WEBVTT 00:00.900 --> 00:01.733 - At ease. 00:04.320 --> 00:08.240 Members of the Joint Chiefs, leadership of our armed forces, 00:08.240 --> 00:11.030 distinguished members of Congress, 00:11.030 --> 00:13.460 and all who wear the uniform of the United States, 00:13.460 --> 00:17.859 especially the storied 10th Mountain Division... 00:17.859 --> 00:22.109 (audience cheering and applauding) 00:25.790 --> 00:28.530 It's a great honor to be here today with all of you 00:28.530 --> 00:31.950 as our President, with the strong support of Congress, 00:31.950 --> 00:35.600 will take decisive action to make the strongest military 00:35.600 --> 00:39.246 in the history of the world stronger still. 00:39.246 --> 00:43.496 (audience cheering and applauding) 00:46.880 --> 00:48.320 All of you have chosen to be part 00:48.320 --> 00:50.770 of something larger than yourselves. 00:50.770 --> 00:52.670 You've chosen to serve in the Armed Forces 00:52.670 --> 00:54.200 of the United States of America. 00:54.200 --> 00:56.650 And let me assure you, you have 00:56.650 --> 00:59.540 a champion in the 45th President 00:59.540 --> 01:03.257 of the United States of America, President Donald Trump. 01:03.257 --> 01:06.670 (audience cheering and applauding) 01:06.670 --> 01:07.503 It's true. 01:10.130 --> 01:12.470 This President has no higher priority 01:12.470 --> 01:15.520 than the safety and security of the American people. 01:15.520 --> 01:18.650 And from the very earliest days of our administration, 01:18.650 --> 01:20.370 your Commander-in-Chief has been fulfilling 01:20.370 --> 01:24.470 his solemn oath to provide for the common defense. 01:24.470 --> 01:27.780 And President Donald Trump always puts 01:27.780 --> 01:32.310 our armed forces and your families first. 01:32.310 --> 01:36.560 (audience cheering and applauding) 01:40.050 --> 01:41.363 I've seen it firsthand. 01:42.220 --> 01:45.530 On our very first day in office, I witnessed President Trump 01:45.530 --> 01:48.340 protect our military from a government-wide hiring freeze. 01:48.340 --> 01:51.490 And in May of last year, he signed the largest increase 01:51.490 --> 01:54.230 in military spending in nearly a decade. 01:54.230 --> 01:55.590 And with the leadership and support 01:55.590 --> 01:58.370 of this Commander-in-Chief, our armed forces have 01:58.370 --> 02:00.350 taken the fight to the terrorists 02:00.350 --> 02:04.800 of ISIS on our terms, on their soil. 02:04.800 --> 02:08.300 Their caliphate has crumbled, and soon we will 02:08.300 --> 02:11.041 erase ISIS from the face of the Earth. 02:11.041 --> 02:15.291 (audience cheering and applauding) 02:16.730 --> 02:21.170 And last August, last August, our President laid out 02:21.170 --> 02:23.530 our South Asia Strategy to give our warfighters 02:23.530 --> 02:26.917 in Afghanistan, in his words, "the tools they need 02:26.917 --> 02:31.917 "and the trust they've earned to fight and win." 02:32.090 --> 02:35.030 This President has also secured commitments 02:35.030 --> 02:37.240 around the world from our allies, 02:37.240 --> 02:39.500 commitments from our NATO allies in particular, 02:39.500 --> 02:42.590 to pay more for our common defense than ever before. 02:42.590 --> 02:46.330 And President Trump has articulated a vision to ensure 02:46.330 --> 02:51.330 continued American dominance in land, sea, air, and space. 02:53.001 --> 02:57.604 (audience cheering and applauding) 02:57.604 --> 03:02.550 And last fall, our President led negotiations 03:02.550 --> 03:04.630 with both parties of Congress, 03:04.630 --> 03:08.810 and President Trump signed into law the largest increase 03:08.810 --> 03:12.260 in our national defense in a generation. 03:12.260 --> 03:14.540 Under President Donald Trump, the days 03:14.540 --> 03:19.540 of arbitrary budget cuts to our national defense are over. 03:19.644 --> 03:23.894 (audience cheering and applauding) 03:29.033 --> 03:31.530 And finally, in June of this year, 03:31.530 --> 03:34.470 while our President engaged in historic negotiations 03:34.470 --> 03:38.263 with North Korea, he had our missing fallen on his heart. 03:39.220 --> 03:42.530 And as the nation witnessed just a few short weeks ago, 03:42.530 --> 03:44.920 thanks to the leadership and compassion 03:44.920 --> 03:47.550 of this Commander-in-Chief, 03:47.550 --> 03:50.561 our boys are finally coming home. 03:50.561 --> 03:54.811 (audience cheering and applauding) 04:00.020 --> 04:01.580 By signing this legislation today, 04:01.580 --> 04:03.190 President Trump is keeping his promise 04:03.190 --> 04:07.060 to the American people to rebuild our military, 04:07.060 --> 04:09.460 restore the arsenal of democracy, 04:09.460 --> 04:12.810 and once again, give you, our soldiers, sailors, 04:12.810 --> 04:14.410 airmen, Marines, and Coast Guard, 04:14.410 --> 04:16.650 the resources and training you need 04:16.650 --> 04:19.630 to accomplish your mission and come home safe. 04:19.630 --> 04:21.750 The Armed Forces of the United States of America 04:21.750 --> 04:25.060 are the world's greatest force for good. 04:25.060 --> 04:28.110 And you can be assured President Donald Trump 04:28.110 --> 04:30.380 and our entire administration will never 04:30.380 --> 04:34.630 stop fighting for you who fight to defend 04:34.630 --> 04:38.620 this nation, past, present, and future. 04:38.620 --> 04:43.420 (audience cheering and applauding) 04:43.420 --> 04:47.360 So now, now, it is my high honor 04:48.670 --> 04:51.760 and distinct privilege to introduce to you 04:51.760 --> 04:54.980 your Commander-in-Chief and a true champion 04:54.980 --> 04:57.910 of the men and women of the Armed Forces 04:57.910 --> 05:01.990 of the United States of America, the 45th President 05:01.990 --> 05:05.090 of the United States, President Donald Trump! 05:05.090 --> 05:05.923 (audience cheering and applauding) 05:05.923 --> 05:09.090 ("Hail to the Chief") 05:37.360 --> 05:38.613 - Thank you, everybody. 05:39.673 --> 05:42.560 It's a great place; I've been here before. 05:42.560 --> 05:44.350 We love this location. 05:44.350 --> 05:49.080 We love this base and, most particularly, the people 05:49.080 --> 05:52.260 that are working so hard here and so effectively. 05:52.260 --> 05:55.530 So I want to start by saying, "At ease." 05:55.530 --> 05:57.800 Just relax. 05:57.800 --> 05:58.633 Do you have seats? 05:58.633 --> 05:59.466 You can sit down. 05:59.466 --> 06:00.380 Come on, sit. 06:00.380 --> 06:01.910 If you want to stand, you can. 06:01.910 --> 06:04.990 We'll just get one big standing ovation, right? 06:04.990 --> 06:05.823 Sit down. 06:08.300 --> 06:09.133 Thank you. 06:09.133 --> 06:10.590 That's pretty good; everybody's got a seat. 06:10.590 --> 06:11.863 Thank you very much. 06:13.370 --> 06:17.160 I want to thank our wonderful Vice President, Mike Pence, 06:17.160 --> 06:21.380 and say a special hello to the incredible patriots 06:21.380 --> 06:26.380 of Fort Drum and the 10th Mountain Division, special people. 06:26.700 --> 06:27.579 Thank you. 06:27.579 --> 06:31.829 (audience cheering and applauding) 06:38.490 --> 06:40.350 A few moments ago, I witnessed 06:40.350 --> 06:44.050 your extraordinary capabilities firsthand 06:44.050 --> 06:47.640 during an artillery raid demonstration, 06:47.640 --> 06:50.720 so I'd like to begin by applauding 06:50.720 --> 06:54.500 the 10th Mountain Division Combat Aviation Brigade, 06:54.500 --> 06:58.768 along with the 3rd Battalion, 6th Field Artillery. 06:58.768 --> 07:00.271 (audience cheering and applauding) 07:00.271 --> 07:03.854 (claps) Thank you, fellas. 07:08.370 --> 07:10.170 I hate to say this, but nobody 07:10.170 --> 07:12.250 stands a chance against you folks. 07:12.250 --> 07:13.891 Nobody stands a chance. 07:13.891 --> 07:16.300 (audience cheering and applauding) 07:16.300 --> 07:20.490 I'm here today to sign our new defense bill into law 07:20.490 --> 07:23.110 and to pay tribute to the greatest soldiers 07:23.110 --> 07:26.110 in the history of the world, the United States Army. 07:26.110 --> 07:27.520 Thank you. 07:27.520 --> 07:28.473 Thank you. 07:28.473 --> 07:31.281 (audience cheering and applauding) 07:31.281 --> 07:33.870 The National Defense Authorization Act is 07:33.870 --> 07:37.560 the most significant investment in our military 07:37.560 --> 07:41.490 and our warfighters in modern history, 07:41.490 --> 07:44.713 and I am very proud to be a big, big part of it. 07:45.810 --> 07:47.430 It was not very hard. 07:47.430 --> 07:48.690 You know, I went to Congress. 07:48.690 --> 07:49.527 I said, "Let's do it. 07:49.527 --> 07:50.667 "We gotta do it. 07:50.667 --> 07:52.357 "We're going to strengthen our military 07:52.357 --> 07:53.860 "like never, ever before." 07:53.860 --> 07:55.173 And that's what we did. 07:56.830 --> 08:01.210 I want to say, very strongly, there is 08:01.210 --> 08:05.280 no better place than right here at Fort Drum 08:05.280 --> 08:09.620 to celebrate its passage, no better place. 08:09.620 --> 08:14.620 After years of devastating cuts, we're now rebuilding 08:14.620 --> 08:19.620 our military like we never have before, ever. 08:20.310 --> 08:24.370 Because we know that to survive 08:24.370 --> 08:27.743 and having that survival of our freedom, 08:28.660 --> 08:32.360 it depends upon the might of our military. 08:32.360 --> 08:34.480 And no enemy on Earth can match 08:34.480 --> 08:36.820 the strength, courage, and skill 08:36.820 --> 08:41.270 of the American Army and the American Armed Forces. 08:41.270 --> 08:42.770 Nobody's even close. 08:42.770 --> 08:43.853 They never will be. 08:45.700 --> 08:47.460 We're grateful to be joined today 08:47.460 --> 08:52.350 by many of our nation's top military leaders. 08:52.350 --> 08:55.230 I'd like to recognize Deputy Secretary 08:55.230 --> 08:58.200 of Defense Shanahan, who's with us. 08:58.200 --> 09:00.134 Please, Mr. Secretary. 09:00.134 --> 09:03.301 (audience applauding) 09:07.640 --> 09:11.280 People I've heard about all my life, 09:11.280 --> 09:13.450 very prestigious title, I always loved the ring, 09:13.450 --> 09:17.340 The Joint Chiefs of Staff, right? 09:17.340 --> 09:18.370 That's got a good ring. 09:18.370 --> 09:21.370 Anybody in the audience gonna be a member of that someday? 09:21.370 --> 09:22.203 I think so. 09:22.203 --> 09:23.036 Raise your hand. 09:23.036 --> 09:25.750 If you think you're gonna make it, raise your hand. 09:25.750 --> 09:27.410 Go ahead. 09:27.410 --> 09:28.243 Oh, come on. 09:28.243 --> 09:29.076 That's all? 09:29.076 --> 09:29.909 Only a few? 09:29.909 --> 09:30.773 I don't know. 09:30.773 --> 09:32.600 (people clapping) 09:32.600 --> 09:36.883 I want to thank General Dunford, General Milley, 09:37.830 --> 09:42.830 General Neller, Admiral Richardson, General Goldfein, 09:43.370 --> 09:47.600 General Lengyel, and Vice Admiral Ray. 09:47.600 --> 09:49.320 Thank you all for your leadership. 09:49.320 --> 09:50.660 You're magnificent. 09:50.660 --> 09:52.061 We appreciate it very much. 09:52.061 --> 09:52.894 Thank you. 09:52.894 --> 09:54.140 (audience cheering and applauding) 09:54.140 --> 09:54.973 Thank you. 10:00.510 --> 10:03.197 A very special thank you to the commanding general 10:03.197 --> 10:08.197 of the 10th Mountain Division, Major General Walt Piatt. 10:10.070 --> 10:12.093 What a special man. 10:12.950 --> 10:14.070 Walt, I want to thank you. 10:14.070 --> 10:15.170 Where is Walt? 10:15.170 --> 10:16.250 Where is Walt? 10:16.250 --> 10:17.632 Walt, thank you very much. 10:17.632 --> 10:18.790 (audience cheering and applauding) 10:18.790 --> 10:19.710 Thank you. 10:19.710 --> 10:24.710 Thank you. 10:24.730 --> 10:29.410 Walt is back on American soil after a deployment in Iraq, 10:29.410 --> 10:31.610 and I just want to welcome you home. 10:31.610 --> 10:33.360 You have tremendous respect. 10:33.360 --> 10:35.910 They have great, great admiration and respect for you, Walt. 10:35.910 --> 10:37.570 Thank you very much. 10:37.570 --> 10:39.640 I also just had the chance to meet 10:39.640 --> 10:43.720 Division Command Sergeant Major Jason Roark, 10:43.720 --> 10:46.390 along with 10th Mountain Division Soldier 10:46.390 --> 10:49.940 of the Year, Michael Lima. 10:49.940 --> 10:50.773 Where's Michael? 10:50.773 --> 10:51.606 Where is Michael? 10:51.606 --> 10:53.358 Soldier of the Year, Michael. 10:53.358 --> 10:58.250 (audience cheering and applauding) 10:58.250 --> 10:59.667 It's pretty good. 11:03.132 --> 11:06.562 And that's Soldier of the Year, Michael, out of how many? 11:06.562 --> 11:07.550 - [Michael] 18,000. 11:07.550 --> 11:09.100 - How many? - 18,000. 11:09.100 --> 11:12.610 - That's a lot of soldiers, 18,000? 11:12.610 --> 11:16.040 Do you wanna work for me? (laughs) 11:16.040 --> 11:18.313 Thank you, Michael, great job. 11:19.260 --> 11:21.960 We would not be here for today's signing ceremony 11:21.960 --> 11:24.280 without the dedicated efforts of the members 11:24.280 --> 11:27.090 of Congress who worked so hard to pass 11:27.090 --> 11:30.150 the National Defense Authorization Act. 11:30.150 --> 11:35.150 I'd like to recognize Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, 11:36.310 --> 11:39.210 whose district proudly includes Fort Drum. 11:39.210 --> 11:41.150 And I have to tell you about Elise. 11:41.150 --> 11:43.580 She called me so many times. 11:43.580 --> 11:45.730 I said, I don't want to take her call. 11:45.730 --> 11:46.980 She wanted me to be here. 11:46.980 --> 11:48.800 I said, I won't be able to. 11:48.800 --> 11:51.110 We'll have to change a lot of scheduling. 11:51.110 --> 11:53.210 But that didn't suit her. 11:53.210 --> 11:55.564 She didn't stop, and here I am. 11:55.564 --> 11:56.397 (audience cheering and applauding) 11:56.397 --> 11:57.310 Here I am. 11:57.310 --> 11:58.230 Elise, come here. 11:58.230 --> 11:59.922 Come here, Elise. 11:59.922 --> 12:04.339 Come here! (claps) 12:16.300 --> 12:17.430 - Thank you, Mr. President. 12:17.430 --> 12:21.550 It is truly an honor to welcome you to Fort Drum, 12:21.550 --> 12:24.240 home of the historic 10th Mountain Division, 12:24.240 --> 12:27.840 the most deployed unit in the U.S. Army since 9/11. 12:27.840 --> 12:29.500 Thank you for being here to sign 12:29.500 --> 12:32.210 the historic National Defense Authorization Act, 12:32.210 --> 12:34.420 which includes the largest pay increase, 12:34.420 --> 12:36.500 support for our military families, 12:36.500 --> 12:38.480 and investing in our military readiness. 12:38.480 --> 12:40.532 Climb to glory, 10th Mountain Division! 12:40.532 --> 12:41.365 Thank you! 12:41.365 --> 12:43.554 (audience cheering and applauding) 12:43.554 --> 12:46.054 - Thank you, Elise, great job. 12:51.410 --> 12:53.270 She's an incredible representative. 12:53.270 --> 12:58.050 I also want to thank Representatives Don Bacon, Dan Donovan, 12:58.050 --> 13:00.470 and Joe Wilson, who are with us today also. 13:00.470 --> 13:01.440 Thank you, where are you? 13:01.440 --> 13:02.470 Stand up, please. 13:02.470 --> 13:04.108 Hi, Dan, stand up. 13:04.108 --> 13:04.941 (audience applauding) 13:04.941 --> 13:07.450 Thank you, thank you, fellas, very much. 13:09.120 --> 13:11.750 There's another member of Congress here today 13:11.750 --> 13:14.900 who is not only an Air Force veteran, 13:14.900 --> 13:17.320 but the first woman ever to fly 13:17.320 --> 13:21.730 a fighter jet in combat in U.S. history. 13:21.730 --> 13:24.800 And I've gotten to know her very well, and she is terrific. 13:24.800 --> 13:28.830 Congresswoman Martha McSally, Congresswoman. 13:28.830 --> 13:29.824 Thank you, Martha. 13:29.824 --> 13:30.730 (audience applauding) 13:30.730 --> 13:32.080 Thank you for being here. 13:34.733 --> 13:35.733 Thank you very much. 13:37.234 --> 13:39.590 Thank you all for fighting for our military 13:39.590 --> 13:41.760 and for fighting for our vets. 13:41.760 --> 13:44.190 Nobody has made more progress on anything 13:44.190 --> 13:46.510 than what we've done with our vets. 13:46.510 --> 13:48.040 We have Choice approved. 13:48.040 --> 13:49.060 You know that. 13:49.060 --> 13:51.230 We have so many other things approved for our vets, 13:51.230 --> 13:53.450 and it's really moving along well. 13:53.450 --> 13:55.590 I think, maybe, almost as important 13:55.590 --> 13:58.350 as Choice is Accountability. 13:58.350 --> 14:00.480 Now, when we find somebody not treating 14:00.480 --> 14:03.617 our vets probably, you know what we say, right? 14:03.617 --> 14:04.727 "You're out, get out. 14:04.727 --> 14:06.122 "You're fired, get out." 14:06.122 --> 14:06.955 (audience laughs) 14:06.955 --> 14:08.120 They couldn't do that. 14:08.120 --> 14:08.953 They couldn't do that. 14:08.953 --> 14:09.904 Now, they can do it. 14:09.904 --> 14:11.470 (audience applauding) 14:11.470 --> 14:13.733 Now, they have to treat our vets properly. 14:14.620 --> 14:16.520 Our vets are our great people, 14:16.520 --> 14:17.830 and they get treated properly. 14:17.830 --> 14:19.840 So you have Choice and you have Accountability, 14:19.840 --> 14:22.690 and nobody thought that would ever get approved. 14:22.690 --> 14:24.530 They've been trying for many, many decades. 14:24.530 --> 14:27.140 Finally, I want to thank a very special group 14:27.140 --> 14:31.550 of patriots at Fort Drum, all of the amazing spouses 14:31.550 --> 14:33.730 and family members whose love 14:33.730 --> 14:36.410 and support make your service possible. 14:36.410 --> 14:40.500 Whether you like it or not, they make it possible. 14:40.500 --> 14:42.050 Please, thank you. 14:42.050 --> 14:43.173 Thank you very much. 14:43.173 --> 14:46.310 (audience cheering and applauding) 14:46.310 --> 14:47.143 They know. 14:49.650 --> 14:50.750 They know, right? 14:50.750 --> 14:51.583 Look at 'em. 14:51.583 --> 14:53.230 He's smiling. 14:53.230 --> 14:54.123 They know. 14:55.620 --> 14:59.330 Last year, we secured a historic $700 billion 14:59.330 --> 15:01.890 to rebuild our military, and now, 15:01.890 --> 15:04.490 the National Defense Authorization Act 15:04.490 --> 15:09.490 paves the way for another 1,700, listen to this now. 15:10.070 --> 15:12.350 So we've been trying to get money. 15:12.350 --> 15:14.060 They never gave us money for the military 15:14.060 --> 15:17.010 for years and years, and it was depleted. 15:17.010 --> 15:20.350 We got $700 billion. 15:20.350 --> 15:25.247 And next year, already approved, we have $716 billion 15:26.720 --> 15:29.890 to give you the finest planes and ships and tanks 15:29.890 --> 15:32.840 and missiles anywhere on Earth. 15:32.840 --> 15:34.740 Nobody makes 'em like we do. 15:34.740 --> 15:37.410 And very, very far distant, in this case, 15:37.410 --> 15:41.280 jobs are very important in all cases, but in this case, 15:41.280 --> 15:44.100 military might is more important than even jobs. 15:44.100 --> 15:48.800 But, all of this equipment is made right here in the U.S.A., 15:48.800 --> 15:50.550 and it's the best equipment on Earth. 15:50.550 --> 15:52.570 Nobody makes it like we do. 15:52.570 --> 15:57.570 So you have $700 billion and now $716 billion. 15:58.260 --> 15:59.830 So, congratulations. 15:59.830 --> 16:02.997 (audience applauding) 16:08.913 --> 16:12.080 America is a peaceful nation. 16:12.080 --> 16:14.380 But if conflict is forced upon us, 16:14.380 --> 16:17.180 we will fight and we will win. 16:17.180 --> 16:19.080 Right, General, right? 16:19.080 --> 16:20.530 Right? 16:20.530 --> 16:22.292 Better believe it, generals. 16:22.292 --> 16:23.125 (people clapping) 16:23.125 --> 16:24.600 They're the guys. 16:24.600 --> 16:27.400 We're powered by the unstoppable force 16:27.400 --> 16:30.600 of the United States Army, very special. 16:30.600 --> 16:33.510 With this new authorization, we will increase the size 16:33.510 --> 16:37.790 and strength of our military by adding thousands 16:37.790 --> 16:40.410 of new recruits to active duty, 16:40.410 --> 16:42.490 reserve, and National Guard units, 16:42.490 --> 16:47.490 including 4,000 new active-duty soldiers. 16:47.730 --> 16:51.610 And we will replace aging tanks, 16:51.610 --> 16:55.700 aging planes and ships with the most advanced 16:55.700 --> 17:00.700 and lethal technology ever developed, and hopefully, 17:00.900 --> 17:04.680 we'll be so strong, we'll never have to use it. 17:04.680 --> 17:07.383 But if we ever did, nobody has a chance. 17:08.510 --> 17:12.880 It all includes 135 brand-new, 17:12.880 --> 17:17.880 beautiful M1 Abrams tanks, 60 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, 17:19.290 --> 17:23.960 and over 3,000 Joint Light Tactical Vehicles 17:23.960 --> 17:27.533 for the Army Armored Brigade Combat Team, 17:28.470 --> 17:31.710 new Black Hawk and Apache helicopters, 17:31.710 --> 17:36.160 finest in the world, for the Army National Guard, 17:36.160 --> 17:41.160 77 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters. 17:41.740 --> 17:43.530 You know, that's stealth. 17:43.530 --> 17:44.940 I talked to a couple of pilots, 17:44.940 --> 17:47.190 great pilots, I said, "How are they?" 17:47.190 --> 17:48.217 They said, "They're hard to beat 17:48.217 --> 17:50.620 "because you can't see them." 17:50.620 --> 17:53.580 It's always hard to beat the enemy when you can't see it. 17:53.580 --> 17:55.290 The greatest in the world. 17:55.290 --> 18:00.090 Full funding for the B-21 Raider bomber program, 18:00.090 --> 18:03.550 13 new Battle Force ships and support ships, 18:03.550 --> 18:07.250 including a fourth Ford-class aircraft carrier 18:07.250 --> 18:12.110 and three additional Littoral Combat Ships, 18:12.110 --> 18:17.110 funding to modernize our nuclear arsenal, so important. 18:17.110 --> 18:22.070 We're doing a major upgrade of our missile defense. 18:22.070 --> 18:24.120 We're spending a tremendous amount 18:24.120 --> 18:27.160 of money on our nuclear arsenal. 18:27.160 --> 18:29.650 Nobody will have close. 18:29.650 --> 18:33.170 We will hopefully never, ever have to use it. 18:33.170 --> 18:35.880 But nobody will be close. 18:35.880 --> 18:39.563 More than $11 billion for the military construction, 18:40.570 --> 18:43.480 including family housing, and we are proudly 18:43.480 --> 18:47.930 giving our troops the biggest pay increase in a decade. 18:47.930 --> 18:50.510 And I know you don't want it because you're very patriotic. 18:50.510 --> 18:51.800 You'll say, just save the money. 18:51.800 --> 18:53.183 We're gonna pay down debt. 18:54.130 --> 18:55.370 Does anybody not want it? 18:55.370 --> 18:57.280 Please raise your hand. 18:57.280 --> 18:59.203 What's going on here? 19:00.150 --> 19:01.230 Are these real patriots? 19:01.230 --> 19:02.070 I don't know, General. 19:02.070 --> 19:03.542 I don't know. 19:03.542 --> 19:07.113 It's the biggest increase in a decade. 19:08.100 --> 19:11.350 A strong military also requires a strong economy, 19:11.350 --> 19:14.980 and our economy is setting records like never before. 19:14.980 --> 19:17.473 We have the great economy we've ever had. 19:18.730 --> 19:21.960 I think that's gonna help us a lot in a lot of ways. 19:21.960 --> 19:24.750 It also helps us a lot in funding and doing 19:24.750 --> 19:28.110 all of the things we're doing for our great military. 19:28.110 --> 19:30.550 We've created almost four million new jobs 19:30.550 --> 19:34.470 since the election, a number that the media in the back 19:34.470 --> 19:35.890 would never have said would be 19:35.890 --> 19:39.692 possible if during the campaign. 19:39.692 --> 19:43.942 (audience cheering and applauding) 19:47.753 --> 19:48.586 True. 19:51.250 --> 19:52.440 I'm so proud of myself. 19:52.440 --> 19:55.370 I didn't call them the fake-news media. 19:55.370 --> 19:56.309 I didn't call 'em. 19:56.309 --> 19:57.142 (audience cheering and applauding) 19:57.142 --> 20:00.500 I said to myself, I will not today, 20:00.500 --> 20:03.548 in front of our great armed forces, call them fake news. 20:03.548 --> 20:04.410 (people laughing) 20:04.410 --> 20:06.786 We know the real truth, but we won't say it today. 20:06.786 --> 20:07.619 (people laughing) 20:07.619 --> 20:08.540 But they wouldn't have believed 20:08.540 --> 20:11.250 it possible, four million new jobs. 20:11.250 --> 20:12.910 Nobody would have thought that possible 20:12.910 --> 20:14.280 on the campaign trail. 20:14.280 --> 20:16.750 If when we were campaigning, Mike, 20:16.750 --> 20:18.160 if I would have said that, if I would 20:18.160 --> 20:19.580 have said, "Two million new jobs," 20:19.580 --> 20:22.320 people would have laughed us off the stage. 20:22.320 --> 20:25.060 Well, we have four million new jobs. 20:25.060 --> 20:28.750 Something I'm very proud of, the African American, 20:28.750 --> 20:33.750 Hispanic, Hispanic American, and Asian, 20:33.870 --> 20:38.250 Asian American, the unemployment rates 20:38.250 --> 20:42.300 for all three have reached the lowest levels 20:42.300 --> 20:44.200 in the history of our country, 20:44.200 --> 20:47.940 unemployment for African American, Hispanics, Asians, 20:47.940 --> 20:50.673 the lowest level in the history of our country. 20:50.673 --> 20:53.840 (audience applauding) 20:54.870 --> 20:59.870 Women's unemployment is not, I'm sorry, doing quite as well. 21:00.100 --> 21:03.829 It's only the lowest level in 65 years. 21:03.829 --> 21:04.920 (people laughing) 21:04.920 --> 21:06.473 So we're not doing as well. 21:06.473 --> 21:08.420 (audience cheering and applauding) 21:08.420 --> 21:10.270 But we'll do better. 21:10.270 --> 21:12.100 I think within about three weeks, 21:12.100 --> 21:13.210 when the new numbers come out, 21:13.210 --> 21:16.560 you'll probably be lowest in history also. 21:16.560 --> 21:19.030 Very importantly, the veterans' unemployment rate 21:19.030 --> 21:22.543 recently reached its lowest level in nearly 20 years. 21:23.620 --> 21:24.453 It's a big one. 21:24.453 --> 21:28.613 (audience cheering and applauding) 21:30.119 --> 21:33.620 And we are creating manufacturing jobs again. 21:33.620 --> 21:35.327 Remember during the campaign, they said, 21:35.327 --> 21:37.610 "Oh, you can't create manufacturing jobs." 21:37.610 --> 21:39.127 I said, "Really? 21:39.127 --> 21:40.557 "We're not gonna make things anymore? 21:40.557 --> 21:42.117 "Is that what it's come to? 21:42.117 --> 21:43.837 "We're gonna have other country make things? 21:43.837 --> 21:46.287 "They're gonna make things and we're gonna buy 'em? 21:46.287 --> 21:48.000 "And they're gonna have the jobs and we're not?" 21:48.000 --> 21:49.870 Doesn't work that way. 21:49.870 --> 21:52.240 We're doing manufacturing jobs 21:52.240 --> 21:56.680 at the fastest pace in many, many decades. 21:56.680 --> 22:00.670 No longer are we apologizing for America. 22:00.670 --> 22:04.750 Instead, we are now standing up for America. 22:04.750 --> 22:08.076 It's called America First, if that's okay with you. 22:08.076 --> 22:12.650 (audience cheering and applauding) 22:12.650 --> 22:15.460 We're standing up for our military, 22:15.460 --> 22:20.160 and we're standing up for our great American flag. 22:20.160 --> 22:22.435 We're standing for our flag. 22:22.435 --> 22:26.920 (audience cheering and applauding) 22:26.920 --> 22:28.700 The armed forces have endured 22:28.700 --> 22:32.790 continuous combat for the past 17 years. 22:32.790 --> 22:36.210 Yet, since the 1990s, the number 22:36.210 --> 22:41.210 of soldiers on active duty was cut by more than 1/3. 22:41.260 --> 22:43.760 Our bases and vital equipment were allowed 22:43.760 --> 22:46.290 to fall into a state of disrepair. 22:46.290 --> 22:49.990 And I saw some of them, total disrepair. 22:49.990 --> 22:51.503 But those days are over. 22:52.370 --> 22:54.850 Every day the Army is fighting for us, 22:54.850 --> 22:58.445 and now we are fighting for you, 100%. 22:58.445 --> 23:03.445 (audience cheering and applauding) 23:03.470 --> 23:06.600 No one better understands how stretched our military 23:06.600 --> 23:11.293 has become than the soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division. 23:11.293 --> 23:12.773 Is that right, General? 23:13.750 --> 23:16.150 You were the first conventional combat force 23:16.150 --> 23:18.490 to deploy after 9/11. 23:18.490 --> 23:21.510 Since then, no division in the Army has been deployed 23:21.510 --> 23:25.793 more times to Iraq and Afghanistan than you. 23:26.910 --> 23:30.160 You've sent over 9,000 courageous soldiers 23:30.160 --> 23:33.720 to 26 different countries all around the world 23:33.720 --> 23:36.380 in the past year alone. 23:36.380 --> 23:39.260 The 2nd Brigade Combat Team just returned 23:39.260 --> 23:43.670 from a rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center, 23:43.670 --> 23:47.050 and later this year, they will once again bravely answer 23:47.050 --> 23:50.633 our nation's call and deploy to Afghanistan. 23:51.550 --> 23:55.620 Through it all, you've proven to the world, 23:55.620 --> 23:58.430 to our country, to your families, 23:58.430 --> 24:02.420 that Fort Drum soldiers aren't just tough. 24:02.420 --> 24:04.160 You're mountain tough. 24:04.160 --> 24:06.011 That's what you are, you're mountain tough. 24:06.011 --> 24:10.261 (audience cheering and applauding) 24:14.475 --> 24:17.410 I said to you, General, "What's the difference?" 24:17.410 --> 24:21.290 He said, "Sir, trust me, there's a difference." 24:21.290 --> 24:22.760 So I said, "I trust you, General." 24:22.760 --> 24:24.350 Right? 24:24.350 --> 24:25.357 I said, "Don't go into it. 24:25.357 --> 24:26.610 "I trust you." 24:27.500 --> 24:31.920 One of those soldiers is Specialist Brayden Cook, 24:31.920 --> 24:32.960 who is with us today. 24:32.960 --> 24:34.300 Where's Brayden? 24:34.300 --> 24:35.910 Where's, oh, Brayden, good location, 24:35.910 --> 24:38.193 Brayden, very good. (laughs) 24:38.193 --> 24:41.320 (audience applauding) 24:41.320 --> 24:44.420 Last October, his team came under heavy fire 24:44.420 --> 24:49.420 while cleaning and clearing, they were clearing 'em out, 24:49.760 --> 24:54.760 Taliban strongholds in various locations in Afghanistan. 24:55.530 --> 24:59.550 An Afghan soldier fighting alongside U.S. troops was 24:59.550 --> 25:04.550 badly wounded when an explosive detonated nearby. 25:04.760 --> 25:07.880 Specialist Cook braved the hail of bullets 25:07.880 --> 25:11.830 and mortar rounds all over, they said it was all over, 25:11.830 --> 25:14.670 it was heavy fire, saving the life 25:14.670 --> 25:17.700 of that wounded soldier and earning 25:17.700 --> 25:21.283 a Bronze Star for Valor for his courageous action. 25:22.140 --> 25:23.390 Brayden, I want to thank you. 25:23.390 --> 25:25.640 A brave young man, thank you. 25:25.640 --> 25:27.043 Please, stand up again, Brayden. 25:27.043 --> 25:29.721 (audience cheering and applauding) 25:29.721 --> 25:30.554 Thank you. 25:37.919 --> 25:38.752 Great. 25:40.640 --> 25:42.860 We're also inspired by the devotion 25:42.860 --> 25:45.170 to duty shown by the family members 25:45.170 --> 25:48.620 who serve their nation here at home. 25:48.620 --> 25:52.403 Ashley Shepard is one of those family members. 25:53.330 --> 25:58.250 She has been married to Sergeant First Class Ian Shepard 25:58.250 --> 26:01.110 for more than 14 years. 26:01.110 --> 26:04.230 Ashley supports military families 26:04.230 --> 26:06.630 in every way you can imagine. 26:06.630 --> 26:10.100 She has served as a Family Readiness Group leader, 26:10.100 --> 26:13.340 co-leader, treasurer, and assistant treasurer 26:13.340 --> 26:14.430 for three companies. 26:14.430 --> 26:15.680 She works hard. 26:15.680 --> 26:20.110 She raises money for scholarships, organizes charity events 26:20.110 --> 26:24.160 for Gold Star families, and feeds homeless veterans. 26:24.160 --> 26:26.410 Ashley, I want to thank you. 26:26.410 --> 26:27.243 Ashley? 26:27.243 --> 26:28.076 Where is Ashley? 26:28.076 --> 26:29.550 I had a feeling that was you, Ashley. 26:29.550 --> 26:30.807 Stand up, Ashley. 26:30.807 --> 26:33.417 (audience cheering and applauding) 26:33.417 --> 26:34.250 Thank you. 26:35.864 --> 26:36.970 Thank your husband, too. 26:36.970 --> 26:40.270 Thank you. 26:40.270 --> 26:43.590 America is eternally grateful for every soldier, 26:43.590 --> 26:47.830 service member, and family member here at Fort Drum. 26:47.830 --> 26:51.100 And we are forever in the debt of every American 26:51.100 --> 26:53.673 who has ever served our nation in uniform, 26:54.580 --> 26:58.400 from the snows of Valley Forge to the jungles of Vietnam 26:58.400 --> 27:00.320 and the mountains of Afghanistan. 27:00.320 --> 27:03.780 It's just incredible what you do. 27:03.780 --> 27:06.990 A few days ago, Vice President Pence flew to Hawaii 27:06.990 --> 27:08.710 to greet the remains of some 27:08.710 --> 27:13.380 of our nation's greatest heroes, our fallen warriors 27:13.380 --> 27:17.610 who gave their lives many years ago in Korea. 27:17.610 --> 27:22.610 Now these American heroes are finally starting to come home. 27:23.780 --> 27:27.600 They will be laid to rest on American soil. 27:27.600 --> 27:32.600 We believe in no American left behind. 27:33.264 --> 27:36.431 (audience applauding) 27:42.846 --> 27:46.270 And we believe our warfighters deserve the tools, 27:46.270 --> 27:49.490 the equipment, and resources they have earned 27:49.490 --> 27:51.530 with their blood, sweat, and tears. 27:51.530 --> 27:55.760 In a few moments, in honor of that sacred obligation, I will 27:55.760 --> 28:00.760 put my signature on the National Defense Authorization Act. 28:01.410 --> 28:04.890 This authorization will give America's warfighters 28:04.890 --> 28:07.660 the firepower they need to win 28:07.660 --> 28:11.473 any conflict quickly and decisively. 28:12.330 --> 28:17.330 Thanks to the leadership of Representative Stefanik, 28:17.930 --> 28:20.520 we're also making an unprecedented commitment 28:20.520 --> 28:25.520 to developing our artificial-intelligence capabilities. 28:25.950 --> 28:30.570 In order to maintain America's military supremacy, 28:30.570 --> 28:34.210 we must always be on the cutting edge. 28:34.210 --> 28:38.000 That is why we are also proudly reasserting 28:38.000 --> 28:41.440 America's legacy of leadership in space. 28:41.440 --> 28:43.940 Our foreign competitors and adversaries 28:43.940 --> 28:47.660 have already begun weaponizing space, 28:47.660 --> 28:52.660 developing new technologies to disrupt vital communications, 28:52.770 --> 28:56.090 blind satellites, and just, I mean, 28:56.090 --> 28:57.410 you look at what they're doing. 28:57.410 --> 28:58.880 They've given me rundowns. 28:58.880 --> 29:01.540 I've seen things that you don't even want to see, 29:01.540 --> 29:04.670 what they're doing and how advanced they are. 29:04.670 --> 29:07.230 We'll be catching them very shortly. 29:07.230 --> 29:10.550 They want to jam transmissions, which threaten 29:10.550 --> 29:14.330 our battlefield operations and so many other things. 29:14.330 --> 29:16.140 We will be so far ahead of them 29:16.140 --> 29:20.120 in a very short period of time, your head will spin. 29:20.120 --> 29:23.330 China even launched a new military division 29:23.330 --> 29:27.250 to oversee its warfighting programs in space. 29:27.250 --> 29:31.440 Just like the air, the land, the sea, 29:31.440 --> 29:35.390 space has become a warfighting domain. 29:35.390 --> 29:37.850 It is not enough to merely have 29:37.850 --> 29:40.500 an American presence in space. 29:40.500 --> 29:43.360 We must have American dominance in space, 29:43.360 --> 29:46.230 and that is why, just a few days ago, 29:46.230 --> 29:49.320 the Vice President outlined my administration's plan 29:49.320 --> 29:53.840 to create a sixth branch of the United States military, 29:53.840 --> 29:58.840 called the United States Space Force. 29:58.840 --> 30:03.090 (audience cheering and applauding) 30:06.623 --> 30:07.912 Gotta get it, Joe. 30:07.912 --> 30:10.090 Gotta get it, Joe. 30:10.090 --> 30:10.923 Right, Joe? 30:10.923 --> 30:12.730 Right? 30:12.730 --> 30:15.560 We will ensure that the next great chapter in history 30:15.560 --> 30:19.630 is written by the heroes of the United States military. 30:19.630 --> 30:22.850 America will always rise to every challenge 30:22.850 --> 30:26.500 and overcome every danger because we are backed 30:26.500 --> 30:30.193 by the strength and power of the American soldier. 30:31.180 --> 30:35.420 Speaking to his troops, General George Patton, a great one, 30:35.420 --> 30:38.527 once said, "We have the finest equipment 30:38.527 --> 30:42.800 "and the best spirit and the best men in the world." 30:42.800 --> 30:44.827 Now, if it were today, he would be saying, 30:44.827 --> 30:46.920 "The best men and women in the world." 30:46.920 --> 30:48.860 Things do change. 30:48.860 --> 30:52.070 But that was quite a statement many years ago. 30:52.070 --> 30:55.487 Continuing his remarks, Patton then declared, 30:55.487 --> 30:58.137 "I don't want to get any messages saying, 30:58.137 --> 31:00.377 "I am holding my position. 31:00.377 --> 31:03.327 "We are not holding a damned thing. 31:03.327 --> 31:05.860 "We are advancing constantly." 31:05.860 --> 31:07.380 That was Patton. 31:07.380 --> 31:12.380 Nearly 75 years later, Patton's words still ring true. 31:12.840 --> 31:16.890 America has the best equipment anywhere in the world. 31:16.890 --> 31:21.410 We have the best spirit, the best soldiers ever to set foot 31:21.410 --> 31:24.560 on any battlefield, anywhere, at any time. 31:24.560 --> 31:26.800 We are the most powerful. 31:26.800 --> 31:28.890 We are the best funded. 31:28.890 --> 31:29.740 We are the biggest. 31:29.740 --> 31:30.660 We are the strongest. 31:30.660 --> 31:32.660 We are the smartest. 31:32.660 --> 31:37.630 And we are still not holding a damned thing 31:37.630 --> 31:39.840 because America is on the move 31:39.840 --> 31:43.500 once again, and we are not backing down. 31:43.500 --> 31:46.120 Our country is respected again. 31:46.120 --> 31:50.420 I don't know if you see it, but America is respected again. 31:50.420 --> 31:53.750 There's a big difference, and a big difference in the air. 31:53.750 --> 31:58.750 You take a look around; there's a big, beautiful difference. 31:59.140 --> 32:03.060 We are advancing forward with our confidence renewed, 32:03.060 --> 32:07.160 our might restored, and the unwavering conviction 32:07.160 --> 32:10.200 that our destiny is our victory. 32:10.200 --> 32:14.020 America's future is safe, sound, and brighter than ever 32:14.020 --> 32:17.110 because each of you is mountain tough, mountain proud, 32:17.110 --> 32:22.110 and mountain strong, and always will be climbing to glory. 32:22.440 --> 32:24.860 You will be climbing to glory. 32:24.860 --> 32:27.710 Thank you again for the incredible men and women 32:28.950 --> 32:33.640 of Fort Drum, special, special, great people. 32:33.640 --> 32:35.670 God bless our troops. 32:35.670 --> 32:40.100 And God bless the United States of America. 32:40.100 --> 32:45.100 I'd now like to invite a few of our fantastic soldiers 32:45.220 --> 32:49.020 from the 10th Mountain Division 2nd Brigade Combat Team 32:49.020 --> 32:50.720 to join me onstage to sign 32:50.720 --> 32:54.170 the National Defense Authorization Act. 32:54.170 --> 32:56.050 It's been an honor to be with you today. 32:56.050 --> 32:57.110 Thank you all very much. 32:57.110 --> 32:58.176 Thank you. 32:58.176 --> 33:02.426 (audience cheering and applauding) 33:13.552 --> 33:16.885 This is it but I'll just sign one page, okay? 33:16.885 --> 33:19.302 Or we'll be here a long time. 33:33.550 --> 33:36.187 Okay, that's good, right? 33:39.375 --> 33:43.625 (audience cheering and applauding) 33:48.194 --> 33:49.944 Who gets that, right? 33:51.122 --> 33:52.135 Come here. 33:52.135 --> 33:54.468 You spread them along, okay? 33:56.181 --> 33:58.474 Thank you (mumbles). 33:58.474 --> 34:00.187 Appreciate it. 34:00.187 --> 34:02.407 Thank you very much, everybody. 34:02.407 --> 34:03.359 A great honor, thank you. 34:03.359 --> 34:07.609 (audience cheering and applauding) 34:09.869 --> 34:13.869 (patriotic marching band music) 34:39.936 --> 34:44.186 (audience cheering and applauding)