WEBVTT 00:00.730 --> 00:02.290 - Welcome to today's ceremony 00:02.290 --> 00:05.010 to honor the fallen heroes of United Nations Command 00:05.010 --> 00:07.110 who had been missing since the Korean War. 00:13.430 --> 00:15.790 Before you are caskets containing the remains 00:15.790 --> 00:18.700 of valiant warriors who made the ultimate sacrifice 00:18.700 --> 00:22.030 while serving under the flag of the United Nations Command 00:22.030 --> 00:23.873 in defense of the Republic of Korea. 00:25.870 --> 00:27.990 Following today's ceremony, these remains 00:27.990 --> 00:30.640 will be transported to the Department of Defense 00:30.640 --> 00:33.610 Prisoner of War Missing in Action Accounting Agency 00:33.610 --> 00:36.903 in Hawaii where the identification process is conducted. 00:38.000 --> 00:39.720 Ultimately, they will be returned 00:39.720 --> 00:41.620 to their countries and their families. 00:47.240 --> 00:50.610 Our ceremony is hosted by General Vincent K. Brooks, 00:50.610 --> 00:52.963 Commander, United Nations Command. 00:54.230 --> 00:56.070 We appreciate and acknowledge the presence 00:56.070 --> 00:59.000 of the honorable Song Young-moo, 00:59.000 --> 01:03.070 Minister of National Defense, General Jeong Kyeong-doo, 01:03.070 --> 01:05.273 Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staffs, 01:06.140 --> 01:10.270 the Honorable Lee Seung-Cheol, First Vice Director 01:10.270 --> 01:14.790 of National Security, U.S. Ambassador Harry Harris, 01:14.790 --> 01:17.230 and Rear Admiral John C. Kreitz, 01:17.230 --> 01:20.960 from the Defense POW and MIA Accounting Agency, 01:20.960 --> 01:23.453 all of whom will serve as a reviewing party. 01:26.030 --> 01:29.750 We also acknowledge members of the Korean National Assembly, 01:29.750 --> 01:32.203 members of the Diplomatic Corps and attaches, 01:33.252 --> 01:36.480 members of the United Nations Command, members of the 01:36.480 --> 01:40.730 Republic of Korea United States Combined Forces Command, 01:40.730 --> 01:43.563 and members of United States Forces Korea. 01:46.430 --> 01:49.273 Today's ceremony will be conducted in three parts. 01:50.290 --> 01:53.940 The honors to the fallen, the dignified transfer 01:53.940 --> 01:56.563 of remains, and the flyaway. 01:58.360 --> 02:00.800 There will be a brief interlude before each part 02:00.800 --> 02:02.500 to allow your departure as needed. 02:03.500 --> 02:05.210 You are invited and welcome to observe 02:05.210 --> 02:07.110 all three parts from here in the room. 02:09.040 --> 02:12.610 Ladies and gentlemen, please stand for the invocation 02:12.610 --> 02:16.040 given by the Command Chaplain, Colonel Samuel S. Lee, 02:16.040 --> 02:19.000 and remain standing for the playing of the National Anthems 02:19.000 --> 02:22.110 of the Republic of Korea and the United States of America, 02:22.110 --> 02:24.863 representing all United Nations Command countries. 02:31.350 --> 02:32.680 - Would you bow with me? 02:32.680 --> 02:36.090 I will be praying in Korean first, then English. 02:36.090 --> 02:36.923 Let us pray. 02:40.104 --> 02:44.021 (speaking in foreign language) 03:26.908 --> 03:30.340 Oh mighty and merciful God, we come before you 03:30.340 --> 03:32.780 with a humility in our attitude 03:32.780 --> 03:35.493 and simplicity in our expectation. 03:36.510 --> 03:39.830 As we welcome our fallen comrades from a long 03:39.830 --> 03:43.350 journey home, I cannot fathom what they 03:43.350 --> 03:46.270 and their loved ones have gone through. 03:46.270 --> 03:49.910 In the mist of difficulties, they never looked back 03:49.910 --> 03:53.060 nor complained, they endured the hardship 03:53.060 --> 03:55.370 and gave everything they had. 03:55.370 --> 03:59.080 At the end, they paid the ultimate price. 03:59.080 --> 04:01.780 And engaged, our fallen comrades 04:01.780 --> 04:05.360 gave their last full measure of devotion. 04:05.360 --> 04:10.030 Oh lord, help us not waste a minute 04:10.030 --> 04:13.700 but live life worthy of their sacrifice. 04:13.700 --> 04:17.340 Oh lord, help us to resolve that these dead 04:17.340 --> 04:20.240 shall not have died in vain but laid 04:20.240 --> 04:24.030 to a lasting and just peace in Korea. 04:24.030 --> 04:28.250 Oh lord, in your great mercy, grant us a serenity 04:28.250 --> 04:32.720 in the mist of chaos above all, oh lord. 04:32.720 --> 04:37.460 Help us to cherish the life, peace, and freedom. 04:37.460 --> 04:41.720 May the lord bless our returned comrades and their families. 04:41.720 --> 04:44.793 In your holy name I pray, amen. 05:01.730 --> 05:02.680 - Present arms. 05:06.960 --> 05:11.043 ("North Korean National Anthem") 06:09.125 --> 06:13.292 ("United States National Anthem") 07:21.180 --> 07:22.663 Order arms. 07:23.510 --> 07:25.527 Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. 07:34.020 --> 07:37.320 Ladies and gentlemen, General Vincent K. Brooks, 07:37.320 --> 07:39.523 Commander, United Nations Command. 07:53.855 --> 07:55.750 (speaking in foreign language) 07:55.750 --> 07:57.283 - And good evening. 07:59.110 --> 08:01.140 I am General Vincent K. Brooks, 08:01.140 --> 08:04.353 the Commander of United Nations Command. 08:05.630 --> 08:08.650 I welcome the many distinguished guests 08:08.650 --> 08:13.650 who have joined the command in properly honoring 08:14.350 --> 08:18.780 the remains of fallen warriors from the Korean War 08:18.780 --> 08:22.280 as we send them away from this ancient land 08:23.190 --> 08:27.170 onward to the identification laboratories 08:27.170 --> 08:29.760 in the United States where they can be 08:29.760 --> 08:34.723 positively identified and returned, finally, 08:36.190 --> 08:40.620 to their countrymen and their families 08:40.620 --> 08:45.620 who never forgot them or the war that claimed them. 08:49.130 --> 08:51.070 To the distinguished representatives 08:51.070 --> 08:55.190 of the Republic of Korea government who are present 08:55.190 --> 08:58.773 and led by Minister of Defense Song Young-moo, 08:59.930 --> 09:03.150 to the Excellencies of the Diplomatic Corps 09:03.150 --> 09:05.940 and the Attache Corps representing 09:05.940 --> 09:08.810 the United Nations Member States, 09:08.810 --> 09:13.810 who sent forces to the aid of the Republic of Korea 09:13.920 --> 09:18.920 under the United Nations flag, and to the forces 09:19.150 --> 09:23.400 of multiple countries who serve here today 09:23.400 --> 09:27.010 in the Republic of Korea, thank you all 09:27.010 --> 09:29.993 for your presence and your participation. 09:33.090 --> 09:37.573 Ladies and gentlemen, at a time like this, 09:38.690 --> 09:43.690 in such a solemn observance, the time for words 09:45.200 --> 09:50.200 should be kept short and the time for solemn observation 09:51.550 --> 09:56.230 of military tradition to honor fallen comrades 09:56.230 --> 10:00.163 must be the primary focus of our attention. 10:02.190 --> 10:04.700 With that in mind, it is appropriate today 10:04.700 --> 10:07.363 to recognize what it is we are doing. 10:09.570 --> 10:14.570 Encouraged by recent cooperation with North Korea 10:15.110 --> 10:19.940 on this humanitarian effort that enabled 10:19.940 --> 10:24.780 the transfer of 55 sets of remains 10:24.780 --> 10:29.053 on the 27th of July, last Friday, we have gathered. 10:30.460 --> 10:33.800 As the successors of United Nations Command 10:33.800 --> 10:38.700 of the Republic of Korea and as the beneficiaries 10:38.700 --> 10:42.660 of the noble sacrifices of those who, 10:42.660 --> 10:45.073 for a short while longer, 10:45.930 --> 10:49.873 will remain nameless yet in our presence. 10:51.030 --> 10:54.663 To render our final salutes to them. 10:56.500 --> 11:00.170 To lay wreaths in the names of our countries 11:00.170 --> 11:05.170 who fought side by side and who died side by side. 11:07.730 --> 11:12.070 And to be reminded once again of our solemn 11:12.070 --> 11:16.543 obligation to bring every one of them, 11:17.540 --> 11:21.680 the missing, the prisoner of war, 11:21.680 --> 11:26.423 back home to their countries and their families. 11:28.240 --> 11:32.103 For the warrior, this is a cherished duty, 11:33.510 --> 11:36.030 a commitment made to one another 11:36.030 --> 11:39.930 before going into battle and passed on 11:39.930 --> 11:43.943 from one generation of warriors to the next. 11:45.740 --> 11:49.950 And for all in attendance, this is a solemn reminder 11:51.340 --> 11:56.340 that our work is not complete until all have been 11:57.760 --> 12:02.760 accounted for, no matter how long it takes to do so. 12:06.140 --> 12:10.410 We assemble in this place, the United Nations flag 12:10.410 --> 12:14.903 before us, the flags of the sending states beneath it, 12:16.100 --> 12:21.100 and behind us the flags of the United States 12:21.300 --> 12:23.550 as lead nation and the Republic of Korea 12:23.550 --> 12:26.300 as the primary force provider 12:26.300 --> 12:31.300 and beneficiary of the gallant sacrifice, 12:32.840 --> 12:37.840 and these 55 sets of remains in our midst. 12:40.960 --> 12:44.430 Honored colleagues of the United Nations Command, 12:44.430 --> 12:48.250 in a few moments we will proceed with wreath laying 12:48.250 --> 12:52.580 and military honors followed by the movement 12:52.580 --> 12:56.810 of each set of remains from here to the two 12:56.810 --> 13:01.000 military transport aircraft that will bring them 13:01.000 --> 13:05.233 one step closer to the end of their journey. 13:07.320 --> 13:10.370 I want to thank the U.S. Department of Defense 13:10.370 --> 13:14.383 Prisoner of War and Missing in Action Accounting Agency, 13:15.500 --> 13:19.000 the U.S. Departments of State and Defense, 13:19.000 --> 13:21.130 and the Republic of Korea government 13:21.130 --> 13:22.723 for enabling this event. 13:24.100 --> 13:27.710 And to thank each of you for your 13:27.710 --> 13:32.203 presence today and your support every day. 13:33.920 --> 13:38.920 Thank you and may God bless the souls 13:38.930 --> 13:43.930 of those who lay before us and provide comfort 13:44.400 --> 13:48.590 to those who yet await the return 13:48.590 --> 13:52.883 of their beloved and missing warrior. 13:58.890 --> 14:01.170 - At this time, the Ambassadors 14:01.170 --> 14:03.330 and national representatives from the countries 14:03.330 --> 14:05.860 who provided troops and medical support 14:05.860 --> 14:08.470 to the United Nations Command will lay wreaths 14:08.470 --> 14:12.180 in remembrance of those who made the ultimate sacrifice 14:12.180 --> 14:14.180 in the defense of the Republic of Korea. 14:43.980 --> 14:46.063 Ladies and gentlemen, please stand. 14:51.810 --> 14:55.693 Ambassadors and representatives, please place your wreaths. 15:25.640 --> 15:29.166 Ladies and gentlemen, please bow your heads. 15:29.166 --> 15:33.573 (speaking in foreign language) 15:33.573 --> 15:36.156 (solemn music) 16:36.540 --> 16:37.423 As you were. 16:39.940 --> 16:40.813 Please be seated. 17:13.750 --> 17:16.640 Throughout time and in military tradition, 17:16.640 --> 17:19.230 bugle calls have been used to signal actions 17:19.230 --> 17:22.660 in the lives of warriors, to wake up, 17:22.660 --> 17:27.030 to eat, to attack, even to retreat, 17:27.030 --> 17:31.023 but also to remember those who have fallen. 17:35.000 --> 17:36.713 To conclude today's ceremony, 17:37.710 --> 17:39.590 you will hear the traditional bugle call 17:39.590 --> 17:42.203 of the Republic of Korea, Jin Hong Go, 17:43.370 --> 17:45.180 followed by the commonwealth tradition 17:45.180 --> 17:49.070 of the last post, and finally the American tradition 17:49.070 --> 17:53.443 of a three volley 21 gun salute and the playing of Taps. 17:55.510 --> 17:57.850 Please stand as we join together 17:57.850 --> 17:59.323 for the rendering of honors. 18:00.420 --> 18:02.930 Military members will render proper courtesies 18:02.930 --> 18:06.300 by presenting a salute while our civilian attendees 18:06.300 --> 18:09.773 are encouraged to place a hand over their heart throughout. 18:10.970 --> 18:12.270 Present arms. 18:16.337 --> 18:19.837 (traditional bugle music) 19:06.364 --> 19:07.281 Order arms. 19:13.130 --> 19:14.160 Present arms. 19:18.101 --> 19:20.601 (bugle music) 20:47.060 --> 20:48.273 Order arms. 20:51.760 --> 20:52.990 Present arms. 20:57.736 --> 21:00.236 (guns firing) 21:12.803 --> 21:14.886 ("Taps") 22:05.490 --> 22:07.203 Order arms. 22:09.460 --> 22:12.230 Ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing 22:12.230 --> 22:14.280 for the departure of the reviewing party. 22:55.650 --> 22:58.710 Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the honors portion 22:58.710 --> 23:01.970 of today's ceremony, thank you for attending. 23:01.970 --> 23:04.370 In 15 minutes, we will begin the dignified 23:04.370 --> 23:07.070 transfer of remains to the aircraft. 23:07.070 --> 23:08.800 You are invited to stay in this room 23:08.800 --> 23:11.130 and respectfully observe the ceremony 23:11.130 --> 23:15.100 which will require approximately one hour to complete. 23:15.100 --> 23:19.520 If you are unable to stay, we request you prepare to depart 23:19.520 --> 23:22.393 the hangar through the same doors that you entered. 23:23.260 --> 23:25.900 Transportation shuttles are waiting outside 23:25.900 --> 23:28.400 to return you to the parking area. 23:28.400 --> 23:30.250 Thank you for your attendance. 23:42.500 --> 23:46.010 - The task now is to put the ceasefire agreement 23:46.010 --> 23:49.090 into full effect and get down to working out 23:49.090 --> 23:51.503 an enduring settlement of the Korean province. 23:52.580 --> 23:55.683 I cannot find it in me to exult in this hour. 23:56.700 --> 23:58.867 Rather, it is a time for prayer. 23:59.811 --> 24:03.434 That we may succeed in our difficult endeavor 24:03.434 --> 24:08.434 to join this armistice to the advantage of mankind. 24:08.465 --> 24:10.548 ("Taps") 24:16.936 --> 24:19.686 (sweeping music) 25:55.590 --> 25:58.423 ("Amazing Grace") 26:25.455 --> 26:29.013 The task now is to put the ceasefire agreement 26:29.013 --> 26:32.098 into full effect and get down to working out 26:32.098 --> 26:35.706 an enduring settlement of the Korean province. 26:35.706 --> 26:39.551 I cannot find it in me to exult in this hour. 26:39.551 --> 26:42.680 Rather, it is a time for prayer. 26:42.680 --> 26:46.435 That we may succeed in our difficult endeavor 26:46.435 --> 26:50.998 to join this armistice to the advantage of mankind. 26:50.998 --> 26:53.081 ("Taps") 26:58.761 --> 27:01.511 (sweeping music) 28:38.639 --> 28:41.472 ("Amazing Grace") 29:08.788 --> 29:12.029 The task now is to put the ceasefire agreement 29:12.029 --> 29:15.233 into full effect and get down to working out 29:15.233 --> 29:18.758 an enduring settlement of the Korean province. 29:18.758 --> 29:22.460 I cannot find it in me to exult in this hour. 29:22.460 --> 29:25.606 Rather, it is a time for prayer. 29:25.606 --> 29:29.066 That we may succeed in our difficult endeavor 29:29.066 --> 29:33.788 to join this armistice to the advantage of mankind. 29:33.788 --> 29:35.871 ("Taps") 29:40.253 --> 29:43.003 (sweeping music) 31:21.060 --> 31:23.893 ("Amazing Grace") 31:51.245 --> 31:54.701 - The task now is to put the ceasefire agreement 31:54.701 --> 31:57.857 into full effect and get down to working out 31:57.857 --> 32:01.439 an enduring settlement of the Korean province. 32:01.439 --> 32:04.690 I cannot find it in me to exult in this hour. 32:04.690 --> 32:07.163 Rather, it is a time for prayer. 32:08.410 --> 32:11.020 That we may succeed in our difficult endeavor 32:12.360 --> 32:15.160 to join this armistice to the advantage of mankind. 32:17.109 --> 32:19.192 ("Taps") 32:23.430 --> 32:26.180 (sweeping music) 33:17.560 --> 33:20.160 - [Man] As a reminder, the dignified 33:20.160 --> 33:22.630 transfer will begin in 10 minutes. 34:22.730 --> 34:24.700 As a reminder, the dignified 34:24.700 --> 34:26.693 transfer will begin in 10 minutes. 34:27.570 --> 34:29.480 At that time, the departure route 34:29.480 --> 34:32.310 will be dedicated to the transfer of remains 34:32.310 --> 34:34.143 from the hangar to the flight line. 34:35.140 --> 34:38.930 The ceremony will require approximately one hour. 34:38.930 --> 34:39.763 Thank you. 35:44.670 --> 35:48.160 Ladies and gentlemen, during the dignified transfer 35:48.160 --> 35:50.760 of remains ceremony, we ask that you stand 35:50.760 --> 35:53.093 and render proper courtesies when directed. 35:54.500 --> 35:57.640 Military members will present a salute while civilians 35:57.640 --> 36:00.380 are asked to place their hand over their heart 36:00.380 --> 36:03.760 as our fallen warriors are moved to the vehicles. 36:03.760 --> 36:06.920 Screens to your front will display service members 36:06.920 --> 36:09.550 as they transfer our heroes into the vehicles 36:09.550 --> 36:12.183 and aircraft to begin their journey home. 37:05.190 --> 37:07.623 Ladies and gentlemen, please stand. 37:11.720 --> 37:13.593 Present arms. 37:15.787 --> 37:19.704 (speaking in foreign language) 37:55.108 --> 37:57.941 ("Amazing Grace") 38:12.808 --> 38:14.058 - Present arms. 40:17.680 --> 40:19.373 - [Man] Order arms. 40:20.570 --> 40:22.707 Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. 40:31.829 --> 40:32.996 - Ready, stop. 40:38.430 --> 40:39.347 Ready, set. 40:50.872 --> 40:51.872 Ready, stop. 40:57.889 --> 40:58.889 Ready, face. 41:02.051 --> 41:02.968 Ready, set. 41:06.610 --> 41:07.443 Order up. 41:36.504 --> 41:37.587 Present arms. 41:43.682 --> 41:44.515 Raise now. 42:05.040 --> 42:07.190 - [Man] Ladies and gentlemen, please stand. 42:14.090 --> 42:15.320 Present arms. 42:59.989 --> 43:02.906 (reflective music) 45:18.650 --> 45:20.313 Order arms. 45:22.500 --> 45:24.497 Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. 46:19.010 --> 46:21.843 ("Amazing Grace") 47:28.422 --> 47:31.005 (jets passing) 48:37.920 --> 48:40.053 Ladies and gentlemen, please stand. 48:48.220 --> 48:49.520 Present arms. 50:41.723 --> 50:44.306 (solemn music) 51:54.350 --> 51:55.883 Order arms. 51:57.300 --> 51:59.297 Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. 55:13.960 --> 55:15.923 Ladies and gentlemen, please stand. 55:23.440 --> 55:24.490 Present arms. 56:07.732 --> 56:10.482 (military music) 58:22.190 --> 58:23.733 Order arms. 58:25.780 --> 58:28.037 Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. 01:00:41.953 --> 01:00:44.536 (bright music) 01:01:55.920 --> 01:01:58.653 Ladies and gentlemen, please stand. 01:02:05.260 --> 01:02:06.570 Present arms. 01:03:05.015 --> 01:03:07.848 ("Amazing Grace") 01:05:35.186 --> 01:05:36.103 Order arms. 01:05:38.061 --> 01:05:41.311 Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. 01:10:23.698 --> 01:10:26.615 Ladies and gentlemen, please stand. 01:10:35.150 --> 01:10:36.290 Present arms. 01:11:20.639 --> 01:11:23.222 (solemn music) 01:13:42.400 --> 01:13:43.317 Order arms. 01:13:52.942 --> 01:13:56.192 Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. 01:17:11.987 --> 01:17:13.737 Ladies and gentlemen, please stand. 01:17:22.784 --> 01:17:23.867 Present arms. 01:17:29.454 --> 01:17:33.371 (speaking in foreign language) 01:18:14.926 --> 01:18:17.593 (pensive music) 01:21:00.320 --> 01:21:04.877 Order arms, ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. 01:23:39.403 --> 01:23:43.320 (speaking in foreign language) 01:24:28.802 --> 01:24:31.719 Ladies and gentlemen, please stand. 01:24:38.821 --> 01:24:39.904 Present arms. 01:25:27.122 --> 01:25:29.705 (solemn music) 01:27:48.170 --> 01:27:49.087 Order arms. 01:27:51.086 --> 01:27:54.336 Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. 01:30:34.508 --> 01:30:38.425 (speaking in foreign language) 01:31:25.772 --> 01:31:28.689 Ladies and gentlemen, please stand. 01:31:35.932 --> 01:31:37.015 Present arms. 01:32:30.426 --> 01:32:33.843 ("U.S. National Anthem") 01:35:02.732 --> 01:35:05.315 (bell ringing) 01:35:11.389 --> 01:35:15.639 Order arms, Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. 01:37:16.621 --> 01:37:20.288 (speaking foreign language) 01:38:17.950 --> 01:38:20.867 Ladies and gentlemen, please stand. 01:38:28.422 --> 01:38:29.505 Present arms. 01:38:32.531 --> 01:38:36.448 (speaking in foreign language) 01:38:58.343 --> 01:39:01.093 (military music) 01:39:46.735 --> 01:39:47.652 Order arms. 01:39:49.518 --> 01:39:52.768 Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. 01:47:29.377 --> 01:47:33.294 (speaking in foreign language) 01:50:04.800 --> 01:50:07.633 ("Amazing Grace") 01:54:57.014 --> 01:54:59.514 (jets flying) 01:56:14.325 --> 01:56:17.575 (somber bagpipe music) 01:59:30.819 --> 01:59:33.819 (jets accelerating) 02:00:33.944 --> 02:00:36.180 Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes 02:00:36.180 --> 02:00:38.077 the second part of our ceremony, 02:00:38.077 --> 02:00:42.010 the dignified transfer of the remains to the aircraft. 02:00:42.010 --> 02:00:44.800 For those who wish to remain through the third part, 02:00:44.800 --> 02:00:49.800 the final salute and take-off, please remain in place. 02:00:50.070 --> 02:00:51.910 Others may now depart as desired 02:00:51.910 --> 02:00:53.653 until the aircraft begins to taxi. 02:00:55.020 --> 02:00:57.730 There will be a period of approximately 20 minutes 02:00:57.730 --> 02:00:59.330 while the aircraft accomplishes their 02:00:59.330 --> 02:01:02.683 final pre-flight preparations prior to departure.