take proper care of our soldiers, 13:10.490 --> 13:12.340 and family members, and Army civilians, 13:12.340 --> 13:14.890 while being good stewards of the tax payer dollars. 13:14.930 --> 13:19.060 Now, what this budget will provide for the tax payer is 13:19.630 --> 13:22.763 an Army that has increased capacity, 13:22.890 --> 13:24.943 an Army that is increasingly lethal, 13:25.020 --> 13:26.863 an Army that is increasingly ready, 13:27.010 --> 13:29.080 and an Army that provides overmatch 13:29.260 --> 13:31.443 relative to any possible enemy. 13:31.770 --> 13:34.563 It will assure our allies, it'll deter our enemies, 13:34.650 --> 13:36.583 it'll allow us to compete effectively, 13:36.710 --> 13:38.940 and if necessary, it'll allow us to defeat 13:38.940 --> 13:40.690 our enemies on the field of battle. 13:41.170 --> 13:43.880 We recognize that the American tax payer entrusts us 13:44.120 --> 13:46.770 with a significant amount of money to meet these demands. 13:46.770 --> 13:49.273 We will be diligent stewards of our resources, 13:49.460 --> 13:50.910 and will enforce accountability to 13:50.910 --> 13:53.140 make effective use of every single dollar. 13:53.140 --> 13:56.080 And, your support, the FY19 budget will ensure 13:56.080 --> 13:58.020 our soldiers remain ready to fight, 13:58.020 --> 14:00.363 not only tonight, but also tomorrow. 14:00.420 --> 14:02.000 So, thank you for the opportunity to testify, 14:02.000 --> 14:03.570 and I look forward to your questions. 14:03.570 --> 14:04.620 - Thank you, General. 14:05.670 --> 14:08.343 I'll direct my first question to you, Mr. Secretary. 14:08.660 --> 14:12.040 The 2019 budget request that this committee 14:12.040 --> 14:13.853 is currently considering here, 14:14.060 --> 14:18.590 proposes to realign around 80% of the Armies science, 14:18.590 --> 14:22.883 and technology funding to it's six modernization priories. 14:23.190 --> 14:26.713 About 1.1 billion dollars, I think. 14:27.180 --> 14:29.830 How is the ensuring, Mr. Secretary, 14:29.830 --> 14:31.950 that it isn't walking away from 14:31.950 --> 14:34.623 previous investments in basic research, 14:34.840 --> 14:37.370 and can you describe to the committee today 14:37.370 --> 14:40.110 how the Army will incorporate changes 14:40.270 --> 14:43.283 in modernization needs in the future, in this area. 14:43.606 --> 14:45.473 - Yes, Sir. We have preserved the 14:45.473 --> 14:47.763 funding for basic research. 14:47.810 --> 14:51.379 What we did align thought is the research beyond that, 14:51.379 --> 14:53.860 that is in the SNT budget, and you're correct, 14:53.860 --> 14:55.330 over a billion dollars. 14:55.330 --> 14:58.080 The purpose was, as you noted, to make sure it 14:58.080 --> 14:59.773 was aligned with our six modernization priorities 14:59.773 --> 15:02.900 that we were maximizing every single dollar 15:02.900 --> 15:05.000 that the tax payer gave us for these types 15:05.782 --> 15:07.590 of account to ensure that we get what we're looking for 15:07.590 --> 15:09.840 in terms of those capabilities we need in the 15:09.840 --> 15:12.793 coming years to fulfill the national defense strategy. 15:13.460 --> 15:16.920 - Mr. Secretary, could you update the committee 15:16.920 --> 15:19.200 on the progress of the efforts, 15:19.200 --> 15:22.103 that is the Army modernization strategy, 15:22.532 --> 15:25.460 with the new Army Futures Command 15:25.460 --> 15:28.220 centered on six modernization priorities, 15:28.220 --> 15:31.633 and eight cross-functional teams, as I understand. 15:31.940 --> 15:32.810 Can you do that? 15:32.810 --> 15:33.643 - Yes, Sir. 15:34.306 --> 15:36.320 We set up a modernization strategy report 15:36.320 --> 15:38.853 a couple weeks ago, that was due to Congress, 15:39.110 --> 15:41.130 the committee should have a copy of that. 15:41.130 --> 15:42.800 The key aspect to that is- 15:42.800 --> 15:44.350 It talks about the future strategic 15:44.350 --> 15:45.330 environment that we face. 15:45.330 --> 15:47.430 That operational environment as guided by 15:47.430 --> 15:48.930 the National Defense Strategy. 15:49.090 --> 15:52.350 What it aims to do is to rebuild our capabilities, 15:52.350 --> 15:53.730 and capacity in those six 15:53.730 --> 15:55.793 modernization areas, priority areas. 15:55.920 --> 15:57.640 Beginning with long range precision fires, 15:57.640 --> 15:59.150 through next generation combat vehicles, 15:59.150 --> 16:02.580 future vertical lift, the network, air missile defense, 16:02.580 --> 16:04.380 and then finally, soldier lethality. 16:04.430 --> 16:05.600 With those six priorities, 16:05.600 --> 16:08.194 and the eight cross-functional teams aligned to them, 16:08.194 --> 16:11.740 we believe our efforts will focus on those lines, 16:11.740 --> 16:14.520 and allow us a greater, a faster path to 16:14.520 --> 16:16.020 deliver to the soldiers those tools, 16:16.020 --> 16:17.290 and capabilities they need to fight, 16:17.290 --> 16:18.840 and win on future battlefields. 16:18.850 --> 16:21.940 - Mr. Secretary, last spring, it is my understanding that 16:21.940 --> 16:25.040 the Army brought out a new strategy 16:25.040 --> 16:28.113 to modernize it's tactical network, 16:28.490 --> 16:30.530 in an effort to meet operational needs 16:30.530 --> 16:34.083 in today's congested, and contested environment. 16:34.290 --> 16:36.410 Can you speak on that for a few minutes? 16:36.410 --> 16:37.310 - Yes, sir, I can. 16:37.340 --> 16:40.623 I'm sure that Chief of Staff may want to elaborate on it. 16:41.110 --> 16:42.773 My understanding is at the time, 16:42.910 --> 16:45.195 coming out of what we saw in Ukraine, 16:45.195 --> 16:47.563 with Ukrainians versus the Russians, 16:47.660 --> 16:49.390 then followed by a report by the 16:49.390 --> 16:50.930 Institute for Defense Analysis, 16:50.930 --> 16:53.380 we determined that the network that was built for 16:54.217 --> 16:56.650 the Army in the 2000's and beyond, 16:56.650 --> 16:59.940 focused on Iraq and Afghanistan, worked for fixed sites, 16:59.940 --> 17:02.820 but was not capable of holding up in future conflict 17:02.820 --> 17:05.453 that saw much greater need for maneuver, 17:05.840 --> 17:07.260 saw us against a threat that had 17:07.260 --> 17:09.083 electronic warfare capabilities, 17:09.110 --> 17:10.880 they could interrupt our networks, etcetera. 17:10.880 --> 17:13.080 And, so the need was to move to a strategy 17:13.410 --> 17:15.640 that we've dubbed: halt, fix, and pivot. 17:15.640 --> 17:18.300 So, we halted those pieces of that system that 17:18.954 --> 17:20.040 would not survive beyond a fixed site 17:20.040 --> 17:23.343 type of location against a low-intensity conflict, 17:23.690 --> 17:26.190 we're aiming to fix the capabilities that we 17:26.190 --> 17:28.850 think we can harvest and use for the future fight, 17:28.850 --> 17:30.600 and then, right now for the pivot we are 17:30.600 --> 17:32.240 exploring commercial technologies. 17:32.240 --> 17:34.460 We believe that's largely the path that we need to go 17:34.460 --> 17:36.706 to ensure that we continue to upgrade our networks, 17:36.706 --> 17:39.900 and can sustain the capabilities at 17:39.900 --> 17:42.793 the pace of commercial technology development. 17:43.433 --> 17:45.945 - General, do you wanna comment on that. 17:45.945 --> 17:48.100 - The Secretary covered it adequately. 17:48.100 --> 17:50.763 I would just add that the current network, 17:50.763 --> 17:52.330 and it's just an Army issue, 17:52.330 --> 17:54.960 it's a broader U.S. Military issue, 17:54.960 --> 17:57.280 but the current network does have a series of 17:57.280 --> 17:58.780 vulnerabilities associated with it, 17:58.780 --> 18:01.123 because of the nature of what it was built for. 18:01.480 --> 18:03.780 And, given a shift to great power competition 18:03.780 --> 18:05.630 against the likes of China or Russia, 18:06.140 --> 18:08.220 we definitely need significant 18:08.220 --> 18:09.350 improvement in that capability. 18:09.350 --> 18:12.119 So, on a classified level, Senator, 18:12.119 --> 18:15.190 I'd be happy to give excruciating levels 18:15.190 --> 18:18.053 of detail on what those vulnerabilities are, 18:18.260 --> 18:19.633 if necessary or asked for. 18:19.852 --> 18:24.034 - General, the Army's First Security Forces Systems Brigade 18:24.034 --> 18:27.184 recently deployed to Afghanistan to advise, 18:27.184 --> 18:32.073 and assist Afghan national security forces. 18:32.490 --> 18:34.440 In view of this deployment, and others, 18:35.021 --> 18:36.753 could you provide for the committee here, 18:37.224 --> 18:39.060 an update on our Afghanistan operations, 18:39.060 --> 18:41.893 and on the departments new South Asian strategy? 18:42.270 --> 18:43.720 What you can talk about here. 18:44.560 --> 18:45.793 - Certainly, Senator. 18:45.862 --> 18:49.113 The brief note on the Security Forces Systems Brigade. 18:49.428 --> 18:52.121 The first one deployed as you noted, 18:52.121 --> 18:55.617 the second one is being formed currently, at Fort Braggs. 18:55.670 --> 18:57.550 Secretary's gonna make a decision, here shortly, 18:57.550 --> 19:00.063 on the stationing of the other SFABs. 19:00.088 --> 19:02.750 There's gonna be five in the active component, 19:02.750 --> 19:04.010 one in the National Guard. 19:04.010 --> 19:06.481 And, their purpose is to provide a 19:06.481 --> 19:08.830 significantly enhanced capability of 19:08.830 --> 19:12.159 advisors to host nation partners in order to 19:12.159 --> 19:16.350 coach, teach, mentor, train, advise, assist, and enable. 19:16.350 --> 19:19.334 As part of a broader strategy to work by, with, 19:19.334 --> 19:22.913 and through our indigenous partners. 19:22.913 --> 19:26.130 With respect to South Asia, and Afghanistan, 19:26.130 --> 19:31.130 our current strategy, as you know, is the four R's plus S. 19:32.400 --> 19:37.113 And, that is to regionalize the issue of Afghanistan, 19:37.560 --> 19:39.823 to realign our efforts there, 19:40.200 --> 19:42.000 to reinforce with additional capabilities, 19:42.000 --> 19:43.000 which is being done, 19:43.750 --> 19:46.363 and to reconcile with the Taliban, and others. 19:46.664 --> 19:50.771 The last one is lead by the Government of Afghanistan. 19:50.771 --> 19:52.670 And, then to sustain that level of effort. 19:52.670 --> 19:55.770 At the end of the day, the effort in Afghanistan, 19:55.770 --> 19:58.476 it's my opinion, will come to conclusion with 19:58.476 --> 20:01.890 reconciliation between the various insurgent troupes, 20:01.890 --> 20:03.563 and the government of Afghanistan. 20:03.723 --> 20:05.500 We're there to support them in order to prevent future 20:05.500 --> 20:07.823 attacks on the homeland, in the United States. 20:08.800 --> 20:13.123 - General, I wanna get into the Stryker Double V-Hull. 20:14.590 --> 20:18.070 After the 2019 budget was submitted, 20:18.070 --> 20:21.270 the Army reassessed it's priorities, as I understand it, 20:21.270 --> 20:23.800 for the Stryker vehicle, including modernization 20:23.800 --> 20:28.183 requirements of the Stryker Brigade combat teams. 20:28.420 --> 20:31.720 Could you give an overview of the befits of 20:31.720 --> 20:34.836 converting all Army Flat Bottom Stryker vehicles 20:34.836 --> 20:37.936 to the Double V-Hull A1 variant, 20:37.936 --> 20:41.803 and describe how the Army will resource a new requirement. 20:42.813 --> 20:45.230 - As you know, Senator, over the last 20:45.460 --> 20:47.440 16-17 years of continuous combat, 20:47.440 --> 20:48.580 we've had a lot of lessons learned, 20:48.580 --> 20:49.880 and one of those lessons learned is 20:50.480 --> 20:53.630 the vulnerability to IEDs, Improvised Explosive Devices, 20:53.630 --> 20:55.320 that detonate underneath the vehicle, 20:55.320 --> 20:57.923 and come up through the bottom of the hull. 20:58.230 --> 21:01.170 So, we also learned that making a V cut 21:01.170 --> 21:03.180 in the bottom of the hull disperses 21:03.180 --> 21:04.440 the energy from the explosive, 21:04.440 --> 21:06.180 and provides much greater increased 21:06.180 --> 21:07.963 survivability to the crew inside. 21:08.520 --> 21:09.590 So, Double V-Hull-- 21:09.590 --> 21:12.640 - What is the survivability rate 21:12.880 --> 21:15.170 with the V-Hull compared to the-- 21:15.170 --> 21:16.973 - It's significantly better. 21:17.990 --> 21:20.287 I don't know the exact specific numbers-- 21:20.287 --> 21:21.643 - [Senator Shelby] But a lot. 21:22.200 --> 21:23.964 - I would put it up into the 80-90% over-- 21:23.964 --> 21:25.230 - You'll furnish that for the record? 21:25.230 --> 21:27.330 - Absolutely, I'll get'cha the actual numbers, 21:27.330 --> 21:29.730 but it's 80-90% better, easy money. 21:29.730 --> 21:33.654 I would much, personally and have my soldiers, 21:33.654 --> 21:36.773 drivin' a Double V-Hull than a Flat Bottom. 21:37.060 --> 21:39.067 Your chance of survival is-- 21:39.067 --> 21:40.296 - [Senator Shelby] Thank you. 21:40.296 --> 21:41.129 - ...significantly better. 21:41.129 --> 21:41.962 Thank you. 21:41.962 --> 21:42.933 - [Senator Shelby] Senator Durbin? 21:43.350 --> 21:45.760 - Thank you very much, and I'm gonna 21:46.210 --> 21:48.053 ask you all a town hall question. 21:49.460 --> 21:53.313 It's kinda thing we might run into in any town in America. 21:53.990 --> 21:57.780 Senator, you tell us that one of our biggest threats, 21:57.780 --> 21:59.203 greatest enemies is Russia. 22:00.357 --> 22:03.150 Turns out we read recently that Russia spends 22:03.150 --> 22:06.973 about 80 billion dollars a year on it's military budget. 22:06.990 --> 22:07.823 80 billion. 22:08.480 --> 22:10.660 Senator, aren't you increasing the 22:10.660 --> 22:12.750 Department Defense budget by that amount 22:13.440 --> 22:16.223 this year, and maybe again next year? 22:16.503 --> 22:18.660 So, let me get this straight. 22:18.660 --> 22:22.080 We're spending 600-700 billion dollars 22:22.080 --> 22:25.133 against an enemy that's spending 80 billion dollars. 22:25.460 --> 22:28.173 Why is this even a contest? 22:32.090 --> 22:33.490 - I'd just make one comment. 22:33.540 --> 22:37.580 I've seen comparative numbers of U.S. defense budget 22:37.580 --> 22:39.980 versus China, U.S. defense budget versus Russia, 22:40.060 --> 22:41.707 or any other numbers a countries. 22:41.707 --> 22:45.115 What is not often commented is the cost of labor, 22:45.115 --> 22:47.660 and anyone who takes Econ 101 knows that 22:47.660 --> 22:50.044 cost of labor is your biggest factor of product. 22:50.044 --> 22:51.989 U.S. Cost of soldiers is- 22:51.989 --> 22:55.693 We're the best paid military in the world, by a long shot. 22:56.120 --> 22:58.693 Easily 50%, actually it's a little bit more, 22:59.150 --> 23:02.630 is in the MILPERS account. The cost of Russian soldiers, 23:02.630 --> 23:05.393 or Chinese soldiers is a tiny fraction. 23:06.130 --> 23:07.990 We would have to normalize the data in order to 23:07.990 --> 23:10.223 compare apples to apples, and oranges to oranges. 23:10.556 --> 23:11.590 We'd have to normalize the data, 23:11.590 --> 23:14.827 take up the MILPERS accounts for both the Chinese, Russians, 23:14.827 --> 23:17.430 and or the U.S., and then compare the investment cost, 23:17.430 --> 23:19.520 and I think you'll find the Chinese, 23:19.520 --> 23:22.870 and Russian investments, modernization, new weapon systems, 23:22.870 --> 23:24.770 et cetera, their R&D which is all government owned, 23:24.770 --> 23:26.313 and also much cheaper, 23:27.015 --> 23:29.673 I think you'd find a much closer comparison, Senator. 23:29.810 --> 23:32.560 - Senator, I would also add that unlike Russia and China, 23:32.560 --> 23:34.283 we have global responsibilities. 23:34.550 --> 23:36.790 We have commitments, of course, 23:36.790 --> 23:39.450 with our NATO partners that we have to maintain. 23:39.450 --> 23:41.440 We have bilateral defense agreements 23:41.440 --> 23:44.051 with several countries in Asia, 23:44.051 --> 23:46.240 and you can't look at one, 23:46.240 --> 23:47.600 you have to look at the sum of things, 23:47.600 --> 23:50.313 and I would argue, as well, what I would say is, 23:50.845 --> 23:55.185 while the price of deterrence, and maintain peace is high, 23:55.185 --> 23:58.203 the cost of fighting a war is greater, 23:58.300 --> 23:59.460 and the cost of fighting a war, 23:59.460 --> 24:01.460 and losing it is even greater than that. 24:02.480 --> 24:04.260 - The other thing I've discussed with 24:04.260 --> 24:06.960 Secretary Mattis, and others is- we've discussed this, 24:07.260 --> 24:11.141 is the fact that we readily can see that under current 24:11.141 --> 24:15.013 situations we can do better in terms of procurement, 24:15.410 --> 24:17.110 there's money that's being wasted, 24:17.410 --> 24:19.933 money that should be more carefully spent, 24:20.115 --> 24:23.613 and I take it from what you described as your goals, 24:23.640 --> 24:26.310 readiness, modernization, and reform, 24:26.310 --> 24:28.250 that the last goal is one that 24:28.250 --> 24:30.193 really speaks to that particularly. 24:30.943 --> 24:32.270 There're a couple things we've done 24:32.270 --> 24:34.593 that I'm familiar with, personally. 24:34.820 --> 24:38.170 Digital Manufacturing, which is a Department of Defense 24:38.368 --> 24:43.170 initiative to create new ways of producing things that are 24:43.170 --> 24:45.763 more efficient, and more cost efficient. 24:46.430 --> 24:48.580 The Army Research Lab is tryin' 24:48.580 --> 24:50.453 to reach out into universities. 24:50.570 --> 24:53.710 We have an on-going effort such as this 24:53.710 --> 24:56.597 in the city of Chicago, so that we can link up- 24:56.597 --> 24:59.860 and the State of Illinois, link up the best university 24:59.860 --> 25:04.124 research resources with the needs of the modern army. 25:04.124 --> 25:06.620 So that, we're not only coming up with 25:06.620 --> 25:09.483 the right requirements of what we want to achieve, 25:09.720 --> 25:12.794 but we're also coming up with the best innovation, 25:12.794 --> 25:17.794 and budgeting, and processes that bring those savings home. 25:18.810 --> 25:21.130 Can you tell us what you're hoping to achieve with 25:21.130 --> 25:23.530 the Army Futures Command, when it comes to that? 25:23.560 --> 25:24.393 - Yes, Sir. 25:24.393 --> 25:26.410 First of all, we are pursuing a number of initiatives across 25:26.410 --> 25:28.810 the board to free up time, money, and man power. 25:29.400 --> 25:30.410 Mainly, for the reasons that you 25:30.410 --> 25:31.770 mentioned in your opening remarks. 25:31.770 --> 25:35.160 We don't know what FY20 will look like, or 21, or 22, 25:35.160 --> 25:37.410 so we wanna free up time, money, 25:37.410 --> 25:39.020 and man power as much as possible, 25:39.020 --> 25:41.720 and have more control over our destiny in those years. 25:41.800 --> 25:43.821 That said, Army Futures Command gets 25:43.821 --> 25:45.810 a lot of the attention for good reasons. 25:45.810 --> 25:48.593 It'll be the biggest reform of the Army in 45 years. 25:48.950 --> 25:52.090 One of the key aspects of it is to make sure that it 25:52.090 --> 25:55.613 prevents a difference face toward the private sector, 25:56.000 --> 25:58.590 so that what we do is reach out, and invite more, 25:58.590 --> 26:00.743 not just the traditional defense vendors, 26:00.910 --> 26:03.693 but also non-traditional defense suppliers. 26:03.800 --> 26:07.423 Small business, the entrepreneurs, we reach out to academia, 26:07.510 --> 26:10.720 we tap into that talent wherever it may be to make sure that 26:10.720 --> 26:13.140 we maximize every dollar that we get, 26:13.140 --> 26:14.400 to put it back into our soldiers. 26:14.400 --> 26:15.983 Because, as you said, rightly; 26:17.739 --> 26:20.360 the Army acquisition has had a mixed record in the past, 26:20.360 --> 26:23.060 and certainly on some programs we squandered billions, 26:23.210 --> 26:25.750 and we've left the soldiers without the equipment they need. 26:25.750 --> 26:28.210 We're tryin' to fundamentally reform that, 26:28.210 --> 26:30.810 and one aspect of that that the Army Futures Command 26:30.820 --> 26:33.840 is the greater outreach to those centers of innovation that 26:33.840 --> 26:37.393 are out there in either academia, or the private sector. 26:37.650 --> 26:39.640 - I think an example we've talked about 26:39.640 --> 26:41.113 is the WIN-T program. 26:41.440 --> 26:43.957 I don't know how many years ago the Army sat down, and said, 26:43.957 --> 26:47.023 "We've got to modernize battlefield communications, 26:47.667 --> 26:50.097 "and let's drop a list of requirements 26:50.097 --> 26:51.657 "of what we want to achieve." 26:51.770 --> 26:54.150 It was years ago that that list was produced, 26:54.150 --> 26:56.840 and in that period of time since the list was produced 26:56.840 --> 27:00.810 to the modern time, the way we communicate as individuals, 27:00.810 --> 27:02.983 with our cell phones and other means, 27:03.130 --> 27:04.840 has just changed dramatically. 27:04.840 --> 27:07.530 The pace of change is much faster than even 27:07.530 --> 27:10.290 the vision of those who were talking about 27:10.290 --> 27:13.423 battlefield communications in the next 10 years. 27:13.720 --> 27:16.583 We've gotta find a way to tap into that innovation. 27:16.860 --> 27:19.710 To make that part of our own effort to modernize, 27:19.710 --> 27:21.000 and protect our troops. 27:21.000 --> 27:22.070 I'm sure you agree with that, 27:22.070 --> 27:23.680 because we've talked about that repeatedly. 27:23.680 --> 27:24.513 - Yes, Sir. 27:25.297 --> 27:26.850 I mean, the halt, fix, and pivot piece 27:27.699 --> 27:30.090 of our network strategy, focusing on the pivot piece, 27:30.090 --> 27:32.200 as I described in response to the Chairman, 27:32.200 --> 27:35.250 is we know that the commercial technology's moving at 27:35.250 --> 27:38.260 a much quicker pace than we could ever keep up with, 27:38.260 --> 27:39.403 even if we tried. 27:39.450 --> 27:40.883 So, how do we tap into that? 27:41.110 --> 27:42.050 I will tell ya that in some of the 27:42.050 --> 27:43.700 new systems that I've seen so far, 27:43.700 --> 27:44.850 and I had a demonstration given 27:44.850 --> 27:46.650 to me a few months ago at Fort Myer, 27:47.653 --> 27:51.610 we've taken what used to be a stack of servers 27:51.610 --> 27:53.833 that were as high as a refrigerator, 27:53.910 --> 27:56.953 and reduced it down to one box the size of a VCR. 27:57.330 --> 27:59.130 And that alone, in terms of dollars, 27:59.130 --> 28:01.140 and space, gives us tremendous savings. 28:01.140 --> 28:02.700 I saw the same thing in Stryker vehicle, 28:02.700 --> 28:05.490 where we took what used to be a series of pieces of 28:05.490 --> 28:07.480 equipment that occupied an entire seat, 28:07.480 --> 28:10.770 or section of the Stryker, completely freed up by putting in 28:11.586 --> 28:13.800 a small box that was adapted from the commercial sector. 28:13.800 --> 28:15.120 So, that's what I think you'll see, 28:15.120 --> 28:18.140 as compared to us having lengthy set of requirements, 28:18.140 --> 28:20.870 and buying into a piece of hardware that will last many, 28:20.870 --> 28:22.353 many years, what we'll probably buy is a 28:22.353 --> 28:24.663 commercial piece of hardware, likely, 28:24.730 --> 28:26.493 and update the software as we go, 28:26.530 --> 28:30.040 and you'll see us buy different pieces as we go along, 28:30.040 --> 28:31.990 just to keep up with technology that is 28:32.260 --> 28:33.693 happening in the private sector. 28:33.810 --> 28:35.960 - I was gonna get into the southern border update, 28:35.960 --> 28:37.210 my time is expired though, 28:37.210 --> 28:39.377 but perhaps one of my colleagues will ask, 28:39.377 --> 28:40.920 or I'll come back. 28:40.920 --> 28:41.753 Thank you. 28:41.820 --> 28:43.145 - [Senator Shelby] Senator Leahy. 28:43.145 --> 28:44.880 - Thank you, Chairman. 28:44.880 --> 28:46.360 Thank you, Senator Durbin. 28:46.360 --> 28:48.867 It's interesting thought to your 28:48.867 --> 28:51.360 conversation with Senator Durbin, 28:51.360 --> 28:54.450 and I think of the evolution. 28:54.450 --> 28:58.000 I remember the very frightening time 28:58.000 --> 28:59.923 when President Reagan was shot, 29:04.737 --> 29:09.020 and Vice President Bush was out of town, but coming back, 29:09.020 --> 29:11.820 and trying to communicate with the White House, and all. 29:12.918 --> 29:16.777 What we talked about later, the communication gear he had on 29:16.777 --> 29:20.373 the Air Force 2, similar to what was on the Air Force 1, 29:20.763 --> 29:25.763 was years behind what private planes had, 29:26.540 --> 29:29.530 commercial companies that owned, and all that. 29:29.530 --> 29:31.703 I said why don't you go to that. 29:31.985 --> 29:35.149 And then around that time we had somebody testify 29:35.149 --> 29:38.530 how we had to prepare for nuclear war, 29:38.530 --> 29:41.847 and they needed $50,000 xerox machines, 29:45.100 --> 29:46.967 if you remember what those were-- 29:48.452 --> 29:51.035 (soft chuckle) 29:51.667 --> 29:54.793 $50,000 being lead, or they'd special, 29:54.793 --> 29:57.310 they wouldn't be hurt by radio activity, 29:57.310 --> 30:00.733 so they could send communications back, and forth. 30:01.609 --> 30:05.350 I said why don't you just buy a couple of these things, 30:05.350 --> 30:08.390 then copying machines, instead a $100,000 copy machines, 30:08.390 --> 30:13.390 just buy a couple normal ones, stick 'em in a lead box, 30:13.537 --> 30:15.373 if you ever need 'em, bring 'em out. 30:15.470 --> 30:16.620 Hadn't thought of that. 30:16.830 --> 30:20.411 Well, they're small things, but I think we have to-- 30:20.411 --> 30:25.343 I'm dying to hear your answer to Senator Durbin. 30:26.450 --> 30:28.410 General Milley, you started a pilot program 30:28.410 --> 30:30.890 three years ago to associate the active duty, 30:30.890 --> 30:33.830 and reserve component units with each other. 30:33.830 --> 30:35.210 We've discussed this. 30:35.210 --> 30:36.933 They wear the same patch, 30:37.970 --> 30:40.730 meeting the same readiness requirements, 30:40.730 --> 30:42.453 eventually deploy together. 30:43.070 --> 30:45.745 Your old unit, the 10th Mountain Division, 30:45.745 --> 30:50.745 storied unit, Senator Dole served in that. 30:52.030 --> 30:55.590 Vermont's 86 Brigade Combat Team make up on the pos-- 30:55.590 --> 30:56.740 I'm very proud of them. 30:57.170 --> 30:59.200 This year, the Georgia National Guard, 30:59.200 --> 31:01.970 the 3rd Infantry Division are at the 31:01.970 --> 31:03.770 Joint Readiness Training Center 31:04.340 --> 31:06.190 preparing for an upcoming deployment. 31:07.810 --> 31:12.810 I think these kind of associates should be permanent, 31:14.620 --> 31:16.560 and expanded throughout the Army. 31:16.560 --> 31:18.300 How do you feel about that? 31:19.120 --> 31:23.146 - The entire effort we started 2 1/2 years ago, Senator, 31:23.146 --> 31:27.139 today we've got seven divisions participating in it. 31:27.139 --> 31:29.947 Seven active divisions, one guard division. 31:29.947 --> 31:32.673 So, eight out of the eighteen divisions. 31:32.820 --> 31:36.223 The whole idea is to give meaning to the word total army. 31:36.520 --> 31:38.280 As you know, the Army's got the regular Army, 31:38.280 --> 31:39.837 the Active Duty Army, the National Guard, 31:39.837 --> 31:41.013 and the Army Reserve. 31:41.683 --> 31:42.800 And, the Army Reserve, and the National Guard, 31:42.800 --> 31:45.480 they don't wear U.S. National Guard on their uniform. 31:45.480 --> 31:46.483 It says U.S. Army. 31:46.720 --> 31:50.060 So, we wanna give real meaning to the idea of total army. 31:50.060 --> 31:52.540 So, we wanna integrate the National Guard units 31:52.540 --> 31:54.253 with our Active Component units. 31:54.740 --> 31:56.610 So, we've done that with seven divisions, 31:56.610 --> 31:58.610 we got three separate brigades involved, 31:58.734 --> 32:01.660 and we got a few other units there. 32:01.660 --> 32:03.060 You mentioned 10th Mountain. 32:03.712 --> 32:05.212 It's a very effective program. 32:05.590 --> 32:07.853 Units are actually swapping patches. 32:08.370 --> 32:09.930 We think it's increased the readiness 32:09.930 --> 32:12.110 of the National Guard units associated with it, 32:12.110 --> 32:13.630 but also, we've increased the readiness 32:13.630 --> 32:15.663 of the regular Army units that are doing it. 32:15.750 --> 32:17.713 But, it's very, very important program. 32:17.870 --> 32:19.440 We wanna continue it, and expand it 32:19.440 --> 32:21.360 as we go down through the years. 32:21.360 --> 32:24.263 - And, you see these associations becoming permanent? 32:24.940 --> 32:27.970 - Absolutely, I mean, by law-- 32:27.970 --> 32:31.223 To make it permanent, let me cavy out that. 32:31.310 --> 32:35.510 To make that permanent can be somewhat difficult. 32:35.510 --> 32:38.870 Only in the sense that the National Guard comes 32:38.870 --> 32:41.013 under the statutory responsibility of the 32:41.301 --> 32:42.783 governors until they are federalized. 32:42.820 --> 32:44.780 But, that's why we call them Associated Units, 32:44.780 --> 32:47.020 as opposed to permanently assigned divisions. 32:47.020 --> 32:48.760 But, associating them on a permanent, 32:48.760 --> 32:51.110 or habitual basis, is something that we're trying-- 32:51.110 --> 32:53.037 - The training, and all the rest. 32:53.037 --> 32:53.870 - The training, the readiness, 32:53.870 --> 32:56.180 we wanna do that on a continuous and permanent basis. 32:59.220 --> 33:00.053 - I'll speak at both of you, 33:00.053 --> 33:01.893 and began with you Mr. Secretary. 33:02.893 --> 33:06.090 We met a few days ago, and we talked about the 33:06.160 --> 33:09.350 Army Mountain Warfare School that's located in Jericho, 33:09.350 --> 33:14.350 Vermont, and I said I wanted to publicly thank you for 33:14.610 --> 33:17.744 the call you made to our answer to trouble after 33:17.744 --> 33:22.744 the avelanche in march injured six soldiers. 33:23.970 --> 33:28.920 I'm grateful they're not worse, but you showed your concern, 33:28.920 --> 33:30.393 and General Milley's concern. 33:31.310 --> 33:35.773 What's the value of a Mountaineering School? 33:37.256 --> 33:41.163 - Well, first of all, thank you for your comment, Senator. 33:41.372 --> 33:44.360 And, I am looking forward to Vista Mountain Warfare School 33:44.622 --> 33:48.863 to really spend some time with them, and fully understand. 33:49.180 --> 33:51.480 But, by reputation, which says a lot for them, 33:51.710 --> 33:54.910 they are renown for their expertise in 33:54.910 --> 33:57.063 climbing, mountaineering, mountain warfare, 33:57.270 --> 34:00.910 and I think that's a specialty that is important for an army 34:00.910 --> 34:03.560 that needs to be prepared to fight anytime, anywhere. 34:04.880 --> 34:08.510 - My wife, and I climb through our mountain trails 34:08.610 --> 34:12.780 at home with the snow shoes they developed. 34:12.780 --> 34:17.780 They're a lot better than the old style, I appreciate that. 34:22.214 --> 34:24.130 The Army JLTV development, 34:24.130 --> 34:26.323 and procurement's been highly successful, 34:27.240 --> 34:29.723 but we're still fielding Humvee's, 34:30.220 --> 34:32.420 at least until around 2050, 34:32.420 --> 34:35.923 20-5-O, by most estimates. 34:38.450 --> 34:42.040 We have, I'm told, we have more efficient 34:42.040 --> 34:44.920 power management systems, band sensors monitored, 34:44.920 --> 34:46.823 torque, vehicle health monitoring, 34:46.940 --> 34:50.083 cast through remotely pilot the vehicles. 34:51.540 --> 34:53.070 Now, you've been testing cast 34:53.070 --> 34:55.913 through remotely control Humvee's. 34:56.198 --> 34:58.003 What's the value of doing that? 34:59.093 --> 35:01.650 - I'm sorry, of doing which part, Senator? 35:01.650 --> 35:06.650 - Of remotely controlling Humvee's. 35:07.820 --> 35:08.653 - Yes, Sir. 35:08.653 --> 35:10.520 I think part of the vision that the Chief, 35:10.520 --> 35:13.650 and I are outlining is a future Army where we 35:14.840 --> 35:19.260 have combat vehicles that can be both manned, and unmanned. 35:19.260 --> 35:21.210 What that does is give us a great 35:21.210 --> 35:22.520 deal of flexibility in terms of 35:22.520 --> 35:24.420 how we employ them on the battlefield. 35:24.600 --> 35:26.090 In cases where you can see, 35:26.090 --> 35:29.263 much as we saw during the Iraq war, 35:29.400 --> 35:32.570 exposed convoys of soldiers moving supplies from, 35:32.570 --> 35:33.890 let's say, Kuwait to Baghdad, 35:33.890 --> 35:35.640 if you had unmanned vehicles that 35:35.640 --> 35:38.521 could travers that difficult road unmanned, 35:38.521 --> 35:41.973 then it would reduce the vulnerability of our soldiers. 35:42.010 --> 35:45.350 So, that's an example of why we wanna pursue unmanned 35:45.350 --> 35:48.563 combat vehicles, or capabilities into our combat fleet. 35:48.620 --> 35:50.910 - Let me make a quick comment, Senator if I could, 35:50.910 --> 35:52.440 and I know you're out of time, 35:52.440 --> 35:55.223 but the character of war is changing fundamentally. 35:56.427 --> 35:57.920 We've talked about that at length. 35:57.920 --> 36:02.600 One of those is robotics, and the probability is, 36:02.600 --> 36:06.030 my personal estimation, is that robots will play a 36:06.030 --> 36:09.151 significant role in ground combat, inside a decade, 36:09.151 --> 36:11.665 decade and a half, in that range. 36:11.665 --> 36:15.233 Our adversaries, our competitors, China and Russia, 36:15.275 --> 36:19.130 are investing heavily, and very quickly in the use of 36:19.130 --> 36:20.980 robotic vehicles, in all the domains; 36:20.980 --> 36:23.593 air, maritime, and on the ground. 36:24.210 --> 36:26.623 And, we are doing the same, now. 36:27.030 --> 36:28.363 So, under our priorities, 36:28.540 --> 36:32.643 all vehicles that our army procures in the out years, 36:32.850 --> 36:35.440 we want them to be dual, or actually, triple purpose. 36:35.440 --> 36:38.433 So, the command has the option of it being manned, 36:38.670 --> 36:41.490 the command has the option of it being unmanned, or robotic, 36:41.490 --> 36:44.633 or the command has the option of making it semi-autonomous, 36:44.730 --> 36:46.220 where it's controlled by a human, 36:46.220 --> 36:49.090 depending on the tactical situation at the moment in time. 36:49.090 --> 36:51.850 - Good, thank you very much Secretary, and General. 36:51.850 --> 36:52.890 Thank you Mr. Chairman. 36:52.890 --> 36:55.393 - Before I recognize the next Senator, 36:55.610 --> 36:58.147 Mr. Secretary, you have-- 36:58.320 --> 37:01.440 I wanna touch on something that Senator Leahy brought up, 37:01.440 --> 37:06.440 and that is that the Army, and the Air Force, 37:07.117 --> 37:09.483 and the Navy, Marines, everything; 37:09.620 --> 37:12.973 you can't let the market run ahead of ya, technologically. 37:13.220 --> 37:18.220 You, Mr. Secretary, come from the Army at this point, 37:18.480 --> 37:22.090 but you come from the private sector 37:22.090 --> 37:25.023 in recent years back, Secretary of the Army, 37:25.170 --> 37:27.833 you have a unique perspective on this. 37:28.520 --> 37:31.500 But, Senator Leahy touched on something very important, 37:31.500 --> 37:34.740 because of the technological revolution we're going through, 37:34.740 --> 37:38.420 we basically lead it, but we got some potential adversaries 37:38.420 --> 37:40.440 that are nippin' at our heels. 37:40.440 --> 37:42.243 How important is that, 37:42.440 --> 37:45.853 for us to know what's goin' on in the market place? 37:46.140 --> 37:47.990 - Senator, it's critically important. 37:48.150 --> 37:51.473 The velocity at which technology changing is just enormous. 37:51.660 --> 37:54.700 So, if we don't reform our acquisition process-- 37:54.700 --> 37:56.940 - We should never be behind the market, should we? 37:56.940 --> 37:58.690 - Or, at least, right on it's tail. 37:58.780 --> 37:59.613 - [Senator Shelby] Right on it. 37:59.737 --> 38:02.130 - In the past, one thing's we had the fundamental reform, 38:02.130 --> 38:04.560 which is the promise of our cross-functional 38:04.560 --> 38:06.260 teams in the Army Futures Command, 38:07.204 --> 38:08.440 is to reduce the requirements process from, 38:08.440 --> 38:12.930 what used to be 5-7 years, down to 12 to 18 months. 38:12.930 --> 38:15.480 If not, by the time you determine the requirements, 38:15.520 --> 38:18.313 and build something the technology has changed again. 38:18.610 --> 38:19.880 That's why, particularly with the networks, 38:19.880 --> 38:22.910 we have to stay right on the edge of technology 38:22.910 --> 38:24.410 with regard to communications. 38:25.346 --> 38:26.603 We're there, or just behind it, 38:27.183 --> 38:29.733 but we can't afford to be 3, 4, 5, 10 years behind. 38:29.930 --> 38:32.585 We just won't have the capabilities we need. 38:32.585 --> 38:33.960 - I thought that was a very important point 38:33.960 --> 38:36.943 that he brought up, and I'll pick this one up. 38:38.200 --> 38:39.373 Senator Tester. 38:40.890 --> 38:43.340 - [Senator Shelby] Thank you for your indulgence. 38:43.600 --> 38:44.433 - You bet, thank you, Mr. Chairman. 38:44.958 --> 38:46.240 And, I wanna thank you Dr. Esper, General Milley, 38:46.240 --> 38:48.360 for your service, and the people you represent. 38:48.360 --> 38:49.660 Thank you very, very much. 38:50.610 --> 38:52.910 The new National Defense Strategy focuses heavily on 38:52.910 --> 38:54.090 preparing for the possibility 38:54.090 --> 38:55.663 of preparing for a near-peer threat. 38:56.500 --> 38:57.930 And, I think that the present budget 38:57.930 --> 38:59.723 request reflects that priority. 39:00.390 --> 39:03.070 The Army National Guard is designating specific units 39:03.070 --> 39:05.815 as focus readiness in the Army Reserve has Ready Force X 39:05.815 --> 39:08.543 to prepare for the near-peer possibility. 39:09.088 --> 39:13.130 As the requirements of ongoing contingency operations stack 39:13.130 --> 39:15.410 up with training, and readiness for near-peer threats, 39:15.410 --> 39:19.850 what is the impact on individual guardsman, or reservist? 39:19.850 --> 39:22.450 Is it more training days, more deployments, 39:22.450 --> 39:24.063 or anything else? 39:25.374 --> 39:27.707 - Well, the initiative that we wanna do is 39:27.707 --> 39:30.393 increase the overall readiness of the national guard. 39:30.421 --> 39:34.560 In order to do that, given the speed at which a conflict 39:34.560 --> 39:38.050 could unfold, the current timelines of mobilization, 39:38.050 --> 39:41.473 and deployment are not small, 39:42.030 --> 39:44.633 and we want to reduce the amount of time. 39:45.490 --> 39:47.115 So, selected units in the guard, 39:47.115 --> 39:50.120 or the National Guard Bureau's designated 39:50.150 --> 39:51.820 some of them as focused readiness units, 39:51.820 --> 39:53.750 along with Army Forces Command, 39:53.750 --> 39:56.490 so, we do wanna increase the amount of training days 39:56.490 --> 39:58.390 associated with those particular units 39:58.714 --> 40:01.200 in order to ensure that they are prepared, 40:01.200 --> 40:02.850 and ready to go into ground combat. 40:02.850 --> 40:05.110 - Alright, and would more deployments 40:05.110 --> 40:07.033 necessarily follow that? 40:07.471 --> 40:09.400 - Well, after they're up to a certain level, 40:09.400 --> 40:13.190 we would consider using them on a deployment 40:13.200 --> 40:15.550 if there was a requirement from a combatant, or commander. 40:15.550 --> 40:17.430 - Is anything being done to take care of the 40:17.430 --> 40:21.583 time away from families, which this would require? 40:21.840 --> 40:25.740 Is anything being done, maybe TRICARE for units with 40:25.740 --> 40:29.010 high-operation tempos, retention bonuses, incentive pays, 40:29.010 --> 40:31.010 is anything being done in that line, at all? 40:31.010 --> 40:31.890 - Well, they would get the- 40:31.890 --> 40:34.100 Once they're brought on active duty they would get the same- 40:34.100 --> 40:36.260 They have access to the same benefits 40:36.260 --> 40:38.163 as any other soldier on active duty. 40:38.590 --> 40:41.170 - But, the active duty doesn't necessarily follow 40:41.170 --> 40:43.070 the additional training days, correct? 40:43.270 --> 40:44.200 - Well, they're on active duty when 40:44.200 --> 40:45.750 they're in their training days. 40:46.647 --> 40:47.480 - Okay, alright. 40:49.104 --> 40:52.570 - And, Mr. Senator, I would add, I was in the guard myself, 40:52.570 --> 40:55.530 so as a guardsman I appreciate the particular impacts that 40:55.530 --> 40:59.950 are unique to the guard with regard to time away from home, 40:59.950 --> 41:01.911 and particularly the challenges for the employer, 41:01.911 --> 41:04.820 so of the things we have to be conscious of, careful of, 41:04.820 --> 41:06.950 is employer fatigue with regard to 41:07.350 --> 41:09.293 multiple training, and deployments. 41:09.330 --> 41:11.083 - Correct, yeah, I appreciate that. 41:11.160 --> 41:13.750 Dr. Esper, thank you for the conversation 41:13.750 --> 41:15.163 we had last Thursday. 41:15.900 --> 41:18.113 Appreciate you making time for that. 41:18.320 --> 41:22.050 And, we talked a little bit about the 41:22.050 --> 41:23.930 National Governors Association letter that you, 41:23.930 --> 41:27.079 and other secretaries wrote on military families, 41:27.079 --> 41:32.079 spouses in particular, and I have gotta call in to 41:32.771 --> 41:35.763 Governor Bullock, to take that up with him. 41:36.437 --> 41:39.920 Is there any additional light that you can shed on 41:39.920 --> 41:43.360 what the Army's doing to assist military spouses 41:43.360 --> 41:46.853 with professional development, and seeking employment. 41:47.260 --> 41:48.093 - Yes, Sir. 41:48.093 --> 41:50.360 It's one of a top priority for me. 41:50.360 --> 41:51.760 It's something that I discuss with 41:51.760 --> 41:54.243 spouses at nearly every post I visit. 41:54.530 --> 41:58.411 It is unacceptably high, and so, what we're looking at is-- 41:58.411 --> 42:01.742 I've undertaken a series of initiatives that 42:01.742 --> 42:03.940 I can control myself, within the Army, 42:03.940 --> 42:05.483 to reduce the highering time. 42:05.550 --> 42:07.473 The highering time right now, on average, 42:07.579 --> 42:09.640 is around 140 days, which is unacceptable. 42:09.640 --> 42:10.920 So, I've taken a number of initiatives at 42:10.920 --> 42:12.393 my level to reduce that, 42:12.430 --> 42:15.280 there's some thing that I will eventually elevate to DOD, 42:15.430 --> 42:17.630 and then there's some things because I cannot fix, 42:17.630 --> 42:20.543 because it's resident in OPM, and how OPM does it. 42:20.830 --> 42:23.500 So, if it were possibly to move that highering authority, 42:23.500 --> 42:26.170 either to DOD, or to the Department of the Army, 42:26.170 --> 42:28.900 we would really be able to accelerate our ability 42:28.900 --> 42:31.703 to higher spouses, and civilians writ large. 42:32.411 --> 42:33.244 - Okay, and-- 42:33.270 --> 42:34.883 - Sir, if I could make a quick comment. 42:35.413 --> 42:37.700 One of the key things for spouse employment for the Army, 42:37.700 --> 42:39.293 unique to the Army, I suppose, 42:40.319 --> 42:43.427 is long term stabilization of soldier assignments. 42:43.427 --> 42:45.514 That's a challenge for the Army, 42:45.514 --> 42:50.514 but that is probably the biggest impediment to stabilizing 42:51.879 --> 42:54.913 a spousal deployment in a local area. 42:55.370 --> 42:59.330 The constant churn of 2-3 year reassignments works against 42:59.330 --> 43:00.817 spouse employment, it's very difficult. 43:00.817 --> 43:02.530 - [Senator Tester] What's gonna be your goal 43:02.530 --> 43:04.170 on reassignments, how many years? 43:04.170 --> 43:06.920 - Well, the enlisted force, we think we can 43:07.190 --> 43:10.893 probably achieve longer than 3 year assignments. 43:10.893 --> 43:13.860 With the officers, it's significantly more challenging, 43:13.860 --> 43:16.560 because career development opportunities 43:16.560 --> 43:18.360 that we want for our officers. 43:18.360 --> 43:21.395 So, we're looking at that, we're examining it, but that-- 43:21.395 --> 43:24.730 The two things that I've mentioned to 43:24.730 --> 43:27.654 Secretary Esper is stabilization of assignments, 43:27.654 --> 43:32.440 and streamlining the vetting process for on base employment. 43:32.440 --> 43:36.120 If we do those two things, we should significantly improve 43:36.120 --> 43:37.710 the employment opportunities for spouses. 43:37.710 --> 43:38.793 - Okay, good. 43:39.960 --> 43:42.770 Last thing deals with mental health, deals with suicide. 43:42.770 --> 43:45.760 Guard, and reserve are suffering higher rates 43:45.760 --> 43:47.710 in active military, you guys know that. 43:48.660 --> 43:51.810 Guardsman and Reservists have almost no 43:51.810 --> 43:55.703 access to VA mental health services, 43:56.630 --> 43:58.140 if they aren't deployed they also 43:58.140 --> 44:00.230 lose the DOD healthcare services, 44:00.230 --> 44:02.280 if they're outside the deployment window. 44:03.290 --> 44:05.700 Does the Army have any plans, this is for either one of you, 44:05.700 --> 44:08.180 to provide additional mental health care resources to 44:08.180 --> 44:11.053 reserve components outside of the deployment window. 44:11.952 --> 44:15.530 - Senator, we currently require a annual mental health 44:15.530 --> 44:18.180 assessment for all of our reserve component soldiers. 44:18.200 --> 44:20.520 And then, of course prior to dooring, 44:20.520 --> 44:23.240 and post deployment, we require three additional 44:23.240 --> 44:26.340 mental health assessments as well. 44:26.340 --> 44:28.823 And so, the key thing is to make sure, 44:29.216 --> 44:31.640 as part of that, we provide those types of 44:31.850 --> 44:34.453 behavioral health services, and we do provide those. 44:34.520 --> 44:37.770 But you're right, the challenges that while we have access 44:37.770 --> 44:41.610 to our soldiers on active duty 24/7, and the guard, 44:41.610 --> 44:43.460 and again my own personal experience, 44:43.875 --> 44:45.010 is you see your colleagues for two days, 44:45.010 --> 44:47.460 and then you don't see them again for another 28, 44:47.660 --> 44:48.560 and then it's back again. 44:48.560 --> 44:50.457 So, it's particularly challenging to identify that, 44:50.457 --> 44:54.120 and we know that if you had that type of closer 44:54.120 --> 44:55.370 interaction on a daily basis, 44:55.370 --> 44:57.033 you can help spot these problems, 44:57.320 --> 44:58.900 issues before they become a big problem. 44:58.900 --> 45:01.419 - So, are you workin' on any plans, I mean-- 45:01.419 --> 45:04.063 It's a bad enough problem, period, 45:04.114 --> 45:07.010 but it's even worse with, like I said, 45:07.010 --> 45:09.980 with guards, and reservists, are you working on any plans 45:09.980 --> 45:13.563 to try to figure a contingency to deal with this issue? 45:14.570 --> 45:18.090 - I do have our behavioral health, 45:18.090 --> 45:20.625 and our suicide prevention teams coming back 45:20.625 --> 45:22.820 to brief me on new initiatives, 45:22.820 --> 45:25.010 and new strategy, to lower our rates further. 45:25.010 --> 45:27.723 I think one of the most important things we're emphasizing, 45:28.010 --> 45:29.620 and even talking to the soldiers, 45:29.620 --> 45:32.050 and leaders approves it out, is the chain of command has to 45:32.050 --> 45:33.470 get more involved with their soldiers, 45:33.470 --> 45:35.213 particularly during off duty hour. 45:35.860 --> 45:38.560 That applies to the Guard and Reserve, the same. 45:38.560 --> 45:41.090 It could be a phone call, it could be visiting them, 45:41.090 --> 45:43.730 but, we find that type of continued touch points, 45:43.730 --> 45:45.900 and intervention, gives you a better sense of what's 45:45.900 --> 45:47.450 going on in your soldier lives. 45:47.613 --> 45:49.873 - I just offer suggestion, and I'm not a doctor, 45:50.580 --> 45:51.900 and you might already be doing this, 45:51.900 --> 45:55.230 but I think the spouses also play a critical role on this, 45:55.230 --> 45:56.980 and having them trained up for what they see, 45:56.980 --> 45:59.470 and having points of contact that they can get ahold 45:59.470 --> 46:00.550 of when they are out in the sticks, 46:00.550 --> 46:02.128 and not in the deployment window. 46:02.128 --> 46:03.328 - Yes, Sir, great point. 46:03.330 --> 46:04.290 - Thank you though, very much. 46:04.290 --> 46:06.190 - So, if I could just make a comment, 46:06.190 --> 46:08.000 I think the chains of command in the guard, 46:08.000 --> 46:10.170 and the reserve are doing an excellent job 46:10.170 --> 46:12.323 of being engaged with their soldiers. 46:12.540 --> 46:14.870 The data to date, for this year, '18, 46:14.870 --> 46:18.720 for the Guard, they're down significantly in terms of 46:18.720 --> 46:20.720 their suicides, as well as Reserves. 46:20.720 --> 46:22.840 So 30% in the Guard as well as, 46:23.072 --> 46:25.080 12 or 13%, or something like that in the Reserve. 46:25.080 --> 46:27.780 So, that's a credit to the chains command, in my view. 46:29.461 --> 46:31.111 - [Senator Shelby] Senator Moran? 46:31.630 --> 46:32.550 - [Senator Moran] Mr. Chairman, 46:32.550 --> 46:34.370 I would yield to the Senator of Hawaii, 46:34.370 --> 46:36.153 who looked so disappointed when I walked in the room, 46:36.153 --> 46:40.398 and I'm happy to take time following him. (laughs) 46:40.398 --> 46:43.223 - Thanks to the Senator from Kansas, 46:43.223 --> 46:45.984 and I'm never disappointed to see you in the room. 46:45.984 --> 46:48.580 Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. 46:48.580 --> 46:51.400 Secretary Esper, I wanted to talk to you about the 46:51.400 --> 46:53.640 Hawaii Infrastructure Readiness Initiative, 46:53.640 --> 46:55.560 which as you know, has a long term plan to make sure 46:55.560 --> 47:00.435 Schofield, Wheeler, Shafter, PTA, our jungle training areas, 47:00.435 --> 47:05.435 help us implement our strategy in the Asia Pacific region. 47:06.970 --> 47:10.040 Can you talk about the Army in the Pacific over the 47:10.040 --> 47:14.853 next 10 to 20 years and how HIRI helps us to implement that? 47:15.520 --> 47:16.353 - Yes, Sir. 47:16.353 --> 47:18.430 Well, of course the Pacific will continue to be 47:18.430 --> 47:21.753 important to the Army, to the military at large, Asia. 47:21.990 --> 47:24.150 Because, again, we're informed by the 47:24.150 --> 47:28.250 National Defense Strategy that China is a long term 47:28.250 --> 47:31.717 strategic competitor, so with regard to Hawaii, 47:31.717 --> 47:35.570 it's imperative that we maintain that as a deployment 47:35.570 --> 47:37.730 platform, and that the forces we have stationed there are 47:37.730 --> 47:39.973 ready to go and meet those threats. 47:40.120 --> 47:41.720 And you're right, with regard to 47:41.810 --> 47:44.265 what we're currently palming, 20 to 24, 47:44.265 --> 47:47.257 the Hawaii Readiness Initiative has over 47:47.257 --> 47:49.541 300 million dollars, currently, 47:49.541 --> 47:52.230 planned in there to do all those things that you talk about. 47:52.230 --> 47:54.900 I saw some of those necessary improvements 47:54.900 --> 47:57.426 during my trip to Hawaii, in January. 47:57.426 --> 48:00.489 It's important that we maintain all of 48:00.489 --> 48:04.773 our platforms for readiness, and deployment as well. 48:04.890 --> 48:07.790 - So, bigger picture about the question about the Pacific. 48:08.578 --> 48:13.370 The conflicts that the Army is currently in South Asia are 48:13.370 --> 48:15.830 just different, demographically, typographically, 48:15.830 --> 48:20.125 geographically, and I'm wondering how you see the Army's 48:20.125 --> 48:24.720 role in the Pacific as different in terms of our operations, 48:24.720 --> 48:26.620 in terms of the capabilities that we need. 48:26.620 --> 48:28.990 How does the Army need to adjust to the 48:28.990 --> 48:30.960 possibility of conflict in the Pacific, 48:30.960 --> 48:34.158 given that a lot of the activity that our soldiers 48:34.158 --> 48:37.240 are seeing, that the Army itself is seeing, in South Asia, 48:37.240 --> 48:38.870 which is just vastly different. 48:38.870 --> 48:40.530 Can you talk to us about that? 48:40.575 --> 48:41.408 - Yes, Sir. 48:41.408 --> 48:42.625 I'll just speak briefly, 48:42.625 --> 48:43.458 and then maybe let the Chief answer. 48:44.477 --> 48:45.810 Clearly, the Army has a role in the Pacific, 48:45.810 --> 48:49.070 not just in terms of land warfare where it may be necessary, 48:49.070 --> 48:51.700 but I think as we involve the concept of multi-demand 48:51.700 --> 48:55.510 operations, it means also supporting our sister services, 48:55.510 --> 48:57.030 whether it's with the Air Force 48:57.030 --> 49:01.130 providing long range artillery, canon support, rocket fires, 49:01.130 --> 49:02.970 the suppression of enemy air defenses to help 49:02.970 --> 49:06.760 them with air space, or could be with the Navy to 49:06.760 --> 49:09.990 help clear sea lines of communication by again holding at 49:09.990 --> 49:13.013 bay enemy forces, through again, long range fires, whatnot. 49:13.210 --> 49:14.060 - General Milley? 49:14.818 --> 49:16.943 - Just to put a little context, 49:16.943 --> 49:19.620 as part of the three greatest land wars, 49:19.620 --> 49:21.550 the United States has fought in the last 49:22.380 --> 49:24.473 hundred years has been in the Pacific. 49:24.680 --> 49:27.063 World War II, the Pacific portion of that, 49:27.260 --> 49:29.293 and then obviously Korea and Vietnam. 49:29.620 --> 49:32.290 The army and ground forces in general, army and marines, 49:32.290 --> 49:34.550 play a very, very significant role in operations in 49:34.550 --> 49:35.960 the Pacific, and the defense strategy has 49:35.960 --> 49:39.543 shifted the priory to the Pacific, to pivot to the Pacific. 49:40.260 --> 49:42.390 And, I would argue that a hundred years from now, 49:42.390 --> 49:44.040 some historian lookin' backwards, 49:44.244 --> 49:46.600 I would say that the theme of the story of 49:46.600 --> 49:47.840 this century that we're currently in, 49:47.840 --> 49:51.050 at the beginning, will be the story of the United States, 49:51.050 --> 49:54.250 and China, and how we related to each other in 49:54.250 --> 49:56.230 the pacific from a security stand point. 49:56.230 --> 49:59.240 So, I think the Army has a very, very fundamental, 49:59.240 --> 50:01.946 and significant role in the Pacific 50:01.946 --> 50:04.803 along with other ground forces, marines in particular, 50:05.290 --> 50:08.410 in assuring our allies that we'll be there, 50:08.410 --> 50:11.173 and that we are a stabilizing force, 50:11.340 --> 50:14.133 and deterring any aggression from any potential enemy. 50:14.680 --> 50:15.513 - Thank you. 50:15.513 --> 50:17.990 Secretary Esper, I wanna talk to you a little bit about 50:17.990 --> 50:21.029 energy assurance, both forward, and back home. 50:21.029 --> 50:23.900 The different service branches have different 50:23.900 --> 50:26.480 initiatives round energy assurance. 50:26.480 --> 50:28.730 The first thing that I'd like you to talk to is what the 50:28.730 --> 50:31.680 Army is doing in particular around energy assurance, again, 50:32.327 --> 50:35.173 the bases and installations back home, and then forward. 50:35.700 --> 50:39.350 But, secondly, I have a broader concern, 50:39.350 --> 50:41.920 which is that to the extent that any service branch learns 50:41.920 --> 50:45.270 anything in their assurance research, 50:45.270 --> 50:49.412 or pilot implementation, I'm not sure what the mechanism is 50:49.412 --> 50:53.103 for it to be shared across all service branches, 50:53.103 --> 50:55.460 and I get that your operational needs are different, 50:55.460 --> 50:57.820 but sometimes you are talking about pretty basic stuff like, 50:57.820 --> 51:01.973 base, power, like fuel. 51:02.400 --> 51:04.380 That's not that different, across service branches. 51:04.380 --> 51:06.780 So, if you could answer both of those questions. 51:07.124 --> 51:08.310 - Yes, Sir, briefly, and I may need to 51:08.310 --> 51:09.810 you with a more robust answer. 51:10.004 --> 51:14.520 Energy assurance, efficiency, affordability, 51:14.520 --> 51:16.680 availability, is important to the Army. 51:16.680 --> 51:20.323 We have metrics of that, and I'm faintly aware of the pulse, 51:20.820 --> 51:22.383 but I'd have to get back to you to give you 51:22.383 --> 51:24.750 a more fleshed out account of what 51:24.750 --> 51:27.073 that pulse is in those specific initiatives. 51:28.312 --> 51:31.833 - Okay, let's begin a dialogue about this. 51:31.840 --> 51:35.230 We're, especially in Hawaii, working with the Navy, 51:35.230 --> 51:37.260 and the Air Force, and the energy assurance space, 51:37.260 --> 51:38.680 they've had great success, 51:38.680 --> 51:41.250 and they're now starting to share information. 51:41.250 --> 51:42.880 Again, this is not science fair stuff, 51:42.880 --> 51:47.608 this is so you can implement right away, especially forward. 51:47.608 --> 51:49.770 Especially, when you think about Hawaii, 51:49.770 --> 51:51.290 which is on the commercial grid, 51:51.290 --> 51:54.040 and you got a lot of other bases, and installations which 51:54.040 --> 51:57.852 depend on commercial power, we may have to re-look at, 51:57.852 --> 52:01.448 say the MILCON restrictions related to 52:01.448 --> 52:03.763 outside of the fence, inside of the fence. 52:03.770 --> 52:05.963 So, there's some work that we need to do, 52:05.970 --> 52:09.810 to think through our energy security, especially back home. 52:09.810 --> 52:12.823 And, my final question is, Pacific Pathways, 52:13.410 --> 52:16.770 and what the Army is learning through Pacific Pathways, 52:16.770 --> 52:19.420 and how important it is in terms of projecting power, 52:19.870 --> 52:24.560 and General Milley, you know I'm a fan of the program, 52:24.560 --> 52:27.740 you know the feedback that I get on the ground in Hawaii, 52:27.740 --> 52:31.041 and even when I'm in sole, is that they just love how it 52:31.041 --> 52:34.100 projects power for relatively little money, 52:34.100 --> 52:35.900 so if you could talk to the program. 52:36.317 --> 52:38.570 - Pacific Pathways Center is a combination of a series of 52:38.570 --> 52:42.174 exercises that is important, again, to assure our allies, 52:42.174 --> 52:45.720 and our deter enemies, and allows inter-op abilities. 52:45.720 --> 52:50.023 You know within Admiral Harris' Pacific Area of Operations, 52:50.023 --> 52:52.658 there's 80,000 U.S. Army soldiers, 52:52.658 --> 52:56.453 many more that could rapidly deploy to the Pacific. 52:56.540 --> 52:59.640 With soldiers, a raid, and participating in Pathways, 52:59.640 --> 53:03.230 a raid out of Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, U.S. Force Japan, 53:03.230 --> 53:05.193 and of course on the prepense of Korea. 53:05.850 --> 53:08.380 And, it's a whole series of exercises that go from 53:08.600 --> 53:11.163 South East Asia, North East Asia, and Micronesia, 53:11.460 --> 53:13.623 and it's very, very important, 53:13.820 --> 53:17.780 to continue that inter-op ability of building our allies, 53:17.780 --> 53:20.430 and assuring our allies, while deterring our enemies. 53:21.284 --> 53:24.870 And, ensuring that we continue engagement with our allies, 53:24.870 --> 53:26.420 is one of Secretary Mattis' key 53:26.960 --> 53:28.810 National Defense Strategy priorities. 53:28.890 --> 53:30.810 SO, it's very important in that regard. 53:30.810 --> 53:32.060 - Thank you, to you both. 53:33.825 --> 53:35.923 - Mr. Chairman, thank you very much. 53:36.110 --> 53:38.090 Secretary Esper, and General Milley, 53:38.090 --> 53:40.610 thank you for your presence, more importantly, 53:40.610 --> 53:43.110 I thank you both for having conversations with me. 53:43.838 --> 53:44.671 You Secretary at the Pentagon, 53:44.671 --> 53:47.060 you General, yesterday in our office. 53:47.060 --> 53:49.780 Both of you have visited Fort Riley with me, 53:49.780 --> 53:51.220 both of you have been to Fort Leavenworth, 53:51.220 --> 53:54.133 and I appreciate that understanding of 53:54.133 --> 53:56.488 our Armies military presence in our state. 53:56.488 --> 53:59.740 And, you General Milley, I wanna now again, 53:59.740 --> 54:02.520 publicly, now, thank you for your time you spent 54:02.520 --> 54:05.180 with a young Kansan who was struggling with his health. 54:05.180 --> 54:07.520 A young man named Seth Cummings from Topeka, 54:07.520 --> 54:11.540 and you were very gracious, and caring about him, 54:11.540 --> 54:13.340 and his future, thank you very much. 54:13.770 --> 54:17.543 I wanna talk to you about what you would expect. 54:17.680 --> 54:19.980 Every time we've had conversations, 54:19.980 --> 54:23.853 I've raised the issue of Military Value Analysis. 54:24.440 --> 54:27.540 I have concerns that the Armies stationing process, 54:27.540 --> 54:30.993 and it's objectivity with that analysis. 54:32.490 --> 54:34.500 I'm not convinced that it's either transparent, 54:34.500 --> 54:35.633 or objective. 54:38.520 --> 54:40.840 My staff and I have been engaged in meetings 54:40.840 --> 54:43.710 with the Army on this topic, each month. 54:43.710 --> 54:47.940 Monthly since January, and a significant number 54:47.940 --> 54:49.893 of our questions remain unanswered. 54:52.320 --> 54:56.650 I feel that the Army is prioritizing a near term, cheap, 54:56.650 --> 55:00.860 and fast solution versus consideration of long term factors 55:00.860 --> 55:02.237 that would reduce cost for the Army, 55:02.237 --> 55:04.793 and the Tax payers over a longer period of time. 55:05.780 --> 55:09.023 I've indicated to you, as total life time costs, 55:09.650 --> 55:11.970 this includes a energy and utility expenses, 55:11.970 --> 55:14.730 local construction costs, cost of living, 55:14.730 --> 55:16.500 and housing for soldiers and families, 55:16.500 --> 55:18.903 and operating costs for the entire installation. 55:20.120 --> 55:21.820 When you compare installations, 55:21.820 --> 55:24.240 when the Army compares installations this 55:24.240 --> 55:26.240 long term cost can translate into 55:26.240 --> 55:28.883 significant cost savings, and cost avoidance. 55:29.620 --> 55:32.850 Secretary Esper, you previously agreed 55:32.850 --> 55:34.720 with me that total lifetime costs 55:34.720 --> 55:38.090 should be considered in your stationing decisions, however, 55:38.090 --> 55:40.893 the military value analysis does not do so. 55:41.200 --> 55:44.280 And, I'm looking for you to tell me this morning that you, 55:44.280 --> 55:47.180 not only again, believe it should be, but that it will be. 55:47.420 --> 55:48.503 - Yes, Sir. Thank you. 55:48.503 --> 55:52.000 And, by the way thank you for posting me at Fort Riley, 55:52.000 --> 55:55.070 I had a great visit, and really appreciate the post, 55:55.070 --> 55:57.820 and the people, the adjacent communities coming out as well. 55:57.820 --> 55:58.770 Thank you for that. 55:59.500 --> 56:01.400 Yes, following up on our conversation, 56:01.800 --> 56:03.920 we are committed to looking at, for example, 56:03.920 --> 56:06.330 what other services may do with regard to their version of 56:06.330 --> 56:10.150 MVA, we do have what we believe is an objective process, 56:10.150 --> 56:13.190 it looks at a number of criteria to make 56:13.190 --> 56:16.893 an assessment about a particular post, or basing decision. 56:17.414 --> 56:20.150 And, as I've talked to staff on our meeting, 56:20.150 --> 56:22.590 I asked we also take a look at the long term costs 56:22.590 --> 56:25.270 to make sure we have a good understanding of what 56:25.270 --> 56:27.685 it may play out over 20, 30, 40 years, 56:27.685 --> 56:29.680 again because it's a long term decision, 56:29.680 --> 56:31.900 and we're talking about the conversion 56:31.900 --> 56:33.950 of an IBCT to an ABCT. 56:33.950 --> 56:38.450 So, we, the Chief and I, wanna make the right decision, 56:38.450 --> 56:39.700 wanna get the right answer, 56:39.700 --> 56:42.253 and so, we're committed to doing those two things. 56:42.888 --> 56:45.080 - Chief, you indicated in our- 56:45.080 --> 56:46.420 I think, in our conversation yesterday, 56:46.420 --> 56:49.890 you seemed to indicate that non-continuous training area, 56:49.890 --> 56:51.757 and training area on post, 56:51.757 --> 56:54.210 should not be treated identically, 56:54.210 --> 56:56.160 that one has more value than the other, 56:56.270 --> 56:59.203 again the MVA does not treat it that way, 57:00.330 --> 57:02.449 and would you agree-- 57:02.449 --> 57:05.410 First of all, would you confirm that you agree they should 57:05.410 --> 57:08.020 be treated differently, and would commit to having 57:08.020 --> 57:11.193 the MVA include that kind of analysis. 57:11.204 --> 57:14.010 - A couple things, first, on Seth, 57:14.010 --> 57:17.550 thank you much for the follow up, and he's near, 57:17.550 --> 57:19.410 and dear in all of our hearts, and he has our thoughts, 57:19.410 --> 57:21.860 and prayers with him on behalf of the whole Army. 57:22.679 --> 57:24.445 - [Senator Moran] Thank you for your human reaction. 57:24.445 --> 57:26.287 - Thanks for bring that to our attention. 57:26.287 --> 57:27.693 On the MVA, first transparency, 57:28.278 --> 57:29.893 both secretary, and I commit to transparency. 57:30.593 --> 57:31.810 So, whatever questions your staff asked that haven't 57:31.810 --> 57:35.550 been answered, I would ask that right afterwards, 57:35.550 --> 57:38.720 just hand them to me, and I will get you an answer within 72 57:38.720 --> 57:41.570 hours, on every single question that you have unanswered. 57:41.900 --> 57:43.310 And, that's my commitment to you. 57:43.310 --> 57:45.030 I wasn't tracking unanswered questions. 57:45.030 --> 57:46.133 - [Senator Moran] Thank you, Sir. 57:46.560 --> 57:49.400 - You specifically asked about continuous, non-continuous. 57:49.400 --> 57:51.150 Within the Military Value Analysis, 57:51.215 --> 57:53.383 I'll have to look into the actual calculations, 57:53.400 --> 57:56.360 but it's my belief that they are rated differently, 57:56.360 --> 57:58.103 I owe you a confirmed answer. 57:58.579 --> 58:02.088 Because, it seems to pass the common sense test that 58:02.088 --> 58:05.650 if the training area is contiguous, 58:05.650 --> 58:09.130 you have less travel time between your motor pool, 58:09.130 --> 58:11.340 and the training area, you use less fuel, 58:11.340 --> 58:13.510 it's less expensive, and so on, and so forth. 58:13.510 --> 58:15.927 That should be an add, or a plus, 58:15.927 --> 58:18.773 in the puts and takes in the Military Value Analysis, 58:18.880 --> 58:21.532 versus a non-contiguous training area, that may be an hour, 58:21.532 --> 58:23.920 or two by either railhead, 58:23.920 --> 58:27.270 and/or convoy which is consuming dollars, 58:27.270 --> 58:28.520 and money, and resources. 58:28.840 --> 58:31.723 So, I believe that they are rated differently, 58:31.990 --> 58:34.300 but I might be wrong, so I need to get you a 58:34.300 --> 58:37.328 confirmed answer one after I take a hard look at that, 58:37.328 --> 58:41.543 and I'll get you that answer within a day. 58:42.310 --> 58:45.703 - The final question, perhaps the final question. 58:45.940 --> 58:48.630 Assuming the clock doesn't run out there may be a follow up. 58:48.630 --> 58:51.439 The analysis of quality of life for soldiers, 58:51.439 --> 58:56.333 and their families is comprehensively included in the MVA. 58:56.740 --> 59:00.610 I want you to consider quality state, 59:00.610 --> 59:03.790 local community investments like housing, and schools, 59:03.790 --> 59:05.990 and transportation, tax credits for spouses, 59:06.263 --> 59:09.640 local incentives for a military families, 59:09.640 --> 59:12.033 cost free Associate Degrees for spouses. 59:12.470 --> 59:14.900 We say that the Army recruits soldiers, 59:14.900 --> 59:18.030 but retains families, and again, 59:18.030 --> 59:21.342 I want your analysis as you look at this decision about 59:21.342 --> 59:25.870 basing locations to consider 59:26.710 --> 59:29.190 how expensive it is, 59:29.190 --> 59:31.240 how stating decisions can help in the long term 59:31.240 --> 59:33.476 health of the Army, and I assume that both of you 59:33.476 --> 59:35.912 would agree that that will be a factor 59:35.912 --> 59:38.923 in those discussions and conclusions. 59:39.060 --> 59:39.893 - Absolutely. 59:40.011 --> 59:40.860 - Yes, Sir. 59:40.860 --> 59:42.550 I'm assuming that we can get the data, 59:42.550 --> 59:43.860 that we can get hard facts. 59:43.860 --> 59:45.288 Objective data would be important to know. 59:45.288 --> 59:48.100 - Secretary, and Chief, thank you very much 59:48.100 --> 59:51.190 for taking my interest in this seriously. 59:51.190 --> 59:53.160 We'll follow up, and make certain 59:53.160 --> 59:55.110 that what you committed to Chief, 59:55.110 --> 59:56.297 the conversation occurs so that we can 59:56.297 --> 59:58.497 get the information that we've been seeking. 01:00:00.197 --> 01:00:04.083 And, what my conclusion is that I wanna make sure 01:00:04.083 --> 01:00:07.410 that we have those facts and the analysis in advance 01:00:07.410 --> 01:00:10.150 of the decision being made so that we have an 01:00:10.150 --> 01:00:12.640 opportunity to have a discussion again 01:00:12.640 --> 01:00:16.033 should we consider to disagree about the value of the MVA. 01:00:16.200 --> 01:00:17.920 Is that satisfactory for both of you? 01:00:17.920 --> 01:00:18.753 - [General Milley] Absolutely. 01:00:18.753 --> 01:00:19.586 - [Secretary Esper] Yes, Sir, it is. 01:00:19.586 --> 01:00:20.419 - [Senator Moran] Thank you both. 01:00:20.419 --> 01:00:21.252 Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 01:00:21.252 --> 01:00:22.651 - [Senator Shelby] Thank you. 01:00:22.651 --> 01:00:23.901 Senator Murray. 01:00:24.648 --> 01:00:25.623 - [Senator Murray] Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. 01:00:26.400 --> 01:00:28.020 General Milley, good to see you again, thank you. 01:00:28.020 --> 01:00:30.110 As we continue to look for ways 01:00:30.110 --> 01:00:31.954 to improve the transition process, 01:00:31.954 --> 01:00:34.177 one of the most important considerations 01:00:34.177 --> 01:00:37.047 is helping service members get the licenses, 01:00:37.047 --> 01:00:39.040 and credentials that they need 01:00:39.040 --> 01:00:40.973 for careers outside the military. 01:00:41.140 --> 01:00:44.140 At JBLM I have seen first hand how important 01:00:44.140 --> 01:00:46.501 these programs can be for a soldiers future. 01:00:46.501 --> 01:00:49.433 Those opportunities also are an important recruiting tool, 01:00:49.433 --> 01:00:52.210 and I've heard from Sergeant Major Daily, 01:00:52.210 --> 01:00:54.413 actually improve retention as well. 01:00:54.517 --> 01:00:58.130 With the help of Congress, the Army has made great strides 01:00:58.130 --> 01:01:00.070 in recent years in expanding access 01:01:00.070 --> 01:01:02.263 to these credentialing programs, 01:01:02.380 --> 01:01:05.060 but I understand the Army believes more needs to be done 01:01:05.060 --> 01:01:08.430 to allow soldiers to benefit from these opportunities. 01:01:08.430 --> 01:01:12.020 I wanted to ask you, what is preventing interested soldiers 01:01:12.020 --> 01:01:14.620 from taking advantage of current programs, 01:01:14.620 --> 01:01:15.683 and opportunities? 01:01:17.226 --> 01:01:20.053 - Well, first of all, thanks Senator for the question. 01:01:20.075 --> 01:01:23.116 I think it's critical that not everybody 01:01:23.116 --> 01:01:24.780 stays in the Army for a career, 01:01:24.780 --> 01:01:27.250 so one of the great things that I think the Army, 01:01:27.250 --> 01:01:28.750 but also the Navy, the Air Force, the Marines, 01:01:28.750 --> 01:01:32.930 do is we return to the nation 01:01:34.322 --> 01:01:37.543 a quality citizen who believes in the values of the country, 01:01:37.860 --> 01:01:40.150 and it returns to the nation someone 01:01:40.150 --> 01:01:42.429 who has certain skills, one of the key 01:01:42.429 --> 01:01:44.310 initiatives that's our mission in the army, 01:01:44.310 --> 01:01:47.534 daily, is undertaking with a lot of other people, 01:01:47.534 --> 01:01:49.470 is the credentialing. 01:01:49.470 --> 01:01:51.710 So, we wanna make sure that every 01:01:51.710 --> 01:01:53.853 soldier who exits the Army, who wants to, 01:01:54.110 --> 01:01:56.300 is credentialed in a variety of skills 01:01:56.300 --> 01:01:58.583 that they learned while in the military. 01:01:59.621 --> 01:02:01.766 I believe for the most part, 01:02:01.766 --> 01:02:04.850 soldiers can take advantage of that, 01:02:04.850 --> 01:02:06.833 and get credentials prior to departure. 01:02:06.960 --> 01:02:08.420 Some of the U.S.- About impediments- 01:02:08.420 --> 01:02:11.751 Some of the impediments are training schedules, 01:02:11.751 --> 01:02:13.833 and deployment rotations. 01:02:15.104 --> 01:02:16.903 The mission always comes first, 01:02:17.890 --> 01:02:22.230 but we do 180 days prior to exiting the Army, 01:02:22.230 --> 01:02:26.320 we do want to provide the opportunity for all those soldiers 01:02:26.320 --> 01:02:28.300 who wanna be credentialed to get credentials. 01:02:28.300 --> 01:02:31.693 - Are you doing anything earlier in their career, 01:02:31.740 --> 01:02:34.990 ask the soldier, talking to them about how they should be 01:02:34.990 --> 01:02:36.897 aware of these programs so that 01:02:37.078 --> 01:02:39.150 when they get to 180 days, it's not too late. 01:02:39.150 --> 01:02:41.330 - We do that through the chain of command. 01:02:41.330 --> 01:02:44.363 Through the Command Sar. Majors, and the First Sergeants, 01:02:44.690 --> 01:02:48.893 through the career counselors, and re-enlistment NCO's, 01:02:48.893 --> 01:02:50.670 along with the normal chain of command, 01:02:50.670 --> 01:02:52.473 the company commands, the battalion commands, 01:02:53.255 --> 01:02:54.863 just to provide situational awareness, 01:02:55.788 --> 01:02:57.150 and understanding of the various options, and programs, 01:02:57.150 --> 01:02:58.783 that are you there to each soldier. 01:02:59.455 --> 01:03:00.967 - Oh okay, and I wanted to ask you 01:03:00.973 --> 01:03:02.180 about credentialing oversight, as well. 01:03:02.180 --> 01:03:04.560 I wanna emphasize I'm really supportive of the 01:03:04.560 --> 01:03:07.110 effort on this, but I have some real concerns about 01:03:08.108 --> 01:03:10.770 making sure we have strong quality guard rails in place, 01:03:10.770 --> 01:03:13.454 too many times we've seen some for-profit institutions 01:03:13.454 --> 01:03:15.930 aggressively pray on our service members, 01:03:15.930 --> 01:03:18.130 or veterans, and cause 'em real harm, 01:03:18.130 --> 01:03:20.104 and just get access to their benefits. 01:03:20.104 --> 01:03:22.030 A service member may think they're 01:03:22.030 --> 01:03:23.840 getting a credential that'll help them, 01:03:23.840 --> 01:03:26.090 but it turns out to be just a piece of paper. 01:03:26.240 --> 01:03:28.700 So, if we expand funding for this, 01:03:28.700 --> 01:03:30.280 and access for these programs, 01:03:30.280 --> 01:03:33.110 what additional steps will you take to make sure there's 01:03:33.110 --> 01:03:36.000 strict oversight of the entities 01:03:36.000 --> 01:03:37.490 that participate in the program? 01:03:37.490 --> 01:03:39.938 - The oversight that we have currently, 01:03:39.938 --> 01:03:42.963 and the one that I would propose to expand in oversight, 01:03:43.130 --> 01:03:44.560 is what we call Army University, 01:03:44.560 --> 01:03:47.993 which is lead by the Commanding General, 3-Star General, 01:03:48.384 --> 01:03:50.700 Lieutenant General at Fort Leavenworth. 01:03:50.700 --> 01:03:53.413 That's an initiative to bring together all the different, 01:03:53.680 --> 01:03:55.446 not only officer, but enlisted schools, 01:03:55.446 --> 01:03:57.850 and they have the lead for the 01:03:57.850 --> 01:03:59.863 credentialing of our soldiers, as well. 01:04:00.250 --> 01:04:02.360 So, that would be the mechanism of the venue by which we 01:04:02.360 --> 01:04:05.590 would want to expand oversight on the credentialing process. 01:04:05.590 --> 01:04:07.690 - Okay, I think we really need to keep track of that, 01:04:07.690 --> 01:04:09.830 so we don't end up down the road with a bunch of people 01:04:09.830 --> 01:04:12.760 that don't have papers worth anything. 01:04:12.760 --> 01:04:15.360 So that's something I'll be watching, and following. 01:04:15.410 --> 01:04:17.054 - [General Milley] Thank you, Senator. 01:04:17.054 --> 01:04:19.407 - Secretary Esper, I'm concerned about spouse employment, 01:04:19.407 --> 01:04:23.254 the opportunities for military spouses are often rare. 01:04:23.254 --> 01:04:25.154 And, I've heard from a lot of families 01:04:25.859 --> 01:04:27.509 from my home state of Washington, 01:04:27.923 --> 01:04:29.780 and I don't think we should ever be in a position where 01:04:30.779 --> 01:04:31.880 military spouses can't find work, 01:04:31.880 --> 01:04:33.570 or worse is I've that they feel 01:04:33.570 --> 01:04:35.906 they have to hide their military affiliation, 01:04:35.906 --> 01:04:39.825 because private employers won't give them a chance. 01:04:39.825 --> 01:04:41.454 It's not just a DOD issue. 01:04:41.454 --> 01:04:44.038 But, we need communities, and the private sector to 01:04:44.038 --> 01:04:47.283 really step up, and really meet this obligation. 01:04:47.530 --> 01:04:49.750 I know one part of the issue's uncertainty 01:04:50.040 --> 01:04:52.943 about relocation, but what other barriers- 01:04:53.160 --> 01:04:55.870 More importantly, what proposed solutions have you heard 01:04:55.870 --> 01:04:58.480 from employers themselves as we talk about this? 01:04:58.480 --> 01:05:00.470 - Yes, Ma'am, I could not agree with you more. 01:05:00.470 --> 01:05:03.240 This is a top priority for me, in the six months 01:05:03.240 --> 01:05:04.800 I've been on the job, everywhere I travel 01:05:04.800 --> 01:05:07.790 I meet with spouses, and this issue comes up over, 01:05:07.790 --> 01:05:09.490 and over again. And, I will tell you personally, 01:05:09.490 --> 01:05:10.790 when I was on active duty, 01:05:11.712 --> 01:05:13.180 my wife was discriminated against for work, 01:05:13.180 --> 01:05:14.556 because they knew I was rotating, 01:05:14.556 --> 01:05:16.598 and so this is personal, as well. 01:05:16.598 --> 01:05:20.434 Currently, it takes about 140 days to hire somebody in the 01:05:20.434 --> 01:05:24.391 services, in the Army, civilian, but particularly spouse. 01:05:24.391 --> 01:05:28.050 And, as you rightly note, many spouses just wanna work, 01:05:28.050 --> 01:05:30.520 or they need to work, and so, what we're doing is- 01:05:30.520 --> 01:05:32.244 it's three-pronged problem. 01:05:32.244 --> 01:05:35.488 It involves the Army, DOD, and then OPM. 01:05:35.488 --> 01:05:38.440 I got about at least a half dozen initiatives right now, 01:05:38.440 --> 01:05:41.133 that we're decreasing the timeline, that 140 days. 01:05:41.190 --> 01:05:43.200 By going with direct highering authority, 01:05:43.200 --> 01:05:45.230 by allowing them to temporarily work-- 01:05:45.230 --> 01:05:46.260 - That's within the military, right? 01:05:46.260 --> 01:05:47.760 - Yes, Ma'am, within the Army. 01:05:48.233 --> 01:05:51.183 And then, next is some proposed changes to DOD regulations, 01:05:51.300 --> 01:05:53.840 but the bigger problem that I cannot deal with is 01:05:53.882 --> 01:05:57.750 the OPM process is clunky, and it's inefficient, 01:05:57.750 --> 01:05:59.680 and to the degree that we can either reform that, 01:05:59.680 --> 01:06:02.543 or move it to DOD, or let the Army hire direct, 01:06:02.640 --> 01:06:05.560 would really give us a greater advantage in terms of 01:06:05.560 --> 01:06:07.400 reducing that 140 day average, 01:06:07.400 --> 01:06:09.833 down to about 30 days, is what it should be. 01:06:10.458 --> 01:06:12.333 Because, what happens is spouses become frustrated, 01:06:12.532 --> 01:06:13.540 and they give up searching for a job, 01:06:13.540 --> 01:06:15.083 or they become under employed, 01:06:15.083 --> 01:06:17.150 doing something that doesn't fit their skills, 01:06:17.150 --> 01:06:19.290 or their credentials, let alone their aspirations. 01:06:19.290 --> 01:06:21.820 - Yeah, and there's not enough jobs on the bases, either. 01:06:21.820 --> 01:06:24.300 So, a lot of the spouses I talk to 01:06:24.300 --> 01:06:25.770 are looking outside the base, 01:06:25.770 --> 01:06:28.890 and that's where private employers don't return their calls. 01:06:28.890 --> 01:06:29.723 - Yes, Ma'am. 01:06:30.117 --> 01:06:31.787 That's also Congress has helped, I think, 01:06:31.787 --> 01:06:34.500 with federal credentialing, so that if you have a CPA, 01:06:34.500 --> 01:06:36.930 or teaching license is recognized by the state to which 01:06:36.930 --> 01:06:39.363 you are moving, helps greatly as well. 01:06:39.561 --> 01:06:40.608 So you don't have to go through a 01:06:40.608 --> 01:06:41.750 re-certification process every time you move. 01:06:41.750 --> 01:06:43.640 - Okay, well, I'm looking at ways 01:06:43.640 --> 01:06:45.560 that we can engage the private sector 01:06:45.560 --> 01:06:48.100 to have them become more responsible citizens. 01:06:48.100 --> 01:06:49.820 I had one spouse tell me that she 01:06:49.820 --> 01:06:51.455 sent out a number of resumes, 01:06:51.455 --> 01:06:55.300 didn't hear anything back, so she sent to the same people, 01:06:55.300 --> 01:06:57.300 and didn't put on her military spouse 01:06:57.300 --> 01:06:59.400 affiliation on her resume, and heard back. 01:06:59.751 --> 01:07:01.273 That's just... wrong. 01:07:02.600 --> 01:07:03.460 - I couldn't agree more. 01:07:03.460 --> 01:07:05.440 - Yeah, so, I think we really need 01:07:05.440 --> 01:07:07.010 to hook up with the private sector too, 01:07:07.010 --> 01:07:09.260 and look forward to working with you on that. 01:07:09.400 --> 01:07:11.340 And, Secretary Esper, while you're here, 01:07:11.340 --> 01:07:13.600 I just wanted to say, as you go through your process 01:07:13.600 --> 01:07:15.470 to decide the location for the new 01:07:15.470 --> 01:07:17.210 Army Futures Command headquarters, 01:07:17.210 --> 01:07:19.397 I just wanted to remind you that the Seattle area 01:07:19.397 --> 01:07:21.659 has a large joint military presence, 01:07:21.659 --> 01:07:24.042 we have world class universities, cutting edge businesses, 01:07:24.042 --> 01:07:27.840 they wanna work with you, so there's no doubt for me, 01:07:27.840 --> 01:07:29.720 Seattle area's a great place to look, 01:07:29.720 --> 01:07:31.520 and I appreciate your consideration. 01:07:31.540 --> 01:07:32.373 - Will do, thank you. 01:07:32.373 --> 01:07:33.206 - [Senator Murray] Thank you. 01:07:33.960 --> 01:07:35.383 - [Senator Shelby] Senator Daines? 01:07:36.020 --> 01:07:37.470 - Chairman Shelby, thank you. 01:07:37.520 --> 01:07:38.930 And, gentlemen for thank you for 01:07:38.930 --> 01:07:41.180 appearing before this committee this morning. 01:07:41.260 --> 01:07:42.940 Montana's the proud home to nearly 01:07:42.940 --> 01:07:46.935 2,600 Army National Guard, and 700 Army Reserve. 01:07:46.935 --> 01:07:49.970 Citizen soldiers who have carried our nations flag, 01:07:49.970 --> 01:07:51.470 literally, all over the world. 01:07:52.070 --> 01:07:54.870 In particular, I wanna recognize those soldiers from the 01:07:55.107 --> 01:07:58.436 1st 189th General Aviation Support Battalion of Helena. 01:07:58.436 --> 01:08:01.700 Who are currently forward deployed, providing medical 01:08:01.700 --> 01:08:05.383 evacuation support to operations in the South West Asia. 01:08:05.850 --> 01:08:07.490 We certainly look forward to welcoming 01:08:07.490 --> 01:08:09.123 these heroes home soon. 01:08:10.950 --> 01:08:12.740 Following our discussion last year, 01:08:12.740 --> 01:08:14.600 on the readiness gaps in our force. 01:08:14.600 --> 01:08:17.183 I'm pleased to hear that we've made progress, 01:08:17.250 --> 01:08:20.473 and the Army is in better position to fight tonight. 01:08:21.240 --> 01:08:22.844 As the service focuses more 01:08:22.844 --> 01:08:25.253 of it's efforts to modernization, 01:08:25.482 --> 01:08:27.270 I want to ensure that the resources 01:08:27.270 --> 01:08:30.763 Congress provides will strengthen the total force. 01:08:31.810 --> 01:08:34.053 General Milley, I'm glad to see that your budget request 01:08:34.053 --> 01:08:36.515 will provide Active Protection Systems 01:08:36.515 --> 01:08:39.773 for full brigades worth of tanks. 01:08:41.050 --> 01:08:44.363 My question is, when will tank units in the National Guard, 01:08:44.890 --> 01:08:46.795 such as the Charlie Company, the 163rd, 01:08:46.795 --> 01:08:50.763 and Great Falls, see those same improvements? 01:08:51.190 --> 01:08:53.890 - So, what we did was, first of all 01:08:53.890 --> 01:08:56.168 Active Protection Systems are manufactured 01:08:56.168 --> 01:08:59.770 only in two countries, actually three right now, 01:08:59.770 --> 01:09:01.533 the third being the United States, 01:09:02.010 --> 01:09:03.430 but Russia, which we're not gonna get 'em from; 01:09:03.430 --> 01:09:05.100 Israel, and the United States. 01:09:05.100 --> 01:09:07.100 And, the companies in the United States, 01:09:07.630 --> 01:09:10.430 they're not ready yet for a full array production. 01:09:10.430 --> 01:09:12.923 So, we determined that we had a need for 01:09:12.923 --> 01:09:16.217 Active Protection Systems, and we wanted to prioritize those 01:09:16.217 --> 01:09:21.217 in our early deploying, first responder, sort of units. 01:09:21.410 --> 01:09:24.083 So, we picked four brigades, heavy brigades, 01:09:24.700 --> 01:09:26.673 to purchase those systems for. 01:09:26.910 --> 01:09:29.710 We have not yet worked out the schedule, but the intent, 01:09:30.270 --> 01:09:32.840 once the U.S. companies come online with the full system, 01:09:32.840 --> 01:09:35.993 the intent is to outfit the entire heavy force, 01:09:36.170 --> 01:09:39.233 all of our vehicles, all the ground vehicles, 01:09:39.500 --> 01:09:42.743 the Bradleys, the tanks, any future combat vehicles, 01:09:43.220 --> 01:09:47.110 with Active Protection Systems but also with some air craft- 01:09:47.110 --> 01:09:48.640 We haven't worked out the aircraft piece. 01:09:48.640 --> 01:09:50.360 We don't have a schedule for the Guard, 01:09:50.360 --> 01:09:52.040 or for the rest of the regular Army, 01:09:52.040 --> 01:09:55.163 but our intent is to outfit the total force, the total Army, 01:09:55.280 --> 01:09:57.290 with Active Protection Systems in the years ahead. 01:09:57.290 --> 01:09:58.608 - Yeah, I'm very glad to hear that. 01:09:58.608 --> 01:10:00.558 And, you mention the Bradleys, General, 01:10:00.681 --> 01:10:03.414 regarding Active Protection Systems, 01:10:03.414 --> 01:10:07.770 do you have any sense of when the Bradley fighting vehicle 01:10:07.770 --> 01:10:09.659 might begin feeling that technology? 01:10:09.659 --> 01:10:12.693 - We're hoping to do that here in the next 24 months, 01:10:13.503 --> 01:10:16.363 the issue is adapting- 01:10:16.390 --> 01:10:20.593 These system were built for country specific vehicles, 01:10:20.770 --> 01:10:23.130 so we're taking these systems, and we're adapting them, 01:10:23.130 --> 01:10:25.977 right now as we speak, to our vehicles. 01:10:25.977 --> 01:10:28.010 And then, some testing and prototyping, 01:10:28.010 --> 01:10:30.320 and safety testing that has to be done with these, 01:10:30.320 --> 01:10:32.650 before they are ready for operation use 01:10:32.650 --> 01:10:34.330 in the four brigades that we have selected, 01:10:34.330 --> 01:10:36.883 but we hope to have that done with in 24 months. 01:10:37.200 --> 01:10:38.250 - Thank you, General. 01:10:39.600 --> 01:10:43.935 As the DOD continues maturing it's Cyber Mission Forces, 01:10:43.935 --> 01:10:48.340 the Army has taken a leading role in both training, 01:10:48.340 --> 01:10:49.963 as well as operations. 01:10:50.500 --> 01:10:53.330 Earlier this month, one of the Army's top officers, in fact, 01:10:53.330 --> 01:10:55.550 was chosen to lead our nations premier 01:10:55.550 --> 01:10:59.653 Cyberspace Operations Activities U.S. Cyber Command. 01:10:59.761 --> 01:11:03.530 Last year, Congress provided several new authorities, 01:11:03.530 --> 01:11:05.740 and additional resources to continue 01:11:05.740 --> 01:11:08.923 growing a robust Cyberspace capability. 01:11:09.820 --> 01:11:14.060 General Milley, could you provide an update on the status of 01:11:14.060 --> 01:11:16.760 the Army's effort in effort in Cyberspace, 01:11:16.760 --> 01:11:21.250 and specifically, how it is leveraging the total force 01:11:21.310 --> 01:11:24.623 to defend against the full range of threats. 01:11:27.180 --> 01:11:28.103 - Absolutely. 01:11:28.191 --> 01:11:31.633 What the Army did a few years ago, 01:11:31.690 --> 01:11:34.770 and what we continue to do is build out the 01:11:34.770 --> 01:11:38.693 fore-structure within Army Cyber, 01:11:39.314 --> 01:11:41.493 which is the component command of Cybercom, 01:11:42.310 --> 01:11:44.910 which you just noted, General Nakasone most recently took 01:11:44.910 --> 01:11:47.310 command of, and we're very proud of his efforts. 01:11:47.610 --> 01:11:50.467 So, what we have is 62 total teams. 01:11:50.467 --> 01:11:52.703 Cyber Protection Teams, as they are called. 01:11:53.354 --> 01:11:56.857 41 of those are active component, 11 in the Guard, 01:11:56.857 --> 01:11:59.253 and 10 I think is in the Reserve. 01:11:59.822 --> 01:12:04.610 My thought on my estimate at this time is that this is 01:12:04.610 --> 01:12:06.510 sort of a growth industry kinda thing. 01:12:07.501 --> 01:12:10.080 I expect that in the out years we're going to increase, 01:12:10.080 --> 01:12:12.040 not decrease, the number of 01:12:12.040 --> 01:12:13.690 Cyber Warriors that are required. 01:12:13.780 --> 01:12:16.540 So, one is the fore-structure, the Cyber Protection Team. 01:12:16.540 --> 01:12:19.010 Second, is the Cyber Center of Excellence, 01:12:19.010 --> 01:12:20.260 that we have established. 01:12:20.640 --> 01:12:24.453 Third is we've established it as a branch for commissioning, 01:12:25.959 --> 01:12:27.753 for Lieutenants coming into the Army, 01:12:27.753 --> 01:12:29.860 they can go into the traditional branches 01:12:29.860 --> 01:12:31.860 of Infantry, Armor Cavalry, and Aviation, 01:12:31.860 --> 01:12:34.660 but now they can also have a choice of going into Cyber. 01:12:35.070 --> 01:12:38.500 We've essentially normalized Cyber 01:12:38.520 --> 01:12:40.560 as a domain within the fore-structure, 01:12:40.560 --> 01:12:42.800 the career development, the talent management, 01:12:42.800 --> 01:12:46.370 and the professional development of our officers, 01:12:46.370 --> 01:12:48.390 non-commissioned officers, and junior soldiers. 01:12:48.390 --> 01:12:50.040 It's a very important initiative. 01:12:50.757 --> 01:12:53.810 There's Space Operation- There's Cyber Domain, Space Domain, 01:12:53.810 --> 01:12:57.143 Cyber Domain, Maritime, Air, and Ground. 01:12:57.530 --> 01:13:02.224 Cyber is relatively new, and it's a critical component, 01:13:02.224 --> 01:13:04.660 both on the offense, and the defense 01:13:04.660 --> 01:13:07.025 relative to any adversary. 01:13:07.025 --> 01:13:09.090 As the National Defense Strategy talks 01:13:09.090 --> 01:13:10.773 about Great Power Competition, 01:13:11.160 --> 01:13:13.943 with China, Russia specifically mentioned. 01:13:14.270 --> 01:13:16.060 Those two countries, amongst many others, 01:13:16.060 --> 01:13:17.563 North Korea, Iran, and others, 01:13:18.657 --> 01:13:20.100 have very significant cyber capabilities. 01:13:20.100 --> 01:13:21.900 So, this is not only critical to the Army, 01:13:21.900 --> 01:13:23.670 it's critical to the nation to have a very, 01:13:23.670 --> 01:13:26.510 very capable Cyber Force, and we intend to be part of that. 01:13:26.510 --> 01:13:28.060 - General, I thank you for that 01:13:28.850 --> 01:13:30.400 very thorough answer, it's appreciated. 01:13:30.400 --> 01:13:33.270 I think the asymmetric threats that we face, 01:13:33.270 --> 01:13:35.573 certainly will be the fight our kids, 01:13:36.244 --> 01:13:37.640 and grandkids will be taking here 01:13:38.446 --> 01:13:39.883 as we look at the threats around the world. 01:13:40.682 --> 01:13:42.340 On the last question, while the budget deal reached 01:13:42.340 --> 01:13:45.235 in 2017 was positive for national defense, 01:13:45.235 --> 01:13:48.960 it was short sited in that it once again deferred savings 01:13:48.960 --> 01:13:51.573 mandated by the Budget Control Act. 01:13:51.980 --> 01:13:54.050 Some within the department has noted that Congress 01:13:54.050 --> 01:13:56.980 has repeated deferments may pose a substantial 01:13:56.980 --> 01:14:01.223 risk to modernization in the next one to two years. 01:14:01.980 --> 01:14:04.980 Secretary Esper, given Congresses track record on 01:14:04.980 --> 01:14:07.513 delivering stable, predictable funding, 01:14:07.900 --> 01:14:09.900 how is the department plan to overcome 01:14:09.900 --> 01:14:13.443 modernization shortfalls beyond FY19? 01:14:13.760 --> 01:14:15.110 - Yes, Sir, great question. 01:14:15.110 --> 01:14:17.380 First of all, thanks for the funding in '17, 01:14:17.380 --> 01:14:18.870 and '18 in particular, 01:14:18.870 --> 01:14:21.370 and if the budget agreement holds for '19 as well. 01:14:21.660 --> 01:14:25.600 I will tell ya that, for example, 01:14:25.600 --> 01:14:28.370 continuing resolutions are very harmful to our readiness, 01:14:28.370 --> 01:14:32.013 it impacts us because you're not allowed to do new starts, 01:14:32.657 --> 01:14:33.633 and additional production, 01:14:34.127 --> 01:14:35.330 so it is very hard in terms of 01:14:35.330 --> 01:14:36.550 what we see in the past years, 01:14:36.550 --> 01:14:38.850 and has effected us in terms of our readiness, 01:14:39.426 --> 01:14:41.630 and has prevented us in many ways in terms of modernizing. 01:14:41.630 --> 01:14:43.900 That said, there's obvious uncertainty 01:14:43.900 --> 01:14:45.823 with regard to FY20 and beyond, 01:14:45.870 --> 01:14:48.947 and so the Chief, and I are taking a number of reform 01:14:48.947 --> 01:14:52.010 initiatives within the service by which we look to 01:14:52.010 --> 01:14:53.490 free up time, money, and manpower, 01:14:53.490 --> 01:14:56.320 to gain a little bit more control over our own destiny 01:14:56.570 --> 01:14:59.573 if those dollars don't continue on healthy pace, 01:14:59.750 --> 01:15:02.230 and because what we need to do is to put those dollars 01:15:02.230 --> 01:15:04.983 into our six modernization priorities, 01:15:04.990 --> 01:15:07.130 to make that transition to the next generation 01:15:07.130 --> 01:15:09.280 of long range fires, and combat vehicles, 01:15:09.280 --> 01:15:10.693 of future vertical lift, 01:15:10.850 --> 01:15:14.385 if we don't do that we'll find ourselves further behind, 01:15:14.385 --> 01:15:16.850 and not able to achieve that overmatch 01:15:16.850 --> 01:15:18.920 we need in the future as called for 01:15:18.920 --> 01:15:20.570 by the National Defense Strategy. 01:15:21.210 --> 01:15:22.403 - Thank you, Secretary. 01:15:22.690 --> 01:15:25.600 I'm grateful for Chairman Shelby's leadership, 01:15:25.600 --> 01:15:28.350 as he, I know, will be working hard to bring together 01:15:28.350 --> 01:15:30.740 bipartisan cooperation to get out of this, 01:15:30.740 --> 01:15:32.683 frankly, nonsense of CR's. 01:15:32.930 --> 01:15:35.290 Sometimes, I wonder if perhaps we oughta have members 01:15:35.290 --> 01:15:37.130 down there on the witness table, 01:15:37.130 --> 01:15:38.680 and have the men, and women who 01:15:39.103 --> 01:15:40.373 wear the uniform here in the dais. 01:15:41.071 --> 01:15:42.870 Questioning us around why we can't 01:15:42.870 --> 01:15:44.973 get the job done up here on Capitol Hill. 01:15:45.000 --> 01:15:45.833 Thank you. 01:15:46.332 --> 01:15:47.749 - Thank you, Sir. 01:15:48.020 --> 01:15:49.453 - [Senator Shelby] Senator Udall. 01:15:49.550 --> 01:15:52.254 - Thank you Senator, Chairman Shelby, 01:15:52.254 --> 01:15:57.060 and let me just say I think there's good bipartisan support, 01:15:57.060 --> 01:15:59.820 and Senator Shelby's tryin' ta proceed in the direction, 01:15:59.820 --> 01:16:02.440 so we don't have any more of these CR's, 01:16:02.440 --> 01:16:04.020 and we do our bills on time, 01:16:04.020 --> 01:16:05.810 and that's what we're working towards. 01:16:05.810 --> 01:16:07.900 Thank you both, for you service. 01:16:07.900 --> 01:16:11.490 I had a very good visit yesterday, with General Milley. 01:16:11.490 --> 01:16:14.460 You got a very thoughtful Chief of Staff, 01:16:14.460 --> 01:16:15.733 there, Mr. Secretary. 01:16:16.378 --> 01:16:17.590 He's thought about a lot of the big issues, 01:16:17.590 --> 01:16:18.853 I think, over the years. 01:16:19.390 --> 01:16:21.923 He's a good one to have, I think. 01:16:22.604 --> 01:16:24.290 I wanted to talk a little bit 01:16:24.290 --> 01:16:26.183 about White Sands Missile Range. 01:16:26.360 --> 01:16:30.130 It's the largest overland military installation 01:16:30.130 --> 01:16:33.080 in the country, it's larger than the state of Rhode Island. 01:16:33.080 --> 01:16:35.090 While it's primarily an Army Post, 01:16:35.090 --> 01:16:37.130 it also provides support for all 01:16:37.130 --> 01:16:39.130 the military branches, as you all know. 01:16:39.130 --> 01:16:41.560 Yet, it is currently an Army Post 01:16:41.560 --> 01:16:44.800 with a relatively non-existent Army presence, 01:16:44.800 --> 01:16:47.610 because the engineering battalion 01:16:47.610 --> 01:16:50.400 that previously made it home, cased their colors, 01:16:50.400 --> 01:16:51.260 and left the base. 01:16:51.260 --> 01:16:53.477 They've left behind at barracks', 01:16:53.865 --> 01:16:58.353 and other facilities such as 17,750 square foot 01:16:59.210 --> 01:17:01.943 headquarters building with 23 offices, 01:17:02.010 --> 01:17:03.723 six company headquarters, 01:17:04.380 --> 01:17:07.563 and one 65,000 square foot building, 01:17:07.710 --> 01:17:10.710 battalion level dining room, a vehicle maintenance shop, 01:17:10.710 --> 01:17:13.513 and one parade field in a segregated parking lot. 01:17:14.910 --> 01:17:17.370 Mr. Secretary, you stated that an 01:17:17.370 --> 01:17:19.360 important part of the Army's effort 01:17:19.360 --> 01:17:21.150 to maintain the readiness of the 01:17:21.150 --> 01:17:23.963 Army's BCTs for major combat operations 01:17:23.963 --> 01:17:27.132 is the Security Force Assistance Brigade, 01:17:27.132 --> 01:17:31.020 or the SFAB, and you've requested congressional 01:17:31.020 --> 01:17:35.010 support to man, train, and equip six SFABs. 01:17:35.010 --> 01:17:38.123 Five in the regular Army, one in the Army National Guard. 01:17:38.260 --> 01:17:41.740 Can you provide an update on the Army's request to consider 01:17:42.000 --> 01:17:45.340 White Sands Missile Range as a basing location for 01:17:45.340 --> 01:17:48.103 a Security Force Assistance Brigade? 01:17:48.670 --> 01:17:49.503 - Yes, Sir. 01:17:49.503 --> 01:17:52.740 As you noted, we plan on fielding six SFAB's. 01:17:52.740 --> 01:17:55.258 Five in the active component, two already exist, 01:17:55.258 --> 01:17:57.240 one at Fort Benning, one at Fort Bragg. 01:17:57.240 --> 01:17:58.640 And, we will make a decision 01:17:59.151 --> 01:18:00.550 very soon on the remaining three, 01:18:00.550 --> 01:18:03.290 and we use a process by which to do that 01:18:03.450 --> 01:18:05.560 called the Military Value Analysis model, 01:18:05.560 --> 01:18:09.140 with regard to looking at objective criteria 01:18:09.140 --> 01:18:10.490 by which we make that decision 01:18:10.490 --> 01:18:13.190 with some other criteria as well, 01:18:13.190 --> 01:18:14.767 given that the SFAB's are unique. 01:18:14.767 --> 01:18:17.179 But, I will tell ya, that I had a chance to visit 01:18:17.179 --> 01:18:18.890 White Sands a couple months ago. 01:18:18.890 --> 01:18:20.090 I had a very good visit. 01:18:20.170 --> 01:18:21.380 Had a chance to not only talk to 01:18:21.380 --> 01:18:23.180 the folks about their mission there, 01:18:23.962 --> 01:18:25.310 with regard to testing, but to also take a look around 01:18:25.310 --> 01:18:26.520 those facilities you described, 01:18:26.520 --> 01:18:28.630 and they are very good facilities, 01:18:28.630 --> 01:18:30.850 and it brought to mind the importance 01:18:30.850 --> 01:18:32.756 of keeping that in mind as we consider, 01:18:32.756 --> 01:18:36.090 not just SFAB's, but anything else out there in the Army, 01:18:36.090 --> 01:18:38.710 because it is space that is available. 01:18:38.710 --> 01:18:40.710 So, again we'll make a decision here 01:18:40.710 --> 01:18:43.060 fairly soon with regard to the basing 01:18:43.060 --> 01:18:45.650 of these SFAB's, the locations. 01:18:45.650 --> 01:18:47.470 - Great, thank you very much, 01:18:47.470 --> 01:18:50.090 and I hope the Army puts these facilities to good use, 01:18:50.090 --> 01:18:52.563 and finds a mission at White Sands soon. 01:18:52.686 --> 01:18:56.890 How will increased emphasis on research and development 01:18:56.890 --> 01:19:00.110 in the over all budget impact White Sands Missile Range, 01:19:00.110 --> 01:19:02.600 do you envision an increase in tests, 01:19:02.600 --> 01:19:04.483 or other activities at the range, 01:19:04.640 --> 01:19:06.150 how does the Army intend to keep 01:19:06.150 --> 01:19:08.130 the ranges facilities up to date, 01:19:08.130 --> 01:19:12.663 and in good working order to facilitate R&D defense-wide? 01:19:12.895 --> 01:19:14.590 - Senator, I will tell ya. 01:19:14.590 --> 01:19:16.010 The six modernization priorities, 01:19:16.010 --> 01:19:18.800 what comes to mind immediately are our number one, 01:19:18.800 --> 01:19:20.633 which is long range precision fires, 01:19:20.820 --> 01:19:23.080 and then probably our other one, 01:19:23.080 --> 01:19:24.530 which is air missile defense. 01:19:25.275 --> 01:19:27.770 Certainly, on the first one will demand a lot of testing. 01:19:27.770 --> 01:19:30.230 One of the strategic systems we hope to build 01:19:30.315 --> 01:19:32.827 is a canon that can shoot hundreds of miles, 01:19:32.827 --> 01:19:35.760 either with a traditional type of round, or a hypersonic. 01:19:35.760 --> 01:19:38.030 And I imagine- I'm speculating right now, 01:19:38.030 --> 01:19:39.860 that White Sands would be the place where 01:19:40.098 --> 01:19:41.400 we would do a great deal of that testing. 01:19:41.400 --> 01:19:42.740 The same would be true as we continue 01:19:42.740 --> 01:19:45.403 to develop air missile defense platforms that can be, 01:19:45.620 --> 01:19:48.113 they're mobile, they can keep up with our maneuver forces. 01:19:49.343 --> 01:19:51.540 - General Milley, did you have anything... 01:19:51.540 --> 01:19:54.630 - Yeah, I exactly, the Secretary had it. 01:19:54.630 --> 01:19:57.377 Long range precision fires, there's also opportunities to do 01:19:57.377 --> 01:20:00.560 some of the range firing for future vertical lift 01:20:00.560 --> 01:20:02.780 when that comes online, and then ballistic missile defense. 01:20:02.780 --> 01:20:06.412 As you're aware, Senator, the combination of Fort Bliss, 01:20:06.412 --> 01:20:08.810 and it's adjacent White Sands Missile Range, 01:20:08.810 --> 01:20:10.888 that's the largest training area 01:20:10.888 --> 01:20:13.363 for military forces in the world. 01:20:13.920 --> 01:20:17.840 And, you can fire every ordinance 01:20:17.850 --> 01:20:19.480 in the United States inventory 01:20:19.480 --> 01:20:21.593 short of nuclear weapons at that facility. 01:20:21.780 --> 01:20:24.470 So, it's a great facility, it's a great testing ground, 01:20:24.470 --> 01:20:26.513 and we will maximize it's use as we 01:20:26.513 --> 01:20:28.930 develop our modernization program, 01:20:28.930 --> 01:20:31.540 and those pieces of equipment can 01:20:31.540 --> 01:20:33.173 get into the testing phase. 01:20:33.530 --> 01:20:35.261 - Thank you for that answer. 01:20:35.261 --> 01:20:37.904 The Air Force, and the Navy are both 01:20:37.904 --> 01:20:41.782 looking at how the proliferation of new technologies will 01:20:41.782 --> 01:20:45.930 impact their dominance in the air, and sea, respectively; 01:20:45.930 --> 01:20:48.683 especially regarding artificial intelligence. 01:20:48.890 --> 01:20:51.539 How is the army addressing artificial intelligence; 01:20:51.539 --> 01:20:54.860 how will AI change how the Army does business, 01:20:54.860 --> 01:20:57.740 or impact the balance of power, if for example, 01:20:57.740 --> 01:21:00.793 China acquires AI technologies first? 01:21:01.574 --> 01:21:04.042 And, that's addressed to either one of you. 01:21:04.042 --> 01:21:06.400 - I've mentioned, and I've spoken several times 01:21:06.400 --> 01:21:08.563 on the changing character of war, 01:21:09.080 --> 01:21:11.770 and that could be driven by a variety of things; 01:21:11.770 --> 01:21:15.687 demographics, social change, doctrines, et cetera, 01:21:15.687 --> 01:21:18.590 but technology is often one of those things 01:21:18.590 --> 01:21:21.040 that drives changing character in the war our armies fight. 01:21:21.040 --> 01:21:25.150 And, I've used the term the mother off all technologies 01:21:25.310 --> 01:21:27.493 when referring to artificial intelligence. 01:21:28.003 --> 01:21:30.808 We are investing, we the Army are investing 01:21:30.808 --> 01:21:34.500 monies into artificial intelligence, as well as the Navy, 01:21:34.500 --> 01:21:36.643 and Air Force, along with the broader DOD. 01:21:37.390 --> 01:21:40.690 It's critical technology that has a lot of moral, 01:21:40.690 --> 01:21:42.160 ethical, and legal implications that 01:21:42.160 --> 01:21:43.510 need to be thought through. 01:21:43.900 --> 01:21:45.810 But, the artificial intelligence, 01:21:45.810 --> 01:21:47.503 in combination with robotics, 01:21:49.100 --> 01:21:52.270 could represent a very, very, very 01:21:52.270 --> 01:21:55.320 fundamental change in the conduct of warfare. 01:21:55.320 --> 01:21:58.781 And I believe, my estimation is, 01:21:58.781 --> 01:22:01.550 that those technologies are likely to see 01:22:01.550 --> 01:22:03.897 widespread use by military forces, 01:22:03.897 --> 01:22:05.773 in the not too distant future. 01:22:06.340 --> 01:22:09.873 Defined as, 10, 15, 20 years, something like that. 01:22:09.930 --> 01:22:11.880 Some technologists would argue that 01:22:11.880 --> 01:22:13.323 it's much closer in time, 01:22:13.720 --> 01:22:16.020 others would say much further in time, 01:22:16.020 --> 01:22:18.693 but my personal estimation, it's in that range, 01:22:18.950 --> 01:22:19.980 10, 15, 20 years we're gonna see 01:22:19.980 --> 01:22:22.423 wide-spread use of artificial intelligence, 01:22:22.752 --> 01:22:24.717 machine learning in combination with 01:22:24.717 --> 01:22:27.113 robotics on the battlefields of the future. 01:22:27.500 --> 01:22:30.260 - And Senator, I would just add that it's part of our 01:22:31.238 --> 01:22:33.200 modernization strategy that we sent up a couple weeks back, 01:22:33.200 --> 01:22:37.800 speaks to the vision of fielding our future combat vehicles, 01:22:37.800 --> 01:22:39.330 our next generation combat vehicles, 01:22:39.330 --> 01:22:41.856 that are either fully autonomous, semi autonomous, 01:22:41.856 --> 01:22:44.270 or fully manned as they are now. 01:22:44.270 --> 01:22:47.933 And what that does, is give us a lot greater capabilities, 01:22:48.050 --> 01:22:49.270 flexibility on the battlefield. 01:22:49.270 --> 01:22:50.700 It could make our soldiers less 01:22:50.700 --> 01:22:52.640 vulnerable depending on how you employ them, 01:22:52.640 --> 01:22:54.970 it could speed our decision making. 01:22:54.970 --> 01:22:56.290 So, there is a great deal of 01:22:56.290 --> 01:22:57.690 promise as the Chief has outlined, 01:22:57.690 --> 01:22:59.060 and it could change the character of warfare. 01:22:59.060 --> 01:23:00.660 - Really appreciate those answers, 01:23:00.660 --> 01:23:02.660 and I know Senator Murray, my Chairman is here. 01:23:02.660 --> 01:23:04.560 So, I'm going to submit the rest 01:23:04.560 --> 01:23:06.332 of my questions for the record, thank you. 01:23:06.332 --> 01:23:07.774 - [Senator Shelby] Thank you, Senator Udall. 01:23:07.774 --> 01:23:08.670 Senator Murkowski. 01:23:08.670 --> 01:23:10.310 - Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and gentleman 01:23:10.310 --> 01:23:12.940 thank you for being here, thank you for your leadership. 01:23:12.940 --> 01:23:16.040 I wanna talk about training in the Arctic. 01:23:16.040 --> 01:23:19.810 We've had an opportunity for conversation on this, 01:23:19.810 --> 01:23:23.570 and General Milley, you're familiar with 01:23:23.570 --> 01:23:26.963 Alaska's advantages to the Army. 01:23:28.030 --> 01:23:31.350 Secretary Esper hopefully will have the opportunity to 01:23:31.350 --> 01:23:35.590 showcase some of what we have going on up there within the 01:23:35.590 --> 01:23:38.810 Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex, 01:23:38.810 --> 01:23:41.073 and the Northern Warfare Training Center. 01:23:41.180 --> 01:23:45.120 Two really strong arctic training assets that are critical 01:23:45.120 --> 01:23:48.670 to our national security, particularly as we're seeing more 01:23:48.670 --> 01:23:51.243 emphasis being placed within the region. 01:23:51.490 --> 01:23:54.963 Can you, and this is to both of you if you would, 01:23:56.419 --> 01:24:00.280 speak to whether or not the Army is planning 01:24:01.264 --> 01:24:06.140 to do more when it comes to taking advantage 01:24:06.140 --> 01:24:09.200 of the cold weather training, 01:24:09.200 --> 01:24:12.060 and the training assets that we have in the North, 01:24:12.060 --> 01:24:14.543 and perhaps expanding on that, 01:24:14.543 --> 01:24:19.390 given that we have a little more budget certainty out there, 01:24:19.390 --> 01:24:22.813 and a interest in growth in the Army presence, 01:24:23.020 --> 01:24:25.680 and so far as 01:24:26.180 --> 01:24:27.810 improvements, and facilities, 01:24:27.810 --> 01:24:29.323 or capabilities in Alaska? 01:24:30.780 --> 01:24:33.160 - Well, I think Senator that the biggest, 01:24:33.160 --> 01:24:34.880 and most significant change we've written 01:24:34.880 --> 01:24:36.940 this last 24 months was the stabilization 01:24:36.940 --> 01:24:41.150 of 4th Brigade 25th Division, and keeping it in Alaska, 01:24:41.150 --> 01:24:44.210 which I a recognition I think of the strategic importance of 01:24:44.210 --> 01:24:47.560 the Arctic and some of the challenges that are being opposed 01:24:47.560 --> 01:24:51.740 in the Arctic by both Russia, and now China as well. 01:24:51.740 --> 01:24:54.930 So, Alaska, and the U.S. Army Forces, 01:24:54.930 --> 01:24:57.596 and broadly speaking, U.S. Military Forces, 01:24:57.596 --> 01:25:01.875 are strategic component of our over all global campaigns, 01:25:01.875 --> 01:25:04.663 and it's very, very important to us. 01:25:04.663 --> 01:25:07.050 As far as the Northern Warfare Training Center, 01:25:07.050 --> 01:25:09.250 Senator Leahy asked earlier a question 01:25:09.250 --> 01:25:10.770 about the Vermont Mountain School. 01:25:10.770 --> 01:25:12.820 We teach, in the U.S. Military. 01:25:12.820 --> 01:25:14.390 There's three mountain schools, 01:25:14.390 --> 01:25:16.390 one is run by the Marines in California, 01:25:16.460 --> 01:25:18.950 the other one up in Alaska at the 01:25:18.950 --> 01:25:19.783 Northern Warfare Training Center, 01:25:19.783 --> 01:25:21.100 and the other one in Vermont. 01:25:21.100 --> 01:25:24.770 All three are critical, all three emphasis not only mountain 01:25:24.770 --> 01:25:27.170 warfare but cold whether training, and survival. 01:25:27.660 --> 01:25:31.310 We are sub-optimized as an army to fight in the mountains, 01:25:31.310 --> 01:25:34.810 and in the jungles, and we're optimized to fight in deserts, 01:25:34.810 --> 01:25:36.923 and generally open rolling terrain. 01:25:37.180 --> 01:25:39.292 As we go forward, into the future, 01:25:39.292 --> 01:25:41.620 we'll probably have to optimize 01:25:41.620 --> 01:25:43.193 for highly dense urban areas, 01:25:43.193 --> 01:25:46.430 and we will continue having to 01:25:46.430 --> 01:25:50.070 have retain capabilities of operating in cold weather, 01:25:50.070 --> 01:25:52.520 northern climates, arctic conditions, 01:25:52.520 --> 01:25:55.270 and mountain warfare, as well as jungles, and desserts. 01:25:56.120 --> 01:25:57.993 So, we will continue to invest, 01:25:57.993 --> 01:26:00.430 and continue to have units train 01:26:00.430 --> 01:26:03.000 at the Northern Warfare Training Center, 01:26:03.000 --> 01:26:04.380 and we appreciate the support of you, 01:26:04.380 --> 01:26:06.990 and the entire congressional delegation 01:26:06.990 --> 01:26:07.880 for that effort up there. 01:26:07.880 --> 01:26:08.870 - I thank you for that. 01:26:08.870 --> 01:26:09.703 Secretary? 01:26:10.191 --> 01:26:11.560 - Senator, I would just add that I am planning a trip up 01:26:11.560 --> 01:26:13.460 there this summer to meet with forces, 01:26:13.630 --> 01:26:14.463 to visit the training area, 01:26:14.463 --> 01:26:17.453 and of course talk to folks at the garrisons up there. 01:26:17.520 --> 01:26:19.943 So, I'm anxious to visit the training area, 01:26:19.943 --> 01:26:22.583 and see how we can maximize it's utilization. 01:26:22.590 --> 01:26:26.850 - Yeah, I think you get a little better taste of it if you 01:26:26.850 --> 01:26:30.362 go up in the winter, but we will take you at any time. 01:26:30.362 --> 01:26:32.040 - I'll put that down for a future trip, huh. (laughs) 01:26:32.040 --> 01:26:33.600 - Yeah, yeah yeah, no, I appreciate that. 01:26:33.600 --> 01:26:35.830 Let me change the conversation here, 01:26:35.830 --> 01:26:37.960 to something that unfortunately 01:26:37.960 --> 01:26:40.240 we don't wanna talk about, but we have to address, 01:26:40.240 --> 01:26:43.603 and that is the issue of sexual assault. 01:26:44.150 --> 01:26:46.063 And, a couple things, 01:26:46.095 --> 01:26:49.080 there was a media report 01:26:49.240 --> 01:26:52.740 just very recently regarding 01:26:53.949 --> 01:26:55.986 a spate of child on child 01:26:55.986 --> 01:26:59.680 sexual assaults at our Army installations, 01:26:59.680 --> 01:27:04.360 and initially the criminal investigation command released a 01:27:04.360 --> 01:27:09.223 list of 223 juvenile cases world wide, 01:27:09.405 --> 01:27:14.405 beginning since 2007, we didn't see any in Alaska, 01:27:14.420 --> 01:27:16.719 but then state authorities tallied 01:27:16.719 --> 01:27:19.731 five at Alaska Army installations, 01:27:19.731 --> 01:27:23.999 and then after a challenge of the Army's data, 01:27:23.999 --> 01:27:26.530 investigators released a total of 01:27:26.530 --> 01:27:28.605 eight cases at Alaska installations, 01:27:28.605 --> 01:27:31.880 five of them reportedly at Fort Wainwright, 01:27:31.880 --> 01:27:35.360 so of course, this certainly gets your attention here. 01:27:35.360 --> 01:27:38.174 So, Secretary Esper, before I ask you 01:27:38.174 --> 01:27:41.380 about the status of the investigations, 01:27:41.380 --> 01:27:43.329 which you may or may not be able to discuss, 01:27:43.329 --> 01:27:46.200 I just want you to know how alarmed, 01:27:46.200 --> 01:27:51.200 you're always alarmed where there's any issues as they 01:27:51.230 --> 01:27:55.340 relate to sexual abuse, but again when you recognize that 01:27:55.340 --> 01:27:57.263 we're talking about children here. 01:27:57.960 --> 01:28:00.744 So, the question is, what steps the Army is doing to 01:28:00.744 --> 01:28:04.470 prevent, and deter these sorts of incidents, 01:28:04.470 --> 01:28:08.880 making sure that their investigations are conducted 01:28:08.880 --> 01:28:13.810 with a timely matter, and then I'd also- 01:28:13.810 --> 01:28:16.040 Well, why don't you go ahead, and address that for me? 01:28:16.040 --> 01:28:16.873 - Yes, Ma'am. 01:28:17.320 --> 01:28:19.142 It's troubling for both of us when 01:28:19.142 --> 01:28:20.310 you hear about these things. 01:28:20.310 --> 01:28:21.910 When we've heard about it, not just as parents, 01:28:21.910 --> 01:28:25.320 but also as parents of kids who are in the military, 01:28:25.320 --> 01:28:26.330 mine for a brief while, 01:28:26.330 --> 01:28:28.200 and the Chiefs, obviously for longer. 01:28:28.200 --> 01:28:29.580 But, it's very troubling, and there's gonna be 01:28:29.580 --> 01:28:32.513 no toleration for that type of activity. 01:28:32.561 --> 01:28:35.107 We need to get accurate reports, data, 01:28:35.107 --> 01:28:38.030 understand what's been substantiated, what's alleged, 01:28:38.030 --> 01:28:40.130 what's been investigated, but not found, 01:28:40.130 --> 01:28:41.180 and we'll work through that, 01:28:41.180 --> 01:28:45.500 but the challenge is as my legal folks tell me that we do 01:28:45.500 --> 01:28:48.583 not have the authority to prosecute that, 01:28:48.848 --> 01:28:50.310 once we have it investigated by the CID. 01:28:50.310 --> 01:28:52.120 So, in most cases what happens is 01:28:52.860 --> 01:28:54.910 the Army Criminal Investigation Division, 01:28:55.010 --> 01:28:56.610 if we have sexual assault experts 01:28:56.610 --> 01:28:57.981 we'll immediately investigate, 01:28:57.981 --> 01:28:59.861 we'll provide services for the victims, 01:28:59.861 --> 01:29:01.668 we'll provide help for the family, 01:29:01.668 --> 01:29:04.840 but we also refer the case, depending on the agreements, 01:29:04.840 --> 01:29:08.341 to local, state, or federal authorities, 01:29:08.341 --> 01:29:11.510 to involve them early on in the process, 01:29:11.510 --> 01:29:15.179 but also local agencies as well to help with the victims, 01:29:15.179 --> 01:29:17.943 as case may be, 'cause our first priority is them. 01:29:18.690 --> 01:29:20.060 The challenge, once we investigate, 01:29:20.060 --> 01:29:21.280 and sometimes we investigate, 01:29:21.280 --> 01:29:23.480 and sometimes local authorities investigate, 01:29:23.590 --> 01:29:24.840 what we then have to hand 01:29:25.966 --> 01:29:27.853 that off to others for prosecution. 01:29:28.070 --> 01:29:30.750 We have some authority, but it's mainly administrative, 01:29:30.750 --> 01:29:35.750 so what we can do is we can bar that kid from being on post, 01:29:36.640 --> 01:29:38.740 or we can remove the family from the post, 01:29:38.740 --> 01:29:39.930 but beyond that the authorities 01:29:39.930 --> 01:29:41.783 really lie outside the military, 01:29:42.060 --> 01:29:44.360 and I think that's something we need to take a look at. 01:29:44.360 --> 01:29:47.840 - Well, that's interesting, I think important to recognize, 01:29:47.840 --> 01:29:49.450 and when you put that into context, 01:29:49.450 --> 01:29:50.420 and this was gonna be the second 01:29:50.420 --> 01:29:51.820 question that I had for you, 01:29:53.301 --> 01:29:57.500 is there's good work that is going 01:29:57.500 --> 01:29:59.640 on on the initiatives to look further 01:29:59.640 --> 01:30:02.727 into sexual harassment, and assault prevention, 01:30:02.727 --> 01:30:04.780 we're seeing numbers go up, 01:30:04.780 --> 01:30:08.695 we don't know if it's more incidents, or better reporting. 01:30:08.695 --> 01:30:13.186 But, the need for victim services, clearly is rising. 01:30:13.186 --> 01:30:14.850 And, it's my understanding that right 01:30:14.850 --> 01:30:18.347 now we have 52 special victims counsel in the Army. 01:30:18.347 --> 01:30:22.681 Last year there were 2,706 victims reported in the Army, 01:30:22.681 --> 01:30:26.483 an average of 52 victims for counsel. 01:30:26.780 --> 01:30:30.100 It's recommended that special victims counsel 01:30:30.100 --> 01:30:32.640 handle no more than 25 concurrent cases. 01:30:32.640 --> 01:30:37.640 So, we got an issue here that you have raised, 01:30:37.853 --> 01:30:42.263 that is very specific to the jurisdictional aspect, 01:30:42.263 --> 01:30:45.900 but it would seem to me that we 01:30:45.900 --> 01:30:49.670 need to look to bringing on more 01:30:49.670 --> 01:30:52.003 that can help on the victims side, 01:30:52.350 --> 01:30:54.263 with these special victims counsels. 01:30:54.480 --> 01:30:55.850 - Yes, Ma'am, I'll take a look at those numbers. 01:30:55.850 --> 01:30:58.100 We do need to make sure that we have adequate support, 01:30:58.100 --> 01:31:01.790 whether it's counsels, or advocates, or prosecutors, 01:31:01.790 --> 01:31:03.290 to make sure that we are fully 01:31:03.842 --> 01:31:05.203 covered to deal with the problem. 01:31:05.689 --> 01:31:08.160 Again, there's zero tolerance for that in the service, 01:31:08.160 --> 01:31:11.100 and it's fratricide when it happens between soldiers, 01:31:11.100 --> 01:31:13.330 and again, we're pursuing a number of initiates 01:31:13.330 --> 01:31:14.680 to make sure that we can tap that down, 01:31:14.680 --> 01:31:16.650 and get rid of it from the ranks. 01:31:16.650 --> 01:31:18.560 Because, it just does not help with readiness, 01:31:18.560 --> 01:31:20.310 it does not help with our soldiers, 01:31:20.625 --> 01:31:22.120 so we're looking at a number of 01:31:22.120 --> 01:31:24.863 things to do better in that regard. 01:31:24.875 --> 01:31:26.721 - Appreciate that, thank you Mr. Chairman. 01:31:26.721 --> 01:31:27.779 - [Senator Shelby] Senator Baldwin. 01:31:27.779 --> 01:31:29.371 - Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 01:31:29.371 --> 01:31:33.870 General Milley, I agree with you about the threat 01:31:33.870 --> 01:31:37.590 posed by Iran's blind regional behavior, 01:31:37.590 --> 01:31:40.963 including it's development of advanced ballistic missiles, 01:31:41.770 --> 01:31:45.730 and support for insurgent groups, terrorist organizations, 01:31:45.730 --> 01:31:50.683 and rogue regimes like Assads in Syria. 01:31:51.110 --> 01:31:56.020 In short, Iran poses a diverse problem set for the 01:31:56.020 --> 01:31:59.653 U.S. Military, does this get more challenging, 01:31:59.970 --> 01:32:02.210 in other words more dangerous, to the United States, 01:32:02.210 --> 01:32:05.527 and our allies, if Iran acquires a nuclear weapon? 01:32:07.490 --> 01:32:12.250 - I think there's no question if Iran had a nuclear weapon 01:32:12.250 --> 01:32:15.480 it would be much more challenging that it currently is, 01:32:15.480 --> 01:32:17.449 although, I don't want to underplay, 01:32:17.449 --> 01:32:21.083 or down play how challenging Iran already is. 01:32:21.135 --> 01:32:23.830 And, you cited the many, many reasons. 01:32:23.830 --> 01:32:26.712 But, yes, if Iran had a nuclear weapon, 01:32:26.712 --> 01:32:28.313 that would not be good. 01:32:29.390 --> 01:32:31.982 - I agree, and note that under the 01:32:31.982 --> 01:32:35.549 join comprehensive plan of action, U.S. Military, 01:32:35.549 --> 01:32:39.100 and Intelligence Leaders consistently concluded that 01:32:39.100 --> 01:32:42.113 Iran was complying with it's obligations to stop, 01:32:42.113 --> 01:32:46.003 and to dismantle it's nuclear program. 01:32:46.410 --> 01:32:50.470 In fact, in July of last year General Dunford said, 01:32:50.470 --> 01:32:55.470 and I quote, "Militarily, the JCPOA remains most durable 01:32:57.277 --> 01:33:02.097 "means of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons 01:33:02.097 --> 01:33:05.710 "capability, if the United States scraps the deal, 01:33:05.710 --> 01:33:09.107 "Iran could respond by restarting it's 01:33:09.107 --> 01:33:12.023 "quest for nuclear weapons." End quote. 01:33:12.440 --> 01:33:14.963 General Milley, do you believe that Iran is more, 01:33:15.040 --> 01:33:17.788 or less likely to restart it's nuclear program 01:33:17.788 --> 01:33:21.313 now that the United States has pulled out from the deal? 01:33:22.390 --> 01:33:24.140 - Senator, appreciate the question. 01:33:24.560 --> 01:33:28.480 I would like to refrain from speculation at this point, 01:33:28.480 --> 01:33:31.080 in open hearing, I'd be happy to give you a 01:33:31.080 --> 01:33:35.320 classified view of what my thoughts are, 01:33:35.320 --> 01:33:37.083 and what the intelligence committee 01:33:37.404 --> 01:33:38.237 is telling us now, if I could. 01:33:39.640 --> 01:33:42.030 - Well, let me try another... 01:33:43.650 --> 01:33:45.393 final follow up on this. 01:33:45.540 --> 01:33:48.160 Last weak Secretary Mattis told 01:33:48.160 --> 01:33:51.150 me that the decision to walk away 01:33:51.150 --> 01:33:52.800 from the agreement was the result 01:33:53.524 --> 01:33:55.713 of rigorous inter-agency debate. 01:33:56.450 --> 01:33:59.933 Did you provide your military advice as part of this debate, 01:34:00.200 --> 01:34:03.790 and was that advise to pull out of the agreement? 01:34:04.410 --> 01:34:06.640 - As a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 01:34:06.640 --> 01:34:09.423 we have frequent meetings on a wide variety of topics, 01:34:10.082 --> 01:34:13.670 and as a matter of routine, our best military advise is 01:34:13.670 --> 01:34:16.047 provided by our spokesman, the Chairman of the 01:34:16.047 --> 01:34:19.453 Joint Chiefs of Staff in the inter-agency process. 01:34:22.080 --> 01:34:25.920 - I will be interested on following up on conversation 01:34:25.920 --> 01:34:28.020 if it needs to be in a classified setting. 01:34:28.740 --> 01:34:33.473 Secretary Esper, as we discussed in my office, 01:34:33.860 --> 01:34:37.200 I'm concerned by low levels of funding 01:34:37.200 --> 01:34:41.510 in the Army's future budget plans for 01:34:41.660 --> 01:34:44.883 the modernization for medium and heavy trucks. 01:34:45.830 --> 01:34:50.793 Like the FMTV, the PLS, and the HEMTT, 01:34:51.429 --> 01:34:54.150 despite known requirements across 01:34:54.150 --> 01:34:56.348 the active reserve and guard, 01:34:56.348 --> 01:34:58.860 this doesn't seem to support the 01:34:58.860 --> 01:35:02.438 Army's modernization strategy, or it's readiness needs. 01:35:02.438 --> 01:35:06.834 And, the volatility in funding can exsert significant 01:35:06.834 --> 01:35:10.413 pressure on the industrial base. 01:35:11.264 --> 01:35:15.150 The industrial base relies on long term agreements with 01:35:15.150 --> 01:35:17.950 hundred of suppliers for specialized parts, 01:35:17.950 --> 01:35:18.943 as you well know. 01:35:19.340 --> 01:35:20.960 What can you tell me about the 01:35:20.960 --> 01:35:24.773 Army's Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Modernization Strategy, 01:35:25.000 --> 01:35:29.570 including how the Army will ensure that it's funding 01:35:29.670 --> 01:35:32.373 requests meet it's requirements? 01:35:33.000 --> 01:35:35.300 - Yes, Ma'am, I do owe you a more 01:35:35.300 --> 01:35:37.340 detailed report on those specific systems. 01:35:37.340 --> 01:35:40.060 On one of 'em, PLS, the initial report was that 01:35:40.060 --> 01:35:43.383 for the next years, so we had met the requirements. 01:35:43.852 --> 01:35:45.977 But, backing up a little bit more broadly, I would say that- 01:35:45.977 --> 01:35:47.803 And we've discussed this some. 01:35:48.190 --> 01:35:51.290 The JLTV, for example, has moved through testing, 01:35:51.290 --> 01:35:52.990 we'll probably consider it for a production, 01:35:52.990 --> 01:35:57.191 or decision later this year in terms of that, 01:35:57.191 --> 01:35:59.593 between us and the Marine Corps. 01:36:00.281 --> 01:36:04.339 Again, it's all couched in terms of the six modernization 01:36:04.339 --> 01:36:06.053 priorities that we've teased out, 01:36:06.369 --> 01:36:08.890 beginning with long rage precision fires, 01:36:08.890 --> 01:36:10.790 all the way through soldier lethality, 01:36:11.310 --> 01:36:12.160 and we have to fill those buckets first, 01:36:12.160 --> 01:36:14.490 and then we look at everything else on the table, 01:36:14.490 --> 01:36:16.440 but clearly we need to have the means by which to move 01:36:16.440 --> 01:36:17.650 soldiers around on the battlefield, 01:36:17.650 --> 01:36:18.990 or supplies, whatever the case may be. 01:36:18.990 --> 01:36:20.390 So, I owe you a more detailed answer 01:36:20.390 --> 01:36:23.363 on the specific systems that you've asked about. 01:36:23.563 --> 01:36:25.424 - Okay, I'll look forward to that. 01:36:25.424 --> 01:36:30.374 Secretary Esper, we also discussed at our meeting last week, 01:36:30.374 --> 01:36:34.369 the former Badger Army Ammunition Plant in Wisconin, 01:36:34.369 --> 01:36:38.910 which was once the largest ammunitions plant in the world. 01:36:38.910 --> 01:36:43.910 After 20 years, we finally made progress in cleaning up much 01:36:44.150 --> 01:36:47.103 of the land, and returning it to local control. 01:36:47.610 --> 01:36:51.020 But, a few years ago, I was alarmed by the armies reversal 01:36:51.020 --> 01:36:53.409 of previously approved plans to construct, 01:36:53.409 --> 01:36:57.070 and operate municipal drinking water 01:36:57.692 --> 01:37:02.393 system as part of it's ground water clean up remedy. 01:37:02.670 --> 01:37:05.370 And, I was disappointed in the Army's 01:37:05.370 --> 01:37:08.853 lack of transparency, and public communication. 01:37:09.230 --> 01:37:12.670 Now, the Army is currently conducting a human health risk 01:37:12.780 --> 01:37:16.580 assessment before moving forward with the new remediation 01:37:16.580 --> 01:37:20.730 plan, and has significantly improved 01:37:20.730 --> 01:37:23.433 relations with local stakeholders. 01:37:23.833 --> 01:37:28.588 I wanna urge you to continue to incorporate local concerns, 01:37:28.588 --> 01:37:32.873 and proffered remedies into the ultimate clean up plan, 01:37:33.300 --> 01:37:37.310 and you may know that directive report language to that 01:37:37.310 --> 01:37:42.310 effect was included in the fiscal year '18 omnibus bill. 01:37:42.700 --> 01:37:46.000 So, I want your commitment that the Army will comply 01:37:46.000 --> 01:37:49.620 with that language, and uphold it's responsibility for full 01:37:49.620 --> 01:37:52.184 environmental remediation at the site, 01:37:52.184 --> 01:37:54.963 including provision of safe drinking water. 01:37:55.260 --> 01:37:56.093 - Yes, Ma'am. 01:37:56.093 --> 01:37:58.570 I as I told you privately, will certainly look into that, 01:37:58.570 --> 01:38:01.570 and do the right here, with regard to the water 01:38:01.650 --> 01:38:03.900 contamination issue that you've talked about. 01:38:04.280 --> 01:38:05.113 - Thank you. 01:38:05.113 --> 01:38:06.587 Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 01:38:07.104 --> 01:38:11.040 (Senator Shelby speaking inaudibly into turned off mic) 01:38:11.040 --> 01:38:12.590 - Appreciate, both of yours appearance 01:38:12.590 --> 01:38:13.940 before the committee today, 01:38:14.430 --> 01:38:17.533 your willingness to answer all these questions. 01:38:17.670 --> 01:38:19.760 I will have a number of written 01:38:19.760 --> 01:38:21.610 questions to submit for the record, 01:38:21.610 --> 01:38:24.293 other people will to, Mr. Secretary, probly. 01:38:24.293 --> 01:38:28.113 And, we ask you to respond to 'em within 30 days. 01:38:29.040 --> 01:38:31.770 The defense Subcommittee will reconvene on 01:38:31.770 --> 01:38:34.860 Thursday, May the 17th, at 10 AM 01:38:34.860 --> 01:38:37.603 to receive testimony from the Air Force. 01:38:37.660 --> 01:38:40.543 Until then, the Subcommittee stands in recess. 01:38:41.120 --> 01:38:43.320 - [Secretary Esper] Thank you, Mr. Chairman.