WEBVTT 00:00.757 --> 00:02.460 - Thank you. 00:02.460 --> 00:03.900 Thank you you Minister Song. 00:03.900 --> 00:06.820 It's a pleasure to see you again 00:06.820 --> 00:09.834 after meeting in Singapore earlier this month 00:09.834 --> 00:12.340 and of course in Hawaii as well. 00:12.340 --> 00:14.770 As we continue with what you accurately described 00:14.770 --> 00:17.330 as our water-tight consultations. 00:18.286 --> 00:23.119 (translator speaking in foreign language) 00:36.770 --> 00:38.270 - Thank you for the warm welcome. 00:38.270 --> 00:40.530 I'm happy to be back in South Korea 00:40.530 --> 00:42.940 and I'm also very happy to be in the ROK 00:42.940 --> 00:47.534 when we arranged for a pause for a trusted assignment. 00:47.534 --> 00:52.367 (translator speaking in foreign language) 00:59.880 --> 01:02.180 We always have candid discussions 01:02.180 --> 01:04.390 and those are possible only with such 01:04.390 --> 01:06.873 a steadfast and trusted ally. 01:08.034 --> 01:12.867 (translator speaking in foreign language) 01:17.230 --> 01:20.280 Minister Song, you and I stand side-by-side today, 01:20.280 --> 01:24.410 a firm reminder that the US-ROK alliance continues 01:24.410 --> 01:26.393 to withstand the test of time. 01:27.755 --> 01:32.588 (translator speaking in foreign language) 01:41.330 --> 01:43.950 This year marks the 65th anniversary 01:43.950 --> 01:47.930 of the signing of the US-ROK Mutual Defense Treaty 01:47.930 --> 01:50.850 and 50 years of close consultation 01:50.850 --> 01:53.843 through our Joint Security Consultative Meeting. 01:55.238 --> 02:00.071 (translator speaking in foreign language) 02:07.430 --> 02:09.610 And I look forward to welcoming you back 02:09.610 --> 02:13.964 to Washington DC this October for the next meeting. 02:13.964 --> 02:18.797 (translator speaking in foreign language) 02:21.070 --> 02:22.800 These milestones signify 02:22.800 --> 02:26.860 the strong US-ROK relationship of the past 02:26.860 --> 02:31.283 and the continued strength of our alliance for the future. 02:32.256 --> 02:37.089 (translator speaking in foreign language) 02:44.260 --> 02:48.350 We are reinforced by shared democratic values 02:48.350 --> 02:50.473 and by common security interests. 02:51.458 --> 02:56.291 (translator speaking in foreign language) 02:58.480 --> 03:02.350 US commitment to the Republic of Korea remains iron-clad 03:02.350 --> 03:05.230 and the US will continue to use the full range 03:05.230 --> 03:08.085 of diplomatic and military capabilities 03:08.085 --> 03:10.938 to uphold this commitment. 03:10.938 --> 03:15.771 (translator speaking in foreign language) 03:25.406 --> 03:27.680 This includes maintaining the current 03:27.680 --> 03:31.878 US force levels on the Korean peninsula. 03:31.878 --> 03:36.711 (translator speaking in foreign language) 03:39.890 --> 03:41.720 As outlined in President Trump's 03:41.720 --> 03:44.690 Whole-of-Government Indo-Pacific Strategy, 03:44.690 --> 03:47.490 the US maintains an enduring commitment 03:47.490 --> 03:51.340 to a peaceful, secure, prosperous, 03:51.340 --> 03:54.093 free, and open Indo-Pacific. 03:55.566 --> 04:00.399 (translator speaking in foreign language) 04:16.360 --> 04:19.080 As evidence of this commitment, this trip marks 04:19.080 --> 04:21.900 my seventh visit to the Indo-Pacific 04:21.900 --> 04:23.563 as the Secretary of Defense. 04:24.948 --> 04:29.781 (translator speaking in foreign language) 04:34.730 --> 04:37.870 Earlier this month at the Singapore Shangri-la Dialogue, 04:37.870 --> 04:39.450 I called on all in the region 04:39.450 --> 04:41.810 to strive toward a shared destiny. 04:41.810 --> 04:45.040 One steeped in common values of respect 04:45.040 --> 04:46.140 for international law. 04:47.855 --> 04:52.688 (translator speaking in foreign language) 05:09.182 --> 05:12.270 And, as with past visits, I welcome the opportunity 05:12.270 --> 05:17.200 to reinforce concrete relationships with stalwart allies, 05:17.200 --> 05:20.090 while opening avenues for substantive dialogue 05:20.090 --> 05:21.720 with others in the region, 05:21.720 --> 05:24.420 as I did in China these last few days. 05:25.739 --> 05:30.572 (translator speaking in foreign language) 05:42.790 --> 05:45.080 And, as always, in close consultation 05:45.080 --> 05:47.950 with the Republic of Korea and other partners, 05:47.950 --> 05:50.550 our diplomats continue their work to achieve 05:50.550 --> 05:54.670 the complete verifiable and irreversible denuclearization 05:54.670 --> 05:56.023 of the Korean peninsula. 05:57.288 --> 06:02.121 (translator speaking in foreign language) 06:15.380 --> 06:19.590 The recent decision to suspend the Freedom Guardian exercise 06:19.590 --> 06:21.570 creates increased opportunity 06:21.570 --> 06:23.900 for our diplomats to negotiate, 06:23.900 --> 06:27.160 increasing prospects for a peaceful solution 06:27.160 --> 06:29.627 on the peninsula. 06:29.627 --> 06:34.460 (translator speaking in foreign language) 06:46.092 --> 06:50.180 At the same time, the US and ROK forces remain united, 06:50.180 --> 06:54.420 vigilant, and ready to defend against any challenge. 06:54.420 --> 06:59.253 (translator speaking in foreign language) 07:08.010 --> 07:11.290 Minister Song, during our January meeting in Hawaii, 07:11.290 --> 07:12.967 you said, and I quote, 07:12.967 --> 07:16.117 "As an alliance, we always go together." 07:17.578 --> 07:22.411 (translator speaking in foreign language) 07:30.718 --> 07:33.590 And in that spirit, I look forward to today's discussion 07:33.590 --> 07:35.807 of ways to go together (speaking in foreign language), 07:37.120 --> 07:41.540 further strengthening the US-ROK alliance in pursuit 07:41.540 --> 07:45.698 of our shared goals for peace in the region. 07:45.698 --> 07:50.531 (translator speaking in foreign language) 08:06.803 --> 08:08.167 Thank you ladies and gentlemen, 08:08.167 --> 08:13.167 thank you Minister Song. (audience applauding)